Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1782: Introduce you to a few people


   just arrived at the main house of the Patriarch.

   is the place of discussion that day. Here, the head of the Hua family fell, and many elders died under the sword of Lin Beichen, which is considered a place of destiny.

   "Haha, brother, you are finally here."

   Hua Wujian waited at the gate. It was extremely hot. When he came up, he gave Lin Beichen a heavy hug and said: "Good job, this time, you really won glory for your brother, hahaha."

   Lin Beichen said: "I'm afraid of causing trouble to you, big brother. If the big brother thinks it is a good thing, then I will do more in the future and try to get rid of the farm directly."

   "Haha, what I admire for my brother is your soaring pride."

   Hua Wujian took Lin Beichen's hand and walked directly into the hall.

   The banquet is ready.

   The five elders Hua Zhengsheng, and more than a dozen other elders from the Hua family also dressed up to attend.

   "Brother, take a seat."

   Hua Wujian let Lin Beichen sit in the seat next to him, and said: "You have made such a great achievement. From now on, you will be the first elder under the Patriarch."

   Lin Beichen hurriedly declined, saying: "I don't dare to take credit for doing things for my eldest brother. As long as I can help my eldest brother, I will die in battle, so what can I do."

   After some resignation, he finally sat down.

   Lin Beichen glanced away.

   are all important senior leaders of the Hua family.

   means not seeing Gongsun Longquan alone.

   "Gongsun Keqing never showed up?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

A hint of anger flashed across Hua Wu's sword face, saying: "Brother, you don't know anything. This Gongsun Longquan has repeatedly slandered me and slandered you, brother. Don’t change...Today’s big banquet is to celebrate you, brother, and this girl doesn’t need to attend."

   Lin Beichen showed an unexpected look on his face, and said, "Why does this happen? I and Gongsun Keqing are both elder brothers. You should be the same. Why is she slandering me?"

   Huawu Kendo: "It's just a narrow-minded mind. It's not enough to talk about it, not to mention it, haha, come, have a banquet, and serve wine."

   Drumming sounded.

   musicians played live, fairy music fluttering, silk and bamboo sweet.

   The dancer in a gauze skirt stepped barefoot on the blue velvet blanket, twisting her slender waist, her graceful body swaying with the sound of drums, it was indeed like a fairy in the painting.

   For a time, the ambitions are staggered.

  The atmosphere is high.

   At this time, Hua Wujian put down the wine glass and slowly said: "Brother, brother, there is a question in my heart. You still need to help me solve the puzzle."

   Lin Beichen laughed and said, "Brother, please tell me."

   Huawu Kendo: "I remember that when we first met, brother, your cultivation was only the pinnacle of the star king, and you can barely be regarded as the star king. Why is the fighting power so powerful now that you can be in the middle of Qianshou and kill the farm turtle."

Lin Beichen knew that he had this question, and said: "The [Sky Patching Pill] you gave me before, my eldest brother, has an incredible effect on me. After I took it, my strength greatly increased. I took it every day, and my strength improved rapidly. This morning, I entered the emperor realm."

   Flower Dance Sword: "..."

   Everyone in the whole hall: "..."

   The five elders Hua Zhengyang said: "As far as I know, [Tiantian Dan] is expensive and hard to find. Elder Li, you can actually buy a hundred, are you kidding?"

Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Don't the fifth elders know that I have business dealings with the chairperson Chen Fei, and I get huge dividends every day. Now there are countless primordial gold accumulated on the account and I don't know how to spend it. How difficult is it to buy a hundred [Tiantian Pills]?"

   Five Elders: "..."

   When everyone heard the words, they were speechless, envious and jealous.

   This **** rich man.

   I felt dazzled.

   Even the Patriarch of Hua Wujian was said to be a little depressed, so he asked again: "The edict when you killed Nonggui Nong..."

   Lin Beichen said: "Big brother, you also know that I have a very good relationship with the Speaker of the House Chen Fei. Isn't it a simple matter to ask him to take action and write a letter?"

   Flower Dance Sword: "..."

   Damn, I was dazzled again.

  The point is that he had let Lin Beichen take the initiative to contact Chen Fei, and he couldn't find any reason at all.

   "If the eldest brother thinks that the relationship with Chen Fei is too close, I will distance myself from him when I turn around." Lin Beichen proactively added.

   Hua Wujian laughed and said, "No, no, haha, brother, for today's banquet, in addition to celebrating your success, we will also introduce a few people to you."

   said, clapping his hands.

   In the side door of the hall, a few figures walked in slowly.




   Gongsun Longquan breathed hurriedly, using his body technique, rushing towards the Hua family mansion like a radio beam.

   Behind her, swords, lights, swords, arrows and javelins, like a torrential rain, attacked and killed her.

   After a hard fight, she was wounded.

   "Stop her."

   "Don't let this female thief go."

   "The Patriarch has an order to win the remnants of the Wushuang Sword Sect, and you will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan. If you catch it alive, let it be abused."

   Behind him came the shouts of the strong farmer.

   The farmer’s revenge has been thoroughly unfolded.

   Gongsun Longquan had no official position, and his apparent identity was just a dancing girl. Therefore, the farmer did not need to be afraid of revenge, and hundreds of masters besieged him.

