After hesitating, Lin Beichen did not show up.

   But Ye Weiyang still looked at his direction, the smile on his face increased, and said: "I know, you are here, I can feel it."

She gently pulled the black hair that was tossed by the sea breeze, smiled lightly, and said: "Brother Chen, I know, you must be in feign death. You married Wee Chen, but you haven't married me yet, so why are you willing to abandon it? we."

   Lin Beichen trembled.

   I think Ye Weiyang was also a figure in Yunmeng City at the beginning. I don’t know how many young people pursued him, but he has always had a soft spot for himself and dedicated himself silently again and again.

   Even if the Lord of Sword resurrected later, it was because of Ye Weiyang's hidden personality that he did not kill himself-although the Lord of Sword himself tasted the'sweetness' and began to claim it every night.

   After the Lord of Sword died in battle, Ye Weiyang recovered his memory and personality, still silently using his actual choices to support himself.

   She is a man of the wind and loves her seriously.

   "Brother Chen, do you know? Many times, I want to go back in time, and when I return to Yunmeng City... what a wonderful time it was."

   "Steward Wang asked me, if I could really go back in time, would I choose to know you, would I want to be with you?"

   "I said, of course."

   "In my whole life, it's not always possible to meet someone I like. Now that I have met, why should I give up?"

"I'm just regretful. At that time, I didn't stay with you, and I didn't do many things with you. I always cared about the church's rules and master's instructions... If I didn't have that much caring, I was in Yunmeng City. , We can leave more and better memories."

   She looked at Lin Beichen's direction, still smiling lightly, speaking sentence by sentence.

   Lin Beichen's heart was also pulled together bit by bit.

   The bits and pieces of the past come to mind.

   Ye Weiyang continued: "I am actually very happy to know that you are going to take the early morning, because you finally made your own decision, but knowing the news of your death, my world is destroyed..."

   "But it's weird, I just have a feeling, a firmness that I don't even know where it comes from, thinking that you are not dead, you can't die."

   "I have contacted Wang Zhong's butler more than once, and I want to ask what was going on in that battle."

   "Steward Wang has never answered positively."

   "Later, he took me back to Yunmeng City."

"I'm sitting on the edge of this mountain cliff, waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, watching the sunset and the rising moon, and watching the moon setting and the rising sun, seabirds are flying across the sky, and the waves are rolling in the distance. I am not at all Worry, because I know that you will definitely come back."

   "Just now, I felt it, you are back."

   "Brother Chen, you must be there, why don't you come out?"

   Ye Weiyang's eyes are red.

   Lin Beichen's eyes are also red.

   He sighed, finally made a decision in his heart, and walked out slowly.

   Step by step, he came to Ye Weiyang's side, and then sat down slowly.

   Ye Weiyang's body trembled slightly.

She glanced at Lin Beichen, turned her head slowly, and looked at the distant ocean, tears gushing out like water bursting a bank, across her cheeks, flowing and gathering on the white chin, and then one by one. Dot dripped on the moon white priest's skirt on his body.

   Lin Beichen did not speak, and gently held her hand.

   "I didn't show up because I was afraid that the next time I would show up in front of you, it would be my corpse, not a living person."

   He squeezed Ye Weiyang's little hand and said, "I have already died once, so I am even more afraid that you will experience a pain."

   Ye Weiyang slowly leaned his head on Lin Beichen's shoulder and said: "I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of losing you. If there is another time, I will die with you."

   Lin Beichen took her in his arms.

   The two cuddled with each other, and they didn't speak any more.

  The seabirds in the sky, with their wings like scissors, cut open the sky and the sea.

   The sea breeze gradually calmed down.

   The pink-white wildflowers on the edge of the cliff, shaking their heads gently in the breeze, as if they were singing.

"so good."

   Ye Weiyang whispered like a dream: "I feel that time seems to have really flown back."

   Lin Beichen gently stroked her hair.

   "When you go, take me with you, okay." Ye Weiyang raised his face, eyes full of expectation, and said: "I want to be with you, always together."

   Lin Beichen kissed her forehead gently, and said, "Okay."

  He compromised.

   Hundreds of steel is made into steel and soft around the finger.

   At the moment he appeared, he thought about the next arrangement.

   He decided to take Ye Weiyang to Emperor Star.

  In the beginning, Lin Beichen planned to scan the host real continent with his mobile phone to find some talented young talents, bring them to the imperial capital, and take advantage of the opportunity of the ancestor of the poison road to open the altar to give lectures and mix with the ancient clan.

   But after seeing Ye Weiyang, he changed some thoughts.

   Newcomers, after all, are not as easy to use as acquaintances.

  Lin Beichen reflected that he had always undertaken everything with one effort. To some extent, it might be a kind of selfishness.

   He thought again, dear Uncle Wang sent Ye Weiyang to Yunmeng City, perhaps as a kind of reminding himself in disguise?

   Why don't you just say this dog thing?

   and Ye Weiyang are clustered on the edge of the cliff. Lin Beichen's brain is running fast, and gradually he has a clear and complete plan.



   Special Law Bureau.

   The four big horses and their subordinates discovered that there was another beautiful and unparalleled girl beside the director.


   Why use it again?

   After a few days, everyone knows that this girl named Yang Weiye is a childhood sweetheart from the time when the Secretary-General was down. Now the Secretary-General has made a fortune, and he deliberately picked it up to share her prosperity and wealth.

   I have to admit that Yang Weiye is indeed young and beautiful, with a magical charm that makes everyone want to protect and protect.

   It seems reasonable for a woman like this to win Director Li's heart.

   But when the news spread, someone was secretly hurt.

   Xue Ning'er cleaned up Nong Jianju seriously for the last time, and then left silently, not showing up in Nong Jianju again.

   Don't bother, this is the last gentleness of this intermediary girl.

   Gongsun Longquan also felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

   It turns out that he really has a wife.

   However, Gongsun Longquan is not the kind of sadness that hurts the autumn. With a little emotion, he began to devote himself to the intense ‘work’.

   After several days of exertion, the peasant family has completely withdrawn from the sequence of the seven major families and was annexed by the Hua family, which also gave up some benefits to the Dugu family and other major families.

   But no matter what, the Hua family has benefited the most.

And the upper class of the Wild Ancient Clan did not have much reaction to this annexation. After all, the entire Wild Ancient Clan has always believed in the strong, and the survival of the fittest. It follows a kind of internal competition like nourishing Gu, not to mention the huge price. Under the management, the matter is settled in this way.


   Lin Beichen appeared at Hua's house.

He individually summoned Gongsun Longquan and said, "Tonight, there is a starship docked at the port of the imperial capital. It is very important that there are several people on the ship. You can meet them in person and bring them to Hua's house. Then, I will Waiting for you at Hua's house."

   "Yes, my lord."

   Gongsun Longquan realized that the person he was going to pick up was very important, because Director Li had never given such a serious order, so he prepared carefully now and set off with people.

   Lin Beichen sat in the lobby, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Han.

   Then he waited quietly for a while, and left the imperial capital directly ‘returned to the city’. The next moment, he appeared in the military headquarters of the Beichen Legion of the Tianyu galaxy.

   In the commander-in-chief's office, Wang Zhong, Zou Tianyun, and Han Wuxi were all waiting, and they were relieved to see Lin Beichen appear.

   "Let's change place."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   The four of them disappeared in place.

   The next moment, they all appeared in the Lin Mansion of Yunmeng City.

   "The next plan needs to be discussed carefully."

   Lin Beichen said: "If everything can be solved in the imperial capital, then the civil war of the human race can be avoided and thousands of human children can be saved."

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