Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1604: challenge

"Brother, the teacher just now..."

   Jiangnan Bank tentatively asked.

   Jiangnan Chao slowly spit out a suffocating breath, and asked solemnly: "Honestly, who is this Chen Beilin book friend just now?"

   The south bank of the river looked towards the Buqiu people.

   Buqiu people hesitated and said: "This... is just a strange book friend I met by chance. I don't know his origin. I said that he happened to be passing by, and it happened at the right time, so I came to join in the fun...Senior Jiang, what's wrong?"

   "No, very wrong."

Jiangnan'an is not the kind of nerd who studies hard. On the contrary, he is very transparent. He has a deep understanding of human relationships and sophistication. He said: "The elder in the academy is the authority second only to the dean of the academy. The director of the Academic Affairs Office is highly respected. In the entire Tear Mole Galaxy, he is also one of the few big people. The chairperson of the parliament is his guest. The general councillors do not even have the qualifications to meet. Can determine the future of a genius-level student... [Bitter Zhou] Mr. Fang Zhili, you should have heard of it."

   Jiangnan'an, Buqiuren, Tong Wudi, and Qiao Biyi listened to them, and they were shocked and inexplicable.

   turned out to be this big boss.

   In Qiao Biyi's eyes, there was a peachy glow.

  Ah, not only is he handsome, but he has a good background...Is there really such a perfect person in the world?


   Thinking of something, she was a little frustrated again.

   When Chen Beilin left, he didn't even glance at himself.

   "This Chen Shuyou is not easy. It is a great opportunity for you to be able to make friends with him. Next time you meet him, be polite. If you can be a friend, be a friend. Don't offend him if you can't be a friend."

   Jiangnan Chao had a thorough understanding of the world, and he could see clearly, after a few words of warning, he turned and left.

   You look at me, and I look at you, the other people are full of mixed flavors.

   Buqiu thought about the process of communicating with Chen Beilin, and he was relieved for a long time. Fortunately, he was very polite, very enthusiastic, and polite throughout the process.

   At the same time, I also have some expectations in my heart. I have to think of a way to "encounter" Chen Beilin again as soon as possible to further close the relationship.



   Old Book House.

   The top-floor sky-size VIP suite.

   "The original teacher Fang has a cooperative relationship with [Sword of Revival]."

  Lin Beichen suddenly realized, "No seems that this time I was looking for [Sword of Revival] to cooperate, and I really found the right person."

   Fang Zhili's excitement in his heart at this time has been contained.

  Waiting for this day is really too long.

  It was so long that he himself thought that he could not wait for this day before his life was exhausted.

   "The old man and the founder of [Renaissance Sword] had a relationship and reached a cooperative relationship."

Fang Zhili smiled, and said: "In the old book building, there will always be noble guests of [Sword of Revival]. This top suite is kept. It will never be open to the public during weekdays. Young Master Lin can live here at will. The longer you live, the better. If you want to participate in the open entrance examination, the old man can now apply for admission tickets for the young and old."

   Lin Beichen said: "The old man is polite, I have no plans to be admitted to the hospital, and there are other important things, and I will leave soon."

   Fang Li's face showed regret.

   Lin Beichen said again: "However, my friend, I want to borrow and study books on the art of the sky formation in the academy, I don’t know..."

   "Yes, you can, absolutely no problem."

   Fang Zhili said immediately: "Student Yue wants to join the academy, or to borrow. The old man also has a certain understanding of the sky formation technique. If Yue does not dislike him, he can come to the old man at any time."

   Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang looked at each other.

   School for Knowledge is worthy of being the No. 1 Ph.D. sacred place in the Mole Mole galaxy. The tutor is so approachable and willing to support the younger generation.

   is really the light of the human race.

Lin Beichen remembered the purpose of his trip, and took the opportunity to ask: "Next time, there is one more thing, to find a book friend named Qin Lianshen, she will probably also come to participate in the open mountain entrance examination, I don’t know. Can Mr. Fang check for me, has she already signed up?"

   Fang Zhili showed a weird color on his face, and said, "Is this God Qin Lian actually a friend of Young Master Lin?"

   Lin Beichen's heart moved, and said: "Listening to Mr. Fang, it seems that you know Shuyou Qin?"

   "More than knowing."

Fang Zhili smiled, and said: "This God of Qin Lian is now in the tearful realm star, everyone knows, no one knows, he is already famous, and he is considered to be the top three in the opening of the school for seeking knowledge this time. Popular candidate."

