Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1600: Squeeze you out sooner or later

Furukawa Prefecture, as the star of the Holy Physique Dao, of course will not be trampled to death.

   So he recovered again.



   He was trampled and exploded again.

   so back and forth.

   The powerful rebirth power of the Holy Physique Dao Xingjun made Furuhe Prefecture reorganize his body again and again.

   Then he was stepped on and exploded again and again.

   Compared with the physical pain and the consumption of blood, for Furukawa Prefecture, the most unacceptable thing is the mental humiliation.

   He never dreamed that this would not have passed for less than five days. Lin Beichen, who was teased by himself between applause, could now be humiliated as a maggot.

  He escaped.

  He chased.

   It's hard to fly with his wings.

  In the end, the Guhe Prefecture, which was seriously depleted of vitality and blood, was held by Lin Beichen, who had recovered to a normal size, as if carrying a chicken.

   Putting on a white robe, Lin Beichen carried Guhezhou in this way and came to the [Oath Number].

   The situation has been completely controlled.

   Dozens of star king-class powerhouses of the "Prime Merchant League" were chopped into meat sauce by the claws of Guangjiang.

   After leaving nearly a hundred **** corpses, they collapsed completely, all fell on the ground and chose to surrender.

   Among them are Zhou Defeng, Fang Yi and You Long.

  The arrival of Lin Beichen destroyed the last hope in the hearts of Zhou Defeng's people—the greatest savior, Guhe Prefecture, was also defeated.

   "Master, you are finally back."

   Wang Zhong went up to the ground and said, "Woo, no see for a few days, I am worried that you are dead."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

  Listen, is this dog talking human?

   He flew directly.


   Wang Zhong was kicked into the air.

   "Ah, that's how it feels..."

   He lay on the ground with an intoxicated expression on his face: "Master's feet are still so unforgettable."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   was defeated.


   Guhezhou was thrown to the ground.

   The star fetters specially used to deal with the strong of the Holy Physique, pierced the joints of his dantian, arms and legs to prevent him from breaking free.

   "See Master Lin."

   Feng Xingyun stepped forward to salute, with a respectful look, and said, "Master Lin, where is Master Wang Fengliu now?"

Lin Beichen thought for a while. I don’t know why a pair of large pendulums of Chu Mark appeared in his mind. In his heart, he mourned for the time of Wang Fengliu's seven people. I will return soon."

   Feng Xingyun and others listened, and then they were relieved.

   It’s fine if you don’t die.

   Feng Xingyun said again: "Master Lin, we [Sword of Revival] and many of our brothers are imprisoned in the brood prison of the'Prime Commercial League'..."

   Lin Beichen glanced at Guangchan.


   The latter knew immediately.

   "It's up to you to save people."

   Lin Beichen said: "You don't have to be polite to keep your hands... Who dares to stop, just kill it."

   Feng Xingyun and others are ecstatic.

   Their previous persistence and loyalty have been rewarded.

   "Thank you, Master Lin."

   Feng Xingyun and others are full of gratitude on their faces.

   Lin Beichen said: "You are welcome, you tick tick tick me, i wow you."

   Several people hurried to save people.

   The other warriors and family members of the [Sword of Revival] on the square also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and their faces showed the rest of their lives.

   But looking at the surrendered guards of the Commercial League, an angry flame burned in their eyes.


   Lin Beichen pointed to one of the captains of the guards, and said: "Want to die, want to live?"

The middle-aged captain has a beard on his face and looks like a strong bear. After hearing the words, he looks like a bear. After a long time, he panicked and said: "Master, please, the villain wants to live, the villain There are eight-year-old mothers at home and eighty-year-old children..."


Lin Beichen slapped it and turned the place where the brawny bear was directly drawn three times before cursing, "What the hell? I didn't see my dear friends, all of them were cold and hungry. With wounds and sickness on your back? You immediately call the best doctor and order people to transport food and clothing...give you a cup of tea time. If you can't do it, kill your whole family."

   "Lord, let me come, I can do..."

   Zhou Defeng, who was lying on the ground, had a strong desire to survive, so he quickly volunteered and asked for it. "You do not deserve."

   Lin Beichen's cold eyes suddenly made Zhou Defeng fall into an ice cave.

   The brawny bearded man finally stirred his spirits for a while, and directly pulled down the big steward token from Zhou Defeng's waist, and turned to go to work immediately.

