Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1652: Go out strategy

"I heard that you have looked for me many times."

   Lin Beichen looked down at Han Shangxiang, and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

   Han Shangxiang stopped talking.

   Apologizing for this kind of thing, naturally, you can't say it in person in front of so many subordinates.

   "This handsome wants to thank Master Yuwen face to face for his helping hand."

   She has a cold face but is still very polite and authentic.

   This is in line with her usual commander-in-chief style of being aloof and dominating everything.

   "Thank you in person?"

   Lin Beichen said: "How do you thank you?"

   Han Shangxiang: "..."

   How can this person chat so absolutely.

   "I just helped you beat an emperor from the ancient clan, how can you thank you?"

   Lin Beichen pressed harder step by step.

   Han Shangxiang was stunned for a while.

   She seems to really have nothing, she can take it out to satisfy an emperor realm powerhouse.

   Lin Beichen said again: "Also, I brought this armor back for you. How can you thank you?"

   Han Shangxiang felt a little dizzy.

At this time, I didn’t know which general of the Nianxiang War Department was next to him, and he said loudly: “My commander once swore that if anyone can help her retrieve this armor, whether it’s old, weak or sick, It is still the throne of some kind of birth, if it is a woman, it is considered that the elder sister will live with each other for life, if it is a man, she will marry, even if she is a concubine, she will be willing."


   Lin Beichen seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

   He stared at Han Shangxiang naked.

   The people around Nianxiang Zhanbu burst into laughter.

   Within the limited time of just a few appearances, Lin Beichen has won the recognition and respect of these soldiers.

   If others were so aggressive towards their coach, they would have rushed to chop him into mash.

   But if Young Master Yuwen can't beat him anyway, he is definitely worthy of his own coach, not as good as an adult.

   Han Shangxiang held this ‘Emperor Feather Neon Armor’ in his arms, tears rolling down his eyes.

   Although he was only five years old, the impression of that scene was too deep, and the yearning for her mother was increasing day by day, and she was harassing and tormenting her like a fire.

   Every time I think of my mother’s remains in the hands of the enemy, I can’t sleep at night.

   Today, this armor remains finally brought back.


   Han Shangxiang tears like rain.

   She hugged the ‘Emperor Feather Neon Armor’, as if holding her mother again.

Slightly suppressing her emotions, she raised her head and looked at Lin Beichen, and said: "I did swear, no matter who it is, if you can help me get back the remains of my mother, I will definitely agree with my body. Of course, Master Yuwen, you Don’t embarrass yourself... Even if you are your maid, waiting for you to dress and wash your feet, I have no complaints."

   She said that because she felt that the person in front of her was too good.

   Especially his beauty...

   He rolled the sheets with him, as if he had desecrated him.

   "Dashuai Han is overwhelmed."

Lin Beichen said sternly: "I'm in a human relationship to help you, and I can't see the domineering attitude of'Tianweidi'. I don't know such a vow, nor is it because of personal affair, how can I take advantage of the danger... Marshal, please be sorry, you still need your command in the battle of flying fish's arms."

  What is this called?

   This is called wanting to get caught.

   Han Shangxiang was startled, and immediately there was a trace of melancholy in his heart.

   "So, thank you Master Yuwen."

   She solemnly said: "No matter what, the adult’s kindness will be reported in the next. If there is any dispatch, I will definitely not hesitate."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said, "Then please save your useful body, protect my human race, and kill a few more orcs."




   sensed that there were no chasing soldiers behind, his heart hanging in his throat finally returned to his stomach.

   What is the supreme commander of the Beichen Military Group plotting? He even arranged two emperor-level powerhouses in a corner like flying fish's arms. Could it be that there is something big going on here?

  'Tian Wei Di' is puzzling.

   This matter, the elders in the saint clan, definitely don't know.

   must report back as soon as possible.

   Moreover, there is an ancient emperor in the Beichen Legion, which is a terrible signal.

   Most of the ancient emperors of the human race have been annihilated in the second era of great annihilation, and most of them were killed by the calculations of the deserted ancients. By now, they almost no longer exist in the world.

   But now, a ‘Sword Fairy’ popped up unexpectedly.

   At one thought, you can wave your hand to disarm others' swords.

  Even the imperial soldiers can't avoid it.

   How terrible is this?

   Such supernatural powers, isn’t it invincible?

This shows what?

   not only shows that there really are ancient emperors in this world, but also shows that the Beichen Legion has already got on the line with these remnants who should have disappeared in the old age, and they have been linked together.

   Behind the Beichen Legion, there is an overly terrifying force lurking.

   must attract enough attention.

   "But, just go back like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

  'Tian Wei Di' hesitated.

  The clan rules in the ancient clan are strict, and mistakes must be punished.

He has lost the Deceptive Sword, and has not been able to assist the Red Nightmare Orcs' Torrent Legion to regain the Flying Fish Arm Swirling Southwest Star Region-when he set out, he made a military order, and now he is going back griefly. To be held accountable.

   "I have to do something...Well, by the way, at least I have to ask the name of this'Sword Fairy' clearly, so I can explain to the elders when I go back."

   "Tian Wei Di" soon had an idea.

   He decided to go back.

   This time, I can approach quietly without revealing my breath.

   As long as it is not discovered by the "Sword Fairy", everything is not a problem.



