Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1602: Book Emperor

Lin Beichen and others rented a car and drove fast along the wide and terrifying mountain road.

   The scenery outside the window flies by.

   Flowing water waterfalls can be seen everywhere.

   Rare birds and animals also appear in the mountains and forests.

   Various monumental buildings along the way are mostly related to books.

   There are also some statues of the most famous and famous doctors in the Ph.D., and they can be seen everywhere. There are inscriptions on their sides, recording and commending the great contributions of the past sages to the development and development of the Ph.D.

   "Look, that is the sculpture of Mr. "Kongshan Xinyu", the ancestor of the Doctor Tao."

   Wang Fengliu turned into a conscientious tour guide, pointing to a light stone statue in the distance and speaking loudly.

   Lin Beichen followed what he pointed out.

   I saw a huge statue of a hundred meters high on the side of the towering mountain, emitting a faint brilliance.

It was a sculpture of a girl, who looked only eleven or twelve years old, with double ponytails, fine bangs, and her hair was dotted with various butterfly ornaments. She was wearing a bunny hairpin on her head and one diagonally across her waist. A small carrying bag in the shape of a carrot. She is wearing a short skirt. She wears silk stockings on her slender legs with a little bit of Naiba. On her feet are a pair of wide leather boots covering the ankles. An ancient book larger than her body seems to be opened. The wings are like exotic birds, floating beside her...

   Lin Beichen was in a daze.

  Is this the ancestor of the Doctrine?

   How does it look like a silly innocent girl?

  This image...

   is unexpected.

"The ancestor of the Doctor Tao, Kongshan Xinyu, is rumored to be a righteous daughter adopted by the holy emperor of the human race. She was born with an exquisite heart of nine orifices. She was called a bookworm and loved reading in the first half of her life. Claiming to read all the books of the world, and then put down the books in the second half of his life, claiming to travel thousands of miles and travel all over the prehistoric universe to test the truth in the books. He is an absolute genius that ordinary people cannot understand. Later, in the holy emperor of the human race Under the emperor’s guidance, he pioneered the path of Ph.D. cultivation. Compared with other cultivation paths, this path is the most special. It has very low requirements for physique and talent for cultivation. You must have a diligent reading and learning mind, and the emphasis is on learning. So as to apply..."

   Yue Hongxiang said.

   Lin Beichen looked at her in surprise.

   The latter smiled slightly and said, "I knew I was coming to the Academy for Knowledge, so I asked Special Envoy Wang to prepare some relevant materials."

   She is also a person who loves to read.

   I know that a scumbag like Lin Beichen has no interest in reading, so reading these materials is for my own interest on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also for Lin Beichen to explain.

   At least in this regard, she can help Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen smiled, holding Yue Hongxiang's small hand, and said: "Do you want to enter the School of Knowledge, too?"

Yue Hongxiang nodded, then shook his head, and said: "I am indeed very interested in the School of Knowledge. This has a great correlation with the heavenly formation technique that I like, but there is still a difference between the Ph.D. path and the cultivation path of the formation master. Yes, I want to read the books about the magic of the formation master, but I don’t want to follow the path of the doctor."

   This is her deliberate conclusion.

   Although it is said that the roads to study are different, the energy of human beings is limited after all. Yue Hongxiang asked himself that he could not take care of both the Doctoral Path and the Heavenly Formation Path at the same time, so he could only choose one.

   In comparison, she prefers formations.

  Because this is the path she has chosen since she started in the host country, Shinshu.

   In addition, Yue Hongxiang also knew that the priest Qin had chosen the path of Ph.D. and had already embarked on the road of studying.

   She didn't want to be similar to other women around Lin Beichen.

   But I want to be unique.

   "It's okay, I think people who read so many books must be reasonable."

   Lin Beichen patted his thigh, and said, “It shouldn’t be difficult to borrow their books and have a look at that time...the big deal, let’s spend some money and half a library card.”

   Wang Fengliu watched as Young Master Lin was holding Yue Hongxiang's catkins, and he slapped back, suddenly fidgeting.

  , why should I show up in the car to see the young master flirting?

   I should not be in the car, I should be under the car.

   After a stick of incense time.

   The large parking lot outside the gate of Qiuzhi Academy.

   "Master, the car can only go here, the next road, you need to walk."