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

   deserves to be a big wife.

   No matter where he goes, he is the protagonist.

   can bloom with unparalleled brilliance.


   Fang lied and said: "This Qin candidate, the recent reviews are not very good, he is regarded as a public enemy by many candidates, and he is targeted everywhere. Now within the scope of this question, I am afraid that it is difficult to walk."


  A sharp light flashed in Lin Beichen's eyes, and said: "What's the matter?"

Fang Zhili raised his hand and stroked his beard, and slowly said: "This is a long story. The old lady sent someone to investigate. Qin Lianshen was born in an unnamed college outside of the Mole of Tears galaxy. He is not a local. The galaxy has suffered some rejection. Speaking of it, the reading atmosphere in the Tear Mole galaxy has been a little turbid in the past century, and the schools, academies, and colleges in the galaxy have begun to clump together. But Young Master Lin, your Qin friend, with a strong personality and hard-line behavior, came to the Mole Mole galaxy and was refused several visits to school. Later, you simply started a new generation of students who challenged universities and academies. Beginning a month ago, today, the ultimate, challenged a total of 721 people, without a single defeat, sensationalized the entire Tear Mole galaxy, and at the same time became the public enemy of various universities."

   Lin Beichen listened, and couldn't help being stunned for three seconds.

   Awesome Glass.

   The priest of Qin deserves to be a strange woman who used to'be in the dust, not far to become a god', and deserves to be an unworldly arrogant who slaughtered gods with the power of mortals.

   Is this a person who beat all the young scholars of the Mole Mole galaxy to find teeth?

How did you do it?

   Lin Beichen didn't understand, but was shocked.

"The reason why the academy's opening entrance examination has attracted attention from all parties is that the alien genius Qin Lianshen forced various colleges, universities and academies to send their top geniuses out of the mountain. In the opening of the entrance examination, blocking Qin Lian, defending the glory of the scholars of the Tear Mole galaxy, even the old dean was alarmed, and it happened to take this opportunity to recruit a few direct disciples from this group of top geniuses. "

  Speaking of this, Fang Zhili smiled and said, "Even the old man is also moved and is preparing to recruit a closed disciple."

   Yue Hongxiang asked: "The old gentleman said Qin... Sister Qin is struggling near Wendao Mountain. What do you mean by that?"

Fang Zhili said, "All colleges, universities, and academies are united to talk. No one is allowed to make it easy with Qin Lian Shen. Qin candidates came to Wendao Mountain and couldn’t find a place to stay, and they couldn’t find a place to study. No place to study, or even people with smiley faces...All places refuse to serve her, all people refuse to talk to her, cannot get the real exam questions over the years, cannot know the college tutors in advance...In short, they are rejected everywhere. Rejection everywhere, this kind of situation, thinking about it, feels pitiful."


   Lin Beichen gritted his teeth.

   This **** geographical discrimination.

   However, sister Qin's style of doing things this time seems to be a bit hasty.

   was a good fight, but it did offend all parties.

Yue Hongxiang asked again: "Does the Qiuzhi Academy not come forward to coordinate this kind of thing? After all, sister Qin is studying for thousands of miles, and she has also proven her ability and talent. For such talented scholars, even if she doesn't give considerable preferential treatment. , At least we have to give some respect."

Fang Zhili said: "The School of Knowledge is not only about learning, but also needs insight into the world. The old dean is very optimistic about Qin Lianshen, but the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold, and the edge of the sword is sharpened. The instructors also want to take a look. Facing such a desperate situation, how did God Qin Lian fight back."

Oh shit.

   It’s not too much of a crowd to watch the excitement.

   Lin Beichen curled his lips.

   You want to inspect students, I don't care.

   But my woman, I have to hurt.

   "Xiao Wang, send someone to investigate immediately, where is Qin Lian Shen now, after finding out, come and sue me quickly."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   Wang Fengliu didn't dare to neglect, so he went to do it immediately.

   Fang Zhili saw this, and he also had cares in his heart.

   It seems that the relationship between this God of Qin Lian and Young Master Lin is extraordinary.

   Then the attitude of the Qiuzhi Academy towards Qin Lianshen will need to be adjusted.

   after a moment.

   Wang Fengliu had the results of the investigation.

   Lin Beichen couldn't wait, so he got up and said, "Mr. Fang, if you have something important to go out, goodbye."

