Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1631: Days without holidays

Does Lin Beichen understand?


  As a scumbag, he is worthy of his identity all the time.

  【Book Emperor】Is the secret technique taught, how ordinary is it?

   Maybe only the enchanting evildoer like Lord Qin can understand and comprehend it all over again.

   After all, she can learn her opponent's secret skills in a fight with her opponent.

   But Lin Beichen is not completely ignorant.

   I didn’t understand the profound meaning part, but I understood a little bit of the application power of the clone.

   The so-called clone is not creating a new self out of thin air.

   is to control a new body.

   Cultivating clone magical powers, the biggest problem lies in the source of the new body.

   Generally speaking, the combat power and level of the clone must be stronger than the self, or at least have some special identity positioning, it has the meaning of refining the clone.

   But the new source of body is a huge difficulty.

   takes a lot of time and effort to create.

   And the real martial arts powerhouse will not spend huge time, energy and financial resources to do this kind of things that delay the self-cultivation, just like taking off your pants and farting will always be laughed at.

   In a word, the average person will lose more than the gain by refining the clone.

   But for Lin Beichen, who owns a perfect imperial realm body, it can be regarded as easy.

   "The commander has realized it?"

  【Book Emperor】Korayama Yingyue was moved by this ‘wonder’, and asked in surprise.

   Lin Beichen nodded naturally.

   "I understood nine out of ten...Thank you, Your Majesty, for the magical magic."

   said, he closed his eyes and carefully ‘realized’.

   was actually in my mind, summoning the mobile phone, and silently began to install the [Body Transformation] APP formed in the death mobile phone.

   How simple.

   For a gangster, there is no need to comprehend anything by yourself.

   just need to open the hook.

   Use the mobile phone to record the process of [Book Emperor] Sorayama Yingquan explaining this magical power, and then the mobile phone will directly form the corresponding APP in the mobile phone as Ding Sanshi taught [Basic Swordsmanship Close Three Links].

   The size of this [Body Transformation] APP is not big, only about 10G.

   For Lin Beichen today, this flow is just sprinkling water.

   He directly downloads, installs, and then runs.

   This is a spiritual skill.

   Fortunately, Lin Beichen's mental power has been made up for by the last [Rise of the Sword Fairy Army] KEEP accidental acceleration mission, so it can be fully displayed.

   After a cup of tea time.

   "Ah, I realized it."

   Lin Beichen opened his eyes in surprise.

   At the same time, the "Black Stone Emperor" sitting on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.

   The two looked at each other.

A smile appeared on   's face.



   Lin Beichen and "Black Stone Emperor" both laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"why are you laughing?"

   "Don't talk like me."

   "Don't talk like me."



"I see."

"I see."

   It was like a parrot learning tongue, Lin Beichen said something, "Black Stone Emperor" would learn something, and his voice and expression were exactly the same.

   Lin Beichen jumped up directly and did some radio gymnastics movements.

   "Black Stone Emperor" is also completely imitated.

   is like an imitating robot.

   [Book Emperor] Kong Shan Yingquan was shocked when he saw this scene.

   deserves to be that person.

   This kind of comprehension and cultivation speed are simply unprecedented and terrifying.

   A moment of effort.

   Lin Beichen has thoroughly mastered the technique of ‘distraction outside the body’.

   also completely controlled the body of'Black Stone Emperor'.

   Only then did he realize what a huge opportunity he had gotten.

   The strength of the body, the vigorous vitality, and the high essence of life of the'Black Stone Emperor' are beyond imagination.

   Controlling this clone, Lin Beichen felt that he could blast a planet with one punch.

   "Meet the master."

   ‘Black Stone Emperor’ gradually recovered his old tone and demeanor, but under Lin Beichen’s control, he bowed his salute in a proper manner, as if he had been resurrected.

   Lin Beichen originally wanted to use [Magic Camera] to change the appearance of "Black Stone Emperor", but after thinking about it, he did not perform it in front of [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan.

   With a thought, he put away the perfect clone.

   "Excuse me, Marshal, do you know the ancient clan?"

  【Book Emperor】Squeeze down the surprise of Lin Beichen's talent in his heart, and then start the topic.

   Lin Beichen nodded and said, "I know a little bit."

   is already an old enemy.

"The commander must know that the'Black Stone Emperor' is one of the emperors of the Wild Ancient Clan, and is also the core emperor of the Wild Ancient Group. At the beginning, they spent a lot of resources to cultivate the'Black Stone Emperor', which is an important strategy. Chess piece, now that you have killed the'Black Stone Emperor', the Desolate Ancient Race will never give up."

[Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan's complexion became serious, and he warned quite solemnly, saying: "I will try my best to block the news here, but it can only be delayed. I can't completely isolate the ancients from the prying eyes. I hope you will be handsome. You have prepared early to deal with the revenge of the Wild Ancient Race. Although this race is still a human race, it has the potential to break away, and it is famously retributable. Don't be careless."

   "If you have more debts, don't worry about it. If you have more lice, you won't be afraid of itching."

Lin Beichen said indifferently: "I and the ancient clan are in an unending situation. I have killed several of its strong men and destroyed many of their good deeds. Moreover, they collected specimens of the sacred emperor's bloodline, and I was immortal... hey, They are looking for trouble with me, and I want to kill them."

   Very ambitious.

[Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan secretly praised "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", and also popularized some settings about the deserted ancient tribe. Seeing that Lin Beichen has clearly understood the terrible of the deserted ancient tribe and did not have the heart to underestimate the enemy, so It will no longer be wordy.

   Unknowingly, the topic turned to the main priest Qin.

"This woman is a genius born for the Ph.D. I have never seen such a stunning junior... If there is really someone in this world who can touch the'light of the ancestor,' someone can really reproduce the doctor. The brilliance of the Dao line, then this person must be God Qin Lian."

   Speaking of the Qin priest, [Book Emperor] Kuangshan Yingquan's tone became cheerful, and the words were full of admiration, and there was even light in his eyes, which made it hard to conceal the excitement in his heart.

   If she releases the recruitment of new disciples this time, why not have a glimmer of hope, wanting to find a young man who can inherit her mantle, and keep her Ph.D. line.

  Who knew that you would encounter such a heavenly wizard.

   Exceeded expectations.

   "I really doubt whether she is the reincarnation of the former ancestor."

[Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan said: "It's just a pity that I met her too late. If I met her for ten years, I can help her achieve the emperor within a hundred years. During the holiday, everything that follows will have to be explored on her own."

   A century-old emperor?

   Lin Beichen didn't feel shocked after hearing this.

   After all, he himself had become a star king in less than a year.

   But if someone else knows, I'm afraid they will be shocked by the panties.

  Lin Beichen looked at [Book Emperor]'s air and breath, and said: "Your Majesty’s injury, is there really no cure for it? There are some adventures in your Majesty, and there are many elixir in his body. Maybe he can fight for his majesty's fate?"

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