   But the farmer obviously underestimated Gongsun Longquan's cultivation level, and she was forced out of the siege.

   With two swords in hand, Gongsun Longquan cut out with a backhand.

   The sword light broke through the sky, smashing all the streamer shot from behind, and smashing dozens of pursuers into blood mist and powder in the air.

   "The Hua family betrayed."

   Her heart is like a mirror, and she has already reacted.

   In the past few days, the Hua family has arranged guards to protect her secretly, but until the farmhouse launched a raid, these Hua family guards did not even warn at all...

There is only one explanation for   .

   They betrayed her.

   If the Hua family can betray her, they can betray Li Shaofei.

   During the subsequent fight, she learned from the strong farmer that Li Shaofei was heading to Hua's house, and Gongsun Longquan vaguely noticed that something unexpected had happened.

   Without any hesitation, she rushed to Hua's house desperately.

   Li Shaofi must not die.

   In addition to being kind to herself, there is another important reason. If Li Shaofei dies, then her own end will come.

   after a while.

   The flower house built on the hillside is already in sight.

   The chasing soldiers behind him are also hard to get rid of.

   "If you rush past like this, you can't enter the Huafu at all, you will definitely be blocked..."

   Gongsun Longquan thought about the teleportation.

   She turned around suddenly, turned her head and rushed towards the chaser.

   "This woman is here to die."

   "Haha, good chance, kill her."

   "Catch it alive, catch it alive for me, I've long wanted to taste the taste of [Jinghong Pianju]..."

   "What a fast sword...Huh? Huh."

   "No, why did this **** suddenly soar..."

   "Back, fast back."

   "Ah, save me."

   The screams were endless for an instant.

   Hundreds of powerful hunters who thought they were chasing sheep by wolves, who knew they were killed in an instant. Gongsun Longquan's swords were like dragons, and the flashing lights, like a **** of death, were constantly harvesting lives.

   The identity of the chaser and the fugitive changed instantly.

   Half a tea time, the strong farmer left 70 or 80 corpses and fled in defeat.

   Gongsun Longquan was covered in blood.

   With both swords in the air, she gasped with big mouths, her face had an unnatural red color, and there were dozens of dense wounds on her body, and red blood was flowing along the outside group...

   An outburst with all-out efforts, a reckless fight, a confrontation with wounds for wounds...

   She finally got rid of these ‘tails’.


   She put away her double swords, condensed her breath, and quickly approached the Flower House.

   Having worked for Hua Wujian for so many years, she naturally has some plans of her own.

   For many people, the Flower Mansion is hard to penetrate, but for her, it is not difficult for her to enter and leave the Flower Mansion silently.

   A moment later.

   She has appeared in the flower house.

  'S clothes were changed to new ones, covering the scars, and Gongsun Longquan became the charming and charming dancer who was charming and enchanting.

   She did not hide her whereabouts, stopped a guard, and asked: "Where are the Patriarch and Elder Li?"

   The guard respectfully said: "At the Patriarch's Mansion, is Lord Gongsun also here for the celebration party?"


   Gongsun Longquan smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

   Amidst the guard's fascinating laugh, she hurried towards the Patriarch's Mansion.

   Unsurprisingly, the description of her was a secret instruction from the senior officials of the Hua family. They did not expect that they had returned to the Hua family alive, so these ordinary guards did not know that she was already an enemy of the Hua family.

   celebration feast.

   Li Shaofi must be at the banquet.

   He is in danger.

   Gongsun Longquan accelerated.

   "Li Shaofi, Li Shaofi, you must hold on this time, don't capsize in the gutter."

   She prayed silently.



  The person who walked in through the side entrance of the hall was not from the Hua family.

   is the peasant family.

   is the leader, blond, blue-eyed, burly tall, a bright red armor like flowing blood, a dark red cloak, and a terrible breath flowing out. It is definitely the pressure that the emperor can only have.

   is not the owner of the peasant family [Blood Emperor] Who is Nongsi?

   And dozens of other people, all in red armor and red cloak, **** evil circulating, are the most terrifying'Blood Shadow Guard' of the farm.

   In the hall, the sound of dance and music stopped abruptly.

   The five elders Hua Zhengsheng, the three elders Huayang and others all stood up together.

   Lin Beichen took a glass of wine and drank it.

   Hua Wujian smiled and said, "Brother, come, let me introduce to you, this is the uncle Nongsi, the contemporary owner of the farm."

   Lin Beichen does not change the color.

He stood up slowly, stretched out his hands, and said enthusiastically: "Oh, is that the old man of the wicked farmer who was killed by me? A long time, I didn't expect to see you here, tusk , There is a saying, your son is stupid and weak."

  【Blood Emperor】Nong Si's eyes suddenly burst with murderous intent.

"you wanna die."

   ‘Blood Shadow Guard’ leader Nong Yu was furious and was about to take action.

  【Blood Emperor】Nongs waved his hand.

   He fixed Lin Beichen and said: "To kill you, I paid a huge price. Today, I won't let you die too easily."

"kill me?"

  Lin Beichen laughed, and deliberately pointed at Hua Wujian, and said: "With my eldest brother here, you still want to kill me...hehe, life and death."


First more.

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