Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1800: Eternal obstruction

At this moment, Lin Beichen's thoughts diverged wildly.

The Emperor's Custodians sang the "Internationale" version of the battle anthem. Although some of the words in it have been adapted, the melody and general meaning are almost 100% identical to the "Internationale".


Not too possible.

Coincidence with a sentence or two of lyrics, or a coincidence of a tune, is already against the sky.

How could the word 'coincidence' explain such an almost identical thing?

So here comes the question?

Why do songs on earth appear here?

And it was sung from the mouth of the Holy Emperor's Custodian.

Is the Holy Emperor a transmigrator?

Or is it that there are transmigrators who appeared in the Holy Emperor's Imperial Army, wrote this song, dedicated it to the Emperor, and got adopted?

But anyway...

All have to do with transmigrators.

This discovery made Lin Beichen both shocked and happy.

It's like a person who has been wandering abroad for countless years and has settled down in a foreign country, suddenly one day, he heard the local accent.

If someone suddenly appeared at this time and said to Lin Beichen: Brother Lin, the seagulls of Qinghai Lake are here again, the wind from Dianchi Lake has blown over the Western Mountains, the Three Gorges Dam will release the flood for the second time, and my country has become the world's largest economy. , Taiwan has returned, the snow in the Qilian Mountains has melted, and the peach blossoms in the Wuquan Mountain Park in Lanzhou have bloomed...

Lin Beichen will definitely burst into tears.

But at this time, the battle is still going on.

The Imperial Army showed a strong fighting force.

Their strength lies not only in the horror of their individual cultivation, nor in the mystery of the battle formation, but also in their spiritual will, which is as tough and unshakable as steel.

The war song of the forbidden army resounded on the first floor of the Prison of Ten Thousand Races.

In the end, the primitive orcs collapsed.

The road finally came to an end.

The soldiers of the Imperial Army were covered in blood, and blood dripped from their armor.

At this moment, Lin Beichen suddenly understood why their armor was bright red, and also understood where those dense knife marks and sword holes came from.

They are guarding this floor.

Guarding the lowness of the human race.

The primitive orcs here are one of the ten thousand races in the era of great destruction, a symbol of cruelty and cruelty. It is recorded in many annals of the human race that the primitive orcs once regarded human beings as blood food and slaves, as books and beasts, and they were kept in captivity at will. kill...

Later, the Holy Emperor was born, reversed the tragic situation of the human race, created the 24 bloodline cultivation inheritance, fought on all sides, defeated countless enemies, and only then did the human race rise.

The orcs were once one of the great bitter masters of the human race.

With the establishment of the strongest empire by the human race, the primitive orcs have long since withdrawn from the stage of history, and the follow-up Zhanyuan orcs, Red Nightmare orcs, etc. are all descendants of them, but most of them no longer dare to blatantly oppose the human empire...

Unexpectedly, the original ancestor of the orcs was actually imprisoned in the Emperor's Temple.

"We can only protect you from the first floor."

The leader of the forbidden army looked at the crowd and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Your Majesty's tribute must be brought. It's a big deal."

With that said, he opened the gate of the sky formation ahead.

In the green mountains and waters ahead, the void seemed to be slowly pulled open like a door curtain, a black corridor appeared outside the door, and the dim yellow steps spread towards the second floor of the Emperor's Temple.

The fanatics carried justice and entered the corridor.

Then the door rumbled and slowly closed.

"If you see Your Majesty, please convey the greetings from the Wind Chime War Department of the Imperial Army: After fighting for 30,000 years, we have no complaints or regrets. I'm afraid that there will be no day to see His Majesty in this life. I wish His Majesty a long life!"

"We, I would like to shed the last drop of blood and slay the demons forever!"

The voice came from the crack of the slowly closing door.

Lin Beichen turned back.

He saw that on the other side of the door, the soldiers of the Custodian Army took off their armor and hugged them before their chests, revealing their old faces and gray hair.

At this moment, Lin Beichen's heart seemed to be grabbed by something.

The general Bai Zhan died, and the strong man returned after ten years.

These arrogances who once traversed the prehistoric universe, these gods of war who have made countless enemies of the human race terrified, these warriors who have defended the glory of the human race and created the monument of the human race... They are old.

But even if they are skinny and old, even if their hair turns grey, they still guard here.


The door slowly closed.

The white-haired Imperial Army will never be seen again.

Lin Beichen followed the crowd and walked along the corridor.

The fanatics were silent at this time.

Obviously, Lin Beichen was not the only one who was shocked just now.

The crowd continued along the corridor.

Soon, it was in front of the second stone gate.

It was still the white-clothed leader who held the key and opened the door on the second floor...

A lilac light shone in from the other side of the door.

A faint magical energy lingered in the void.

Another small world.

A world full of magic.

The moment the door opened, I heard the roaring sound between heaven and earth. The energy of the new ancestor-level powerhouse fluctuated, blowing towards the face, and the terrifying air current swept the entire small world...

The second floor of the Emperor's Temple.

The second floor of the Prison of All Races.

This is a small world where the Void Demon Source is imprisoned.

"You are here."

A figure in broken armor and dragging a broken knife appeared inside the gate. He had only one eye, lacked a left arm, gray hair, and thin bones. The wounds on his body kept healing and bursting.

This is a new ancestor-level powerhouse.

Judging from the broken armor on his body, it is also the emperor's forbidden army.

"The teleportation array on the second floor has been destroyed. Your Majesty's tribute can only be delivered on foot. We have been preparing for this day for a long time, come on."

He looked at Lin Beichen and the others, and there was a hint of relief in his eyes, then he took the broken knife and led the way in front.

The fanatics followed behind, silently moving forward.

A purplish-black shroud shrouded the sky, and the sound of battle came from afar. Streams of light pierced through the sky, and terrifying energy explosions and fluctuations continued to come.

"Is it a Demon Race imprisoned here?"

Lin Beichen couldn't help but ask.

"It's the Beginning Demon, the creature that was originally captured by the void, and once almost destroyed the entire universe..."

The old guard with the broken knife answered while walking.

"In order to ensure your smooth passage, our department launched a general attack, which has suppressed the beginning demon outside the road of the soul tablet. Follow me and you can pass safely."

He didn't look back.

"Are you the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard stationed here?"

Lin Beichen asked again.

"Commander? I'm just an old soldier sharpening swords. The commander died 3,000 years ago, and now the commander has changed three positions... Young man, follow me and don't go the wrong way."

The voice of the old Imperial Guard was very vicissitudes. From the wound on his body that could not be healed, blood was flowing continuously.

At this time, Lin Beichen realized that there were bright red tombstones erected on both sides of the road that he and others were walking on, as if they were guardrails, surrounding the path in the wilderness.

The tombstone is unnamed.

But in front of the monument is a broken sword of the Imperial Army.

He instantly understood that under these tombstones, the Emperor's Imperial Troops who had died in battle were buried forever.

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