Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1784: You still can't get the number plate

The visitor was Gongsun Longquan.

   She looked at Lin Beichen with a complex expression.

   When the previous phrase ‘evil thief, pay my daughter’s life’, she had already gone outside the hall and saw the scene clearly.

   To be honest, at that moment, instead of being surprised, Gongsun Longquan felt that this was reasonable.

   At the same time, unprecedented ease, passing through my heart.

   A new ancestor-level powerhouse stood behind Li Shaofei, and it still looked like a subordinate... What is there to worry about in today's situation.

   "Bitch, you dare to come."

   Hua Wujian saw Gongsun Longquan, and suddenly criticized him, saying: "If you didn't offer slander in my ear every day and slander Brother Li, how could I do such a foolish thing today."

   a good pot shaken.

   Lin Beichen said softly: "Are you injured?"

   Gongsun Longquan said: "The farmer’s revenge has already begun. I was ambushed. I heard that you were tricked into the Hua’s house, so I came to remind you as soon as possible. It seems that it’s unnecessary."

   "Thank you very much."

   Lin Beichen sent out a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao spray, which was bought online, and said: "Heal the injury first, and then talk about other things."


   Gongsun Longquan took the spray and turned to go out.

   Flower Dance Sword: ヽ(≧□≦)ノ

Oh shit.

   There seems to be something wrong.

   "Ms. Gongsun, Ms. Gongsun, there is a warm jade spring in my other courtyard. It has a miraculous effect on trauma. I will order someone to take you..."

   He immediately made up for it.

   You two have hooked up and talked early, which made me say the wrong thing again...

   I'm really too difficult.

   "The next situation will depend on the three of you to appease."

Lin Beichen glanced at the Hua Wujian trio, and said, "If you want to report to an official, you can give it a try. No one can save you in the hands of the new ancestor except for the ancestor of the poison Dao. I am afraid it is you. Without seeing the crown of the ancestor at all, I was crushed to pieces."

   "I dare not dare."

   "The villain is only Director Li and the head of the horse."

"Big brother, what are you talking about, Xiao Hua, I will be your loyal running dog from now on, and I will do whatever you say, even if you ask me to shave off the ancestral grave of the Hua family, I will not hesitate at all. , Because I have already seen clearly, you are the real thigh, big brother, as long as I hug big brother tightly, why worry about Hua's family being unhappy, why worry about not being able to rise?"

   The last sentence was said by Hua Wujian.

   Since he gave in, his mentality has changed so fast that he admires Lin Beichen, a person with brain problems.

   Maybe I finally recognized the reality, ready to be a tool man willingly.

   After all, under the fist of the new ancestor-class braised egg bald man, they can't get the slightest wave of spray. The ancestor can't come out, who will fight for it?

   "Very good, I look forward to your performance."

   Lin Beichen nodded with satisfaction, and said: "I am never stingy with those who have done meritorious services. If the Hua family cooperates, they will naturally give you a bright sun soaring into the sky. After all...I still have feelings for the Hua family."

   "Thank you, brother."

   "Thank you, Mr. Director."

   The three of them were even more ecstatic.

   Isn’t this a situation where there are many mountains and rivers, there is no way out, and there is another village in the shadow of the willows?

   hugged the thigh of a new ancestor, what other big families such as the farmhouse, the Dugu family, etc., can't stand a blow, don't they just step on it?

   "Go and do something."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand.

   The three of them are thankful, and left the hall.

   Lin Beichen's heart moved, and the Black Stone Emperor clone followed out.

   He stepped forward and touched the body of Nuns.

As the head of the family, he carries a lot of treasures. There are six imperial weapons such as swords, spears, swords and halberds. In addition, there are also the "Blood Sea Tide" cheats, various tokens of the farm, and storage space. There are also many kinds of rare minerals and magic medicines.

   If all were exchanged into prehistoric gold, I'm afraid it would be close to ten million.

   At this time, Gongsun Longquan returned to heal his injuries.

"grown ups."

   She salutes respectfully.

All the injuries on   's body have been healed.

The upgraded version of Yunnan Baiyao spray can be described as a'miracle' for the treatment of trauma. Just a light press, the spray nozzle sprays white lotion to cover the wound, and then peel off the adhesive on the skin. The wound underneath has disappeared. No, the skin is more white and soft like a peeled egg...

   is a miracle medicine.

   But this kind of miracle appeared in Lin Beichen's body, Gongsun Longquan was not surprised.

   "You have seen the whole passing."

   Lin Beichen had a solemn tone, and said, "How to sit next, whether the Hua Wujian three will kill or stay, do you have any suggestions?"

   He attaches great importance to Gongsun Longquan.

   This woman is not only very moist, but also very scheming and resourceful. She has things on her body that Lin Beichen doesn't possess.

   "My lord, is the Huajia useful in your future plans?"

   Gongsun Longquan asked back.

   Lin Beichen nodded.

Gongsun Longquan said: "If this is the case, keep it and control it as a puppet. The three of them have broken hearts and dare not violate your orders. There are new ancestors who are in charge. Even those first-class families dare not violate. On the contrary, let alone the Hua Family who has fallen into disarray."

   "The hero sees the same thing."

   Lin Beichen boasted and said: "In this case, the Hua Family will be handed over to you, and you will control it. Compared with Hua Wu Jian, I trust you more."

   Gongsun Longquan did not decline.

