But seeing three or five young scholars walking along.

   It was one of the female scholars who was talking. She was tall, with a beautiful face, peach blossoms in her eyes, and a sharper voice, but her appearance was indeed outstanding.

   Next to him, there were a few male scholars who were all handsome and well-dressed young men. They must come from the wealthy.

   "It turned out to be Shuyou Qiao."

   Buqiuren saw the peach-eyed woman, her complexion changed slightly, and she secretly said bitterness.

It turns out that this female scholar named Qiao Biyi is an old acquaintance with him. The most important thing is that this woman has always had a bad reputation among male students, but she has been pursuing him hard since she met during the entrance examination last year. Once chasing him for most of the galaxy, Bu Qiuren has always been stubborn, but he was forced by repeated threats. In the end, it was his master who came forward and discussed with the elders of the Qiao family.

   This time I came to participate in the open-door entrance examination of the Academy of Knowledge, but the Buqiu people were lightly dressed and simple, in order to avoid these troubles.

   I didn't expect that it was really the enemy of Lu Zhai, and I met this female enemy again.

  Oops, I'm going to be entangled again.

   Buqiu's heart is bitter, and he is about to say something sternly.

   "Bu Shuyou, who is this?"

   Qiao Biyi's gaze fell on Lin Beichen's body, and he couldn't move away at once.

   "Oh, this is my new book friend Chen Beilin, this is Yue Hongxiang book friend."

   Buqiu introduced it absently, and without waiting for Qiao Biyi to say anything, he said directly: "Shuyou Qiao, I suddenly remembered that I still have an elder who has not visited before, so I'm leaving."

   hand in hand to leave.

   Qiao Biyi casually said: "Okay, okay, then you go."

   Buqiuren was startled.

   Only then did he notice that Qiao Biyi stared at Lin Beichen with peachy eyes, the spring water on his face was about to flood.

   Empathy, don’t fall in love?

   He suddenly realized something.

   "If this is the case, then I will really go."

   Buqiuren coughed lightly.

"let's go."

   Qiao Biyi waved his hand impatiently.

   Buqiuren: "???"

However, although…

   What's the matter with such an unpleasant feeling.

   He had to walk out slowly, and then suddenly said: "Ah, I remembered, Little Tail asked about the reservation, but I haven't come back yet... I'll wait."

   "Chen Shuyou, lucky to meet."

   Qiao Biyi bowed his hand to Lin Beichen and said with a smile: "Under the [Shushan] student Qiao Biyi, [Shushan Saint] Qiao Fu is my sister... dear."

My father is Li Gang.

   Lin Beichen has seen a lot of girls who have weak legs and don't know the way when they see themselves. He smiled slightly and said, "Happy meeting."

   Qiao Biyi just felt that he fell into Lin Beichen's pear vortex all at once.

   My God.

   How could there be such a handsome man in the world.

   "I just came to say hello when I saw Buqiu's book friend, but I didn't expect to be able to meet someone like Chen Shuyou. It's really my luck... Did Chen Shuyou also come to participate in the opening entrance examination of the Academy of Knowledge?"

   Qiao Biyi turned into a female licking dog, and came up with an unreserved wild output.

   Lin Beichen shook his head, and said: "I'm here to accompany the younger sister to see the excitement, and I'm not a monk in the line of Doctor Dao."


   Qiao Biyi was overjoyed when he heard that.

   It turns out that this person next to Chen Beilin is not his girlfriend, but a younger sister?

   Then you can be a little relieved.

   "I am very familiar with several tutors in the college, and Shushan and the School for Knowledge also have a lot of cooperation. If Chen Shuyou needs to introduce tutors, he can always find me, and he will be happy to follow."

   Qiao Biyi smiled and handed over a small jasper book-like ornament, and said: "This is my Qiao family's token. Please accept it by Chen Shuyou."

   fog grass.

   sent the letter directly?

   Bu Qiuren was dumbfounded, and suddenly felt a bit heartbroken.

   He obviously wanted to reject Qiao Biyi who was thousands of miles away, and he wished to stop seeing this woman in this life, but now Qiao Biyi has clearly shifted his interest, why did he suddenly feel a strong discomfort?

