"I heard that the corpse of the'Black Stone Emperor' fell into the hands of Commander Lin?"

  【Book Emperor】Korayama Yingquan asked again.

   Lin Beichen nodded and admitted.

  [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan said: "Can you let me have a look?"

  What do you see about the corpse?

   Is it because you want to see how your old opponent is dead?

   Lin Beichen thought so in his heart, but he didn't pick and search. From the [Xunlei] cloud space, he summoned the corpse of the'Black Stone Emperor' and placed it in front of him.

   After such a long time of death, the black stone emperor's expression is still very peaceful.

   just keep sitting cross-legged forever.

   Lin Beichen tried to break.

   But it turns out that the corpse of the emperor is also the emperor, and it is terrifyingly hard. Lin Beichen tried his best to not even break the legs of the ‘Black Stone Emperor’.

   Seeing the corpse of the'Black Stone Emperor', [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan's expression became a little more solemn.

   She straightened up slowly, sliding her fingers slightly, writing something in the air.

In the next instant, a series of pale silver writings, like a chain, floated out of her fingertips, whizzed out, wrapped around the body of the'Black Stone Emperor', like a silver snake, after a few weeks. , Actually got in directly from the nostrils of the corpse of the'Black Stone Emperor'...


   Is this to torture the corpse even if you die?

   A quiet girl, her heart is so wild.

   Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but slander in his heart.

   But it didn't stop it either.

   After a while, [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan's complexion became paler.

   Her fingers trembled, but she persisted in performing the secret technique.

   The silver little snake finally got back from the corpse of the'Black Stone Emperor', and the light returned dimly into her palm.

   "It is indeed dead."

[Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan panted slightly, and said, "It's just that the state of death is also too weird. The body shell is intact, without the slightest scar, but the spirit is completely dissipated from nothingness. I am afraid that when he died, I don’t even know that death is coming..."

   It turned out that she was confirming whether the "Black Stone Emperor" was really dead.

   This kind of caution is indeed necessary.

   Because in the prehistoric universe, it is extremely difficult for the emperor to fall.

   The vitality of the creatures in the Emperor Realm is too strong and powerful.

   Sometimes it may seem like death, but in fact it contains a hint of life. Once the right miracle is encountered, it is very likely to come back from death.

   Lin Beichen reacted, [Book Emperor] is for his own good.

   However, she didn't know that she actually turned it on and she had confirmed it a long time ago.

  The breathing gradually calmed down, and [Book Emperor] Korayama Yingquan asked curiously: "Dashuai Lin, what method did you use to kill the'Black Stone Emperor'?"

   Obviously, for her, this method is beyond the scope of knowledge and belongs to the super-program problem.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and said: "Poison in the wine."

   There is no shame in this, anyway, "Black Stone Emperor" had to drink it himself.

"In this world, there is indeed a very poisonous poison that can kill the emperor, but as far as I know, its effect is different from the death symptoms of the'Blackstone Emperor'... I didn't expect that Young Master Lin was also a poisonous expert. "

  【Book Emperor】Kongshan Yingquan sighed.

As the emperor of Ph.D., his understanding of the knowledge of this primordial universe has reached an unprecedented level, but she did not expect that there are poisons outside of her knowledge that can solve a powerful person of the Holy Physique so easily. .

   "Actually, this'Black Stone Emperor' is also a hard-working man."

[Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan sighed, and said: "This person was born outside the Tear Mole galaxy at the beginning. He was born with a heterogeneous bloodline, and his cultivation talent is extremely high, especially in the first bloodline. He had an unparalleled talent on the way of refining the body. At that time, he came to the Tear Mole galaxy, and he was very energetic. He fell in love with Qiao Miaoyi, the female chief of the "Shushan" at the time, and was very emotional. It can be described as a pair of golden boys and girls , Just because of being too arrogant, there were several conflicts with Qiao Miaoyi’s suitors, which gradually aroused the dissatisfaction of the scholars of the whole Tear Mole galaxy, and each of them used some methods in the fight, so that this person gradually became Public enemies of the colleges..."


   Start telling stories?

   Lin Beichen pricked his ears and listened carefully.

   Who doesn't like gossip?

Just listen to Kongshan Yingquan continue: "At that time, someone secretly took action and calculated the'Black Stone Emperor', which caused him to have brain problems and was split in spirit. Under misunderstanding, he actually personally injured Qiao Miaoyi seriously..."


   Lin Beichen exclaimed in his heart.

   It turned out that the so-called ‘Evil Destiny’ of ‘Black Stone Emperor’ was actually such a thing.

"Qiao Miaoyi's love for the'Black Stone Emperor' at the time was also deeply rooted. Even though he was seriously injured and dying, I still begged me to let him go, and conceal the truth of the matter, and to protect his life, everyone thought that Qiao Miaoyi died of The enemy’s calculations are actually..."

   "Hey,'Black Stone Emperor' was expelled from the Tear Mole Galaxy. Later, he was favored by the Wild Ancient Clan, changed his blood variant, and became a member of the Wild Ancient Clan..."

   "He has always wanted revenge, as everyone knows, the murderer of the one he loves is himself."

   "Now, it's a relief."

"You can poison him so easily. If I'm right, your poison should be aimed at mental power, and quietly detonated the ills in the spiritual world of the'Black Stone Emperor'. This is also his long-destined fate. Bar."

   said a lot in one breath, [Book Emperor] began to breathe again.

   Obviously, her condition is really bad.

   "Then Qiao Miaoyi, are you familiar with your Majesty?"

   Lin Beichen, as a qualified melon-eater, naturally knows that by asking questions at the right time, he can continue to arouse the other party's desire to share gossip.

   "She is one of my few friends."

  【Book Emperor】Kongshan Yingquan's face showed a trace of nostalgia.

   Then she changed the topic, and said, "Dashuai Lin may not know yet, what a heaven-defying treasure this complete Emperor's body is. Can the Dashuai have a way to manipulate this thing in his hands?"


   Lin Beichen was taken aback, and quickly said: "No, please give me some advice."

[Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan pondered briefly, and said: "The spirit of this'Black Stone Emperor' has died out, and the flesh remains forever. His sword is invulnerable to water and fire. It is comparable to any alchemy treasure, as long as you find it to control it. If you refine the method into a clone, you will instantly have the power of the emperor realm."

   Refining the clone?

   Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

   There is this kind of operation.

   The more he thought about it, the more excited he got.

   An emperor clone, coupled with the ability of the [Magic Camera], can change into a different person and do a lot of lawless things. It is really abnormal enough, and a little thought will make you tremble with excitement.

   Fortunately, he was thinking before, how to lick the bag and search for the baby on the corpse, ignoring the value of the body itself, and almost made the stupid thing of buying a pine and returning a pearl.

   "I don't understand the technique of refining clones."

   Lin Beichen looked at [Book Emperor] expectantly, and said: "I wonder if your Majesty can enlighten me?"

  【Book Emperor】Kongshan Yingquan also doesn't sell Guanzi, saying: "I do master this technique."

   taught Lin Beichen a secret technique of'transforming the body outside the body' on the spot.


   Lin Beichen exclaimed loudly after listening.

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