Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1596: Disappeared?


   Guhezhou's face showed a look of surprise.

   He didn't expect that under this situation, Lin Beichen could even break his own'cage for the emperor'.

   This is a secret skill in the clan specially designed to deal with the blood of the sacred emperor.

   was broken free?

   interesting, too interesting.

   This sacred emperor from a remote village is definitely the best material in the world.

   He became more excited.

   And Lin Beichen's huge body, surrounded by waves of air visible to the naked eye, made a slight gesture, and then suddenly exerted force and blasted out with a punch.

   Blind Ji Bada·Xingxing Da.

   Star Breaking is an explosive force type.

   According to one's own state and blood, the power that bursts out instantly can be doubled or even several times.

   Lin Beichen's punch made the entire brood space tremble.

   Furukawa Prefecture had a solemn expression on his face, and he also sank slightly, then hugged his hands empty, and suddenly rolled his palms outwards.

   Secret Skills · Upside down the mountains and the sea.

   The terrifying force swept towards Lin Beichen like a mountain falling down and the ocean overwhelming.


   The air oscillated suddenly.

  The power of horror, centered on the place where the two meet, burst out uncontrollably.

   The air current visible to the naked eye is like a hurricane wave, radiating crazily in all directions, circle by circle, layer by layer.

   Within a hundred meters, everything is turned into powder.

   "Oh my God."

   "Quick back."

   "Quickly, get out of here."

  Whether it is the guard warrior of the Taikoo Business League or the warrior of [Sword of Revival], seeing the situation is not good, they retreat one after another.

   is the Star King class. Before such a terrifying power turbulence, it was like a sand sculpture in the wind.

   The big brood transfer station shook violently, as if it was about to disintegrate.

   "Come again."

   Lin Beichen re-applied the old technique, and once again performed ‘Smashing Stars’.

   Vigor broke out again.

   punched out.

   The pillar of fist is like a dragon.

   The explosion of air was like a dragon chanting, and Zhou Defeng, the chief executive of the Taikoo Business League, who was watching the battle from a distance, was dizzy and bleeding in his ear canal.

   His eyes were filled with inexplicable horror.

   Didn't Master Gu said that he was just here to deal with a little boy?

   Why did it make such a big momentum?

   If it continues like this, the entire brood transfer station will be blown up.

   "Quickly, let the distinguished guests at the transfer station leave immediately, let go of the port, and let all ships and starships leave the port quickly."

   He ordered loudly.

   Otherwise, once the brood is really destroyed, once the guests and starships suffer losses, according to the convention of the Chaos Alliance area, the ‘Swire Merchant Alliance’ must pay compensation.

   When the time comes, it will really outweigh the gain.

   Zhou Defeng looked at Lin Beichen's huge body like a demon from a distance, shocked and scared, and at the same time full of doubts in his heart.

   Such a stunning young man actually came from a ‘remote village’ like the Hunter Kingdom.

   If it is not blocked, it must not be long before it will be famous among the galaxies of the primordial universe.

   It's a pity, what he encountered was Furukawa Prefecture, and the terrifying behemoth behind Furukawa Prefecture.

   is destined to fall before it blooms.

   Boom boom.

   The horrible frantic confrontation, the burst of power, is disintegrating the entire brood.

   One after another huge metal beams and sky pillars were twisted and deformed, and countless stones and broken metals fell from above.

   This level of war has alarmed everyone in the brood.

   A starship flees like a flaming tail.

   "What kind of combat skill are you?"

   Guhezhou changed his tricks several times in a row, and used five or six different secret skills, but they were all defeated by Lin Beichen’s repeated use of "Smashing Stars".

   Suddenly, the two were evenly divided.

   This made Guhezhou unexpectedly, his complexion also became solemn and solemn.

   "Blind Ji has eight fights." Lin Beichen laughed.

   Guhezhou heard this, a trace of anger flowed through his eyes.

  Young man, you are too arrogant.

   He took a deep breath, his figure swelled up, and in an instant, he turned into a thirty-meter giant, which was the same height as Lin Beichen.

  The power also skyrocketed.

   "Secret Skill·Bengtian Hammer."

   In a low voice, the giant state of Guhe Prefecture once again used the secret technique that had hurt Lin Beichen before.

   Lin Beichen has no fear, and directly starts with "Smashing Stars".


  The force of horror collided.

   With two huge bodies micro-centers, the light seems to be suddenly distorted, the space shrinks suddenly, and after a slight pause, it suddenly explodes.

   Boom boom boom boom.

   The terrible shock wave destroys everything and radiates outwards.

Everywhere    passed, everything was torn apart.


   The mother nest began to collapse, the dome collapsed, and countless steel pipes, gravel, and messy woods smashed down.

   Then he was directly shocked by the shock wave of the two fighting.

   "Hahahaha, good fight."

   Lin Beichen's blood boiled, and he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

   His fighting spirit was stimulated to the extreme.

   I have to admit that the strength of Furukawa Prefecture is only stronger than that of [The Prophet of Chilian].

   And this person is walking on the [Essence Path] in the Twenty-Four Bloodline Cultivation Path, and is the perfect target for [Blind a few beats].

The fight between the two was like a needle-point to a wheat mang, and like a copper pot touching an iron brush, it was fist to the flesh, without fancy, aroused the endless fighting spirit in Lin Beichen's heart, and every pore in his body was spraying white mist. , The body seems to be burning, and the strength is constantly improving, as if it is endless.

   The brood transfer station at this time has completely become an empty city.

   Wang Fengliu and others, as well as Zhou Defeng and others...all of them were withdrawn.