   Lin Beichen was not polite, accepting the Biyu Booklet, and said, "Thank you so much."

   fog grass.

   Do you take it now?

   Isn't a beautiful man reserved at all?

   Buqiu people are even more heartbroken.

   Qiao Biyi smiled openly.

A boy book friend next to    was a little unhappy, and said, "Senior Qiao, this booklet jade pendant is a treasure given to you by the teacher. How can you give it to someone who doesn't know the details?"

   "Yes, senpai, beware of being deceived."

   "Hehe, who knows if this Chen Shuyou has undergone plastic surgery? How can there be such a perfect face in the world."

   The other two male scholars also spoke to help.

  Qiao Biyi Liu Ye raised his eyebrows and was about to curse.

Lin Beichen smiled faintly, stopped, and said: "Forget it, don't worry about them. I see a lot of this kind of scenes. Every time a beautiful girl strikes up a conversation with me, their male partner will feel uncomfortable. The way is to be handsome is to be easily rejected by the same sex. I'm used to it... Well, maybe being handsome is the original sin."

   fog grass.

   Buqiuren and the other three scholars suddenly felt language weakness.

   This is too Versailles.

   But there is no way to refute it.

  Because what people stated seems to be a fact.

While    was talking, the book boy's little tail bounced back and said in a simple voice: "Master, there are no more rooms."

   Buqiu people looked at Lin Beichen and said, "Chen Shuyou, if you don’t dislike it, I can vacate a room..."

"I can too."

   Qiao Biyi looked at Lin Beichen with peachy eyes and said: "It's really not possible. Chen Shuyou squeezed with me, I am also willing."

   Lin Beichen said, you squeeze a squeeze, is it a serious squeeze?

  Although I am a scumbag, Miss Joe, your degree of openness is one of the best in the nightclub on the earth.

   "How can this be."

   Another scholar named Jiang Nan'an quickly said: "Senior sister, if this kind of thing is known to the teacher, you will be furious."

   Qiao Biyi smiled and said: "Oh, I got it, you are so annoying, I'm just kidding, why don't you guys contribute your rooms and let Chen Shuyou move in."

   A few people on the south bank of the river suddenly became angry. Even if they were dead and jumped from the ‘Old Book Building’, it’s absolutely impossible to give the room they reserved to this little white face.

"Senior sister, it’s not that we don’t want to let the room. You don’t know. The rules of the old bookstore are very strict. You must be a registered guest to be eligible to enter. It is absolutely not allowed to transfer rooms privately and stay with outsiders. Otherwise, once It was known by the hotel that even we would have to be kicked out at that time.” Another scholar named Tong Wudi quickly explained.

   "Since there is no room, this book friend is still light."

   The eyes of Lin Beichen on the south bank of the river are full of undisguised threats, hints and rejection: you are not welcome here, don't find yourself uncomfortable here.

   Lin Beichen ignored it directly.

   can't live here, he doesn't care.

   But this time I brought classmate Yue Hongxiang around.

   How can I admit counsel in front of a female classmate.

   I don’t believe that I can’t come out of a room because of the millions of gold on my brother’s body.

   "Master, why not let me ask again."

   At this time, Wang Fengliu, who looked like an entourage, said: "I just remembered that there was a friend who was familiar with him. He might be able to go to some reserved rooms when he works in this old book building."


   Jiang Nan'an and Tong Wudi both laughed.

Jiang Nan'an scornfully issued the ridicule that a villain should have, and said: "Even if your friend is the head of the housekeeping department of this old bookstore, it is useless. Rules are rules. It is impossible to change for anyone. The most disgusting people in the School of Knowledge are those who do not do their best to break the rules."

   Wang Fengliu didn't excuse him. After obtaining Lin Beichen's consent, he turned around and entered the old book building lobby.

   Yue Hongxiang leaned close to Lin Beichen and whispered: "Or let's change to a restaurant."

   "Hehe, yes, you should change the restaurant as soon as possible, after all, this old bookstore, not everyone can live in, since it is to watch the excitement, please be self-conscious and don't try to compete with the candidates for residence."

