Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1641: Out to work

Han Shangxiang wanted to force his true energy to fight again.

   but can't stand anymore.

   The loyal guard soldier helped her back frantically.

  Some people kept rushing up, trying to block the middle-aged celebrity on the opposite side with flesh and blood, but they were killed in an instant, turned into a **** storm, and the stumps and arms flew out randomly...

   Han Shangxiang's heart is dripping blood.

   At the same time, a huge question emerged in her heart.

   There is a crosshair emperor in the ‘Torrent Legion’, why didn’t the Supreme Commander notice it beforehand?

   This kind of strategic deployment should not be concealed from the supreme commander's calculation.

   Huge anxiety came to my heart.

   If there is no back player, then the entire army will be wiped out this time.

   She struggled to stand up, and said: "After this commander is broken, all the brothers...retreat and retreat quickly. This is a military order."

   The defeat is set.

   It is necessary to save these great sons around him, to save vitality for the human race, and not all of them can be buried here.

   "Hehehe, as expected of [Xingrui's Spear], I was able to stand up even after being hit by my "Sky Splitting Hand"."

The middle-aged Xiu Shi stepped into the air with a smile on his face, and a horrible aura surged. Many soldiers of the Nianxiang Zhanbu, even if they burned their lives and souls, could not deceive them into the 20 or 30 meters in front of them, and turned into nothingness. Blood mist and powder.

   "Nice, nice, very interesting training object, haha, little girl, stay."

  The middle-aged celebrity raised his hand and grabbed it.

  The terrifying force surged, everything within a kilometer of a radius was frozen, locked by the crosshair emperor-class Qi machine, unable to move, as if it had been applied with a hold technique.

   In front of the emperor class, everything is ants.

  The hand of the middle-aged celebrity grabbed Han Shangxiang.

   Seeing that the general situation is set.

at this time--


   A strange thunder roar came from the direction of the two big Red Nightmare orcs camps fiercely and violently from behind.

   That is a very strange sound.

   seems to be some kind of fierce beast from **** roaring.

   is also mixed with a very peculiar musical melody, which seems to give people a peculiar increase in power: "The vast horizon is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the continuous green hills..."

   How this voice echoes in the stars is beyond explanation.

   But it has mysterious power.

   Immediately afterwards, a rush of alarm bells rang.

   "Someone rushed to camp."

   "Human race is here to kill."

   A burst of roar, roaring and crying sounded endlessly.

   I saw the Red Nightmare orc army instantly plunged into chaos.

   Looking from a distance, it seems that there is a peerless red and white blade, passing by like a meteor, tearing apart the world mercilessly.

   The white-clothed Xiushi frowned slightly, and turned to look in the direction from the sound of thunder.

   Such a change does not move his heartstrings.

   The powerful strength brought him high confidence, and he didn't even take the shot to capture Han Shangxiang first.

   He sensed it slightly, and he realized that the red and white thunder light in the distance was a star monarch-level human race powerhouse.

   Star King?

   There was a hint of sarcasm on the face of the white-clothed Xiu Shi.

   "Hehe, is this the back hand assigned by your omnipotent Supreme Commander?"

   He looked at Han Shangxiang and said, "A sudden formation of a star-level character?"

   Han Shangxiang only felt that the Qi machine covering his whole body had dispersed, and he could speak.

   But she didn't say anything, but also looked towards the source of the chaos in the orc camp.

   Star King class?

   Is this the boss' arrangement?

   There was a glimmer of hope in my heart.

   The arrangement of the handsome, there are rarely mistakes.

   This time, it won’t be right?

   But there are some questions in her heart.

  According to her understanding, the Supreme Commander’s use of troops rarely happens today where he reveals his cards only after he has suffered heavy losses. This is not his style.

   Is it just a coincidence?

   If it's the latter, it would be bad.

   The star-level powerhouse of the human race, don't fall into such a mortal situation.


  Quickly go.

   Get out of here quickly.

   Han Shangxiang opened his mouth and drank, but couldn't make a sound.

   With a faint smile on her face, Xiushi in white clothes looked at her: "Don't worry, he has already noticed this and is coming..."

   Buzz rumbling.

   The deafening thunder quickly approached.

   White light flashed.

   I only saw a white robe warrior, in a strange riding posture, easily rushed through all obstacles, and came to a hundred meters away between the electric light and the fire.

   This white robe warrior is dressed in white, wearing a very delicate and fashionable white helmet on his head.

   Under the transparent glaze visor, a pair of eyes can be seen faintly as bright as the stars in the dark night.

  Han Shangxiang subconsciously felt that the owner of those eyes must be very young.


   The white robe war general made onomatopoeia in his mouth.

   Then, in a motion similar to a tail-flick, it suddenly stopped 50 meters away diagonally.

   The deafening thunder sound is much smaller, but it is still audible.


   Liuli visor was lifted.

   "Humans? Beichen Military Group?"

The eyes that are not covered by the visor are brighter and clearer, as charming as a clear spring, and his voice has a mellow and clear voice that is hard to reach by ordinary people. It is like another warm spring flowing in the heart, nourishing. There is an inexplicable desire for intimacy in the soul of your whole person.

   "Who are you?"

   The Xiushi in white looked up and down, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

   "Under the next ‘First Commander in the Wild,’ Yu Wen Xiuxian, do not accept any rebuttal."

  The white-robed warrior still maintained a neurotic, weird, void-riding posture, smiling and saying, "Which senior are you in the human race?"

