Royal Palace Galaxy.

   Chaos in the alliance area.

   The blood is still spreading and flowing.

   In this starry sky, the former leading force [Sword of Revival] suffered a huge blow and suffered heavy losses in a short period of time.

   The corpses of the [Sword of Revival] warriors, together with the tortured remains of their family members, are constantly being thrown into the starry sky, rapidly freezing, swelling and exploding and disintegrating, and finally turning into fine stardust...

   Death is the eternal proposition of the starry sky.

   The few survivors of the Sword of Revival Warriors are hiding in Tibet, trying their best to keep the fire of the organization.

   It's not that they haven't tried to evacuate the chaotic alliance area.

   But the road to the outside has been completely blocked.

   The entire starry sky is sealed and imprisoned.

  A person who can have such a huge energy is obviously not just the ‘Swire Merchant League’.

   Everyone realizes that this is a real top power who is working on the [Sword of Revival].

   And the rumors about the [Sword of Revival] colluding with the demon spy Lin Beichen, also fueled by the ulterior motives of the "Swire Merchant League", spread all over the chaotic alliance area inside and outside.

   Many people are waiting for the [Sword of Revival] to counterattack.

   After all, this organization is a real big power, not gradually confined to the chaotic alliance area.

   For a long time, there has never been any strength to provoke such a provocation [Sword of Revival].

   But when another piece of news broke out, all parties were shocked.

   [Sword of Revival] The two star monarchs sent to support were ambushed by mysterious forces on the edge of the chaotic alliance area. They were both seriously injured and fled. The swordsmen under his command were killed and injured a lot.

   "Is this going to start a war?"

   "The existence of the Star Monarch level, appearing so frequently...this is going to be a mess."

   "No, this is clearly someone who specifically targeted [Sword of Revival]."

   Many people saw the signs of the chaos.

   So hundreds of forces in the Chaos Alliance area, large and small, all felt a kind of tension that the mountains and rain were about to come.

   Some people ran all night and left this place of right and wrong.

   There are some people who want to fish in troubled waters.

   More speculators, ready to take the opportunity to occupy the top of the mountain, take refuge in one of them, and try.

   In the endless starry sky, there has never been a shortage of ambitious gamblers.

   Ninety-nine percent of these gamblers have chosen to stand on the side of the ‘Swire Commercial League’.

   After all, the huge reward makes anyone jealous when he sees it.

   In addition to the locals, there are also many bounty hunters from outside the sky, who have also joined the hunt and hunt.

   For a while, [Sword of Revival] was in an extremely difficult situation.

   Many loyal members of the organization fell under the knives of all parties, and even their family members were mutilated and slaughtered.

   Everyone is forcing Lin Beichen's whereabouts.

   "Say, where is Lin Beichen?"

   "Your mouth is hard, is your daughter also hard? Hehe, I urge you to think about your daughter."

"Tong Ling, you are one of the twelve principals of the Rejuvenation Sword in the Chaos Alliance area. You must know the whereabouts of Lin Beichen. I will give you a chance to tell you that you can keep your family from dying. Otherwise, you know my means. ."

  Similar conversations, similar massacres, continue to happen everywhere.

  【Sword of Rejuvenation】Many middle and high-level officials in the local area were immediately arrested and tortured and tortured to inquire the whereabouts of Lin Beichen and others.

   But no one betrayed.

Of course, the parties involved in hunting and hunting have also paid a huge price. The bones of many bounty hunters have stayed in this starry sky forever. After all, the [Sword of Revival] is not a sheep without fangs. The background should not be underestimated.

   The screams continued to be heard from the prison of the brood transfer station newly purchased by the "Swire Business Alliance".

   Nearly a hundred [Sword of Revival] prisoners are held here.

   Time and time have passed. In addition to Zhou Defeng, who has recently jumped, the platinum president of the "Swire Commercial League" personally visited and brought a group of masters to cooperate with the Furukawa Prefecture operation.

   But [Sword of Revival] Eight of the twelve major players in the Chaos Alliance area, along with some other elite fighters, have never been found.

