Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1640: Riding the Thunder

"It's so beautiful."

  Lin Beichen looked at the flames ahead and exclaimed: "The orange light shining on the stars is like the reincarnation of life. It really makes me poetic, ah, this is a shot of justice..."

   The others looked at him together.

   The power of this gun is a bit amazing.

   Raising his hand, directly annihilated a star fleet.

   deserves to be the emperor.

After the orange light disappeared, some shattered hulls remained in the outer starry sky of the explosion area.

   The few red nightmare orcs who have not yet died are struggling and wailing, the blood in their bodies floating and flowing...

   "Look, no matter how sturdy and ferocious they were, when they are about to die, they will still cry for mercy... Orcs, if they are killed, they will die."

   Lin Beichen made a summary.

   Orcs will die if they are killed.

   A very reasonable nonsense.

   But it was such a nonsense that made [Handsome Sword Fairy] some warriors who were deterred by the hideous features of the orcs, the traces of anxiety in their hearts vanished instantly.

   Lin Beichen drew out the long sword between Wang Fengliu's waist, pointed forward, and said: "Chong, kill it."


  【Handsome Sword Fairy】Accelerated instantly, rushing towards the enemy camp like lightning.

   Everyone's blood boiled over.


On the opposite side of   , beams of beams of light came in dense bombardment.

   But the defensive array shield on the [Handsome Sword Fairy] is absolutely top-notch.

   Even if it is held up frontally, it just stirs up waves, and it is completely safe in a short time.

   But over time, if the energy is insufficient, it will be breached.

   Therefore, a quick fight must be made.

   The purpose of this battle is to pierce through the Red Nightmare orcs' army and to penetrate this fragment of stone meteorite belt, not to kill the enemy, so...

   Lin Beichen thought about it in his heart, and had a care.


   The throttle engine roared.

   Lin Beichen directly summoned his own Zongshen 250 motorcycle.

  He rode up, swinging a sword in his hand: "I'll clear the way...Little King, you come to command the starship and follow me."

   The accelerator is stepped on.

   The motor roars.

   For everyone, they can't see the big motorcycle at all, but they can feel the roar of Lin Beichen.

   Is this the aura of the Emperor Killer?

  Wang Fengliu standing behind, only felt a strange heat sprayed his face.


   Young Master’s momentum is strong, why is it only moving in one direction, and it still has a peculiar burning smell?

   Just when everyone thought that Lin Beichen was going to attack, he suddenly remembered something and said: "No, I almost forgot about the big thing..."

   Everyone was startled.

   Just watch Lin Beichen take out a very strange white helmet and put it on his head.

   The whole person suddenly looked mysterious.

   "I almost forgot to wear a helmet... Article 51 of the Road Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that motorcycle drivers must wear a helmet to travel, otherwise it is illegal."


   The motorcycle roared, and the exhaust gas sprayed the faces of everyone behind.

   In the next instant, he turned into a black streamer and rushed out of the starship.

   Wang Fengliu saw this and hurriedly shouted: "Master, my sword, my sword..."

   But Lin Beichen had already rushed out in a weird posture, and it was too late to return.

   "Haha, cool."

   Lin Beichen galloped in a vacuum, and seemed to have found the pleasure of riding a 256-jin old sow in his childhood between heaven and wild.

   This Zongshen 250 was repurchased after the system was upgraded.

  Leveraged domestic products, the light of domestic products.

   The speed is so fast that it super entertains the starship in the normal speeding state.

   Lin Beichen holds a hand with one hand and a sword in one hand. He feels like a young white-robed general who charged into battle in ancient times.

   Unfortunately, there was no question from Prime Minister Cao on the other side, "Come and leave your name."

   Young Master Lin thought for a while, and directly lost whose sword in his hand he didn't know where it came from.

   Then summoned a giant sword sword from [Baidu Netdisk]...

The image of    seems to fit better.

   "Those who block me die."

   Young Master Lin sent out an energy wave, and then plunged into the outer battleship camp of the Red Nightmare Orc's gravel star belt.

   In the next instant, the disaster of the Red Nightmare Orcs came.

   A hundred-meter-long silver sword light criss-crossed like lightning, passing by.

The orc bone starships were like butter slashed by a hot knife. They broke from the middle in an instant, and then there was a terrible explosion due to the destruction and disorder of the formation and prohibition, causing the ordinary orc warriors on the ship to be caught off guard. Numerous casualties.

   Less than twenty breaths, Lin Beichen rode solo and penetrated the outer starship camp.

   [Handsome Sword Fairy] followed closely, unimpeded, relaxed, not tight at all.

   Everyone on the deck was surprised.

   We didn’t do anything, so we entered and passed?

   is too easy.

   The starship camp of the Red Nightmare Orcs is too slack.

   In the next instant, the [Handsome Sword Fairy] rushed into the gravel meteor belt.