   She knew very well in her heart that she must show her value and ability as soon as possible to be qualified to stay with Li Shaofei.

   One day in the future, it may be possible to rebuild the Wushuang Sword Sect.

   Otherwise, if you lose the Hua family with your own ability, you may be able to establish a foothold in the imperial capital, but it is too difficult and too difficult to succeed.

   "The rest will be left to you."

   Lin Beichen said: "Control the Hua family, destroy the farm family, take over the place to participate in the opening lectures of the ancestor of the poison road, and then prepare to arrange our manpower... In addition, pay close attention to all news about the Holy Emperor."


   Gongsun Longquan salutes.

   I couldn't help but be surprised in my heart: Paying attention to His Majesty the Holy Emperor... In other words, is Director Li's plot at this level?

   However, there are new ancestor-level powerhouses who are indeed qualified to participate in the competition of the top circle.

   Moreover, the bald-headed man who appeared today is just one of them. There is also a middle-aged man with straw hat and straw shoes...It is definitely related to Li Shaofei. There are two subordinates at the new ancestor level, which are simply against the sky.

   Gongsun Longquan did not dare to be careless.

   "And these things..."

Lin Beichen gave all the artifacts found from the [Blood Emperor] Nongs to Gongsun Longquan, saying: "For the peasants, the owner’s seal should be useful. As for other things, try to sell the stolen goods and replace them with primal gold. Don’t deposit them. Give it to me in the name card. Do it cleanly, and it's best not to leave too many clues."

  What was fought in war?

   is a warrior, a strong one.

   is also money.

   So Lin Beichen still had to find a way to make money and send military resources to Lao Han.

   Gongsun Longquan didn't know his plan, and respectfully said: "My lord, please rest assured, it only takes three days to process everything."

   This kind of thing, she is best at it.

   Lin Beichen nodded, turned and walked out.

   It's up here.

   There is still a mess of things waiting for him.

Gongsun Longquan looked at Lin Beichen’s back, hesitated a little, and tried to say: "If you have a hard fight, why don't you take a break? Slave family...My unparalleled sword dance has the effect of restoring the spirit. Let me dance for you. ?"

   Lin Beichen took a step.

He slowly turned around, his gaze flicked over Gongsun Longquan’s charming and charming face, and said indifferently: "I said it once, do what you should do, don’t have delusions, there are many women who greet my body. , You still can't get the number plate."

   He said that after coming to Emperor Star, he will never provoke peach blossom marriage.

   After all, he is already a married man.

   I want to take my heart.

   Be worthy of the wives.



   After a stick of incense time.

   Taijin District Special Law Bureau.


   Lin Beichen put his legs on the desk, shaking leisurely.

   Although the peasant family retaliated, but fortunately, the Special Law Bureau was special. Zhang, Zhao, Ma, Wang's Four Ma Tsai and the Special Law Bureau’s people have not been affected.

   Now Lin Beichen's words are simply golden rules in the Special Law Bureau, and their prestige is so high that no one can compare.

   As many matters were arranged, Lin Beichen was rare to breathe a sigh of relief.

   He entered the practice secret room connected to the office, and after setting up various prohibitions and precautions, he separated a ray of mind and began to hook up with the avatar of Emperor Tianwei in the mysterious hall.



   Mysterious Hall.

   Quiet and silent.

   In the huge glass coffin-like vessel in the center, the corpse of'Lin Beichen' is not wispy, and the brocade robe is quietly inside, motionless.

   There was no movement in the whole hall.

   no people are seen.

   Suddenly, the ‘corpse’ opened his eyes slightly.

  He moved his body slowly, and again a lot of surroundings.

   Every action is very cautious.

   At first glance, it seems that the ‘corpse’ is floating naturally in the transparent liquid, and it does not release the slightest wave of strength and mental power.

   just rely solely on ‘see’ to observe the surroundings.

   Lin Beichen had to be careful.

   He became more certain that the owner of this hall was extraordinary.

   Because at this time, the clone of Emperor Tianwei has reached the strength of the new ancestor level again.

   How long is this?

   Just soaking in this transparent liquid will strengthen a ‘corpse’ to this point. This is definitely something that an ancestor-level existence can do.

  The eyes can clearly see that around the glassware, there are some bottles and jars similar to a chemical laboratory, as well as various formations and alchemy utensils.

   On a metal table, there are still unknown red liquids stored in several beakers.

  In Lin Beichen's mind, three words suddenly popped up——

   Toxic agent said.

   This hall must be the site of the ancestor of the Poison Dao.

   belongs to the ancestors of the wild ancient tribe, only the cultivation way of the ancestors of the poison road is similar to the scenes in front of them and can be matched.

   In other words, was the ancestor of the poison Dao studying his corpse?

   Lin Beichen has a clear understanding.

Realizing this, he didn't dare to walk out of the glass coffin, let alone stay for too long, and quickly released another emperor clone that had been prepared by [Magic Camera] to disguise, and at the same time, he would release the already mature'God Tired.' The emperor's clone took away directly.

   The transparent liquid in the glass coffin suddenly gurgled, madly infiltrating into the new ‘corpse’.

   Lin Beichen immediately activated the ‘Return to City’ magical technique and left directly.

   got another new ancestor-level clone.



Hurry up and pay attention to the public account [Chaos Crazy Knife]. Recently, there are not only pictures of enthusiasm, but also some self-made four-square grids of the sword fairy.

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