  In a short while, there will be physicians, high-spirit foods, various medicines, and clothing shipped in an endless stream.

   A moment later.

   Feng Xingyun and others also rescued people back.

   Many family members cried with joy when they saw their loved ones return safely.

   "Thank you Lin Dashao."

   "Thank you, sir."

   Many people have red eyes and salute Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen was also a little embarrassed, and said: "I am the one who is tired of you, so there is no need to thank me."

Feng Xingyun said: "The young master's words are wrong. We [Sword of Revival] took the task of escorting you to the young master, and we assumed it at our own risk. This is the rule of our industry, and we have to pay a price if we accept the task, even if it is All died in the battle, and there is no regrets or regrets, but the Swire Business Alliance has done too much this time, affecting the family's children and breaking the rules..."

   Speaking of this, there is also hatred in his eyes.

   After this incident, the Liangzi between the [Sword of Revival] and the "Swire Merchant League" was completely closed.

   This matter is by no means finished.

   Fortunately, this time it looks like a heavy loss on the surface, but after careful calculation, the main core strength of [Sword of Revival] has been preserved.

  Especially those who were tortured in the prisons of the Commercial League, also miraculously survived, and did not suffer raging massacre.

   "These three people will be handled by you."

   Lin Beichen kicked Zhou Defeng, Fang Yi and You Long in front of Feng Xingyun and others.

   "Spare my life..."

Yulong climbed to the front of Feng Xingyun, begging: "Master Feng, Brother Feng, please, please spare me this time, I am obsessed with my heart, I am not a human... Brother Feng, I can't die. , My family is still waiting for me."

   "You have a family, and those brothers who were betrayed by you, don't they have family?"

   Feng Xingyun's face was cold, and his eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice: "Old you, I really regret that I saved you twenty years ago. Now I will correct this mistake with my own hands."

   After finishing speaking, a burst of true energy pierced Yulong's heart directly.

   "I...hoh ho..."

   Blood sprayed from Yulong's mouth and nose, and his throat made a crackling sound.

   "Your family, if they did not participate in your betrayal, I will not embarrass them."

   Feng Xing Yun cleared his grievances, the sword in his hand shook, and Yulong's chest was cut open directly: "As for you, I want to see whether your heart is black or red."


   The blade of the sword shook.

   Cut out Yulong's heart directly.

   then shattered.

   Yuron's body fell in a pool of blood.

   This scene caused Zhou Defeng and Fang Yi to see their hearts frightened.

   The breath of death came to my face, so lifelike.

   "As for you..."

   Feng Xingyun looked at Zhou Defeng and said: "Just use your lives to pay tribute to the souls of the Sword of Revival brothers who died under the sword of the "Prime Commercial League"."

   In the end, the two senior officials of the "Prime Commercial League" were directly divided by the angry [Sword of Revival].

   Some other **** servants, as well as those bounty hunters who had heard of the news, were also lifted out of the crowd by the [Sword of Revival] warriors who had grievances and killed them on the spot.

   Guhezhou was weak, even if he was wearing shackles and was sealed with an amazing cultivation base, he struggled to stand up slowly.


   He shook his head and sighed.

   It doesn't matter if I lose, it's a big deal.

   It's a pity that this failure led to the bankruptcy of Master's plan for his old man, and the grand plan of the saint clan was also delayed.

   "Think about how to die?"

   Lin Beichen stared at Guhezhou and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you should be from the ancient clan, right?"

Furukawa Prefecture smiled: "Yes, as a citizen of the saints, there is nothing to be ashamed to admit. This time you win, you can kill me now, but sooner or later you will find it hard to escape the chase of the saints. It won't take long. , We can meet on Huangquan Road."

   Lin Beichen said: "You are not afraid of death, but in this world, there are things more terrifying than death."

   Guhezhou looked calm, and said indifferently, "Isn't life better than death? Ha ha, people and methods, you can try it on this seat, if I beg for mercy, I won't be considered a man of the saint race."


   Lin Beichen gave a thumbs up, and then directly sacrificed the [Soul Lantern], and said, "What if you are using this thing to concoct you?"

Guhezhou’s expression changed, and he said, "This rubbish, Lin Xincheng, it’s nothing more than to die. Even such a treasure has been acquired by you... But, it’s just a soul refining, what's the fear? I wanted to try it a long time ago. Let’s see if this so-called soulless lamp can refine the bones of this seat."

