Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1785: Sea breeze by the cliff

It was less than twenty breaths after Lin Beichen left.

   A figure appeared in the hall like a ghost.

   is the rickety old man who appeared before.

   His old eyes scanned everything in the hall, and there seemed to be stars moving in his pupils, revealing endless coercion, and his wrinkled face showed a hint of uncertainty.

   "What seems to have happened just now."

   "But why is there no trace at all?"

   "There is no clue."

   "Although my deduction technique is far inferior to the old ghost of heaven, but now there are not many people who can deceive me... Tsk tusk, is it..."

   His eyes fell on the ‘corpse’ in the glass coffin.

   There was a glimmer of light.

   In the next instant, the rickety old man appeared beside the glass coffin. With a thought, the corpse inside floated up and came to him.

   "Did you fall to the strength of the emperor realm again?"

   A touch of surprise appeared on the old man's face.


   He was not surprised but delighted.

   The corpse of the sacred emperor bloodline who broke the shackles of cultivation, has changed again, which means that the mystery beyond understanding has appeared again.

   For the elderly, this is a good thing.

   He carefully observed the corpse in front of him.

   "Intensity drops."

   "It's like looking back in time."

   "There is no change in other places."

   "The absorption of ‘Ancestral Liquid’ starts again..."

   "Then where did the ‘Ancestral Liquid’ power that I had absorbed before? This must be the ultimate meaning of the Holy Emperor’s Bloodline. Let me find, find..."

   He summoned various tools and began to dissect the corpse in front of him.

   carefully remove various parts.

  Heavy, check blood, bones, and flesh.

   Finally, he discovered that the heart of this corpse seemed to be different from before, becoming more condensed and tough, and the blood vessel walls in the body also had slight changes.

   "Found it, the secret is here."

   He is very excited.

   Although I don’t know what these changes mean, but in short, new discoveries have meant that we are closer to the final secret.

   This old man is the ancestor of the poison Tao.

In his long life in the past, he didn’t know how many strange and secret things he had experienced, how many changes he had seen, how much he knew the mystery of the universe, he shouldn’t have been so pleased because of such a small discovery, and he didn’t. The slightest doubt...

   But this matter involves the Holy Emperor, it means that no matter how small a discovery, no matter how weird it is, it can be regarded as normal, and it is considered to contain the ultimate answer in the universe.

  The ancestor of the Poison Agent Dao has been expecting this answer for too long too long.

   For this answer, he even embarked on the road of betrayal.

   And now that he finally has a new discovery, how can he not make him mad?

   In this temple, no one can enter without his permission. It is the Emperor Star—no, it is one of the most severe places in the entire primordial universe.

   Therefore, he was sure that such a change was not caused by external forces.



   "The third corpse has made some subtle changes. I hope it can mislead the mysterious palace master, otherwise, every time the strength of the corpse will fall back to the emperor realm, it is really unreasonable."

   Lin Beichen said silently in the office.

   had to sigh again, this [Magic Camera] is really an artifact. After upgrading to the top configuration, even the ancestors can’t see any flaws—this point has been verified by Wang Zhong.

   Throughout the past cuts of leeks, this time is definitely the best cut.

   New ancestor-level clones are manufactured in batches.

   As long as it can continue and build hundreds of thousands of new ancestors, isn't it going to be invincible?

   I hope that the ancestor of the poison road can find the flaws later.

   Put the new clone into the game world of the [Lost Fortress] APP, constantly fighting the monsters in it, adapting to the power of this body, and Lin Beichen began to think about the next thing.

"The ancestor of the Poison Dao opens the altar to give lectures. It is necessary to recruit new doormen, insert his own people in, and the real self...especially when it has been determined that the person studying his corpse is the ancestor of the Poison Dao. People will be a breakthrough."

   Lin Beichen thought for a moment, and decided in his heart.

   With a move in his heart, he directly returned to the host world of Zhenzhou.

   Today's host Zhenzhou Continent has been completely refined by him. The whole world has regained its vitality and vitality. The devastation after the war has disappeared. The creatures of all races have also recovered from their grief and began the development and evolution of civilization.

   Lin Beichen is still the only true **** and only faith in the mainland.

  Believers of Beichen Sect are everywhere.

   Tang Tian, ​​a former little teacher, is now incarnate as the spreader of the ‘Beichen God’, walking around the mainland and preaching the quotations of the ‘Beichen God’, he is considered the spokesperson of the god, and is faintly honored as the pope.

   The aura of the mainland is quickly recovering.

   and surpassed the past.

   In this way, the direct effect is that the Xuanqi martial art of the mainland has begun to prosper more and more. Tianjiao has emerged in large numbers, and the strength of the top powerhouse at the tip of the pyramid has surpassed the ceiling of the former strongest person.

   He traveled across the mainland, looking for suitable candidates.

   After three days, I got a little gain.

   When he came to the Temple Mountain outside Yunmeng City again, his incarnation came to the entrance of the Third Academy, and he had a breakfast, and suddenly he felt a familiar breath.


   Lin Beichen's face showed an unexpected look: "Why is she in the host Zhenzhou?"

   paid for the breakfast, he came to the former Temple Mount.

   On the cliff by the sea, with her hands on her knees, sits a black-haired girl in a moon-white dress.

   The sea breeze moved her long hair and kissed her cheek greedily. The golden morning sun shone on her body as if it was painted with a faint golden border, which looked holy and beautiful.

   is Ye Weiyang.

   Lin Beichen remembered that Ye Weiyang was not in the host Zhenzhou before he died.

   When did she come back?

   Now, besides Lin Beichen himself, there is also Wang Zhong who can bring people back to the host Zhenzhou. Could it be that my dear brother Wang sent her back?

   Lin Beichen stood ten meters away without showing up.

   This scene in front of me seems familiar.

   I remember that in the gap between the Tianjiao Championships, he had a long conversation with Ye Weiyang on the edge of this mountain cliff, and had in-depth exchanges. At that time, the beautiful and pure girl faced the sea breeze and had a battle with early morning words...

   Time flies, time flies.

   In a blink of an eye, the old days are no longer chasing.

  Since I went to the prehistoric universe, there has been a lot of communication between Lin Beichen and Ye Weiyang.

   Looking at the girl in front of him, he was startled.

   Ye Weiyang is the incarnation of the true Sword Lord.

   was once controlled by the Lord of the Sword and wanted revenge. Later, the Lord of the Sword fell, and Ye Weiyang recovered herself... Between her and Lin Beichen, there is a real husband and wife.

   After many things, the lively and confident girl in the past became silent.

   She sat quietly on the cliff, blowing the sea breeze.

   The pictures are quiet and beautiful like famous art paintings.

   Suddenly, the girl turned her head and looked in the direction of Lin Beichen, with a smile on her face, and slowly said: "You are here."


   Can she find me?

   Lin Beichen was a little surprised.

   There is a huge difference in the strength between the two now, Ye Weiyang shouldn't have noticed it...why did she risk herself?

   He hesitated, whether he should show up.

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