The doubt in Lin Beichen's heart did not last long.

   Han Shangxiang hurried back.

   "The Supreme Commander wants to see you."

   There is a strange sentiment in her expression.


   Lin Beichen was startled, and immediately ecstatic, jumped up and said: "He is here?"

   Han Shangxiang glanced at him, turned around to lead the way, and said, "Yes, just arrived."

   Lin Beichen suddenly understood Han Shangxiang's previous reaction.

   It turned out that the Supreme Commander has arrived.

   Old Han!

   Lin Beichen's heart also began to excite.

   Are you finally going to see Old Han?

   He walked quickly to keep up, feeling a little surging.

   Han Shangxiang clearly sensed Lin Beichen's emotional changes, and turned around and said, "Don't be too nervous, he's easy to talk."

   "You don't understand, this is between us men."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   Han Shangxiang still wanted to talk, and finally lowered his head to lead the way, and said nothing else.

   Along the way, soldiers from the'Nianxiang Warbu' kept saluting the two.

   Lin Beichen keenly felt that the surrounding defensive forces had increased.

   There are extremely powerful warriors hidden in the dark.

   Along the way, I don't know how many vigilant gazes focused on him.

   For a moment, I arrived at the headquarters of the'Nianxiang Battle Department'.

At the door, standing on the left and the right are two burly figures covered in silver armor. Only a pair of eyes are exposed from the top and bottom of the whole body. Shocking.


   These two guards turned out to be Quasi-Emperor Rank.

   Lin Beichen's heart beat fiercely.

   This pomp.

   This posture.

   Old Han is now well developed.

   Even the guards are quasi emperors.


   In the future, we must keep Lao Han's thigh tightly from letting go.

   "Master Enlightenment, Master Yuwen brought it here."

   Han Shangxiang stood at the door to report.

   "Please come."

   There was a strong magnetic voice from inside the command post.

   Lin Beichen listened, feeling quite emotional, Lao Han has worked so hard, and his busy voice has become vicissitudes of life.

   Han Shangxiang stood at the door and made a ‘please’ gesture.

   Lin Beichen walked in without hesitation.

   The space in the command post is huge.

   There is only one person at this time.

On the nine steps deep inside, in front of the astronomical chart, stood a tall and burly middle-aged man in a white cloth robe covered in moon, with a firm face, three black beards under his jaw, and a pair of eyes as deep as the starry sky. Surging like a vast ocean, it seems to contain countless wisdom, and it seems to be able to see through all the vicissitudes of the world through the ages.


   Lin Beichen took a step.

  Who is this uncle?

   Where's Old Han?

   He glanced over the middle-aged man and looked around.

   No third person was found.

   Is this person the supreme commander of the Beichen Legion?

   Lin Beichen's heart was filled with indescribable disappointment.

   is not Old Han.

   This guy is too old.

   is not old Han at all.

   I guessed wrong.

   Huge disappointment brings great frustration.

   The emotion of expecting the valve to be pulled down and even destroyed in an instant has not appeared in Lin Beichen's body for a long, long time.

   so that at this moment, he had no idea what to say.

   "It really is you."

   At this time, the middle-aged uncle spoke.

   The strong and magnetic voice has a charm that makes people feel close when they hear it.

   Lin Beichen said, "Uncle, who are you, do I know you well?"

   He looked up, but his heart was suddenly startled.

and many more.

   If you ignore the three beards, ignore the vicissitudes in the eyes, ignore the fully developed body...

   Ignore these details, just look at the facial contour...

   This uncle is a bit familiar.

   These five senses seem to be very similar to Han Fu.

   Could it be...

   Lin Beichen felt a little bit in his heart, and suddenly there was boundless hope.

   This is the middle-aged version of Old Han!

   "Do not envy mandarin ducks or immortals."

   Lin Beichen said.

   The middle-aged uncle opposite, with a weird look on his face, at last he couldn't laugh or cry: "I only envy the'Jingjiehu' every day?"

   "The statue at the gate of Beichen School in Chaohui City?"

   "Reading is a good choice for birds."

   "Xiao Binggan?"

   "My brother."

   "Light sauce?"

   "Tailless Ghost Rat."

   "Northern Barren Mountain?"

   "Fire Rose Adventure Team."

   "Old Chu."

   "Man with metal arms."

   "Wang Zhong?"

   "The man with the word loyalty in his name..."

   "Ding Sanshi?"

   "Swordsmanship, your master, you covet other people's daughters."

   "Uh... I think about it again, Bai Weiyun?"

