The hall is bright and splendid.

Those empty bowls, chopsticks and drinking utensils gave the impression that a grand banquet was suddenly interrupted, and then everyone left the venue in a hurry, too late to do any cleaning.

There was a sudden sense of surprise.

Twenty dome columns, twelve on the left and right.

Further down, there are golden steps.

The steps spread upwards.

After the ninth order, there is a higher seat, with two seats on the left and right. The golden table is larger, the wine utensils are more complete, and there are more dishes, each with a pair of chopsticks.

But on the golden futon behind the table, there is still no trace.

"Who is sitting on these two seats?"

Lin Beichen had huge doubts in his heart.

This is by no means the seat of the Holy Emperor.

In terms of specifications, their master status should be higher than that of the twenty-four ancestors.

This is strange.

Judging from the various legends circulating in the prehistoric universe today, no matter which version it is, there are no such two existences that are above the twenty-four ancestors.

Two people buried in the dust of history?

Above the high-level seating area on this floor, there are nine more steps.

On top of that, a high platform.

The high platform is located in the center and the highest point in the depths of the entire hall. If you live on it, you can stop everyone in the entire temple at a glance.

This is the most conspicuous C position in the temple.

And at the front end of this high platform, stands a huge golden screen.

The screen is divided into two compartments.

On the left panel are painted mountains and rivers.

On the right side is a cosmic star map.

The golden screen is translucent.

Behind him, there was a stalwart figure sitting on a golden pedestal, holding the armrest of the pedestal with one hand, his body leaning slightly, as if he was sleeping on his elbows.

A powerful and bright aura emanated from this hazy and stalwart figure, like the bright sun above the sky, shining brightly in all directions.


The Holy Emperor of the Human Race.

Lin Beichen's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

He can be sure that behind the two golden screens, the figure on the golden throne is definitely the greatest powerhouse in this universe in history.

"We, see Your Majesty."

Li Chenyuan and the others, already bursting into tears with excitement, landed on the ground with their foreheads in unison, and gave the highest standard of gifts.

Lin Beichen also knelt down and saluted.

In any case, the Holy Emperor is the recognized savior of the human race. Without him, the human race in the prehistoric universe might have been extinct.

From this perspective, Lin Beichen felt that even if he knelt down in front of the emperor for three days and three nights, he would definitely have nothing to lose.

Of all the people, only one did not kneel.

It is Wu Shanglong.

Lin Beichen tugged at his robe.

He shook his head and said, "No."

Lin Beichen was startled.

However, Li Chenyuan turned her head and shouted angrily, "Be careful."

Wu Shanglong ignored him, stepped up slowly, walked towards the steps, and said, "No, very wrong..."

"Stop him."

Li Chenyuan was furious.


In the sound of breaking the air, a dozen mad believers intercepted Wu Shanglong in front of him like lightning.

"Before Your Majesty, no one should be presumptuous."

Li Chenyuan glared angrily and said, "Since you are a descendant of the Imperial Army, you should know this, how dare you be so presumptuous? Why don't you kneel down quickly?"

If it wasn't for Wu Shanglong's efforts to turn the tide several times in the process of escorting the tribute before, if not for the fact that the guards along the way had acknowledged his identity, then Li Chenyuan would have already shot and killed him.

Wu Shanglong's face showed a hint of helplessness, and said, "You are wrong, the figure behind Cangshengping and Xingheping is not the emperor."

"Who are you?"

Li Chenyuan held swords in both hands, glared at Wu Shanglong, and said, "You are not a descendant of the Imperial Army, you... an alien demon?"

For the mad believers, it is absolutely unforgivable to face the blasphemy of the emperor like this, and a trace of doubt suddenly rose in Li Chenyuan's heart.

Wu Shanglong sighed.

He turned to look at Lin Beichen and said, "Don't you believe me either?"

Lin Beichen nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

I believe you are a ghost.

I already thought you had a problem.

However, after thinking about it, he still asked, "What's wrong? What did you see?"

Wu Shanglong was silent for a while and said, "You can't stop me."

His strength is indeed very strong.

Catch the green giant dragon with only one hand.

Absolutely the pinnacle of the new ancestor.

The person present, theoretically, no one can stop him.

Wu Shanglong said again: "If I have ulterior motives, I can attack directly while you are worshiping, kill all of you here, and then do other actions."

Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

It seems to make sense.

"Don't trust him."

Li Chenyuan sneered and said, "He must be afraid of something... This thief must be an alien demon."

As a mad believer, the sensible and courageous young man in white before finally showed his fanatical and confident side. No matter how Wu Shanglong proved himself, he chose to ignore it all.


