"Everyone spread out."

Li Chenyuan said loudly.

Everyone is at risk of being possessed. If they stand together and do not check for a while, it is too easy to be attacked by the possessed, resulting in more casualties.

Everyone also tacitly kept their distance from each other.

The bravery and rationality shown by the mad newcomers without being 'possessed and seized' are commendable, and they deserve to be elite geniuses selected from the major forces.

At this time, most people are not as fearful as before.

The unknown is the easiest thing to destroy people's courage.

But at this time, some clues have been figured out.

"Before it was dark, we could see them, but couldn't touch them, and those monsters couldn't see us, they could only eat and drink... After dark, the laughter became clearer and ghosts appeared, and they could finally see us. , and then launched the attack..."

Lin Beichen muttered to himself, and suddenly said, "That is to say, these monsters can only 'come' after dark."

Speaking of this, he was instantly shocked.

Isn't this **** ghost story?

Are these guys really ghosts?

It's kind of nonsense.

In this world, all the 'ghosts' and the like are actually the obsessions of the martial arts powerhouses, and they are spiritual bodies. For example, those phantoms captured with the 'Soul Light' before are actually soul bodies.

The soul is not a ghost.

And those 'first ancestors' just now were really like ghosts, not soul bodies.

"So... we just need to wait until dawn, and we'll be fine?"

Wu Shanglong said.

Li Chenyuan's eyes also lit up.

Indeed, if you think about it now, when the sky is still dark, although everything looks very strange, those ancestor monsters are indeed unable to hurt them.

They cannot touch each other, as if they are in two different worlds.

"But the question now is, can we last until dawn?"

Wu Shanglong looked uncertain.

According to these underworld monsters, their combat power has soared several times, and there are still so many mad believers who are possessed one by one, and sooner or later they will be able to kill all the people here.

Lin Beichen agreed.

At the same time, there was another glimmer of expectation in his heart.

At that time, he did not cut blood, but chose industrial alcohol.

I wonder if this move will have any unexpected effect?


A scream rang out.

Everyone was shocked.

I saw the facial muscles of a mad believer begin to 'melt', like a burning candle, quickly becoming unrecognizable, and then blue-purple creep lines extended from the depths of the flesh and blood, and the whole person instantly became the ancestor of the 'Gorefiend'. appearance.

Possessed again.

"Hey, the food in this batch is delicious."

The 'Gorefiend's Ancestor' licked his lips, his bright red tongue sticking out for half a meter, a mouthful of fine teeth, the cracked corners of his mouth reached the base of his ears, and he let out a oozing laughter.

His blue-purple eyes stared at Lin Beichen.

Obviously, Lin Beichen repeatedly beheaded the possessed three times before, which attracted his attention.

"You have that nasty guy's blood on you."

This monster smiled secretly, kept approaching, grabbed both hands in the air, and the cyan yin surging condensed into a cyan long sickle.


He whistled in the dark wind and charged towards Lin Beichen.

Oh shit.

Lin Beichen cursed secretly.

It's staring at me.

He took out an emperor-level alchemy sword from the [Baidu Network Disk], and without showing weakness, he directly greeted it.

A fight.

Lin Beichen was victorious.

The emperor-level alchemy sword was already full of gaps like saw teeth.

And the ancestor of the 'Blood Demon Dao' fell in a pool of blood and lost his breath.

But everyone knows that the real monster is not dead.

What dies is the fleshy shell of the body.

Lin Beichen can't do anything either. Once a mad believer is inspired, it means the death of the soul, and it can't be saved at all.

The hall was filled with the smell of blood.

In addition, the ghostly ghost from blue is floating in the air...

It looks like the legendary Yama hell.

Everyone's heart sank.

According to this rhythm, no one can see the sun tomorrow.

"I'm thinking...why is this great hall made of prehistoric gold?"

Wu Shanglong spoke slowly again.

Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

Li Chenyuan also suddenly realized something, and said loudly: "Yes, yes, do you remember? When the sun fell, these monsters did not come immediately, and waited until the blue-purple Yin Qi completely covered all the ground. When the pillars, the golden walls and the dome, they really show up."

The three looked at each other with a hint of ecstasy in their eyes.

These underworld monsters are afraid of the flood of gold?

"Quick, take out all the gold on your body."

Lin Beichen said loudly.

Everyone looked at each other.

Many mad believers came to worship the emperor and did not want gold and silver to desecrate the sacred, so they all wore white clothes and did not carry foreign objects, and they did not carry gold at all.


Lin Beichen was speechless.

It seemed that he had to bleed himself again.

He took out an ingot of prehistoric gold and was about to share it with everyone.

Another scream rang out.

A fanatic was 'possessed'.

His flesh and blood squirmed like melted wax, and then he turned into a sturdy young man with an unusually handsome face, but surrounded and set off by the blue and purple yin qi, he looked eerie, making people feel at a glance. His heart seemed to be crushed by him.


Lin Beichen was slightly startled.

This guy is so **** handsome.

It's just this appearance...

It seems a little familiar.

Where have you seen it?

