In addition to shock, there was also unconcealed fear in the expression of'Tianweidi'.

   In fact, in many cases, the more arrogant and domineering person, the more lawless person. When he really encounters an existence that he cannot understand and cannot resist, he will be swallowed by fear in a shorter period of time.

   If the sky hates me, I dare not accept it.

   A sword soars the sky, I sleep in the galaxy for eight thousand years.

   What a crazy talk this is.

   But when the most relied upon "Deception Sword" fell into Lin Beichen's hands, he was timid faster than anyone else.

  The ancient emperors are so terrible?

   Sword Fairy?

   What kind of existence is that?

   The sword that can hurt me in the world?

   This tone sounds more compelling and bold than his ‘if the sky hates me, I dare not accept it’.

   is more artistic.

  'Tian Wei Di' has a sense of frustration that he is crushed in terms of pretending to be coercive.


   The sound of the sword ming became clearer and clearer.

  All the strong men present, as long as they use swords as their weapons, only feel that the long sword in their hands trembles endlessly, as if they are about to explode and fly out, and they seem to be worshipping and surrendering.

   The'Deception Sword' burst out of unprecedented power in Lin Beichen's hands.

   Black and white brilliance skyrocketed, and the invisible sword intent radiated like transparent flowing water.


   Kendo coercion.

   The realm of swords.

   This kind of momentum and boldness is even more terrifying than when the ‘Tianweidi’ urged this arrow before.

   The translucent sword intent circulates, flooding and rolling like endless rivers and seas, expanding, expanding, expanding...

   In the end, it seems to swallow the entire universe.

  'Tian Wei Di' is calm on the surface, but in his heart he is already terrified and unspeakable.

   "Senior is really unparalleled, is the sword immortal? Hehe, so what? I hate the emperor and act with one voice, and never bow to the stronger."

   He proudly raised his head, his face was tough and stubborn, and he was quite iron-clad.

However, before the others could react, he suddenly changed his tone, with a flattering smile on his face, and said loudly, "However, I have heard that the ancient emperor of the human race fought in the dark age and served as the queen of my human race. Back to open the world, prop up a living space, the predecessor is an old man, he must be a sage from the second era of destruction. Although I am unhappy, I also know that I respect the sages of the human race..."

   Having said that, he solemnly clasped his fists and saluted: "See seniors."

   Everyone: "..."

   Even Lin Beichen was a little confused by this show operation.

   This is a strong emperor.

Is    so showy?

   "Senior please forgive me for being rude..."

  'Tianweidi' borrowed the donkey from Po.

   "I'm sorry."

   Lin Beichen interrupted directly while touching the sword.

   "Hehe, senior said and laughed."

The expression of'Tianweidi' became more and more kind, saying: "The younger generation has always respected the ancient emperor, but he is the saint who made the world and saved my human race in the vast and dark age. He is the sage that the younger generation admires most in this life... Return the junior sabre."

   I just bow my head if I can't hit it.

   The opponent is an ancient emperor who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he is not ashamed to bow his head.

  He comforted himself madly in his heart.

   "This sword is related to me."

   Lin Beichen refused.

   I got sick when I went back.

   Such a good sword is as docile as a loyal licking dog, and it is still powerful. How can it be returned?

  'Tianweidi': "..."

   This horseman's claim of ingenuity is so refreshing and refined, what else can I say.

   "This sword is the result of the younger generation's hard work, it is the younger generation's beloved thing..."

   He wants to be moved with emotion.

   "This sword is related to me."

   Lin Beichen is like a ruthless and shameless repeater.   "But it belongs to the younger generation..."

  'Tianweidi' decided to fight again.

   "Wrong, to be precise, it belonged to you before."

   Lin Beichen interrupted directly, saying: "But now, it belongs to me."

   Actually, grabbing someone’s sword is the same as grabbing someone’s girlfriend.

   Lin Beichen is very good at such things.

  'Tian Wei Di' almost vomited blood in suffocation.

He is arrogant and domineering. He walks sideways wherever he goes. The strength of the Emperor Realm and the background of the ancient saints make few people dare to embarrass him-even many of the Emperor Realms whose strength is much higher than his. Stay away.

   Today is a blood loss.

   "Senior, here are the deserted ancient clan..."

   He decided to fight for one last time.

   In fact, regardless of whether it is an ordinary person or an emperor, the brain circuits of almost all intelligent creatures tend to be the same. Generally speaking, they will call them parents based on their background.

  'Tianweidi' decided to measure his identity.

   After all, even in the era of great destruction, the ancient clan had a great influence.

   But he forgot. As soon as Lin Beichen came out, he broke his history.

   "I have a great hatred with the ancient clan, since you are a member of the ancient clan, you should bear this cause and effect..."

   said, the "Heaven Deceptive Sword" in his hand condenses endless kendo murderous intent, slowly pointing towards the "Tian Wei Di".

   "Ah this...Senior, calm down, don't be impulsive. Today's prehistoric universe is an era of law. If you rashly punish the emperor, you will be convicted by the Human Race Council..."

  'Tianweidi' was shocked, only to feel that the unprecedented killing intent of kendo enveloped him, causing his body to split.

   He wants to turn around and run away.

   But the Black Stone Emperor clone was silently blocked behind him.

   The two emperors joined forces.

   For'Tian Wei Di,' the situation took a turn for the worse in an instant.

   "You were complacent just now, saying that you had mutilated a human quasi-emperor and made his body into a quasi-emperor soldier?"