Wu Shanglong sighed.

The figure moved.

Like a glimmer of light.

Before everyone could react, he actually appeared in front of the two golden screens.



Li Chenyuan and other mad believers suddenly squinted.

As a servant, you dare to set foot on the emperor's platform?

Kill without mercy.

"Let's see clearly for you."

Wu Shanglong shouted loudly, and pointed at the center of Cangsheng Screen and Xinghe Screen. The finger force of the peak new ancestor instantly swayed layers of golden ripples in the air, but in the end, the two screens were directly separated.

The golden throne behind was revealed.

Lin Beichen glanced at it and was immediately stunned.

Li Chenyuan and others were also stunned in place at the same time, their expressions shocked and dazed.

Because behind the two screens, on the golden throne, unexpectedly...


On the golden throne, it was empty.

The stalwart figure seen through the screen before does not really exist.

"This this……"

Li Chen's words were incoherent, and the whole person fell into a huge loss.


His Majesty the Emperor...isn't actually on the throne?

Lin Beichen's pupils also trembled wildly.

Before, I clearly saw the stalwart figure like a **** through the screen, and I also felt the magnificent and vast aura, the infinite power radiating towards the entire imperial capital, the entire imperial star and even the entire universe...

In the end, the throne was empty?

What did you just see?

Judging from the horror of Li Chenyuan and others, the outside world definitely didn't know about this.

Everyone thought that the emperor was sitting in the temple, retreating on the golden throne, and they all believed that he had never stepped out of the temple for tens of thousands of years.

but now?

What about people?

My human race is such a strong emperor, why did he disappear?

Lin Beichen's figure moved and instantly appeared on the high platform.

A close look.

It can be clearly seen that the Throne made by Honghuang Gold can be called a work of art, it is exquisite, and there are thousands of star images on it. Although the stars are small in the sea of ​​​​gold stars, they are clearly visible.

When he used his eyesight, he made an even more surprising discovery.

Even in the relief sculptures of stars as large as the cross section of a hair, there are still finer objects in the paintings. When the eyes are continuously enlarged like a magnifying glass, you can see the smaller mountains, rivers, and forests in the 'stars'. ,grassland……

You can even see some cities, buildings, and the creatures in them.


Where is this golden pedestal relief?

It is clearly a top alchemy artifact.

On the earth, even with nano-scale robots, such microscopic images cannot be sculpted.

Only the supreme alchemy **** can create such an extraordinary artifact.

Lin Beichen realized that this golden throne is definitely not just a seat.

It must have a more wonderful failure.

Perhaps the ubiquitous light of power and power just now was emanating from this shrine?

But in the haze, what happened to that stalwart figure?

Could it be related to these two screens?

Indistinctly, Lin Beichen felt as if he had grasped a crucial point.

But what is it specifically, it has never been able to clear the last ray of haze.

It's like at the front end of the climax, it's just a little bit, but it never breaks out.

"You two, come down quickly."

Li Chenyuan shouted from below.

Even if the Emperor is not there, the high platform is not a sacred place for others to step on.

"Not only weak, but also stupid."

Wu Shanglong shook his head and slowly came to the front of the Golden Throne, turned around, and was about to sit down...


A sword light.

Split the void between him and the Golden Throne.

Lin Beichen held the sword with a serious expression, shook his head, and said, "You'd better not sit on it."

Wu Shanglong tilted his head for a while and said, "Why?"

Lin Beichen said, "Because you are not worthy."

Seeing this scene, Li Chenyuan and other mad believers breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Lin Beichen stopped him.

That is, only the first powerhouse among the proven mad believers has the ability to stop Wu Shanglong.

Everyone is also ready to help.

Who knew that Wu Shanglong nodded in cooperation in the end, and said, "You are right... Actually, I have no other intentions, I just want to find out some truth."

Lin Beichen didn't say anything else.

His eyes fell on the Cangsheng screen and the Xinghe screen.

What is certain is that these two screens are also alchemy tools.

Like the golden seats, they were supposed to be the Emperor's royal possession.

His eyes were a lot in the entire hall.

The biggest question now is where the Emperor went.

Not here, and where?

Lin Beichen took Wu Shanglong, galloped down from the high platform, came to Li Chenyuan, and asked, "Head of the regiment, you should know something. For example, after the tribute is delivered, where should it be placed and how should it be disposed of?"

Li Chenyuan hesitated for a while, and looked at the empty tabletops and tableware.

Lin Beichen was startled.

Isn't it a tribute to the Emperor?

Besides, some of the tributes are minerals, elixir and other things, so it's not appropriate to put them in a bowl, right?

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