Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1813: Possessed?

"Do you know something?"

Lin Beichen looked at Wu Shanglong.

The latter shook his head.

"Then you said coming?"

Lin Beichen asked.

Wu Shanglong said: "I'm just a description... don't you think?" He lowered his voice and said, "These guys don't look like living people."

"You fucking..."

Lin Beichen was horrified and said, "Don't tell ghost stories."

"If you don't believe me, look at it."

Wu Shanglong said.

Lin Beichen turned his head to look, and his hair stood on end.

It turned out that the face of the 'Twenty-Four Ancestors' began to have blue-blue nether effects at some point, like a ghost crawling out of the underworld, it really didn't look like a living person.

Linking to the whole process of their 'arrival' before, Lin Beichen's heart froze.

Since the time of crossing, what scene has he not seen?

But this scene has never been seen before.


"Hey Hey."


"A creature in the world, sweet breath."

The ancestors laughed coldly.

Their eyes began to glow with blue-purple light, as if they were congested, and at the same time, their mouths cracked, revealing hundreds of dagger-like sharp teeth.

This is not what humans look like at all.

Nor is it the appearance of any known creature in the Great Wilderness universe... This is not a living creature at all. The reason why they exist seems to be because of the blood they just drank.

They laughed, cracked their mouths, and their fine teeth were like serrated teeth in the cracks of the void, turning into terrifying monsters, slowly approaching the crowd.

This time, even Li Chenyuan, the leader of the mad believers, couldn't hold back.

"Why is this happening?"

"This is the Emperor's Temple, why is there such an inexplicable monster?"

"Where did your Majesty go?"

The fanatics feel lost and have a sense of depression that their worldview has been destroyed.

"You seem to have forgotten one thing."

Wu Shanglong opened his mouth and said, "The Emperor's Temple is above the 9999th floor, and it is also called the Prison of Ten Thousand Clans."

Lin Beichen moved in his heart.

The previous prison was nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. That's right.

According to the saying of "The Prison of Ten Thousand Clans", there is still one layer missing before it can be called Ten Thousand Clan.


Thinking of this, Lin Beichen's pupils shrank suddenly.

So this floor is not just the Emperor's Temple, but also a 'prison'?

Since it is a prison, it must imprison living beings.


These monsters who have turned into the twenty-four ancestors in front of them are actually prisoners of this temple?

Where did the emperor go?

In Lin Beichen's mind, countless question marks flickered wildly.

But obviously this is not the time to explore suspense.

Gotta find a way to get out of here.

Lin Beichen secretly tried to 'return to the city'.

Then his complexion changed instantly.


The omnipotent 'return to the city' divine technique turned out to be ineffective at such a critical moment.

He tried several times in a row.

Neither was able to leave.

This gloomy blue-purple light effect in the entire hall space seems to have some kind of inconceivable sealing effect, which not only isolates the light of the prehistoric gold, but also makes this space completely independent from the entire prehistoric universe...

Big trouble.

On the opposite side, the monsters of the 'Twenty-Four Ancestors' were still slowly approaching, grinning gloomily, and looking at the crowd, as if they were looking at the meal on a plate, their expressions were penetrating, and they were not in a hurry to act.

Their movements were as slow as that of a staggering old man.

But it brought a devastating pressure.

Lin Beichen summoned the saber and said, "Everyone, don't stand still, try to find a way..."

"The door is closed."

"Come on, a few people in the past, try to see if you can open the door."

Several fanatics rushed over and frantically tried to push the door.

As a result, it didn't move at all.

"No, I tried it, but I can't push it away."

"There is a seal at the window, and I don't go out."

"The dome won't open either."

"There is no way to go."

The mad believers quickly tried all methods, but they couldn't leave this underworld hall at all.

There must be another way out.

Wu Shanglong said: "The conventional way will not work, think of other ways."

Lin Beichen turned his eyes and said, "Remember, where did these monster-like guys come from?"

Li Chenyuan's eyes lit up and said, "The apse?"

Back then, these ghost-like 'ancestors' came from behind the main hall, so there might be a passage there.

As for what is in the depths of the passage, or whether it will be more dangerous, now everyone can't care about it, and they can only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Rush over."

Wu Shanglong gave a low voice and said, "I'll clear the way."

He scooped directly from his crotch, took out a green dragon, shook it in the wind, turned it into a green slashing sword, and said, "Come with me."

It was incomparably brave, and charged directly towards the twenty-four 'first ancestors' on the opposite side.


The sword light is like electricity.

The sword qi broke through the void and cut out the qi waves.


The leading 'Ancestor of Alchemy Dao' was slashed to the front by this sword, and with a loud bang, he flew out backwards, blood all over his body, and his body was already in tatters.


Lin Beichen was greatly surprised.

This monster can exude such a terrifying aura, it is like the ancestor of the underworld descended. I didn't expect the real combat power to be so vulnerable?

And the other mad believers, seeing this scene, immediately became very morale.