   Lin Beichen was also shocked by the courage of Guhezhou.

   This is indeed a person who is not afraid of death.

  The ancients in the desert...cannot be underestimated.

"I am very confused."

   Lin Beichen said: "It's okay for you to be your own two or five boys. Why do you always aim at me? If I remember correctly, before Lin Xincheng, there seems to be no enmity between us."

Furukawa Prefecture smiled faintly, and said, "Because you are the material, and you are the research resource needed by the holy race. It's like an alchemist pulling weeds, like an alchemist mining, like a summoner catching. Like beasts, it's like you humans kill pigs if they want to eat meat. Is there anything wrong? Blame it, blame you for being too weak and worthy."

   had a cold provocation in his tone.

   "You humans?"

   Lin Beichen was not irritated, but instead grabbed these four words in the other party’s words and said: "Do you think you are not a human being?"

   "The great holy race, the supreme bloodline, is the **** that the Lord will rule the entire primordial universe."

In the eyes of Furuhe Prefecture, there was undisguised enthusiasm, saying: "Every holy race is a noble god, and of course not you lowly humans... Hehehe, human race, should be like a sheep, Tamed, ruled, and slaughtered."


   Lin Beichen heard this and had a judgment in his heart.

   and this cult lunatic, there is no reason at all.

   "Dog stuff, do you know **** the Xingjun-level Holy Physique Dao powerhouse?"

   Lin Beichen turned his head to look at Wang Zhong, with a glimmer of expectation in his heart, and said, "Or, can you think of a way to refine him into'primal blood'?"

   Lin Beichen is now in desperate need of a drop of Xingjun-level'Essence Blood', and [Huaqi Jue] can break through again.

Wang Zhong shook his head and said: "It is difficult. The'primal blood' is condensed by the first-class blood and breath of the martial arts expert after death. After countless years of tempering of the world and earth, all the impurities are removed, and the pure energy is formed, the day after tomorrow. It cannot be refined, so it is very precious. As for killing a star monarch-level Saint Physique Dao expert, it is also very difficult."

   Star-Sovereign-level powerhouses—especially the Star-Sovereign-level ones who follow the Saint Physique Path, the Blood Demon Path, and other cultivation paths, have strong vitality and are almost difficult to kill.

   Unless it's a star emperor or higher level powerhouse shooting.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   At this time, Wang Zhong said quietly: "Others may not be able to do it, but you may be able to... Master, why don't you try it and devour him bit by bit?"

   Lin Beichen was startled.

   Then his eyes lit up and he reacted suddenly.


   I almost forgot, I still have the energy to swallow my left arm.

   If the Star Monarch-level qi and blood cultivation base of Furuhe Prefecture is swallowed bit by bit, although it is a bit slower than the refined'primal blood', the effect is absolutely gratifying.

   "Hey hey..."

He smiled and looked at Furukawa Prefecture and said, "Didn't you say that the weak should be slaughtered? You are right, so I need to become stronger, so I can only borrow your cultivation skills and make a wedding dress for me, etc. I have refined your vitality and energy to truly become stronger, and I will destroy your so-called holy ancestor, okay?"

   Guhezhou laughed contemptuously: "Destroy my holy race? Haha, you don't know what you are talking about, stupid and arrogant human race."

   Lin Beichen didn't speak, but directly summoned an alchemy sword, and stabbed Furuhe Prefecture wildly.

   After he was injured, he put his left hand on the wound and activated the ‘swallow’ ability.

   I saw in the wounds of Furuhe Prefecture, strands of light golden aura, like dust and mist, freed up, absorbed by Lin Beichen into the palm of his hand.


   Furukawa State is hacked.

   swallow? !

   This sacred emperor's blood still masters the law of ‘swallow’?

   Guhezhou clearly felt that the energy, blood, and essence in his body were like leaking water, being dragged out uncontrollably and pouring into Lin Beichen's left hand continuously.

   Lin Beichen's right hand, and even his right arm, swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Even the color has become pale golden.

   Strange patterns flashed on the skin surface of the arm.

   At the same time, Lin Beichen's hair gradually turned pale golden, and his handsome jade face was set off with a hint of exotic charm.

   "Ah, so cool."

  Lin Beichen retracted his palm contentedly, looked at the gradual face of Guhezhou, and said, "Don't worry, I will squeeze you out sooner or later."

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