   And Lin Beichen seems to be a fart into the air, no one can find his trace and disappear cleanly.

   Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

   Just when Furukawa finally started to become impatient, things finally turned around.

   "My lord, good news, good news, someone reported that [Sword of Revival]'s remaining strength hiding place has been discovered."

   Zhou Defeng came to report with ecstasy.

   "Oh? Where is it?"

   Furukawa state is overjoyed.

Zhou Defeng said: "It's the villain who oversight. They actually hide in the lower deck of the [Oath], one of the three flagships of the Taikoo Business League here... Fortunately, a chef on the ship reported that we could discover."

   "Take me quickly."

   Guhezhou can’t wait.

   This is great news.

   Hope that Lin Beichen will hide among these people.



   The surging guards of the "Swire Commercial League", like a tide, surrounded this starship, which was nominally part of the "Swire Commercial League," and it was impenetrable.

   No one thought that hundreds of remnants of the [Sword of Revival] would hide in the starship of the "Prime Merchant League".

   The most dangerous place is the safest place.

   If it weren't for someone to report it, I'm afraid they would really be able to hide forever.


   In the end, the 246 [Sword of Revival] warriors, along with their family members, were driven to the wide deck like a schoolyard.

   Feng Xingyun stood at the forefront, protecting the other brothers and sisters and relatives behind him.

   As the highest-ranking subordinate under Wang Fengliu, his eyes contained fierce anger, watching the enemies approaching in front of him, and he was ready to fight to the death.

Other masters such as Kidney Tu, Curly Hair, Song Jun, etc., as well as the warriors of the [Sword of Revival], with their generous and tragic faces, each held weapons and circled the outer city to protect more than 100 family members, women and children. In the middle.


   Breaking through the air, the streamer fell.

   Guhezhou, Zhou Defeng, and the platinum president named Fang Yi, appeared on the starship with his subordinate masters.

   "Hehehe, what a cunning group of mice."

   Zhou Defeng glanced, gritted his teeth, and said, "It turns out that I hid here...say, where did Lin Beichen go?"

   He is eager for his merits, he wants to find Lin Beichen's whereabouts, get a reward, and at the same time completely wipe out the troubles.

   No one answered his words.

   "My lord, this is the person who reported it."

A steward of the Taikoo Business League came with a thin old man and said: "This person is named Youlong, and he is the chief of the kitchen cabin on the [Oath]. It was he who discovered the whereabouts of Feng Xingyun and others. Report as soon as possible..."

   "The villain has seen Guan Shi Zhou."

   Yulong hurriedly salutes, a thin and dry old man with a seemingly honest face, but there is a shrewd businessman aura hidden deep in his eyes.

When the cultivation level reaches a certain level, it is not necessary to supplement food, but for many warriors, the desire to speak is an inescapable desire, and in many cases, eating is not for maintaining vitality, but for tonic, for cultivation, special There is a huge aura in the ingredients, which can be obtained by eating. This is very demanding for the chef. Not only must he be able to make good-looking and delicious food, but he must also handle all kinds of precious ingredients to ensure that the ingredients are The aura is explored to the greatest extent, rather than wasteful and ruined.

   Zhou Defeng had some impressions of Yulong, and he cooked good dishes.

  Especially his specialty [Small Fried Dragon and Phoenix Liver], Zhou Defeng eats it every ten days.

   "Don't worry, your reward is indispensable."

   waved his hand at Youlong, Zhou Defeng's gaze continued to search among the crowd.

  He is looking for Lin Beichen.

   But he was disappointed.

   is not Lin Beichen.

  At this time, Furukawa Prefecture spoke and said, "Yolong, right? If I didn't guess wrong, you are actually from [Sword of Revival], right?"

   Yulong's complexion changed drastically, he knelt down with a thud, repeatedly kowtow, and said: "The lord Mingjian, the villain is not a person from the [Sword of Revival], but is familiar with Feng Xingyun, and used to have some friendship..."

   "So, you secretly helped them and brought them to hide on this [Oath] starship, right?"

