Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1654: Five hundred years

I am most afraid of sudden concern from a friend.

   I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

   Except for Han Shangxiang's slightly stubborn and short gasps, the entire command headquarters was quiet and terrifying, almost audible.

  Han's unbearable gaze wandered back and forth between Lin Beichen and Han Shangxiang.

   Lin Beichen's gaze wandered back and forth between Han Bufu and Han Shangxiang.

   Han Shangxiang's gaze focused on Han's worthy body.

   The mood of the two men cannot be described in words at this time.

   The feeling of the only woman, because she was too excited to analyze others.

Han did not fail to think: This dog is worthy of being a tiger in Yunmeng City. It is worthy of being a beast that even the chief priest of Qin dared to molest and even a **** to ride. After so many years, it has come from the world outside the wall to the prehistoric universe. Still not changing the romantic style, the idea hit my daughter.

Lin Beichen thought: Misunderstanding, this is a big misunderstanding, I don’t know that Han Shangxiang is your Lao Han’s daughter. Bah, I mean, I didn’t want to seduce your daughter at all. This is not you. Do you want to listen to my sophistry?

   Han Shangxiang thought: This time, I must be brave.


   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and gently pulled Han Shangxiang's sleeve, and said: "Or you should go out, this matter is not what you think."

   Han Shangxiang is very stubborn.

   She felt that she could not retreat this time.

   After all, Master Yuwen fought with Old Han for himself.

   It can be seen that the previous dispute between the two parties must be very fierce.

   Young Master Yuwen is so brave for himself, how can he retreat?

   Besides, this is her own emotional and personal matter, not the official business of the Legion.

   is not disobedience.

   "Dad, what are you dissatisfied with?"

   Han Shangxiang asked: "Master Yuwen is a talented person, has a high cultivation base, and has a noble character... Even if I go to be a foot washing maid for him, I am willing to... Or, what do you see with that secret technique?"

   Han did not want to vomit blood.

   is over.

  Daughter is sinking in.

  He knows Lin Beichen's accomplishments on the way of making up sisters.

   If there are differences between high and low in the practice of dealing with women, then Lin Beichen's accomplishments on this journey are definitely of the divine emperor's level.

  Han Fufu hasn't seen it yet, there is a girl who can turn around after being fascinated by Lin Beichen.

   But Lin Beichen became more embarrassed.

   Alas, my damn, nowhere charm.

   was just a random flirt before.

   didn't really want to be like.

  Who knew it was the daughter of an old friend.

   This is never expected.

   Han is not disappointed that he already has such a big daughter.


   He cleared his throat and said, "Old Han, let's hear this matter, you listen to me...explain."

   Looking forward to countless brothers meeting, such a change will happen unexpectedly.

   Lin Beichen felt that all the excitement and excitement before, the surging brotherhood, the tearful atmosphere, the urge to hug tightly, all drifted away at this moment.

   Han Buu looked at his daughter negatively and expressionlessly, and said, "Shangxiang, your Uncle Lin and I are friends who haven't seen each other for many years, so let's get out of it first. I'll talk about the matter between you later."

   Han Shangxiang blinked.

  Uncle Lin?

  A friend who hasn't seen each other for many years?

She was able to become the head coach of Nianxiang Zhanbu. Obviously, she is not low in wisdom. Just because she was too excited and worried, she saw her boyfriend and her father fighting, and thought that the two of them had negotiated and fell apart, so she fought. Now it seems…

   She turned to look at Lin Beichen.

   The latter smiled slightly.

   As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Lin Beichen looked serious and said: "Re-recognize my name. My name is Lin Beichen. I am a good friend of your father. There may be a bit of misunderstanding here. Don't worry. I will discuss it with your father first. There will be nothing wrong. , You go out and wait a while."

  Han Shangxiang is a little dazed.

   But this is nothing.

   In the primordial universe, martial arts powerhouses have a long life, and occasionally have some marriages of disordered generations. In reason, it is not an act of apostasy.

   "Okay, then you be careful."

  Han Shangxiang nodded, then looked at Han and said: "Old Han, don't overdo it."

After    finished speaking, he turned around and walked out slowly.

   Lin Beichen didn't know how to answer this sentence.

   What are you careful about?

   Your father and I have a fateful relationship.

  Han is worthy and does not know how to answer this.

   What is too much?

   My friendship with your Uncle Lin, especially if you can understand it.

   There are only two people left in the command post.

   The air is quiet again.

   Lin Beichen smiled with a guilty conscience, then opened his arms and said numbly: "Old Han, it's been a long time since I've seen you, I really miss it... Let's hug and let you feel your brother's strong chest muscles?"

  Han's mouth twitched.

   Then he jumped up and kicked it down: "Kill you **** who seduce brothers and daughters."

   "This is a misunderstanding."

   Lin Beichen punched out.

   bang bang bang bang.

   The two have fought again.

   This time it was directly punched to the flesh, and it was very violent.

   "Damn, Old Han, you have become an emperor?"

   Lin Beichen was beaten and screamed, and several hairs were broken.

   He was shocked.

   Han's worthy cultivation base is already in the emperor realm.

   And it's not an ordinary imperial realm.

   "You guys are not bad. It has only been a long time since the Great Universe, and it is already a quasi-emperor-level combat power."

   Han Fufu's cloth robe was torn, and his hair was messed up. He sneered, "However, if it weren't for me to close my hands, you would have been **** by me now."

   Ping Pong Pong.

   hit and hit, and the two stopped at the same time.

   Then stand at each other.

   did not speak.

   Finally, they gave each other a hard hug.

   "I thought I would never see you again in this life."

  Han was full of emotions and was emotional, and said: "When I heard the news from Xia Wu, I knew it must be you. Apart from you, there is no such a sorrowful person in this world."

   "Ah this... I will treat you as complimenting me."

Lin Beichen said: "I heard the news about the Beichen Legion, and also inquired some small details from Xia Wu. I also realized that the so-called'Supreme Commander' must be you, but your subordinates are really too good. Faithful, no matter how intimidating or tempting, I will not bring me to see you. I have to find a way to find you after all the hardships..."

   "How did you come to this wild universe?"

   The two asked each other in unison.

"You speak first."

   Han lived up to the lead.

Lin Beichen sat down on a chair to one side, took out a Huazi, and threw it to Han. Then he took out a bottle of Moutai, poured two cups, and said: "The child has no mother, it is a long story, since you leave. Rear…"

   Lin Beichen explained what happened later.

   Han pays off and sounds thrilling.

   Later, he said excitedly: "So, we still have hope to go back to the host, Zhenzhou?"

Once upon a time, all he dreamed of was to go back to the host country, Zhenzhou, to go home, take a look at his old mother and younger sister, take a look at Lin Beichen’s classmates, even take a look at the few trees in front of the school, take a look at them. Looking at those early stalls, they are all hopeless happiness.

   Lin Beichen nodded and said, "You can go back anytime."

   then asked: "What about you? How did you come into this world? You changed your appearance and became an uncle?"

  Han took a sip of wine and said, "Do you believe it? I have been in this world for more than 500 years..."

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