At this time, he suddenly discovered that Wu Shanglong, Li Chenyuan and others were all looking at him with strange eyes.

Lin Beichen was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Isn't this **** just like you?

"Well, you thief, how dare you pretend to be me?"

Lin Beichen was furious. The gold ingot in his hand was directly crushed into a ball of gold powder. He raised his hand and threw it directly at the 'ancestral monster': "Eat my magic weapon."


The 'primitive monster' screamed mournfully.

I saw the prehistoric gold powder falling on its skin, just like red-hot iron filings falling on lard, making a sizzling sound, melting its skin instantly, burning out deep pits, purple-blue. Fluid runs down the surface of the skin...

This 'ancestral monster' was instantly disfigured.

Lying trough.

really works.

Everyone's eyes lit up instantly.

Lin Beichen endured the pain, took out a piece of prehistoric gold again, kneaded it into gold powder, and threw it directly.

"Eat my baby."

He drank.

In the end, he directly took out an imperial long sword, plated a layer of gold on its surface, and shot directly.


The sword light flickered.

The 'primitive monster' that was given DEBUFF fell into a pool of blood with a shrill scream, and a blue-purple ghostly aura continued to flow out from the corpse.

"This time, it should be completely dead, right?"

Lin Beichen panted heavily.

If it wasn't for the restraining effect of the golden powder, maybe it was really not the opponent of this 'primitive monster' just now.

"Is this the ancestor?"

Lin Beichen asked curiously.

He didn't really see the first ancestor, so he didn't know the ancestor who looked like his own just now.

Li Chenyuan said slowly: "If I remember correctly, where can I find the order in which they were seated before, it should be the ancestor of the eleventh bloodline saint's way.

The saint said! !

Lin Beichen's heart contracted fiercely in an instant.

This anti-bone boy looks so similar to me?


Must be a coincidence.

He didn't think about it, but said: "Everyone has seen it, Honghuangjin can restrain this kind of monster, so... Do you really have no gold on your body?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

Lin Beichen only felt a toothache.

Why in the end, I actually became the person who contributed money and efforts?

"Since this is the case, you all give me an IOU? At such a critical moment of life and death, charging you twice the interest is not taking advantage of others' danger, right?"

Lin Beichen said in pain.

Everyone: (?-w-)-w-)-w-).

But little life is important, and in the end, I have to hold my nose to recognize it.

In fact, for them, there is no shortage of this amount of gold, but the key is that they don't have it now.

"Speaking of which, did those believers who sent tribute in the past also encountered these underworld monsters after entering the temple?"

Lin Beichen made a fortune, and his smart IQ began to play a role again.

When Li Chenyuan and others heard the words, their expressions changed drastically.

What happened to those seniors... It is basically certain that there is almost no chance of surviving when encountering this kind of monster.

This time, if it wasn't for Wu Shanglong, the green giant dragon boy, and Lin Beichen, the freak, they would have been wiped out by this time.


At this time, Li Chenyuan suddenly had a question mark in his heart.

He doesn't seem to know Lin Beichen's name yet?

Just when he was about to ask, Lin Beichen spoke first and said, "No matter what, we must not sit still, there must be something we neglected in this hall, everyone smear gold powder all over the body, and then look around in the hall. Let's see if we can make new discoveries."

When everyone heard this, they thought it was very reasonable.

So, one by one, the 'little golden men' began to search for clues in the hall.

Every dome, every golden table, every pair of golden dishes, chopsticks...

"its not right."

Wu Shanglong suddenly said, "Since these 'ancestral monsters' are afraid of gold, why did they still sit here before, using a golden table and dishes and chopsticks?"

Lin Beichen was startled.

Yes indeed.

Why were they not afraid at that time?

Is it because it hasn't completely 'come'?

Or, are there other reasons?

"You two, come here and have a look."

Li Chenyuan's voice came.

He stood at the highest point, and greeted Lin Beichen and Wu Shanglong at the two screens in front of the Emperor's Throne, and said, "The blue-purple ghosts here seem to be much weaker and thinner, and there are some other changes."

The white-clothed leader who thought standing here was blaspheming the emperor before had forgotten what he just said.


The figures of the two instantly landed in front of the Emperor's Throne.

"Look at this screen."

Li Chen Yuan said.

Lin Beichen observed it carefully, with a look of surprise on his face.

Sure enough, on the Xinghe screen and the Cangsheng screen, a faint golden halo was continuously exuded, which was slowly absorbing the surrounding gloomy ghosts, and strands of blue-purple mist were continuously incorporated into the pair of screens. It seems that there is some peculiar formation that needs to be stimulated...

"This must be the means left by His Majesty the Emperor."

Li Chenyuan, the emperor licked the dog, came to a conclusion immediately.

Lin Beichen was noncommittal.

Not that there is no such possibility.

He subconsciously reached out to touch the Xinghe screen.

The finger touched the surface of the screen.

In the next instant, something incredible happened.


This is a hard broadcast: the public account [Crazy Sword in Troubled Times] is really nice, go and follow a wave, I heard that everyone who follows has made a fortune, went to school, fell in love, got married...

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