   Gu Hezhou asked calmly.

Yulong's heart was beating wildly, and he only felt that he was seen through by Furukawa Prefecture inside and out. He quickly said: "It was the villain who brought them here to hide, but the villain is not really to help them, but to protect these thieves. Gathering together, it is convenient for you, adults, to catch them all in one go. The villain definitely does not have the traditional thoughts of these revival thieves. The adults have a good lesson."

   Guhezhou shook his head and said: "You are insincere, you are offering a reward for this seat."

   Yulong's mouth was dry, and he didn't possess each other, so he quickly admitted.

   "It's okay, it's not a bad thing to be greedy for money."

   A smile appeared on Gu Hezhou’s face, and said, "You come and tell me that you can find the trace of the young man named Lin Beichen among them in the past few days."


   Yulong opened his mouth to speak.


Among the besieged crowd, Feng Xingyun, the first principal, sternly shouted: “Don’t forget, when you teleported to this starry sky and encountered interstellar pirates, who saved your life? And who also saved your parents and The fate of your wife and daughter?"

   Yuron's face changed.

   In the past, his family was transported from other galaxies to this place. They encountered danger, and almost the whole family died. It was Feng Xingyun who brought the [Sword of Revival] to save their family.

   He also vowed to repay Feng Xingyun and others.

   It's a pity that the old vows, after all, can hardly resist the huge reward.

   On that day, he secretly helped Feng Xingyun and others to hide in this [Oath] starship. It was indeed for repaying favor, and it was also a very clever plan. The sky and earth nets outside were never able to find Feng Xingyun and others.

   But as time passed, seeing those who helped [Sword of Revival] die tragically, faced with the torment of fear every day, and the temptation to endure huge rewards, Yuron finally chose to betray.

   "Master Feng, this is the current situation. There is nothing you and I can do. I can't save you."

Yulong turned around, defended himself loudly, and said: "Anyway, you will be discovered sooner or later. The [Sword of Revival] is already powerless. It is better for me to send you on the road and use your lives to do my deeds. I will be very Thank you, after your first seven days, I will personally make a table of delicious food for you."

"Are you still human?"


   "Ingredient dog stuff."

   [Sword of Revival] The strong men cursed.

At this time, Yulong's heart settled, turned to salute Furukawa Prefecture, and said: "My lord, the Feng Xingyun group of people have been careful to protect a person these days. If I am not mistaken, this person must be Lin Beichen disguised."


   Guhezhou was overjoyed and said, "Which one?"

   "It's Lao Tzu."

   An angry shout sounded.

   An eighteen or nine-year-old boy walked out of the crowd.

   "No, it's me."

   An old man with gray hair came out.

   "Hahaha, it's your grandpa and me."

"it's me."

   "I am Lin Beichen."

   Several people with different faces came out from the crowd.

   one by one they rushed to admit that they were Lin Beichen pretending to be.

   Guhezhou sneered: "A group of idiots, with your shabby repairs, still want to deceive me?"

   He could tell at a glance that all those who stood up were a bunch of fools who thought they were generous heroes.

   It's just a few ants, and I dared to make an axe.

   How does a dog pretend to be a dragon?


   With a flat laugh, a slightly chubby middle-aged man, stroking his triangular beard, walked out of the crowd, and said, "Do you think it's me?"

   is Wang Zhong.

   These days, he has been in the crowd all the time.

   Guhezhou was startled, the green light in his eyes flickered, and under the operation of the pupil technique, he realized that he could not see through this person.

   "You really are hiding here."

  He is overjoyed.

  The person who made him unable to see through, besides Lin Beichen, who else could there be?

   No wonder the previous [Tianluo Catching Emperor Pan] couldn't be found, the change technique of this person is as exaggerated as the description in the intelligence.

   is completely false.

   "Just tie your hands, I can spare them not to die."

   Guhezhou smiled faintly, and said: "Don't test my patience. If you dare to resist any resistance, the people on the deck today will die."