   Wang Fengliu said: "To learn about the academy’s rules, sincerity is required to learn, and no foreign objects can be used to enter the real academy. Anyone has to step by step."

   Cars are not allowed, flying is forbidden in the air, and underground is forbidden.

   These are the three prohibitions of the Qiuzhi Academy.

   Lin Beichen looked up at the plaque of the academy.

The two characters    ‘seeking knowledge’ are particularly eye-catching, exuding a kind of unspeakable coercion and charm, apparently from the handwriting of a master.

   He is not exclusive to walking.

   There are beauties on the side, enjoying the scenery and going out, it is also a great joy in life.

   When I got here, there were more people.

There are both men and women, nine out of ten. They are all moon-white scholar robes. They wear four square scarfs on their heads, with green clouds on their feet, or a sword hanging around their waist, or holding a folding fan, dressed as a scholar, and there will be a little book boy behind them. Or the little maid, carrying a bookcase, just like playing a real COS.

   "Interesting and interesting."

   Lin Beichen said: "Hongxiang, let's change our clothes too, Xiao Wang, you go and buy a few sets of scholar clothes."

   Wang Fengliu immediately went to do it himself.

   At the gate of Qiuzhi Academy, there are many vendors selling scholar clothes, just like the villagers selling incense and pigeon food at the gate of Famen Temple on the earth. Here is the so-called "backing on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea".

   For this kind of small business, the Qiuzhi Academy not only does not restrain the blow, but also gives a certain degree of protection. There is a famous saying: All living beings seek out, and the road is seen in the dust.

   Soon, Wang Fengliu bought folding fans, sabers, and scholar robes, all of the most expensive materials and the latest styles.

   Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang replaced them, they laughed at each other, and suddenly there was a time travel, returning to the original feeling of Yunmeng City Third Provincial Intermediate College.

   Yue Hongxiang wore a neutral scholar robe and four square scarfs on her head. His whole body became more and more full of books. His skin was white and crystal clear, and his eyebrows were as delicate as a picture, like a fairy walking out of a book.

   Lin Beichen looked at his eyes brightly.

   This is the so-called uniform temptation.

   I have to admit that Yue Hongxiang is really suitable for this kind of book fragrance.

Wang Fengliu on one side is also feeling emotional, let’s say nothing else, the young master’s vision is really picky. The female alchemist who had said goodbye before is already a stunner in the world, and this female student wearing a scholar costume is just another one. At the peak of the face value direction, the thick book air reveals a humiliating and holy breath, and the whole person looks clean, bright and pure.

   At this time, in the stream of people climbing and mountaineering, there were countless eyes, and they looked at Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang at the same time.

   Male is handsome, and female is out of dust.

   These are really a couple of fairy jade couples.

When many female scholars' eyes passed by Lin Beichen, their gazes were as if they were stuck on him. They were reluctant to move away, then hit trees, people, or stones, and left with screams of shock and blushing. , Trot for a while, turning his head blushing, pretending to inadvertently peek at Lin Beichen again.

   Lin Beichen's face showed a small smug.

   And many male scholars’ focus is on Yue Hongxiang.

   There were also people who wanted to say hello from Gu Lai, but they noticed that Yue Hongxiang and Lin Beichen were close friends, and they were obviously companions. Looking at Lin Beichen's appearance and temperament, they all felt ashamed of themselves for a while, and no one dared to come up and talk.

   The mountaineering begins.

   Along the way, every kilometer, there are bookstores, tea houses, restaurants, and small shops selling various book-related peripheral products.

   Lin Beichen waved his hand, but whenever he saw what he liked, he bought it directly.

   There is no way, who makes brother rich now.

   Shopping with beautiful female classmates, shouldn’t you show off your wealth and wealth?

"Have you heard? The opening of the Entrance Examination for Knowledge Academy has attracted many disciples of the great inheritance family. The bookstores and academies of the Great Realm Stars in the Mole Mole galaxy also selected their best disciples to participate. Contest."

   "Although the Qiuzhi Academy is a sacred place for Ph.D., does it not open every year for the entrance examination? Why does it cause such a big disturbance this year?"

   "I heard that it was Mr. Kong Shan Yingquan, the dean of the old dean, who presided over the opening of the entrance exam this time."