   "He is not a human... he is an accomplice of the Scarlet Nightmare... an enemy."

  Han Shangxiang could finally speak, reminding loudly: "Hurry up...hurry up."

   "Oh? Enemy? Haha, it's okay, don't get involved."

'Woo Wen Soo Hyun' was not in a hurry, but took off his helmet in a leisurely manner, adjusted his hair style to the invisible rearview mirror, and directly struck out a big back, nodded in satisfaction, focusing on Han Shangxiang's body, revealing With a handsome smile, his eyes sparked, and he said, "Beauty, then who are you?"

   The other suppressed soldiers of the "Nianxiang Zhanbu" around, suddenly felt that their eyes suddenly shined.

   Under the white bizarre helmet, there is really a great head.

   Even the sight emperor around the white-clothed Xiushi was surprised for a moment.

   Such a look, more than handsome?

   There is such a handsome person in the world who looks like a fairy?

   As for Han Shangxiang?

   She was stunned.


   So handsome.

Rao is Han Shangxiang who has experienced hundreds of battles. He has walked out between life and death countless times, and his heart is as tough as profound ice. I don’t know how many young Junyans of the Beichen Military Group have refused to pursue. I want to fight for the great cause of the glory of the human race. I have never considered my personal feelings, or even regarded myself as a woman...

   But, at this moment, when she saw the appearance of this'Woo Wen Xiuxian', her atrium could not help but tremble suddenly, as if she was agitated by the electric current.

   A very strange feeling.

   "Beauty? Beauty?"

   Lin Beichen waved his hand, raised the volume, and said, "Hello? Are you okay?"

   "Huh? Oh... you go."

   Han Shangxiang came back to his senses, and said loudly: "This person is the front sight emperor, you go quickly."

  Han Shangxiang has been urging the other party to flee, and with the swift thunder rush just now, he may be able to escape the quasi-emperor-level chase.

   "Emperor Crosshair?"

  'Wu Wen Xiuxian' was shocked, and his gaze shifted to the white-clothed Xiu Shi again.

   Then his eyes gradually excited.

   "To be honest, I haven't seen a hot sight emperor alive yet."

   He looked up and down the white-clothed scholar, and asked with a stab: "Twenty-four bloodlines, which one do you cultivate?"

  Han Shangxiang: "……"

   This reaction was completely different from what she had imagined.

   The eyebrows of Xiushi in white also wrinkled slightly, and the expression in his eyes became sharp.

   He felt offended.

   didn't intend to answer, he raised his hand and snapped it suddenly.

   is like shooting an ant to death.

   The tumbling and turbulent Qi machine instantly revealed the power of the Emperor Crosshair.

   This is the power that can destroy the stars in one blow.


   There was a loud noise.

   The energy is surging.

   A hint of surprise appeared on the face of the white-robed Xiu Shi.


  'Wu Wen Xiuxian' was retreated several dozen meters.

"Oh shit……"

   He cursed and said: "You old man, you don't speak martial arts, and you attacked me, a handsome guy who is seventeen or eighteen years old."

  'Woo Wen Xiuxian' shook his palm, and the split flesh wound healed instantly.

   In front of the crosshair emperor, he is still no opponent.

   After all, any gadget, with the word ‘Emperor’, has power over all living beings.

   The unexpected color on the white Xiushi's face quickly faded.

His expression was pleasantly surprised, as if he would have a major gain, and said: "I didn't expect to meet a rising star of the human race today. It is really not bad to have such strength at a young age. If there are no accidents, you will become an emperor in the future, with a boundless future. ."

   "Old things, you have a bit of insight."

   ‘Woo Moon Soo Hyun’ smiled, proudly said: "I think so too."

   "Hehehe, it's a pity, you didn't become an emperor, you didn't succeed, you recently met my Wang Lun, and you are doomed to disaster."

   The white-robed celebrity said coldly: "Killing you is equivalent to cutting a ray of luck from the human race. It is a lot more rewarding than killing the group of ants in the'Nianxiang Warbu'. Hahaha, today is really my lucky day."

  Han Shangxiang was anxious on the side, winking vigorously and beckoning him to run away.

   "Hahaha, beauty, why do you keep winking at me?"

'Woo Man Soo Hyun' was not at all anxious, and said with a smile: "Even if you want to soothe me, you will score an occasion... Don't worry, wait a minute, I am a person who is greedy for money and lustful, and I am very upright. It's so soaking."

  Han Shangxiang: "……"

   You have a brain problem when you step on a horse, right?

   She found that she couldn't keep up with the thought and rhythm of this white-robed warrior.

   At this time, the [Handsome Sword Fairy] in the distance has also rushed to the front.

   The Red Nightmare orcs army, which is like a red tide, also rushed in, forming a siege.

   [Break] and [Brazil] The commanders of the two orc warheads also appeared to force them.

   All the human races were surrounded and surrounded by water.


   Han Shang's fragrance is urgent and speechless.

   How can this person be an embroidered pillow and a straw bag, a great escape opportunity is wasted.

   It's really inadequate and conspiracy.

   "Don't worry, although I am not an opponent of the emperor, but I have a little brother named Yu Wen Xiuer, killing the emperor is like killing a pig."

   ‘Woo Wen Xiuxian’ triumphantly said, turning his head and shouting into the air: "Brother, come out to work."

"Here I am."

   A figure that looked exactly the same as "Woo Wen Soo Hyun" appeared behind him.

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