   Tong Wudi's language is a bit acrid.

   "Enough for you two."

   Qiaobi yelled irritably, and said, "Get out of here, I don't want to see you again."

   "Senior sister, are we wrong?"

   "Senior sister, don't be angry, we are also for Chen Shu to be friendly, otherwise it will be even worse to be expelled for breaking the rules for a while."

   Facing the angry beauties, a few male scholars immediately dipped their heads, and quickly explained with a smile.

   "Huh? Nan'an, is that your brother?"

   Tong Wudi's face suddenly showed surprise, and he pointed to a person at the entrance of the old book building and said loudly.

   "Yes, it's really my brother."

   Jiangnan'an also noticed, and quickly waved loudly: "Brother, I am here..."

   A young man dressed in a school uniform for learning and wearing a square scarf turned around and saw a smile on his face. He walked slowly and said, "Brother, are these all your friends?"

Jiang Nanan said: "Brother, this is the senior sister Qiao I mentioned with you, one of our Shushan's outstanding students of the year, this is my book friend Tong Wudi... As for this one," he glanced at Lin. Bei Chen said: "I don't know him very well, but he has a big tone. He said that he has old friends in the old book building and he can cut in to book a room. He was showing off here just now."

   said, and introduced to Qiao Biyi and others: "This is my brother Jiang Nanchao. Three years ago, the eighteenth in the entrance examination of the Qiuzhi Academy."


   "18th place? It's terrible."

   Tong Wudi and Butiuren suddenly turned into absolutely competent supporters.

   But they were shocked, and they didn't know the fake.

  Knowledge Academy recruits students for the entire universe, and its influence is invincible in the entire Tear Mole galaxy. Being able to enter the top eighteen in an open entrance exam is simply a genius like a monster.

   Entrance scores like this signify that you can definitely graduate successfully in the future. Promoting to the bachelor's degree is a certainty, and even becoming a master is not impossible.


   A true genius!

   Several people around looked at Jiang Nanchao's gaze, and immediately put on awe and admiration.

   "Tide in the south of the Yangtze River."

The young student was polite and introduced himself to everyone, saying: "Some achievements, I dare not mention the courage of the year. In the academy for knowledge, there are geniuses gathered. I have been in the academy for three years and I am just an unknown person. If you are I played well in this recruitment exam and will surely be comparable to me in the future."

As he said, he smiled and nodded to Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang, quite gentle and honest: "This book friend may not know the situation of the old book building. Under the jurisdiction of the Academic Affairs Office, the college always pays attention to rules and does not allow special cases. Therefore, it is impossible to cut in line to book rooms when you know acquaintances. This book friend, if there are relatives and friends on duty in the old book building, my suggestion is not to make such a request, because It will cause trouble to your relatives and friends, and in the end it will affect the relationship between you."

   This Jiangnan tide looks like a twenty-four or five-year-old. He speaks and does everything without leaking. He is also very gentle, without any arrogance, and gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

   "Hey, do you hear me?"

   Jiangnan Bank became proud, and said: "Chen Shuyou, this is the wisdom to behave in the world, you, there is a long way to go, study hard."

   Compared with my brother, Jiangnan'an is seven years younger, obviously a lot more frivolous and impetuous.

   "I think you have misunderstood."

Yue Hongxiang, who had never spoken, suddenly said: "Brother did not say that he can cut in line to book a room, even if he said it, it is because it is the first time here that I don’t understand the rules here. This is not something worth ridiculing. Since several scholars are hard-studied and knowledgeable, why are they so aggressive and mean? I see, your books have not really been read in place."

   Lin Beichen looked at Yue Hongxiang in surprise.

   This is the first time she speaks so aggressively.

   is to ‘protect’ oneself.

   Lin Beichen was full of joy.

   Jiangnan Chao hurriedly bowed his hands to apologize, saying: "My brother is young and ignorant, and his cultivation is not in place. There are many offenses and offenses between words. As a brother, I am here to apologize to both of you. Forgive me."

   "No need."

   Yue Hongxiang doesn't appreciate it.

