Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1655: Ninth Hall


   Lin Beichen almost spouted Moutai.

   Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and with the quasi-emperor-level reaction speed and control, he sucked it back again.

   is Moutai after all.

   Every bite is a great gold.

   Five hundred years?

   Are you Monkey Sun.

   "This matter, your story is still a long story..."

"In the battle that day, in order to protect the northern army from retreating, I was seriously injured. In order not to be captured by the Aurora people and humiliated, I jumped into the Falling Star Abyss. After that, I lost my consciousness. Not dead, but in an ancient palace..."

   Han is worthy of coming slowly.


   still old?

   This is an adventure.

   Lin Beichen's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

   "That is a palace that I don't know how long it has existed. It is huge and deep, and it is impossible to see the whole picture. I am in it, like a grain of sand in the desert, completely lost..."

"In the beginning, I was trapped in it all the time because of serious injuries and severe blood loss. I stumbled all the way. Unintentionally, I came to a building that resembled an altar. I climbed up and broke the wound. On the altar..."

   "Maybe because the blood activated the altar, the whole ancient temple changed."

   "It is activated."

   "A voice began to appear, making me ready to break through the level."

   Han lived up to his words and continued.

   "Get through the barrier?"

   A look of surprise appeared on Lin Beichen's face.

   He vaguely guessed what.

   Han nodded without fail, and said, "Yes, go through the barrier."

"That voice told me that if you want to survive, you must complete one challenge and keep moving forward. In that ancient temple, there are countless organs. Only by constantly cracking the organs, you can find a new survival before the time limit arrives. If you get survival materials and cultivation resources, you can survive, and all will be swallowed by darkness and void..."

   "The altar healed my injury in an instant, and also sent cultivation resources and techniques."

   "I was told that within three days, I must cultivate my true energy, open the teleportation formation on the altar, and lead to the next survival point..."

   "I started practicing."

   "That is a cultivation technique that I have never seen before. It is completely different from the host Zhenzhou Continent."

"As time passed, many void monsters appeared around the altar, densely packed, like a purple ocean, exuding evil aura. They are very powerful, and I can clearly feel it, if it were not because they were afraid of the light source on the altar. Power, even if one of the smallest monsters rushed up, I would be torn to pieces in an instant."

   "But as time passed, they got closer and closer and began to climb under the altar..."

   "The light source on the altar is disappearing, and it can no longer pose an absolute threat to them."

   "Finally, the tentacles of the most powerful void monsters can almost reach my face..."

   "Fortunately, at a critical moment, I finally sensed the existence of Zhen Qi in my body, and then I was teleported away from there by the altar."

   "The second survival point is a bridge."

"An ancient bluestone stone bridge, with food and water on the bridge, a sequel to cultivation techniques, as well as pills, herbs, and crystal source bodies. Under the bridge is an abyss that cannot be seen at a glance. On both sides of the bridge are void monsters. The Pixiu stone statues on the railings of the stone bridge shattered one by one, and the monsters would gradually approach."

   "And this time, my task is to complete the real airflow in one month before being transported to the next survival point."

   "It was also at the last minute, I completed the task."

   "In this way, I am constantly teleporting between mission points, carrying out seemingly endless challenges. I must complete the mission specified by the voice before I can survive..."

   "I don't know how long or how long I persisted."

   "Some missions span one year, while others are ten years..."

   "The longest time, I practiced on a huge ship for thirty years."

"I successfully broke through the realm one by one, and survived in desperation time and time again. Later, I had a task to challenge those void monsters. I don't know how strong I became, but what is certain is that if I returned at that time Going to the host country, Zhenzhou, I feel that I can challenge the gods."

   Han lived up to the things of the year, with a lingering fear.

   has sufficient food and water, has a complete practice method, and has inexhaustible resources.

   But he is always alone.

   In the temple of loneliness like the world of death, endless reincarnation.

   No one speaks, no one communicates.

   is the same as going to jail.

   But faced with the pressure of death, Han did not fail to persevere.

   "Finally, one day, I completed the last trial, and my realm broke through to the Star Sovereign level."

Han did not let it down: "At the level of the mandate, I finally walked out of this temple. I didn't know the true face of Mount Lu. I was only in this mountain. The poems you chanted at that time are really justified. You stand outside the temple. , I finally know its name."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "What's the name?"

   "The Ninth Hall."

   Han lives up to the road.

   Lin Beichen was startled.

The name   ... is quite nonsense.

   Han said, "It has another name... it's called Shi Jian."

   between time?

   Lin Beichen once again habitually raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and suddenly a bright light flashed through his mind.

   "The Ninth Hall, Shi Jian... Is it related to the ninth ‘Time and Space Dao’ in the Human Race’s 24 Bloodline Dao?"

   He was shocked.

Han Bufei nodded, and said: "Yes, that ancient temple is the ancestral temple of the Ninth Bloodline Time and Space Dao, and what I have obtained through cultivation is the inheritance of the Ninth Bloodline Time and Space Dao... These are me. Later, I realized it in the prehistoric universe."

  Time and Space Road!

   Lin Beichen suddenly realized.

   Lao Han’s adventure was originally here.

Han Wufu continued: "I have been practicing in the Ninth Hall for a hundred years before I walked out. From that moment on, I became the descendant of the Time and Space Dao, and I also got the Ninth Hall. With the recognition of the temple, I can finally return to the real world. I thought I could return to the host Zhenzhou, but then I learned that the world I came from was called the prehistoric universe."

   Lin Beichen heard this and already understood most of it.

   Old Han got it, it can be said that it is the script of the protagonist.

   There are twenty-four bloodlines of the human race, each of which is an absolute and supreme cultivation path that shakes the past and shines in the present.

   Being able to get the inheritance of one of the ancestral temples, this opportunity is simply terrifying.

  What is the concept of Ancestral Temple?

   is equivalent to one of the twenty-four ancestors personally accepting disciples.

   "You have been approved by the Ancestral Land Temple, have you seen the Ninth Ancestor?"

   Lin Beichen's curiosity was raised.

   Han shook his head and said: "I have never seen it before, but I have looked for it, but there is no clue, so I guess that the ninth ancestor may have fallen and does not exist in this world."

   Has it fallen?

   Hearing this news, Lin Beichen was not surprised.

  Because he had heard the legend that the ancestor of the "Doctor's Way" had also fallen.

   Even the ancient clan is still spreading news, saying that even the holy emperor has fallen.

   It seems that there is nothing in this world that is immortal.

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