   "Big breasted rich woman."

   "Your sister?"

   "Han Bugui."

   "Hey hey, Yue Hongxiang?"


   The last question, the middle-aged uncle was silent.

   Lin Beichen stroked his palms and laughed: "Hahahaha, Han, you talk, Old Han."

  The middle-aged uncle was furious and shot directly.


   The sword is as light as electricity.

   "Good job."

   Lin Beichen shouted, and at the same time shot.

   Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding.

   The sword light whizzed, and the blades collided.

   What the two of them showed was the ‘Basic Swordsmanship Three Combat’.

   "Good fellow, look at my trick again."

   Lin Beichen's swordsmanship changed, and he stabbed out continuously.

   were all swordsmanship practiced in Yunmeng City Third Junior College.

   The middle-aged uncle did not show weakness, and resisted backhand.

   Swordsmanship is exactly the same as Lin Beichen.

   Ding Ding Ding.

   The blades fought continuously, spattering clusters of sparks.

   The two fought faster and faster, and in the end only the sword shadow was seen, but the figure was not seen.

   At this time, Han Shangxiang, who had been standing at the door, seemed to have heard the movement and suddenly walked in.

   Seeing this scene, Han Shangxiang was taken aback, and immediately hurriedly said: "Don't fight, you guys don't fight, stop now..."


   Jianming intersects.

   suddenly stood still.

   Lin Beichen and the middle-aged uncle were separated and looked at each other.

   The eyes of both of them were excited, excited, and pleased.

   How many years have it been.

   How many years have it been.

For Yu Lin Beichen, he thought that Han was worthy of his life. It is hard to see it again. At the beginning, he was digging and searching wildly in Falling Star Abyss. It was just a thought of himself, and he had the last trace of luck. .

For Yu Han, since he fell into the abyss, experienced strange reincarnation, came to the wild universe for five hundred years, and experienced countless vicissitudes of life. For this life, he would never see his deceased again, and even if he missed the suffering, he could not go home , So that he once completely gave up looking for...

   Both of them were desperate.

   But they all hold the last hope in my heart.

   Unexpectedly, on this day, this dreamlike scene finally arrived.

   Meet old friends.

   Two friends who had been daring to each other in their youth, they met again.

   For a while, neither of them could say a word.

   looked at each other quietly, as if everything around him no longer existed.

   is like a dream.

At this time, Han Shangxiang stepped into the middle of the two, blocking Lin Beichen's body, guarding him, watching Han Fufu, and said loudly: "It's nothing to do with him, it's an oath I sweared by myself, I said , No matter who it is, as long as you help me regain the remains of my mother, I will agree with my body..."

  Middle-aged Han lives up to his shock.

  The young Lin Beichen stayed in a daze.

   "You should withdraw first, this matter will be discussed later."

  Middle-aged Han waved his hand and said, "There is nothing for you here."

"I do not."

  Han Shangxiang is very stubborn. There is no order or prohibition that a soldier should have. He raised his white neck like a swan neck and said: "This time, let me choose by myself. You promised me and promised my mother."

  Middle-aged Han pays off and covers his forehead.

   Lin Beichen hurriedly tugged Han Shangxiang’s sleeves and said, “How do you talk to the Supreme Commander? You don’t understand this. You go out first. This is a matter between our two men.”

   "Don't talk."

   Han Shang was very powerful, and said: "You don't care about him, he is him, I am me, he can't interfere with our affairs."

   Lin Beichen was confused.

   What's the situation?

   Doesn’t it mean that the Beichen Legion has strict military discipline, and the Supreme Commander is the idol of all soldiers?

   Why did Han Shangxiang, the commander of the "Nianxiang War Department", repeatedly confronted Old Han?

   And what did Han Shangxiang say, my brain is so smart, why can't I process this information?

   "This matter is really not what you think, so let's quit first."

   Middle-aged Han explained patiently.

   Han Shangxiang gritted his teeth and said: "I don't believe it, you are all fighting..."

After a pause, she said again: "This is my own choice, and Young Master Yuwen is a talented person with noble character. Not to mention that he has a great favor to my Nianxiang War Department, so he said that he regained the remains of my mother. It’s a matter of personal consent... Dad, this is my personal business, don't worry about it anymore..."

   When these words came out, the faces of the two men changed.

   "Accept your body?"

  Middle-aged Han exclaimed.


   Lin Beichen was struck by lightning.

   Good fellow... Now, there is a big problem.


I posted a terrible thing on the public WeChat account...just pay attention.

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