   She looked angry, like a female animal guarding her cub.

   Qiao Biyi also intervened and said, "That is, Jiang Nanan, Tong Wudi, you learn more from the Nanchao seniors. It is too narrow-minded. I look down on you guys like you who are self-righteous and have no mind at all."

Jiang Nanchao glanced at Yue Hongxiang, then smiled and said, "In fact, the hotel outside the academy is not just the'Old Book House', but there are also several other good ones. If you need a place to live, you can...Huh? Teacher Fang, what are you doing? coming?"

   When he was halfway through the conversation, he suddenly saw Fang Zhili, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, hurriedly approaching, and hurriedly walked up to salute.

Fang Zhili is a senior at the School of Knowledge, a star-studded instructor, using the words'high position' and'high morals' to describe it. It is definitely not excessive at all, whether it is knowledge, character, or realm cultivation. , Are one of the few existences in the entire academy of knowledge, and one of the most trusted right-hand men of the [Book Emperor] Dean, and has a very high influence in the entire Tear Mole galaxy.

   Although Jiang Nanchao is a well-known genius, he dared not be the slightest negligence in the face of such a giant, so he immediately went forward to salute.

   At the same time, other students and examinees who recognized Fang Zhili's identity immediately bent over and saluted, and looked extremely respectful.

   Outside the noisy old book building, it suddenly became quiet.

   One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, everyone bends over to salute the white-haired elder who came in a hurry.

   A group of people bend over, like the wind blowing rice ears, a large area is lowered.

   "Teacher Fang, what are you..."

   Jiangnan Chao said: "Learning is the chief steward on duty in the old book building today. You seem to have something urgent. Can I help you?"

   Fang Zhili, a gentle and approachable person on weekdays, didn't even look at Jiang Nanchao at this time. Instead, he glanced at Lin Beichen and said, "Are you Lin...Chen Beilin classmate?"

   There was a slight tremor between the voices.

   Jiangnan tide was suddenly stunned.

Lin Beichen felt strange, secretly saying that the name Chen Beilin was made up temporarily by me. This person seems to have a high status and almost called out my real name at once. He looks so respectful, as if he had seen a long-lost relative. Like a son... what's going on?

   "It's under."

   Lin Beichen replied, saying: "The old man knows me?"

   "I know... your parents."

   Fang Zhili took a deep breath, looked at Lin Beichen's body, and there was already a stormy sea in his heart. The more he looked at it, the more he felt like it. Apart from that, who else could have such a celestial posture?

   "Little friend, this is not a place to talk."

   He made an inviting gesture and said, "Please come with me."

   Lin Beichen hesitated slightly, and said, "Also."

  On the old man's body, what he felt was a deep concern and hidden excitement, without the slightest malice.

   can rest assured to follow.

   "Senior Jiang, Shuyou Qiao, Shuyou Mo, I'm leaving now."

   Lin Beichen bowed his hands to the other people who were dumbfounded, and left with Yue Hongxiang and Fang Zhili.

   Fang walked away a few steps, suddenly seemed to realize something, stopped, looked at the people at the entrance of the lobby, gently waved his sleeves, and said: "Forget what happened just now."

   An invisible mysterious force radiated, covering the people around who were bent over, passing the hair of everyone like a breeze, and then disappeared without a trace.

   There was a dull color on the faces of everyone, and they slowly raised their heads, wondering in their hearts: Strange, why did I bow just now?

   Something seems to have happened.

   But I don’t remember exactly what it is.

   There are only Jiang Nan Chao, Jiang Nan An, Qiao Biyi and others, and I don't know if Fang Zhili was intentional and was not affected by this force, so I did not forget what happened just now.

   In a blink of an eye, Lin Beichen and others entered the lobby of the ‘Old Book Building’ and disappeared in the distance.

"What exactly is going on?"

   Jiangnan Chao was shocked all over his face.

   The noise around    has been restored.

   The crowd became bustling again, as if nothing had happened.

   But the memory is so clear that he saw the respected Fang Zhili instructor, who seemed to be like a servant, respecting Chen Beilin.

  ...What happened?

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