   "Ah, [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan?"

"No way?"

"You don't know this? The Qiuzhi Academy has long been on the list. What makes the scholars crazy is that [Book Emperor] is rumored to select several Tianjiao among the young people as direct disciples... The news of the news spread, let alone ordinary scholars, even the disciples of the big family and the descendants of the big bookstore are crazy."

"Yes, I have heard about it. This time, the female doctor Murong Tianjue of Taiping Academy, Chu Qingci, the chief of Tianjiao Academy, Li Guangyu of Donglin Bookstore, Cao Shuyu of Shangqi Bookstore, Zhou Chengcheng of Xuandengge, Qiao Fu of Shushan, Shi Renchen of Xuehai... these famous scholars have all come to the Qiuzhi Academy and have to take the entrance exam."

   "Really? Then this time the entrance examination will be lively, absolutely fighting each other."

   Along the way, Lin Beichen heard a lot of similar conversations.

   There are some young men and women who deliberately talk about Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang, wanting to use this method to attract the attention of the two, so that they can find opportunities to talk.

   It's a pity that I didn't get what I wanted.

   After all, handsome men and beautiful women have seen too many licking dogs, and they are immune.

   And Lin Beichen only understood through this round, no wonder the people around Wendao Mountain are so crowded, it turns out that there is this layer of reason.

   Tianjiao contends for supremacy.

  Xuan woman strives for hegemony.

   啧啧啧, there is really a good show.

   I don't know if the chief priest Qin will come to participate in the opening of the mountain.

  Lin Beichen thought for a while, with the temper of a big wife, even if he is consciously practicing a Ph.D. path, he is not absolutely sure to pass the entrance examination, but as long as the conditions are available, he will definitely come to watch the ceremony.

   Thinking of this, he decided to stay here for a few more days to see if he could meet the eldest wife.

   It is best to meet the legendary [Book Emperor] and admire his style.

   After all, this kind of opportunity to meet human emperor-level powerhouses is not many.

   As I walked, the mountain road ahead turned into stone steps.

   Various commercialized things are gradually invisible, and the environment has become more beautiful and quiet, and there seems to be a kind of awe-inspiring righteousness reverberating between heaven and earth.

   But there are still many pedestrians.

   Most of them are young people.

   "This book friend, please stay."

   A fair-faced young scholar came over to talk: "This book friend, please."

   "Oh? This book friend, what's the matter?"

   Lin Beichen is very polite.

   "In the Xingfeilu Bookstore of Xingxuejie, it is a Buqiuren."

The young scholar arched his hands, glanced at Yue Hongxiang from the corner of his eyes, and said in a polite manner: "The book friends I have seen have a temperament that is out of the crowd, rare in the world. Gu Youxin makes friends. I don't know the names of the two book friends Gao? Is it possible? Companion?"

"In the next Chen Beilin, this is my junior sister Yue Hongxiang." Lin Beichen gave a gift and said: "We two just passed by the tearful world star by accident, and heard that the doctor’s way holy land for knowledge academy opened the gate for examinations, so we came to observe the ceremony, it was not. Mo Shuyou was amused by his family background."

   Buqiu listened, and remembered carefully in his heart, and found that he had not heard the names of these two people, but he did not completely believe Lin Beichen's words.

Apart from other things, the appearance and temperament of the two of them alone is definitely not someone passing by. He has followed Master to many world stars and met many big people, but if it is about temperament, it is not as good as This pair of young men and women.

Especially this handsome, unspoken man, who looks young and polite, but the awe-inspiring spirit that inadvertently reveals between his gestures is definitely the temperament that can be cultivated by the person who has been in the top killing and making decisions for a long time. Most people can't imitate it at all.

   "Haha, it turns out that Shuyou Chen and Shuyou Yue are here to watch the ceremony."

The Buqiu people kept making friends and took the initiative to ask for help. They said with enthusiasm: "If this is the case, how about going with you? I have been to the Qiuzhi Academy three times and participated in the entrance examination. Regarding the many scenic spots here, and the rules of the academy, They all have a good understanding, can be a guide, how about?"

   Lin Beichen glanced at Yue Hongxiang, nodded and said: "It is better to be respectful than to obey, then I will trouble Mo Shuyou."

   A few people went together.