   Lin Beichen held a sword in white clothes, walked slowly, approaching step by step, with a strong tone, and said every word: "Now... hand it over."

  'Tianweidi''s heart trembled.

   The opponent's strong aura, not only the breath of the Emperor Realm, but also the indisputable expression, made him feel frightened.

   "Senior, this is..."

   "I said: hand in-out-come!"

   "Senior, you..."

   "No, die."

   Lin Beichen was aggressive and didn't give him time to breathe.

   Tian is tired of emperor's cowardice even more.

   He had absolutely no courage to fight against a mysterious ancient emperor who took away his emperor by raising his hand.

   What's more, there is an emperor realm powerhouse of the ‘Holy Physique Dao’ beside the opponent.

   If the two emperors join hands, I am afraid that I will stay here today.

   After a little hesitation, he chose to hand over the ‘quasi-imperial soldier’.

It is a pair of silver armor, made of white bones, mixed with prehistoric gold, prehistoric silver, and various rare minerals, metals, braided silk, etc. The workmanship is extremely exquisite, floating in the void, and at first glance it looks like a A stunning beauty who hugs her chest and sleeps.

   Seeing this armor, Han Shangxiang's tears in the distance flowed down uncontrollably.

"get out."

   Lin Beichen raised his hand and said, "I think you are a descendant of the human race and still have a conscience. I will forgive you once."

   Black Stone Emperor clone slowly stepped away.


  'Tianweidi' turned into a streamer and fled away.

   until he escaped far enough, his voice came back far away.

   "Old things, I will come back."

   The voice of ‘Tianweidi’ shook in the starry sky: "I will definitely get back my own sword."

   In the military defense zone in the distance, everyone from the'Nianxiang Battle Department' stared blankly at the distant starry sky. For a while, they couldn't find a suitable word to describe the scene that just happened.

   Han Shangxiang gritted his teeth and said nothing.

   A huge question lingered in her heart at this time: He turned out to be an emperor?

   [Handsome Sword Fairy], Wang Fengliu and others let out a long sigh of relief.

  Wang Zhong is stroking his triangular beard, nodding insignificantly, a smile flicking across his eyes.

   Especially when his eyes saw the sword in Lin Beichen's hand, the smile deepened in his eyes.


   Guangchan jumped excitedly.

   Xiao Binggan glanced at it and jumped up.

   Then with a click, the deck under my feet was directly broken by these two guys.

   Seeing this scene, Wang Fengliu's eyelids jumped, his eyes dripping blood.

  Starry sky.

   Lin Beichen took back the breath of the emperor realm, feeling a little tired.

   urging imperial realm coercion requires the consumption of energy and blood, especially this kind of full urging, the most exhausting.

   Fortunately, it is realistic enough.

   There is no real imperial coercion, generally no difference.

   bluff people are indeed enough.

   This ‘Tian Wei Di’ is just a stern and savage generation, so he was taken away.

   If you encounter a real emperor, even if there is a clone of the Blackstone Emperor, there will be a hard fight.

   is the sword in my hand...

   Antique long sword, with the spine as the center line, divided into black and white on the left and right.

   Sword Swallow is ancient and simple, it is a relief statue of a flapping winged dragon. The hilt is like a fish body, with fine lines and scales. The blade is sharp and bursts out invisible sword energy.

   This is an emperor-level alchemy artifact.

   Although the rank position is not clear for the time being, for Lin Beichen, who just lacks a handy sword recently, it is nothing more than giving charcoal in the snow.

   A sense of intimacy came from the sword.

   The sword seems to have been channeled.

   The imprinted aura accumulated by'Tianweidi' for a long time has been eliminated and resolved by the sword spirit.

   It has already taken refuge in Lin Beichen'wholeheartedly'.

   betrayed thoroughly.

   "Can I really order Kendo?"

   Lin Beichen had a trace of speculation in his heart.

   This one can be forced to pretend today.

   But it seems that it is not just a pretense, but it is really possible.

   It seems that there is a chance in the future, so I have to try again.

  He waved casually.

   A sword aura visible to the naked eye was cut out for hundreds of miles, and a strange sword mark that has not dissipated for a long time was drawn in the starry sky.

   Some of the Scarlet Nightmare orcs who were still waiting in the distance were directly cut into blood fog.

   "Go fast, speed up."

  'Torrent Legion' commander Drenthe shouted, his expression frightened.

   But another sword qi burst through the air, whizzing past like a stream of light.

   The chariot and everyone in the chariot were swallowed up by the sword qi, directly cut into blood mist and boiled and exploded.

   ‘Starry Sky Torrent’ Drenthe, the quasi-emperor-level powerhouse of the Scarlet Nightmare Orcs, had no bones left, and fell completely.

   "Good sword."

   Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

   With the ‘Deception Sword’ in hand, he is invincible under the emperor realm.

   is a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse, and he can also raise his hand to destroy it.

   "I really hope I can meet'Tianwei Di' next time."

   Lin Beichen sighed with sincere emotion.

  He has a sincere liking for various couriers.

   He put away the black stone emperor clone, and put the "Deception Sword" into the "Baidu Netdisk", occupying most of the capacity.

   his figure moved.

   came to the asteroid fortress platform of the "Nenxiang Warbu".

   "See Master Yuwen."

   A group of Terran warlords saluted and thanked them for the first time.

   Han Shangxiang woke up like a dream, and his eyes looked at Lin Beichen brightly.

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