Li Chenyuan swung both swords and said, "Crush."

The battle broke out at this moment.

Lin Beichen also did not retain his strength.

A sword slashed out.


The head of 'Wang Zhong' flew out.


Punch out.

The body of 'Wang Zhong' was blown away, exploded in mid-air, and turned into a basin of blood and dispersed.

This kind of feeling... cool is mixed with a strange smell.

Lin Beichen didn't stop, another sword.

With his current cultivation level, he can kill Xing Zun with just one sword, and the body of 'Zou Tianyun' on the opposite side of the Holy Body Road is divided into two parts...

Impostors should be damned.

Lin Beichen chose "acquaintances" to start without hesitation.

"The combat power of these 'ancestors' is probably around the peak star level, far less than the new ancestor level... Huh? If that's the case, why should I run away?"

Such a thought popped up in Lin Beichen's mind.

But his intuition told him that he should leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, more dangerous things will happen.


Screams came.

There are also some mad believers who are not inferior, they were beheaded and fell in a pool of blood.

"Come on."

Li Chenyuan shouted.

He had already rushed over, but when he turned around again, he would save people again.

Lin Beichen took a breath and turned back.

At this moment, he saw a strange convulsion.

The injured mad believer who was lifted up by Li Chenyuan suddenly sneered, a sword pierced Li Chenyuan's chest, and the tip of the sword came out from his back, dripping with blood.


A look of disbelief appeared on Li Chenyuan's face.

He never dreamed that the person he came back to save would actually kill someone, and they were obviously the closest partners who fought together, and had undergone the strictest screening...

why? Before these three were asked, they saw a terrible change in the body of this mad believer. His skin was like a melted candle, flowing, and the fine lines of blue and purple seemed to be worms from the flesh and blood. She crawled out, changed her appearance, and finally turned into another person completely.

Lin Beichen almost exclaimed in surprise.

Wang Zhong!

The mad believer turned into Wang Zhong.

He tilted his head, his eyes flashed with blue-purple light, his mouth was open, the corners of his mouth were almost split to the base of his ears, and there were densely packed fangs like serrated teeth...

At this time, exclamations came from the mouths of others.

I saw a mad believer who was still fighting hard, suddenly stayed in place, and then the knife in his hand cut off the head of another mad believer who was fighting alongside him, and then the flesh and blood were like melted wax drops. It melted, turned purple and cyan, and finally turned into the appearance of the ancestor of the 'Alchemy Dao' who was smashed by Wu Shanglong at the beginning...

Lying trough.

Lin Beichen's heart was beating wildly.

This is possession?


Seize the house?

Or what?

So these monsters' ancestors, although their strength is limited, are they difficult to kill?

He moved and drew out his sword.


The sword light flashed.

Kill the resurrected 'Wang Zhong' again.

This time, he used the sword intent of [Acacia Into the Bone], and wanted to cut off his resurrection with the intent of love.


Lin Beichen supported Li Chenyuan and said, "Let everyone retreat... Is there any healing medicine?"

Li Chenyuan stirred up his qi and blood, and the wound on his body healed instantly, and said, "It doesn't matter... how could this happen?"

"It's about that blood."

Wu Shanglong said loudly: "These monsters seem to be able to possess your body. If I guess correctly, it has something to do with them drinking your blood, then the blood is an introduction..."

Li Chenyuan's face suddenly paled.

He also thought of this for a moment.

If that's the case, doesn't that mean that these monsters can take on any one of them at any time as long as they want?

Will they all become such monsters?

"Don't think too much about it yet."

Lin Beichen comforted: "The situation may not be so bad."

He shot directly, and Acacia swordsmanship cut out.

Several other ancestors fell to the sword one after another.

And the big green sword in Wu Shanglong's hand is also very powerful. Under the slash, all the 'ancestors' couldn't parry and fell directly.

Soon, the twenty-four 'Ancestor' monsters were all beheaded.

Blood is flowing in the hall.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is bad news."

Wu Shanglong said: "I went to see it just now. There is no back door in this hall... I don't know where these monsters came from. We are trapped here."

Everyone's faces turned pale in an instant.


A scream rang out.

A mad believer was 'possessed' and beheaded his companions. His body changed like melted wax, and he soon turned into the appearance of the ancestor of the [Poison Dao].

He growled lowly and rushed towards Lin Beichen.


Two swords collide.

The sword in Lin Beichen's hand was cut off.

But he raised his hand and pointed it out, and with a finger, the Acacia sword energy also penetrated the eyebrows of the ancestor of the [Poison Dao], blasting his head.

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Beichen's face.

become stronger.

The energy of the ancestor monster after the change of possession has more than doubled.

Bad trend.

If it goes on like this...

He looked at the remaining sixty-four mad believers in the hall. If these people were repeatedly possessed, how terrible would the 'Ancestor' monster become in the end?

Even if you join forces with Wu Shanglong, it's hard to resist, right?

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