  Purple Microstar District.

   Xuanxue **** godmother star "Nether of the Void".

   The altar of the gods.

   Void Temple.

   "The leader."

   Yubun Soo Hyun returned to the magic sect.

He asked in a puzzled manner: "I have won the trust of Sirius King and become the master of the dynasty. The power is in control. It does not take too long. The entire Sirius dynasty will become the world of the gods. Why is the leader? Call me back at this time?"

   Jianxue Wuming sits high on the Void God Seat.

She wears a snow-white long dress, outlines a tall crisp chest and a slender waist. Her white face is exquisite and beautiful, and her eyebrows carry the mighty majesty of a cloud monarch, perfect like a carefully carved master. Grade statue, exuding a palpitating coercion.

   Jianxue Wuming overlooked Yu Wen Xiuxian, and slowly said: "Your talents should not be wasted on a small Sirius dynasty. The vast starry sky is vast and you should become famous on a larger stage."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian suddenly felt a surge of heart, a little excited.

   This is the feeling of being recognized by the goddess in my heart.

   "Ask the lord for instructions."

   He said loudly and authentically, only feeling that his blood was boiling, and he was willing to go through fire and water.

Jian Xue nodded unnamed, a smile appeared on the beautiful face, and said: "Now the human race is decadent, the parliamentary system is nominal, the high-level corruption, the major galaxies are falling apart, the careerist rises, and the orcs are not willing to be oppressed by the human race again. , Chaos, the flames of war have been ignited, the war hymn has been completely starry, the gods have risen, and the opportunity for a shame has finally arrived... In the purple star area, except for the Sirius Road, the other stars are already my Profound Snow God The realm of teaching, the big plan of planting demons is almost complete. The people of my gods are everywhere. It is time to go out. You have more important tasks to complete."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian immediately showed excitement, thinking of something, and said: "Has the master's cultivation level recovered?"

   Jianxue nodded namelessly, and said, "70% recovered."

   Seventy percent?

   Yu Wen Soo Hyun is ecstatic.

   The master teacher's 70% cultivation base is enough to make the entire primordial universe tremble.

   The light of revival of the gods finally began to flicker.

   stepped out of the purple star area and returned to the central galaxy.

   This is the long-cherished wish of every Xuanxue **** teaches people.

  The blood and blood of the people of the gods, never dare to forget.

   In order to survive, they had to leave the central galaxy and hide here to survive.

   Now, the once king has returned.

   The Xuanxue God Cult should take back the glory that belongs to him, cut off the heads of those betrayers, and cut off the heads of those enemies, and hang them high in front of the void. Only then can it be regarded as the real peace of mind for the dead kings.

   "Your status as Zaifu in the Sirius Dynasty will be replaced by another clone."

Jian Xue Wuming continued: "The upstart Beichen Legion, now rising from the human race, is fighting fierce battles with the deserted ancient tribe and the Scarlet Nightmare Orc Empire. The northeastern part of the Mole Mole Galaxy, the southwestern part of the Tianyu Galaxy, and the flying fish, harp, and Tianchu in between. The three-armed spiral star area has become a battlefield. There is already extremely chaotic, and your task is to take this opportunity to enter the Fengyu Star Road in the Tianyu Galaxy, where there is a realm star named'Divine Breath'. In the hands of the Beichen Legion, you have to sneak into this world star smoothly, find an ancient Gorefiend altar above it, and light the holy fire on it."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian's heart shook, and said: "Yes."

   After a pause, he hesitated: "My lord, what is so special about this blood demon altar?"

   "Call the soul."

   When Jianxue Wuming uttered these two words, a sneer flashed in his eyes, hiding a deep color of hatred, flashing away like a comet.

   Woo Moon Soo Hyun sensed something, so she didn't dare to ask again.

   The former [Flower of Red Refinement] Li Yuxun became Yuwen Xiuxian’s assistant.

   Of course, Ye Qing'an, the human swordsman who licked everything in the past, is indispensable.



   "Master Yuwen, want to see the Supreme Commander?"

   A hint of surprise appeared in Han Shangxiang's eyes, and said, "What's the matter?"

   Lin Beichen picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and said mysteriously and secretly: "It's like saying something."


   Han Shangxiang's face flashed a bright red instantly, and he seemed to be a little flustered suddenly.

   But she quickly completed the facial expression management and returned to normal, pretending to inadvertently say: "What...what's private matter?"

   Lin Beichen didn't pay much attention, and said: " I say it, you will definitely think that I am offending, don't say it for the time being, you will know when the time comes."


   Han Meiren lowered her head: "In fact, you don't have to tell him about this kind of thing, I just need to agree to it."


   Lin Beichen was startled: "Can you be the lord of the supreme commander?"

   Han Meiren nodded and said, "This matter is okay."

   Lin Beichen was stunned.

  What's the matter, you, a small commander of the Nianxiang War Headquarters, still installed it with me here?

While    was talking, a guard officer came over quickly, leaned in Han Shangxiang's ear, and said something.

   Han Shangxiang stood up and said, "What... fell here."

   She glanced at Lin Beichen with a complicated expression, and said: "If there is something in the army, I will deal with it first. If you really want to see him, I will arrange it."

   finished speaking, hurried away.

   Lin Beichen was confused.

   It seems...what happened again?

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