  The young white-robed general Lin Beichen wielded a forty-meter-long sword and slashed continuously.

   The sword light flickered.

   is like a ninja cutting fruit, directly chopping up pieces of meteorites of different sizes.

   "Stop him."

   "Hurry up and stop him."

   The Red Nightmare orcs are roaring and roaring.

  They didn't expect that the silver starship of the human race that came single-handedly would be so powerful.

Especially this white-robed human swordsman, with his legs slightly bent like a bizarre posture like riding a straddle, he didn’t ride anything at all, and his movements were not conducive to running, but his speed was as fast as light. The enemy of one.

   "Who went with me to kill this person?"

Ten thousand meters away, on a giant brown meteorite, the 20-meter-tall Red Nightmare Orc'Blood-Swallowing War Department' commander Fair, exuding a terrifying violent aura, his eyes flashed with scarlet sharp light, and said: "Ben Shuai rewarded him with one thousand human slaves, ten thousand yuan in the wild, and a 49th-level alchemy battle axe."

   There were more than twenty figures standing beside him.

   are the most powerful fighters in the "Blood Swallowing War Department".

   "Marshal, I'll go."

  [Broken Heart and Blood Axe] Gu Lun knelt on one knee to beg for orders.

   "Well, Gu Lun will definitely be able to kill this bold human race."

   Fair nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Quick battle and quick decision."

   "The handsome, rest assured, I will use the most cruel way to torture this **** human race."

   Gu Lun is confident and authentic.

With a height of 19 meters, his skin is reddish like blood stained with a metallic color. He has cultivated the Red Nightmare fighting spirit to the 50th-tier Douwang-level peak, which is the star-king-level peak based on the cultivation level of the human race. , Coupled with the natural copper-skinned, iron-boned and tough flesh of the Red Nightmare Orc, it can be called a battlefield terrifying beast. It has created a mythical record of killing a human star on the battlefield frontally.

   He jumped, turned into a streamer, and rushed to the battlefield ahead.

   "Hehe, there are very few human prey, which can arouse General Gu Lun's interest."

   "Yeah, today I can finally witness the horror of the heartbreaking axe again."

   "The human white robe is bound to die."

   The orc warlords of the "Blood Swallowing War Department" are also very confident in Gu Lun.

   Commander Fair smiled and slowly stroked his beard.

   The next moment.

   The first part of the body is different.

   The Terran warrior in a white robe and a strange white helmet only used one comb to chop [Star-Breaking Blood Axe] Gu Lun into two pieces.

  It is as easy as a farmer cutting a piece of grass with a sickle.

   And the pair of scarlet axe directly became the spoils of human white robe.

I saw the man throw away the slashed giant blade in his hand, a blood-colored giant axe in one hand, turning like a fan, becoming more and more violent and brutal. It was a bison rushing into the wheat meadow, trampling everything cruelly and mercilessly.

   The complexions of Fair and the other Red Nightmare Orc warlords solidified in an instant.

"not good."

   Someone suddenly exclaimed and said, "That guy is coming here."

   I saw the human race in the white robe and blood axe, and there was a thunderous roar from underneath the buttocks, as fast as lightning, shooting towards this giant meteorite.

   "He came for this handsome."

   A sneer appeared in Fair's eyes, and said: "I want to kill this commander, hehehehe..."

   He chuckles, a biting chill like black ice.

   stood quietly on the spot, the dark cyan tattoo pattern on the blood-colored skin, faintly flowing, the huge body was like a **** of death, staring at the white robe of the human race driving the thunder in the distance.

   Killing intent, boiling like boiling water.

   Everyone's Red Nightmare Orc warlord, the strong, could not help but slowly retreat.

   They knew that the handsome man was angry.

   How terrible is an angry Red Nightmare Orc Star?

   There was once a human world star who did such a stupid thing, which angered Marshal Fair.

  The consequence is...

   In the wild universe, since then, a star has been killed, hundreds of millions of dead souls have been added, and 60 million human beings who have been tortured and frozen to death on the death star.

far away.

  The white robe of the human race is approaching.

   Five kilometers...

  Three kilometers...

   two kilometers...

   five hundred meters...

   His speed is extremely fast.

Wherever    passed, everything that was wrinkled within a hundred meters on the way forward turned into fly ash and dissipated.

   On the way he charged, he didn't do anything, he could stop the slightest.

  Three hundred meters...

   one hundred meters...


   In the sound of breaking, the human white robe leaped up like a god, and the blood axe in his hand smashed into the sky.

   The blood is thick.

   Bai Guangqing.

   In the white light and blood light, the human white robe rushed down.


  'Blood Swallowing War Department' commander Fair, a giant scimitar suddenly appeared in his hand.

   The scimitar bends like a long moon.

   Under this scimitar, I don't know how many human race powerhouses have died.