In the outer sky, starships, silhouettes of people, thousands of meters away from the brood transfer station, the faces of horror appeared, staring fixedly at the constant roar and blooming. The huge brood with cracks.

   This kind of battle, which can be called a destruction level, has not happened in the Chaos Alliance area for too long.

   The two sides of the battle, in the hearts of everyone, are like demon gods, too terrifying.

   "Quickly find out what is going on?"

   "Who are the two fighting parties? Remember not to offend you in the future."

   "Oh my god, are you two stars?"

   "The star-master level powerhouse, unexpectedly hit a real fire, endlessly dying, what is it for?"

   From the other brood transfer stations, as well as the big figures of the various forces who came close to watch the battle on various starships, they were a little frightened at this time.

   Zhou Defeng's legs were shaking.

   He weighed in his mind, this time, he cooperated with the Furukawa State operation, seems to have made a wrong decision?

   Once this guy named Lin Beichen escapes from Guhezhou's hands, he will retaliate in the future, he will definitely be unable to resist, and the end may be miserable.

   But what can I do?

   Even the presidents of the "Swire Commercial League" dare not offend Furukawa Prefecture.

   Wang Fengliu took Yue Hongxiang and the others, and landed on an acquaintance's starship. He looked at the brood transfer station that had begun to disintegrate in the distance and became unrecognizable. The shock in his heart was beyond words to describe.

   The strength of the young master is so terrifying?

   Is this the energy of the emperor?

   Even if everything is restarted from the beginning, it is still so beyond common sense, with only a galaxy level cultivation base, you can achieve retrograde killing.

   This kind of character, and himself are indeed two worlds.

   He didn't worry about Lin Beichen at all.

  Because he knew that the master must be observing that way, and would never let the young master encounter danger.


  The power of terror erupted.

   The brood transfer station of the Taikoo Business League finally disintegrated completely.

  Broken rocks, chaotic metal frames, burning starship mutilations, and all kinds of debris are tumbling in the universe.

   The shock wave of horror continues.

  The huge bodies of Lin Beichen and Guhezhou appeared in the center of the ruins.


   The wreckage of the mother's nest, hundreds of miles long, was directly bombed.

   The two gradually moved apart.

   With their cultivation, living in the vacuum of the universe is naturally not a problem.

   "You really gave me a huge surprise."

Furukawa Prefecture looked excited and said: "Perfect material, hahahaha... But all struggles are in vain. The combat skills you master are indeed magical skills, but it's a pity, such superb combat skills, your physical body He Zhenqi can't support it."

   Lin Beichen gasped a little.

His skin was red, like a red soldering iron, with a scorching hot breath, and flames between the hair, like a blazing sun, and like a high-load engine, fast To the extreme edge of the explosion cylinder.

   The power of [Blind Ji Ba Da] is beyond imagination.

   But the requirements for physique and cultivation are beyond imagination.

   Now he is indeed approaching his limit.

   With the cultivation base of the Galaxy class, it is hard to regret this with the opponents of the star master class.

   It's a pity, it's still one step away from defeating Furukawa State.

   "Secret Skills · Moving Mountains and Seas."

   Guhezhou's ultimate move again, his body suddenly swelled, and it directly expanded to a height of 100 meters. Lifting the giant foot, he stepped on Lin Beichen: "Feel the despair of the ants, your name is the weak."

   "Thanks to the sky."

   Lin Beichen raised his hands as if supporting the sky.

   This is the first form of 【Blind a Few Eight Fights】, the strongest frontal defensive style.


After    slightly stalemate, Lin Beichen was directly trampled on.

   Also at this moment, his expression changed.

  The strength began to decline, like a leaky balloon.


   really reached the limit.

  Excessive consumption.

   And Furukawa Prefecture is also keenly aware of it.

   "Haha, trash, it won't work if I insist on this for a while, it disappoints me too much."

   He walked in the void like a **** or devil, with extremely agile steps. In the next instant, he reached the top of Lin Beichen's head and stepped on it again.

   Lin Beichen insisted on ‘Thanks to Heaven’.


   was stepped on again.

   Both arms were gala gala, fractured and broken.

   His figure shrank quickly.

   Tiredness hits like a tide.

  Huge state, can’t maintain

   "Ant, what about stealing the divine power? In the end, it still won't work."

   "You are just a humble thief."

   The voice of Furukawa Prefecture spreads everywhere in the form of energy waves.

   This is deliberately discrediting Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen reluctantly pulled away, and directly summoned his own Zongshen 250 motorcycle, injected infuriating energy, sprayed flames, and rushed out with a strange posture.

  Wang Fengliu and others in the distance saw this scene, and they were suddenly anxious.

   Why doesn’t Master still make a move?

   "Help me."

   Chu Hen could not sit still.

  Xiao Binggan threw the "Zhenbo bitter intestine" in his hand, rolled up his sleeves, and began to mobilize the accumulated energy...

   Yue Hongxiang is also holding the final formation...

   this time— 


   Lin Beichen's body instantly came to Wang Fengliu and the others.

   "Hehehe, none of them can leave, kill your friend first, and then capture you... Lin Beichen, humble thief, your story ends here."

   Guhezhou's palms were rubbed again, and within a short time hundreds of flames were rolled up and regenerated, forming a prison, covering all Lin Beichen and others in it...

   But at this moment, there was a glimmer of light.

   "Thief Sun, you wait for me."

   Lin Beichen's words echoed all over the place, but he, Wang Fengliu, Yue Hongxiang and others all disappeared without warning.


   Guhezhou's complexion changed.

what happened?

   ‘Prisoner’s Cage’ is enough to shield all formations, secret skills and the transmission of foreign objects. How could Lin Beichen and his party disappear?

What exactly is going on?

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