   The intelligence said that Lin Beichen seemed absurd and absurd, but in fact he was extremely short-sighted, and had a kind of stubborn ignorance. He placed too much emphasis on some irrelevant ants, and always put himself in danger for these ants.

   This kind of person has a huge defect in personality, and it is difficult to be a climate, and it can be handled with a little bit of subtotal.

"do not want."

   "Protect him."

   "Fight with them."

   Feng Xingyun and the others saw something bad, and immediately rushed to protect Wang Zhong behind them.

   Although they don't know Wang Zhong's true identity, they know that this person is an important person next to Lin Beichen, who is in charge of Wang Fengliu's key protection this time.

Wang Fengliu has emphasized more than once, but everyone related to the employer Lin Beichen is worthy of [Renaissance Sword] every brother takes his life to guard, even if the [Renaissance Sword] warriors are dead, Nor should anyone around him be injured.

   Even if Feng Xingyun and others have been cut by a thousand swords at this time, they absolutely can't let this old man be arrested-at least before they fall, they can't allow such a thing to happen.



  Wang Zhong just waved his hand gently.

   "I don't need you."

   he said.

   An invisible powerful force directly pushed the crowd back gently.

   "No one has dared to speak such big words in front of me for a long time."

Wang Zhong walked forward slowly a few steps. There seemed to be a strange power slowly recovering from his body. He smiled faintly, exuding a superb master temperament, and said: "Little star Gentleman, dust-like goods...not to mention, today I will..."

   The voice did not fall.

   A dim light flickered behind him.


   A palm slapped Wang Zhong on the back of the head.

   "I haven't seen you in a few days, what are you bragging about?"

   Lin Beichen's figure appeared.

   He has heard Wang Zhong blowing water since.

   can really blow.

   Xingjun level is not in the eyes.

  You really are the heifer flying in a plane—it’s so awesome.

   "Young Master?"

   Wang Zhong was startled, and said, "Why are you back so soon?"

   Lin Beichen said: "Because I have upgraded...what a coincidence, you guys have gathered in this place again."

   It was here where he left with Wang Fengliu, Yue Hongxiang and others.

   And today, the location of the [Oath] starship, coincidentally, is also at the same location.

   The Furukawa and others on the opposite side were surprised and delighted.

  What was surprised was that the old guy who looked a little unfathomable just now was not Lin Beichen.

   It is the guy Lin Beichen who is pleased that he finally showed up.


   Guhezhou didn't say a word of nonsense, and shot directly to grab Lin Beichen.

   This time, he will never let this holy emperor blood escape again.

Lin Beichen's figure flew up like lightning, and he confronted Guhe Prefecture in mid-air. With the help of his strength, he turned into a streamer, and flew a kilometer away, standing in the void, saying: "Don't worry, I won't fight this time. Blast you, never leave."

   Guhezhou screamed, his whole body floated with golden light, instantly transformed into a sixty-meter giant, blooming with all his strength, and stepped on Lin Beichen with one foot.

   "Your length, now I also have this young master."

   Lin Beichen laughed, his muscles swelled and enlarged, and he broke his robe, covered in silver light, and instantly turned into a height of sixty meters: "Hahaha, take me another blow."

After    was promoted to the Star King level, his innocence and physical fitness improved by leaps and bounds, and his height after huge transformation reached 60 meters, which was not inferior to that of the Eucharist Dharmakaya in Furukawa Prefecture.

   "Blind Ji has eight fights."

   Raising his hand is [Smashing Stars].


   In a vacuum, the two giants fought with each other, punching and kicking their hair at close quarters.

   [Vow number] Last, Zhou Defeng saw that the situation was not good, his eyes were splitting, and he shouted loudly: "Quickly, come on, catch them, don't let any of them go."

   The masters of the "Prime Commercial Alliance" are like a tide, and they besieged and killed Feng Xingyun and others.

   Wang Zhong shrank his neck and backed away.

   Feng Xingyun and others looked generous, with hatred erupting in their eyes, ready to fight to the death.

