Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1597: Divine Skills【Return to City】

Guhe Zhou was puzzled, his eyes opened and closed, his pupils changed from green to dark green, emitting a faint entanglement, with ancient talisman patterns flickering, and his eyes looked like two searchlights, shining all around.

   Still no trace of Lin Beichen and others were found.

How can it be?

   Even if Lin Beichen can escape [Prisoner Prisoner Cage], but what about the others?

   Can he leave with other people?

   Guhezhou did not believe in evil, his figure instantly returned to its normal size, a gleam of light flashed, and the gray cloth robe covered his naked body.

   His palm stretched out, and a compass-like object appeared in his right hand.

   Fortune urges.

   The needle on the compass spins frantically.

   But I couldn't stop and point in a specific direction for a full amount of time.

   "The'Tianluo catching the emperor plate' specially set up to capture the'sacred emperor's bloodline' can't detect the whereabouts of Lin Beichen..."

   The expression on Guhezhou's face was amazed.

   There are two possibilities.

   The first possibility, Lin Beichen completely left here.

   at least not within a thousand miles.

   But how did he leave?

   The second possibility is that Lin Beichen hid using a certain secret method, and even the "Tianluo catching the emperor plate" could not be detected.

   "My lord, my lord..."

   Zhou Defeng hurriedly approached, and said: "The demon spy Lin Beichen, has you eliminated it?"

   In the scene just now, in the eyes of everyone else, Lin Beichen and others were trapped in the wind and fire and disappeared, as if they were killed instantly.

   Guhezhou shook his head: "Escaped."


   Zhou Defeng's heart trembled.

   It's over, it's over.

   I am really afraid of something.

   Such an enchanting evildoer was actually escaped by him. If he waits for his comeback and retaliates, wouldn't he be sure to die?

   "Don't worry, I won't leave unless you catch him."

   Guhezhou’s thoughts are transferred, constantly making analysis, thinking about possibilities.

   He is even more inclined to the second possibility just now, with a hunch that Lin Beichen has not escaped far.

   must still be hiding near here.

   As long as you search hard, you can definitely find it out.

   "Let your people start their actions immediately and search the entire chaotic alliance area. Lin Beichen is exhausted and has no power to fight anymore. As long as he finds him, any galaxy level can be taken down."

Guhe Prefecture put away the'Tianluo Catching Emperor Pan', and slowly said: "No matter who it is, as long as he can be taken down, regardless of life or death, he can get one hundred thousand primordial gold and a level 50 alchemy. Weapons, and a secret skill cheat book of the star-lord level."

   Zhou Defeng knew that he had already boarded the thief ship, and there was no possibility of retreating and changing his mind. He was cruel and gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I will do it now."

After a pause, there was a hint of hesitation on his face, and he said, "However, the [Sword of Revival] saved Lin Beichen, and their power in this starry sky should not be underestimated. With the power of my Primordial Business Alliance, It cannot be completely suppressed..."

   "Don't worry, I will sit here myself."

Furukawa Prefecture gave the promise, and then dispatched the two most trusted pinnacle star king-level powerhouses around him, "The Blood Catcher" Zheng Duotong and "Three Swords Breaking the Star" Zhou Jieyu, to obey the dispatch and cooperate with Zhou Defeng's actions. .

   This made Zhou Defeng ecstatic.

   In this way, there is no more worry.

   can also take the opportunity to uproot the entire [Sword of Revival] in the Chaos Alliance area directly.

   "Come on, act immediately, start the search, all those who have contact with the [Polang] will be arrested, tortured by words and deeds... I would rather kill the wrong, not let it go."    Zhou Defeng turned around and immediately ordered murderously.

   Soon, the entire Chaos Alliance area began to turmoil, becoming turbulent, and fighting and fighting can be seen everywhere.

   The blood is flowing, like red paint dripping into the water, rendered in the black starry sky, and the vacuum seems to be filled with a nauseating **** atmosphere.

   [Sword of Revival] The forces in this starry sky encountered a devastating blow and had to go underground for the first time and began to lurking.

   Guhezhou looked into the distant starry sky with a gloomy expression.

  "Lin Beichen, a little reptile escaped, but I can definitely catch him..."

   "I just don't know. Brother Nong is responsible for blocking the plan of the wild princess of Gengjin God. How is it going? There shouldn't be any changes, right?"

   "After all, the saints are ready to charge this time."

  He stood on the deck of the starship, talking to himself.



   host Zhenshu.

   Cloud Dream City.



   The images of several people are like dumplings, falling from the sky and smashing heavily into the courtyard of the Lin Mansion.

"What exactly is going on?"

Wang Fengliu hadn’t realized what had happened. He only felt that a flower in front of him had transformed the world, and then the terrifying coercion swept over him from all directions, making him difficult to suffocate like a fish out of the water. The qi also solidified, and he touched the ground with his face first, and fell a dog to chew on the mud, his mouth and nose were full of dust.

   He just struggled to get up, wanting to look around.


   A knife was cut directly on his neck.


   He let out a groan of ecstasy, then rolled his eyes, and fell directly to the ground limply.

   And the other six masters of [Sword of Revival] had the same fate. Before they realized what was happening, they were slapped, all softened and fell to the ground.

