Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1782: Good sword

.   I don't know how long it took, but Lin Beichen suddenly became sober.

   He looked out the window subconsciously.

   The sun is shining outside.

   took out his phone and checked the time, only to realize that a day and a night had passed.

   "I didn't open the hook, and practiced by myself. Unknowingly, such a long time passed?"

   Lin Beichen was shocked.

   For the first time in history.

   Moreover, he didn't have the slightest preparation for this practice [Lovesickness into the bones]. He didn't even set any restrictions, so he was addicted directly in the office.

   Without a trace of defense.

   If someone stabbed...

The consequences could be disastrous.

   is just a catalog of swordsmanship. I was so obsessed with it. After just a few glances, I was completely immersed in it. Is this really the swordsmanship created by Lord Qin?

   Lin Beichen looked at the priest Qin with admiration.

   Earlier, he felt that his strength was profound, far surpassing the chief priest of Qin, so he still had a little bit of macho superiority in his heart.

   But now, he is still here, and the master Qin who has received the inheritance of the Doctor's Path, his current realm and ability are absolutely far beyond his own understanding.

   The twenty-four paths created by the divine emperor at the beginning, each of them are shocking the past and the present, creating a precedent for the cultivation world of the primordial universe and possessing supreme power.

   The Doctor’s Path is one of the twenty-four paths, which is indeed not to be underestimated.

   Lin Beichen sighed, recalling in his mind the sword style and heart technique of [Lovesickness into the bone] that I had seen before...

   My mind went blank.

   I wipe it?

   I forgot all about it.

   He recalled countless times, only to feel that there were countless little people like himself moving around in his mind, their movements were vague, and in the end they became chaos.

   The specific moves and tactics can't be remembered at all.

  Is my aptitude really so bad?

   Lin Beichen is a bit suspicious of life.

   After hanging up for such a long time, he occasionally wants to rely on his talent and hard work to cultivate a certain advanced technique. He didn't expect that this was the first time he tried, and the result was like this.

   Isn’t I the material for martial arts?

  He is thinking between—


   Anomaly changes suddenly.

   A blade of light broke through the door of the office, containing endless power of destruction, and slashed towards Lin Beichen.


   Sudden assassination.

  Some people finally couldn't bear it.

   And the person who shot is actually an emperor.

   The sword was as bright as a heavenly river, covering the entire office in an instant, seeming to annihilate everything.

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   The butterfly blade is already in his hands.

   A flash of silver sword light flashed by.   The strange breath instantly permeated.

   Forever and for a long time, there is no end to this hatred.

   Endless thoughts surging uncontrollably.

   The endless sword light in the office, like a river of heaven, was instantly annihilated in this fleeting silver sword light.


   The sword in the hands of the emperor who had drawn the sword split into two.

   is divided into two at the same time, and there is the body of the emperor in the sword.

   An inch of lovesickness and an inch of gray.

   A sword of lovesickness seizes the soul of the emperor.

   "You...what kind of sword is this...?"

   The emperor said with a stunning face: "Good... good sword."

   There was the sword light of that experience in his eyes, and the vitality in his body was quickly annihilated. He remembered the sunset in his hometown. Under the sunset, the lilies should be blooming, and the girl standing in the middle of the flower...

   The memory surging four thousand five hundred years ago.

   His figure fell down with a puff.

   Lin Beichen was stunned in the same place.

  What's the situation?

   I just made this sword... just casually.

   is so amazing?

   One sword cuts the sword emperor.

   He looked at the butterfly blade in his hand.

   Although the sword of the Shidi-level assassin, the left and right are just an emperor, and it does not have the upper hand compared with the sword in the hand of the sword emperor just now.

   But under one sword, his opponent was killed by a knife.

   So it is not the power of a butterfly blade.

   is swordsmanship...


   What sword technique did I use just now?

   Lin Beichen opened his mouth and discovered a terrible thing.

   He has forgotten all the swordsmanship he had practiced before. The whole person is like a formatted hard disk, and he has no control memory of swordsmanship.

   "I have practiced basic swordsmanship for three consecutive closes, practiced fruit sword seventeen, practiced element flying sword...but I don't even think about it."

   Like all swordsmanship, I know the name, but I don’t know how to use it.


   Is it because of [Lovesickness into the bone]?

   Lin Beichen had a vague aftertaste.

   What kind of kendo secret book has been created by the Lord Qin.

   Lin Beichen held the butterfly blade in his hand and waved it gently.

   Although it was a chaotic wave, the meaning of the sword slowly spread.

   The sound of footsteps came.

"grown ups."


   "There are assassins."

   Zhang Wei, Ma Han and others rushed in in a panic.

   They noticed the arrival of the assassin and rushed to ‘Guardian’ as soon as possible, but they were still a step late.

   Lin Beichen put away the butterfly blade.

   "Who is this person?"

   He pointed at the dead Sword Dao Emperor and asked.

Zhang Wei looked at it carefully, and saw the imperial sword divided into two on the ground, exclaimed, "It is [Emperor Sword Emperor] Phoenix Hill. There is a famous swordsmanship in the imperial capital'Han Sword Workshop'. The owner... I really didn't expect that he turned out to be an assassin."

   Several other experts in the special law bureau all sucked air-conditioning after hearing this.

  【Desolate Blade Emperor】Phoenix Hill is also a more famous emperor in the imperial capital. Although it is not one of the hundred emperors of the wild ancient tribe, it has been famous for a long time, and the swordsmanship has reached its peak, and it is known as the top five among the imperial sword emperors.

   Now he was killed in the office by his own director in such a short period of time.

   They looked at Lin Beichen with deep awe in their eyes.

   "Take someone to check the Handaofang immediately."

   Lin Beichen said: "Tell me to torture me, who invited this person to assassinate the official."

   Zhang Wei hurriedly reminded in a low voice: "My lord, the knife shop is not in the Taijin District. Our bureau has no law enforcement power and cannot directly arrest people."


   Lin Beichen frowned slightly, and said: "Then how should the procedure be followed?"

   Zhang Wei said: "You can only post, please let my colleagues in Liuying District take action."

   "Then do it quickly."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   The confidants of the guards immediately turned around to do it.

   Actually, you don’t need to guess, this account must be recorded on the farmer's body. He has a few enemies in the imperial capital, but only the farmer's family is the only one who wants to move the emperor's way.

   Fortunately, I realized that [Lovesickness into the bones] is over, otherwise, if you are killed by Phoenix Hill in a state of ecstasy, I'm afraid it will be cold.

   Lin Beichen put away the butterfly blade.

   At this time, another guard from the Hua family hurriedly reported: "Elder Li, Patriarch has invited me to discuss matters at home. Please reply quickly."


   Lin Beichen did not delay, and immediately accompanied him.

   He probably also knows why Hua Wujian is looking for herself.

   There is such a big noise, this big brother can't ask himself to ask clearly, some things really need to be explained.

   He didn't think too much, and went straight to Huafu.

   The mansion built on the mountain is like the kingdom of God.

The third elder Huayang came out to greet him in person, with a smile on his face, and said with enthusiasm: "Haha, Elder Li, you really did a big deal for the Hua Family this time. My old bones also feel like on my face. There is light, admire, admire."

   "Hey, I only have this ability. Fighting and killing is okay, but it's not good to manage the family. This time I killed the farmer, I was afraid that it would cause trouble to the family owner."

   Lin Beichen is indifferent.

   He felt strange that this Huayang was very displeased with himself before, and he didn't say a few words, why suddenly he became so enthusiastic.

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