   At this moment, Lin Beichen’s voice came from a distance——

   "Gwangjang, get them done for me."

  The sound came in the form of pure power ripples, echoing clearly in everyone's ears.

  The next moment----


   The piercing and sharp rat cry sounded.

   I saw among the crowd, the silver-haired rat that had been burning his head suddenly and slowly emerged.

   The silver hair is flashing like moonlight, and its strong muscles bulge piece by piece. Its eyes are red, and its body exudes a violent and murderous aura, like a god-killing demon coming out from the depths of the universe, radiating despair and death.

   The guards of the Shangmeng who had swarmed up, were enveloped by this terrifying aura, and they were all frightened and stupefied, like freezing, staying where they were.

In the sharp roar, it seemed to be infused with some powerful force, and the body expanded and enlarged like Lin Beichen. In a blink of an eye, it reached fifteen meters. As soon as the claws stretched out, the sharp nails grew wildly five or six meters. , Like a scimitar shimmering with cold light, with a flick of his hand, while the cold light flickered, the four Star King-class experts of the Taikoo Business League did not even react, and they were immediately beheaded to become a bunch of them. Meat loaf.

   The other people around were all stunned.

   Mouse paw wave again.

   Suddenly the **** storm.

   was directly cleared within ten meters, and the guards lay down.



   Even Wang Zhong was taken aback.

   This little mouse has suddenly become so ferocious?

   He glanced at Lin Beichen, who had already crushed Furukawa Prefecture under him in the distance, and suddenly realized it.

   The young master has a magical secret technique for instantly sharing his cultivation base and enhancing the strength of his friends. It seems that this time he shared it with this little mouse.

   Thanks to the little mouse, he awakened the star-swallowing mouse's blood, and the physical strength increased sharply. Otherwise, sharing the young master's current cultivation base, I am afraid that it will burst the little mouse in an instant.

   Wang Zhong put his hands in his sleeves and sighed with regret.

   I thought that this time I was finally going to make a move. Who knew that at the critical moment, the young master slapped him and snapped it off.

   But it’s okay, if I make a shot late, the time when the master leaks will be delayed a bit.

   Although exposure is not unacceptable now, it would be better to be safer after all.

However, what makes Wang Zhong gratified is that [Sword of Revival], the hand that he had arranged before he left, has developed very well now. Let alone his strength, at least reliability, organization and loyalty are enough to enter him. Eyes.

   After this incident, they can be cultivated.

   Thinking like this in his heart, Wang Zhong's gaze turned to the battle in the distant space.

   Boom boom boom!

   Lin Beichen bombarded Guhezhou’s big face with one punch and one punch.

   "Ant, right?"

   "A bug, right?"

   "You are very tugging."

   "The casserole...Bah, the big fist is like a face, how good is it?"

   He smashed and cursed.

   Fighting again, Furukawa Prefecture is no longer an opponent at all.

   No matter what the secret technique, in front of Lin Beichen's blind Ji Bashou's fourth strike [Broken Strike], all of them were smashed with one punch.

   Let you do a thousand tricks, I will break it with my own punch.

   Lin Beichen can finally bring out the true power of [Blind Ji Badai].

   And this small part is enough to hang down the Furukawa state of the 55th-level star.

The beaten eyebrows and nose crooked in Furukawa Prefecture, pale golden blood filled his entire face, the beaten body's Qi machine oscillated, the true Qi was disordered, and the pale golden runes splashed all over his body, and immediately the huge Eucharist Dharma body began to collapse. , The figure shrinks sharply...

   "Step on me? I trampled you to death."

   Lin Beichen raised his giant foot and stepped on it with force.


   Guhezhou was directly trampled and exploded, turning into a piece of blood.

   This scene made Zhou Defeng, Fang Yi and others in the distance go crazy and frightened.

   The two-level reversal came so abruptly, they instantly lost their greatest support and ushered in the most terrifying enemy.

   And Yulong, the traitor, also foreseeed the arrival of the end at this time, shivering with fright, turned around and wanted to escape.


Praise myself, it’s a million changes today

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