  The person who shot is the pale-faced Lin Beichen.

  The strong man in the primordial universe suddenly came to the host real continent world, showing extreme discomfort, and his true energy was instantly suppressed, so Lin Beichen didn't take any effort to faint all the seven.

   did this to prevent a few people from knowing too much about the host country, Zhenzhou.

   For Lin Beichen, Wang Fengliu and others were saved because they had sacrificed their lives to help themselves before, but it didn't mean that they were regarded as confidants and let them know the secrets of the host Zhenzhou.

   So I just knocked out.

   When you return to the prehistoric universe, you can wake them up again.

   Looking back at the three of Yue Hongxiang, Xiao Binggan and Chu Hen, they were extremely adaptable and reacted instantly.

"came back?"

"How is this going?"

   "Are we back to Yunmeng City? This..."

   The three of them were shocked and looked at Lin Beichen in surprise.

   One second ago, he was still in the Chaos Alliance area of ​​the Royal Palace Galaxy in the Great Universe, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to the host Zhenzhou?

   What a fast speed.

   "Haha, don't be surprised, I am such a fast man."

   Lin Beichen's complexion was pale, and his lips were as thin as gold. His whole body was extremely weak. While talking, he collapsed crookedly.

   Chu Hen quickly stretched out his hand to help.

  Who knew that Lin Beichen, in a way that violated the principles of physical mechanics, fell in the opposite direction strangely, and fell directly into Yue Hongxiang's arms.

   Chu Mark: ┐(?~?)┌.

   This Nima is outrageous.

   Yue Hongxiang's complexion did not change, and he supported Lin Beichen with both hands, and said: "Is this with alchemy equipment? Formation? Or..."    "En..."

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, did not explain his own refining host Zhenzhou as his own domain, but smiled triumphantly and said: "This is the unique secret technique I have understood. I call it [Return to City]."

   If the host Zhenzhou Yunmengcheng is the spring water that regains blood, then the skill that can return to the spring water in seconds, isn’t it the legendary [Return to City]?

   The three Chu Hens looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

   This skill is really abnormal.

   More than tens of thousands of miles of teleportation in a single thought?

   Ignoring the teleportation of the opponent's formation and secret arts, doesn't it mean that you will always be invincible?

   is simply a secret skill of the gods.

   "However, my skill has one of the biggest weaknesses."

   Lin Beichen said frankly: "If we return to the Chaos Alliance area of ​​the Royal Palace Galaxy, the place where we appeared will still be the original ‘origin’. Once the enemy knows it, we can stay in the same place and even lay a net of heaven and earth. It will be dangerous to go back."

   "What? Can I go back?"

   Chu Hen was shocked for the second time.

   Xiao Binggan was also so scared that "Zhenbo's bitter heart" fell to the ground, and said, "Will you take us back? Will it be as fast as before?"

  Yue Hongxiang's beautiful eyes are filled with splendor.

   It's incredible that it can take people out of danger in an instant, but it can take people back to the original point?

   This is more than a magical skill?

   is simply a supreme skill.

   Lin Beichen's eyes showed doubts. Isn't it normal to have back and forth?

   I'm really not in Versailles.

   "Don't talk about this, I have to heal my injury first, and try to recover some infuriating qi in the shortest time."

Lin Beichen leaned on Yue Hongxiang's shoulder softly, and said: "You help me look at these [Sword of Revival] guys. If you find that they have signs of awakening, just hold them and continue knocking out, the coordinates of the host Zhenzhou. And secrets, we must not let anyone other than us know."

   Chu Hen smiled, his hands shook in front of his chest, the original fists turned into a pair of huge hammers, slamming, sparks sputtering.

   "Don't worry, I promise they will never wake up if they knock."

   Director Chu is confident.

  His [Pegasus Meteor Arm] went to the prehistoric universe, and with the practice, it changed again, and now it can be transformed into an unparalleled offense and defense.

Looking at the sparks from the collision of the two big hammers, Lin Beichen couldn't help but shed a drop of sympathetic sweat for Wang Fengliu and others. Feeling a little unbearable, so he exhorted, "Don't be soft, make sure they always coma."

He swallowed a few pills, and he bought various vitamins, energy elements, qi and blood pills, Liuwei Dihuang pills, Huiren Shenbao and other things he bought from Taobao. He swallowed several mouthfuls all at once. , I felt that the lack of vitality and blood had been replenished, and the feeling of groggy, sore waist and knees subsided a lot.

   This time, he urged his physical strength with all his strength, risking the risk of exploding the tank, and madly performed [Blind Ji Bada], and his body was overdrawn severely.

   This made Lin Beichen realize that this style of play is really tyrannical and abnormal, but his body still can't completely match these eight dozens.

   Therefore, it must be improved again.

   After some preparations, Lin Beichen, who had recovered a little energy, took a few people directly and returned to the'Forgetfulness Tomb'.

   The aura of heaven and earth in the wild universe, after all, is rich.

   If you want to fully recover, you still have to rely on the laws of heaven and earth here.

   At the same time, Lin Beichen personally grasped the KEEP task.

   There are three more days at most, and the first link of this series of tasks can be completed.

   When the time comes, he will be promoted directly to the Star King level.

   You can definitely hang Furukawa Prefecture.


Good night everyone

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