Whether it is the old man or the young Tianjiao, those strong men who have created the myth of human martial arts, under this scimitar, have become the past, become ashes, become blood water, become stepping stones, and are fulfilled.' The blood-swallowing marshal' Fair's famous name.

Ding.   Weapon attack.


   Weapon staggered.

   Sparks sputtered, shining on everyone's faces indefinitely.


   In the whistling of air, the streamer flashed.

   The next moment, the figure staggered.

   The picture is not still.

  The human white robe still drives the thunder light and gallops away...

   The Red Nightmare Orcs didn't even react to what happened. The fight just now was too fast, and the changes between the electric light and flint were beyond their ability to capture.

   "Marshal, that man escaped."

   "Marshal, do you want to chase... Huh?"

   Someone asked loudly for instructions, but the voice changed abruptly, with an unbelievable voice.


   The huge head of "Blood Swallowing Marshal" Feil rolled off his neck.

   The incision on the neck is extremely smooth.


   Blood gushes out from the wound fault like a fountain.

   Marshal is dead? !

   All the strong Red Nightmare orcs on the stage, their pupils contracted, their eyeballs shook wildly, and their mind went blank.

   is just a match.

   Invincible, fierce and unparalleled, the Marshal Fair, who raised his hand to destroy the stars, was beheaded?

   They could hardly believe what they saw with their eyes.

   But the next moment, with a bang, Fair's huge body also fell heavily, causing a shock.

   is over.

   These two words popped up in the minds of all the Scarlet Nightmare Orc warlords.

   During the Galaxy War, the significance of the top powerhouse being in charge is self-evident.

   Once the coach dies in battle and loses the top power, the military spirit will instantly collapse, the morale of the war department will drop, and then they will lose themselves without fighting.

   But before they could react, they heard the thunder roaring in their ears again.

   is that human white robe.

   He... actually killed him again?

   "Fight, revenge for the commander..."

   The Red Nightmare Orc Fighting King named Modo gritted his teeth.

   But the voice did not fall.

   The blood flashed.

   His head just rolled off.

   Lin Beichen jumped off the motorcycle, reached the body of Commander Fair, and touched it up and down.

   I charged too fast just now and forgot to touch the corpse and lick the bag.

   "Is he your boss?"

   Lin Beichen asked as he touched, "Do you have any treasures, Marshal?"

   After the Red Nightmare Orc generals were slightly taken aback, they roared together, roared, and attacked Lin Beichen.

  The characteristic of being fierce and not afraid of death, in these Red Nightmare Orc warlords, the performance is vividly and vividly, knowing that they are not Lin Beichen's opponents, they still rushed crazy...

   This is their nature.

   Brutal and aggressive.

   Crazy and tyrannical.

   licked Lin Beichen in the bag casually.

   bang bang bang.

   These Douwang and Doujun-level powerhouses all fell and flew out like scarecrows.

   They were about to split their bodies, the fighting energy in their bodies was shaken away, and they had cultivated ten but no two.

   "Leave you alive and pass on my fame."

   Lin Beichen's gaze was sharp, and his momentum was wild: "Listen well, my name is... Yuwen Xiuxian."

   The voice did not fall.


   Zongshen 250 took the thunder away.


   followed by the [Handsome Sword Fairy] whistling away.

   The entire ‘Blood Swallowing War Department’ defense zone has been completely disintegrated, like a tightly woven net of heaven and earth, instantly torn apart a crack, no matter what, it is no longer possible to fish.



   "Quickly retreat with the commander."

   Lin Tao was covered in blood, desperately covering Han Shangxiang back.

Han Shangxiang, the commander of the Nianxiang War Department [Xing Rui's Spear], was already in a semi-comatose state. It broke into two pieces with a click, and was thrown by him casually, and the two Star King-rank soldiers of the Nianxiang War Department were nailed to death in the void.

   quasi emperor.

   Lin Tao never dreamed that his uneasy premonition actually originated from this.

  The ancient clan sent a cross-star emperor-level powerhouse to support the Three Great Wars of the Red Nightmare Orcs.

Moreover, this star emperor is very insidious. He has always been hidden in the dark. When the commander of the violent and violent wars and Han Shangxiang are defeated, he suddenly shot and severely injured Han Shangxiang with a single blow. The victory was in sight. The battle situation fell down in an instant...

   "Hehe, let's stay."

The young white-clothed Xiu Ling Xu came with a smile and said: "I heard that Han Shangxiang, the commander of the Nianxiang War Department, is a famous beauty in the Beichen Military Group, or the disciple of the Supreme Commander who controls the profound meaning of time, ha ha. …Stay and be a foot warmer for me."

  He is arrogant.

   is also cruel.

   A famous Nianxiang warrior, desperately blocking, wanted to buy time for the evacuation of his own commander, but he couldn't even get close, so he turned into a rain of blood.


Two in one, good night everyone.

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