Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1787: Saint legend

War is always cruel.

  Especially this kind of battle between the Galaxy military groups, with over 100 million casualties at every turn, and once the boundary star is destroyed, it would be tens of billions of casualties.

   In the previous Galaxy Wars, hundreds of stars in the Tianyu Galaxy were destroyed by the army of the Desolate Ancients.

   What is even more despicable is that the army driven by the Huanggu tribe is also the Human Race War Department, which belongs to other big human race forces, not the people of the Huanggu tribe, and was killed by the Huanggu tribe with the knife and sent to the battlefield, and was both defeated by the Beichen Legion.

   This kind of war continues, and the human race has suffered heavy losses.

  The ancient desolate race is parasitic in the human race, weakening the power of the human race, and then it can be completely replaced, and the human race will fall back to the tragic position of the era of destruction.

   "What happened that year?"

Lin Beichen looked at Wang Zhong and said, "Since you have admitted that you are the ancestor of the Dao of Underworld Emperor, you should know what happened on the Emperor Star, and why the Holy Emperor suddenly proclaimed himself Emperor when he was at the peak. In the imperial temple, don't show up anymore?"

   Wang Zhong looked at Zou Tianyun, and then at Han Wang.

   He smiled, and said, "Master, you can't help it at last, do you want to ask this question?"

   Lin Beichen said sternly: "I just think that the mystery of the year should be solved. Only when the truth is known can the right medicine be prescribed."

Wang Zhong paced slowly, saying: "His Majesty the Holy Emperor rises at the end of life and was born in the darkest era of the human race. He is the greatest genius in this universe. There has never been a person who can be as amazing as he is. Rising from the dust almost broke the darkness of that era and defended the survival of the human race with one's own power..."

   Speaking of the holy emperor, Wang Zhong's words are full of reverence.

"His Majesty the emperor is not only invincible, but also invincible in the universe and galaxy, and invincible. He once planned to kill the demon lord Jian Xueyan, suppress the thirty-six void demon ancestors, slash the beast gods, and slaughter The original prehistoric life defeated and killed all races in the prehistoric universe, and abruptly rescued the human race from the darkest desperate situation. It can be said that if there were no emperors at that time, then in the current prehistoric universe, the human race Even if they are not extinct, they are just slave animals raised by the tribes..."

"Your Majesty established the Holy Empire of the Human Race, created the twenty-four ancestors of the Human Race, established an army, and continued to expedition among the galaxies of the universe, occupying the planets and incorporating them into the human race halfway. At its peak, the entire prehistoric universe was almost under the control of the human empire. Orcs, prehistoric species, and demons, as the last survivors of the Hundred Clan Era, shivered under His Majesty’s sword peak and had to choose to surrender. ."

   "Once, the twenty-four ancestors were the most trusted people around the emperor. He regarded them as a son, and they regarded him as a father. The human race was great because of the emperor and the ancestor, and the iron hoof of conquering never stopped..."

   "Twenty-four ancestors fought the Sifang Galaxy, and they were invincible."

   "If that didn't happen later, maybe now, the human race has unified the entire primordial universe. The emperor's long-cherished wish was to enter the void world and conquer the void demons..."

   At this point, Wang Zhong's tone was full of regret.

   Lin Beichen and Han looked at each other.

"So what happened?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   "During the battle of the Galaxy, some ancestors were bewitched by the void and launched a rebellion. The flames of war burned to the emperor star, and the emperor was besieged by some ancestors."

   Wang Zhong didn't sell Guanzi this time, he gave the answer directly.


   Lin Beichen was shocked when he heard this.

   There were only vague speculations before, but now it is finally a real hammer.

   Among the twenty-four ancestors, someone really betrayed the emperor and launched a siege on the emperor.

   "Is it the ancestor of the deserted ancient tribe?"

   he asked immediately.

  Wang Zhong shook his head lightly and said, "No."

   Lin Beichen was stunned.

   Isn't it the anti-skeletal ancient clan?

   Wang Zhongdao: "In that battle, the ancestors of the wild and ancient line chose to fight for the emperor. Thanks to them, the situation was reversed..."

   is that so?

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

   However, he suddenly reacted again.

   Indeed, it can't be an ancient clan.

  If the rebels were the ancient clan, then they were still alive, indicating that the losers were the emperor, and they had long replaced the emperor and became the masters of the prehistoric universe.

   But now, the holy emperor is still the supreme lighthouse of the human race, and the desolate ancient tribe is still under the emperor in name.

   And from Wang Zhong’s tone, we can also know that the holy emperor was the winner of the so-called betrayal.

   "Then who betrayed the emperor?"

   Lin Beichen asked curiously.

  Han's eyes are full of curiosity.

Wang Zhong sighed, and said: "When the betrayal that swept the Emperor Star happened back then, I was on an expedition, and many ancestors like me also had evidence of a absence. Some of the betrayers took action in secret, without revealing the clues. Later, according to rumors, one of the betrayers was the eleventh ancestor among the twenty-four ancestors."

   When he said the name, Zou Tianyun on one side also jumped his eyebrows.

   Obviously, it touched him a lot.

   The eleventh bloodline?

   Lin Beichen thought slightly, and said, "If I remember correctly, the ancestor of the eleventh bloodline is the ‘sage’."

   "It turned out to be a saint?"

Han Bufu was also taken aback and said, "As far as I know, in some historical records, this saint’s blood ancestor is known as the strongest among the twenty-four ancestors and the most benevolent and bright. It’s rumored that he was born. With the blood of the Holy Will, it is immune to all attacks. Whether it is true energy, devil energy, orc fighting energy, and spiritual power, it is ineffective against him. The saint is also the most peculiar bloodline of the twenty-four bloodlines, so there has never been a descendant..."

   Lin Beichen listened, and his heart jumped.


   There is still this kind of existence.

  Immunity to all attacks?

   Isn't this **** open?

"Yes, the sage of the year..." Wang Zhong answered, but the word'Brother' at the back never said, "He was once known as the person closest to the emperor. The emperor personally admitted that he is a person who is qualified to inherit power in the future. Among the twenty-four ancestors, the saints did not follow the emperor for the first time, but many ancestors worshipped him, even several ancestors from the deserted ancient tribe. He also admired and admired him very much. Crazy Zou and I had even practiced and learned the way with the saints... No one knows why he participated in that betrayal back then, but what is certain is that he really did it because it was Said the emperor himself."

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