Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1799: forbidden army

The celebration was over soon.

The bandit brother and Lin Beichen left the Emperor District together.

Along the way, there were many powerful people who came to chat.

Now both of them are rising dignitaries. Not only do they have power now, but they also have unlimited potential in the future. There are people above and below. Naturally, there are many people who are willing to make friends, even if it is to say a few words and mix it up. A familiar face is a good thing.

Both of them are also dealing with each other.

The bandit brother always felt that there seemed to be something different about Lin Beichen, but he couldn't tell.

He invited Lin Beichen to the Fuzhong as a guest, and by the way, he talked about the recent 'smuggling' of arms and medicinal materials.

"I ate something bad yesterday, and my stomach hurts."

Lin Beichen refused, turned around and left in a hurry.

Brother bandit: "..."

You're riding a horse and you're in the imperial realm, so you told me that your stomach hurts?


However, he was accustomed to Lin Beichen's sudden sand sculpture, and he guessed that there should be an urgent matter to deal with, so he didn't ask any further.


The gate of the Emperor's Temple slowly closed.

In the dark corridor, one hundred most loyal and fanatical geniuses carried star beasts, magical medicines, fairy ore and other items, and walked in step by step along the corridor.

Lin Beichen was in the crowd.

He came in in real form, disguised himself with the [Magic Camera], and turned into a stranger, dressed in exactly the same manner as the other fanatics.

The crowd was silent and moved forward slowly.

Lin Beichen looked around curiously.

The pale yellow rocky corridor, the steps at the foot climb up slowly, there are no murals, shrines and the like on both sides of the corridor, there is no light, there is no light source.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as a formation.

With Lin Beichen's current vision, he can see in the dark like day.

The crowd carried various tributes and climbed the stone steps.

Soon, they came to a stone gate.

To the left and right of the door, stood two statues of gods in full armor, holding Gu Ge, as if they were eternal patron saints, silently guarding this place.

The headed mad believer stepped forward, holding an object in his hand, like a key, and inserted it into the door lock.


The huge stone gate opened slowly.

Light appeared.

Behind the door is a small independent world.

Green trees and grass, the boundless forest.

It turned out to be a small world constructed by the technique of sky formation.

Lin Beichen was not so surprised.

For the Holy Emperor, building a small world with the sky formation technique is a matter of hands. It is rumored that the twenty-four ancestors of the human race were all cultivated by the Holy Emperor. above them.

Following the crowd, they entered the stone gate.


The stone gate is closed.

The fanatics carried various precious tributes and continued onward.

A moment later, a black outpost appeared in front of him.


The sound of breaking the air sounded.

Three crimson streamers burst into the air and landed in front of everyone.

These are three human races in blood-colored armor. The dark-red armor seems to be soaked in blood, covered with sword marks and sword marks. Like blood red.

Their entire bodies were covered in blood armor.

Only a pair of scorpions were revealed in the visor's vision hole, like a calm abyss, without the slightest wave.

The indescribable **** energy lingered around their bodies, giving people the feeling that they were the gods of war who had just withdrawn from the battlefield.

A powerful aura emanated from them.

At least it's the pinnacle of the star-ranked class.

There was a commotion among the fanatics.

But the young man in white at the head waved his hand slightly to signal everyone to be quiet, then slowly stepped forward, holding the key that opened the stone gate before, and bowed to the three blood armored gods.

"Another thousand years have passed..."

One of the blood armored gods will speak.

The voice is old.

The other two blood armored generals also sighed in unison.

"Come with us."

They turned and led the way.

Under the leadership of the leader in white, the mad believers quickly followed.

At this time, Lin Beichen also realized that these three blood armored generals are friends rather than enemies.

Soon, everyone came to the outpost.

A new ancestral blood armor **** general appeared.

His armor was densely covered with various knife marks and arrow holes, as well as countless various battle scars. The whole person exuded a strong sense of oppression, which made Lin Beichen feel a little scared.

"There is bad news."

The leader of the **** general said, "As early as 5,000 years ago, the teleportation formation in the Prison of Ten Thousand Clans had been eroded and damaged, and it could no longer be teleported. Therefore, it would be very dangerous to have to walk through the crime zone."

When Lin Beichen heard the words, he pondered in his heart.

All this is not what I imagined.

And what does the prison of all races mean?

Teleportation Array?

Crime zone?

Lin Beichen realized that in this emperor's temple, there are indeed secrets that people outside will never know.

Moreover, at this time, he had already vaguely guessed the identities of these blood armored generals.

Just listening to the leader of the **** general continued: "The first floor of the Prison of Ten Thousand Races suppresses the primitive orcs... The strength is the lowest, but it is not something you can fight against. Bring your majesty's tribute, and the Imperial Army will **** you through."

Forbidden army.

These people are indeed the legendary emperor's forbidden army.

In the entire post, a total of 100 Imperial Guards were stationed, all of them were blood-red armor, and the armor was covered with traces of various battles.

They were ready to go, drove their chariots, polished their weapons, walked out of the post, and escorted a hundred mad believers with tributes to the vast forest farther away.

Soon, they encountered the enemy.

As the leader of the forbidden army said, the enemy that appeared was the primitive orcs—the most brutal and violent orcs in the era of the Great Destruction. Weapons, rushing frantically.

"For the Emperor."

The leader of the forbidden army shouted.

"For the Emperor."

A thunderous cry rang out.

The other ninety-nine Imperial Guards released powerful infuriating energy all over their bodies. They were all strong in the star realm, protecting Lin Beichen and others, and rushed up.

This battle was extremely tragic.

The primitive orcs seemed to know something, and they lay siege to the convoy at all costs.

The army formation of the forbidden army is like a retrograde boat in a sea of ​​blood, protecting the mad believers and tributes, and marching forward stubbornly.

And at this moment, something happened that made Lin Beichen almost throw a tug-of-war.

Only the **** general who could hear him at the head sang the battle song—

"Rise up the slaves who are starved and cold, rise up, the suffering human race in the whole universe, full of blood has boiled, to fight for the human race... There has never been a savior, nor an immortal emperor. To create the happiness of the entire human race, it all depends on us. …”


Lin Beichen looked confused.

What these banned soldiers sang was... the Internationale version of the battle anthem?


There are two more

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