Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1809: Temple of the Emperor

Are only members of the tribute group eligible to enter?

Lin Beichen glanced at Wu Shanglong.

The latter looked up at the top of the corridor, and did not want to make a sound, pretending that he was also a member of the tribute group.

Lin Beichen thought for a while and asked, "If you were not a member of the tribute group and entered the hall on the last floor, what would have happened?"

Li Chenyuan was not surprised by Lin Beichen's question.

A fool can see that this is asking questions for Wu Shanglong.

Otherwise, he is a member of the tribute group himself, so why is there such an extravagant effort?

The new ancestral general of the Imperial Guard who led the team said: "I don't know, because we have never been in it. It has been many years and we have not seen His Majesty."

Lin Beichen thought for a while and winked at Wu Shanglong.

Who knows that the latter is a **** who eats a scale—he is determined to ignore it at all.

"If you can see Your Majesty..."

The Imperial Guard who led the team wanted to say something, but the words came to his lips. For some reason, he didn't finish his words. Instead, he gave everyone a military salute before turning around and leaving.

In the corridor, the light is dim.

Everyone's mood is very excited.

Along the way, it seems that I have traveled through countless worlds, and my mind has been tempered to be extremely tough. At this time, they all looked at each other with smiles on their faces, encouraging each other.

Li Chenyuan, a young man in white, took the key and came to the stone gate at the end of the corridor.

Everyone followed closely behind him, holding their breath.

The last layer.

According to legend, the place where the emperor of the human race lived.

The sacred place of the human race.

It is also the most sacred place in the entire prehistoric universe.

For 50,000 years, the owner of this holy land has been shaking the galaxy, like a mansion aloft, overlooking all the living beings in the galaxy, even the ancestor-level existence, must crawl under his feet.

And now, they are going to meet this great being.


The door opened slowly.

The warm golden light poured from the crack of the door like flowing water into the corridor.

Li Chenyuan, who was bathed in golden light, exuded a sacred aura from all over.

He walked in slowly.

The fanatics followed.

Lin Beichen hesitated a little, and then stepped forward.

As he walked, he looked at Wu Shanglong and said, "You really don't think about it anymore? You are not a member of the tribute group. If you enter it, if there is any danger..."

"Even if I die, I am willing."

Wu Shanglong lifted the green waistband and said, "I have heard of His Majesty the Emperor's miracle for a long time. My parents have waited for more than once to say that being able to serve the Emperor is a lifetime blessing. I know His Majesty the Emperor's The meaning of the human race is to be able to meet His Majesty once in one's lifetime, and die without regrets."

A row of black lines hung down on Lin Beichen's forehead.


This guy is more fanatical than a fanatic.

It seems that as long as it is related to the emperor, everyone will become crazy.

Lin Beichen thought about it carefully. He didn't do anything wrong. Logically speaking, even if he fought against the ancient people, it was for the sake of the human race, so the emperor and his old man wouldn't kill him, right?

Thinking of what Wang Zhong and others had said, Lin Beichen felt that he couldn't let go of this opportunity.

He wants to go in and have a look.

"Haha, hahaha..."

Wu Shanglong suddenly laughed.

Lin Beichen was startled and asked quickly, "Have you had a brain attack?"

"Where do I have a brain disease?"

Wu Shanglong rolled his eyes and said: "I just think about it, I am the first non-tribute group to step into the real Emperor's Temple in tens of thousands of years, and I can't help but be happy right away, haha, It's an unparalleled honor."

Lin Beichen moved in his heart.

Almost forgot about this.

He took a few steps calmly and stepped in front of Wu Shanglong into the golden hall behind the stone gate of the tunnel.

"Yes, yes, you are definitely the first."

He turned back to Wu Shanglong and showed a kind smile.

The latter's teeth were grinning to the bottom of his ears.

Anyway, in his eyes, Lin Beichen belongs to the tribute group, so it doesn't matter if he leaves first.

"Is this your majesty's shrine?"

"It's different from what I imagined."

"The real hall is not a small world."

The mad believers looked around, their expressions were pious and respectful. For them, this was a real pilgrimage, and they were willing to go here, even if they were to die immediately.

Lin Beichen is also looking at the surrounding environment.

The golden hall.

It is not a small world created by the sky formation technique.

But the real reality exists.

At this time, the position of everyone is the long corridor of the first layer of the golden hall, with golden pillars supporting the roof of the corridor.

He came to the right of the two roads and looked out.

You can see the white clouds lingering, and through the clouds, you can vaguely see the imperial capital below, a building like a small square...

Just like standing on the top of the Oriental Pearl in the previous life, overlooking Shanghai Beach.

Magnificent, vast, vast, vast.

It is instantly broad-minded.

If you jump from this corridor, will you be able to return to the outside world?

Lin Beichen stretched out his hand.

In the void outside the railing, translucent golden ancient symbols suddenly appeared, and he flicked his fingers back.


There are array restrictions.

Can't get through.

Lin Beichen didn't try again.

He didn't think he could break the Emperor's forbidden formation.

Turning around, he looked at the entire corridor.

The golden floor is actually made of pure gold, smooth as a mirror, and when you bow your head, you can clearly see your face.

but not slippery.

Walking on it is like walking on a cloud.


Li Chenyuan said loudly.

The fanatics immediately became solemn, stopped whispering, and began to organize their clothes.

Lin Beichen followed suit.

His eyes looked further afield.

At the end of the corridor is the golden hall.

Li Chenyuan led the crowd towards the hall.

Along the way, I didn't see any guards, and I didn't see any signs of life. The gate of the temple was open, and everyone filed in.

A question appeared in Lin Beichen's heart.

Where did the fanatics who came to the temple in the past go?

"Kneel down."

Li Chenyuan shouted.

The mad believers knelt down one after another, and then bowed three times and nine times before walking forward on their knees.

Lin Beichen: "..."

He had no choice but to imitate.

I didn't know this part existed before.

The cultists' sense of ritual is too strong.

Enter the hall.

The light inside is soft, all made of primeval gold, the ground is smooth like a mirror, magnificent, full of noble and majestic atmosphere, but not vulgar.

Twenty meters inward, there are giant golden domes on the left and right sides, supporting the translucent pale golden dome.

Go further in.

Only then did Lin Beichen realize that it was not just two golden domes.

Instead, it was a full twenty-four.

Under each dome, there is a large golden table. On the table are wine utensils, tableware and chopsticks, but there is no wine or meat, and the tableware is empty.

After the big case, there is a golden futon.

No one sits.

Twenty-four domes, twenty-four major cases.

Is this for the twenty-four ancestors?

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