   Buqiu is from a good background, with four guards and a small book boy.

   The little book boy is called ‘Little Tail’. He looks eleven or twelve years old, carrying a bookcase, wearing a blue short robe, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a tiger-headed brain, which is quite exciting and cute.

The Buqiu people led the way, along the way, every time they visited a scenic spot, they would introduce its origins and origins, and they would export into chapters. They were quite knowledgeable. They are worthy of being practitioners of the Doctor’s Path. It is like a mobile hard disk with a large space for walking, and the stored knowledge can be accessed at any time.

   "This place is called Zuo Wang Ya, and it is the place where Mr. [Book Emperor] Korayama Yingquan forgets himself in his studies and achieved the throne of the emperor. Now it is still haunting the emperor's prestige and never completely dissipated."

  "Chen Shuyou, please look at it. This place is called Morning Reading Terrace. It is a place where several great doctors such as Li Yiqing, Zhuo Feiqing, Linghu Shenyi, etc. of the Qiuzhi Academy got up early to study before they became teachers. It is said that studying here is more effective..."

   "Haha, it's interesting here. It was the foot-washing place when the masters of Ph.D. Taoism passed by. It is now called'Zhuzutan'. Later students can bathe here and feel the aura of the sages."

"The tall building in front is the famous [Old Book Building] of the galaxy. It is also the largest place for reading, tasting and lodging before entering the'learning area' of the Academy of Knowledge. Before, we could only stop here. Whether it is a large family, an empire, or a high-ranking official of the Human Race Council, they can only stay here, and cannot enter the study area..."

   Buqiuren said, leading the two of Lin Beichen to this [Old Book Building].

  The building is one hundred stories high.

   Like a book page.

   One page book is one floor.

   Under the wind and rain, the facade of the old book building was a bit dirty when picked up, with moss growing and green vines climbing.

At first glance, it seems to be a huge old book placed here and left to be beaten by wind and rain. It exudes a breath of vicissitudes and ancient times, but it has a unique charm, just like no matter how ancient knowledge is There are the same areas where it is applicable.

The sages who built this old book building hope that all future generations who want to enter the School of Knowledge to learn spiritual practice, when they see the old book building, think of their respect and pursuit of knowledge, don’t forget their original intentions, and don’t forget their own Mastered knowledge.

   The building is towering.

   At the door, there are welcoming guests wearing special scholar robes. They are young men and women with good temperament.

"Many of the service staff in the old book building are part-time students of the Qiuzhi College. The so-called reading materials are indispensable. The Qiuzhi College not only preaches and solves the puzzles of karma, but also advocates that the colleges enter the world and understand the ordinary life in the mundane world. Its philosophy does not exclude doing business. It is hoped that students can be self-sufficient while studying..."

   Buqiu people talk freely and know everything well.

   By this time, Lin Beichen was already full of affection for the Academy of Knowledge, and had great awe for the sages of the Academy of Knowledge.

   At least in terms of philosophy, the School of Knowledge is called the light of the human race. Many of the ideas are inexplicably compatible with the earth, and Lin Beichen suddenly has a strong sense of substitution.

   "This is the time when the entrance examination is being opened. There are too many customers. At the moment, this [Old Book Building] is already full of customers. I don't know if Chen Shuyou and Yue Shuyou have booked rooms in advance?"

   Buqiu asked curiously.

   Lin Beichen was startled.

   Need to book accommodation in advance?

   He shook his head, and said: "Me and Junior Sister really just passed by, so I didn't make a reservation."

   "This way..."

Buqiu groaned slightly, and said, "I booked it in advance, but only three rooms were booked, which is just enough for our group to stay...Let's go and ask, Xiaotail, but there is more. The room can be checked in."

   "Okay, Master."

   The tiger-headed bookboy's little tail, like a bouncy ball, carried a small bookbox, hopped up the steps and entered the check-in lobby to ask questions.

   Buqiu people accompanied Lin Beichen and the two people, joking outside the gate, and talking about some interesting things in the School of Knowledge.

At this moment-

   "Huh? Isn't this a book friend?"

   A shrill woman's voice came, and said, "Do you still remember Bu Shuyou?"

   When I came the last few times, I got acquainted with a supervisor in the old bookstore, and I was quite affectionate.


It's really a big chapter.

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