   Fang Zhili smiled and got up to say goodbye.

   "I suddenly remembered that there is still a set of formations that could not be deconstructed."

   Yue Hongxiang lit a Ladies Camellia cigarette and said, "I'm not going."

   Lin Beichen vaguely understood something, nodded, and said: "Okay."

   Yue Hongxiang returned to her room.

   Lin Beichen led Wang Feng out of the suite compound.

   The Tianzhao top-level suite in the old book building is actually a ternary courtyard.

Outside the courtyard gate, there are ten other Tian-style suites, which are not enough compared to this one, but they are a lot worse. They are all single courtyards with three bedrooms, compared with Lin Beichen's ternary ten-room courtyard. It's more than a star and a half.

   Here Lin Beichen has just left the house, and a few young scholars and men also walked out in a courtyard opposite.

The first person is a beautiful woman, tall, graceful, plump but not plump, and a pale blue scholar robe is rather loose, but it is difficult to conceal the grace of her figure. She wears a square scarf on her head. The standard uniform of a certain academy, but even so, it is difficult to conceal its exquisite beauty, like a jade carved from a piece of flawless jade, full of scholarly nobleness.

   The woman is surrounded by others, just like the proud girl of heaven.


   She also found Lin Beichen for the first time, and she felt that there was a sun shining in front of her. For a moment, Lin Beichen and Wang Fengliu had already left.

   "Who was that just now?"

   The woman frowned and asked.

   "I have never seen it before."

   "Looking at the face."

   "Murong-senpai, are you interested in this person?"

   "I can live in the Tianzi courtyard of the old book building, I am afraid that the background is not simple."

   Other people talked about it.

Murong Tianjue said: "Did you not notice? The boy walked out of Tianzi No.1 courtyard. As far as I know, this courtyard is the top residence in the old school building. It has never been open to the public. It was the dean of the academy and the principal-level figure of the academy who came here and couldn't live in... This is the first time I have seen someone walk out of this courtyard."

   The other male and female students were startled.

   Someone said: "Maybe the staff of the old bookstore, entering the courtyard for maintenance?"

   Murong Tianjue nodded, and said, "There is such a possibility... By the way, has the whereabouts of God Qin Lian really been found?"

   "I found it, I'm hiding in the straw hat broken temple."

   A female student gloated with misfortune and said: "No one dared to take her in the thousands of shops and restaurants in Wendaoshan. It is said that she is drinking mountain spring water and eating leftovers."

   "Let's go, let's go and meet her for a while."

   Murong Tianjue nodded and said, "Just remind this unruly guy and show her a way."



   asked Daoshan, one kilometer southwest of the parking lot.

   The straw hat temple, which has been dilapidated for hundreds of years, is hidden among the green mountains and green waters.

   This is an ancient temple with a long history. The incense has been cut off. Now only some broken walls remain, broken stone statues and collapsed stone walls, covered with moss and green vines.

   After all, this is the site of the Doctor’s Taoist Holy Land Seeking Knowledge Academy. Everyone respects the realm of knowledge. Without the soil for the spread of religion, the temple is naturally ruined.

   It is usually off the beaten track here.

   At this time, it was full of people.

   Hundreds of young male and female students gathered outside the dilapidated temple, pointing and talking about something.

   inside the temple.

   The mountain spring is tickling.

   A beautiful woman in a moon-white robe lit a bonfire under the old idol, sitting on the rock, holding a book in her hand, and reading quietly.

   This picture seems to be an exquisite painting.

A boy and a girl with two little book boys, they all look like eight or nine years old, clutching a small hair bun, wearing blue shirts and blue pants, one is sorting book boxes, the other is washing rice and cooking. .

   Surrounded by so many people, the two little guys are not timid at all, and they are still doing their own things in an orderly manner.

   "Hey, there is almost no rice to cook."

   "I blame you, it's so edible."

   "I'm growing up, what's wrong with eating more, Sister Qin doesn't eat anyway."

   "Hey, these people are too bad, Sister Qin has no place to take a bath for three or four days."

   "This is nothing, these bad guys still want to drive Sister Qin away."

   The two little book boys talked in a low voice.

At this moment, someone walked in from the broken door, stood in the courtyard, and said loudly, "God Qin Lian, you have a thick skin, don't you want to leave? Wendao Mountain doesn't welcome you, and everyone despises you. If I were you, I would have escaped for the first time, instead of staying here to be annoying."

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