Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1817: Yellow Spring and Biluo

Lin Beichen got the 'Sword Immortal' divine position in the East Zhenzhou.

This kind of thing was later proved to be a kind of battle clothes that isolates the pollution of demonic energy. According to some data and legends in the God Realm, many people believe that it is the product of the alchemy way.

However, the 'Sword Immortal' **** position that Lin Beichen obtained was naturally generated by the East True Continent, not an alchemy thing.

Since then, Lin Beichen's understanding of swordsmanship can be said to be a thousand miles a day. When practicing swordsmanship, he can see through it at a glance, and can also communicate with the sword.

One of the reasons for being able to practice the [Acacia into the Bone] kendo in such a short period of time.

Lin Beichen has used many swords.

Among them, there are many divine artifacts.

But at this moment, the sword in his hand gave him an unprecedented feeling.

The sword is like an ancient stone, broken and mottled.

The cracks gleamed a touch of gold.

A special emotion came out from the hilt of the sword, affecting Lin Beichen's emotions.

Above the sword swallow, there are two words——

"Yellow Spring."

Yellow Spring Sword!

Lin Beichen couldn't help but have some associations in his heart.

Huang Quanzhi said that on earth it refers to the underworld and the underworld.

This sword is called Huangquan. Is it the Huangquan on Earth?


The blade vibrated slightly.

It seems that the aggrieved child is acting like a spoiled child.

Lin Beichen could feel that this sword contains spiritual meaning, but it is definitely not something like the sword spirit, but the rhythm of the sword.

In the master's hands, he slept for countless years.

It finally found someone who could use it.

"In the future, you will follow me."

Lin Beichen raised his sword and said gently.


Huang Quanjian broke free from Lin Beichen's hand, rose into the sky, turned into a golden rainbow light, swirled around, and circled the body of the boat, spinning for several weeks, like a farewell, and then came back and fell into Lin Beichen's hands.

The golden light is exhausted.

It looks like an ordinary sword.

But everyone can clearly feel that this sword is terrifying.

"Thank you for the sword, Senior."

Lin Beichen saluted Zhou Ziheng's corpse and said loudly, "The younger generation will definitely use the sword Xinghe to fight to protect the human race."

The Longquan Sword hummed slightly.

I don't know if it was an illusion. At this moment, everyone vaguely noticed that a sigh passed by, especially in their hearts.

Wu Shanglong, Li Chenyuan, Qin Ruo and the others looked at each other.

Finally, everyone left here.

Wu Shanglong said thoughtfully: "Have you noticed that the body of Zhou Ziheng's predecessors, floating here, is suppressing something, the vast void of the universe, and there are no strange creatures in this star field. , and the curse in your body has not occurred, the ancestor monster cannot be possessed, and there may be some connection with Zhou Ziheng senior."

Everyone thought about it, and it seemed that this was the case.

"It's a pity that Senior Zhou Ziheng has passed away."

Li Chenyuan said with great regret: "It is embarrassing to fight in a foreign land and die in a foreign land."

"He didn't die in battle."

Lin Beichen was impressed and said: "Wu Shanglong is right, Senior Zhou is indeed suppressing this domain, because he kept this place, his life was eventually swallowed up by this starry sky and died, but even so, his fighting will power Pressure, but lingering in this void, so we can be safe."

The Hulk Dragon soars across the starry sky at an extremely fast speed.

Carry the crowd and continue to explore.

Li Chenyuan frowned and said, "With a boat crossing the senior's realm, if he wants to leave this exotic universe, it shouldn't be difficult to find the Xinghe Pingguang Gate, and it is even very likely that he came here through the Light Gate...why he doesn't care. Is it death, but also suppress this star field, but do not want to leave?"

When the mad believers heard this, question marks appeared in their hearts.

Indeed, why?

If you can live, who is willing to die?

Unless there is a reason to stay here.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

The Hulk Dragon's flying speed is extremely fast, and it has already crossed dozens of star fields.

Along the way, we saw all kinds of barren planets.

Or a star that burns with blue-violet flames.

"Logically speaking, the power of Zhou Ziheng's predecessors to seal the town should be weak here, but it is very strange, but the fact is the opposite."

Lin Beichen raised his hand and touched his chin.

But his question was quickly answered.

Because in the front, the corpse of another huge human forbidden army powerhouse, floating among several stars, sitting cross-legged, like the ancient **** of creation in myths and legends, exuding endless coercion.

When I got closer, I made some identification.

"I'm the holder of the No. 000002 ID card of the Imperial Guard, Lord Bird Flying."

Li Chenyuan quickly identified the origin of this huge ancient corpse.

Facts have proved that the records in the "Qingyu Miscellaneous Notes" that Qin Ruo read were not fictitious.

The two young servants beside the Emperor have now appeared.

And proved to be the veteran of the forbidden army.

"Senior Bird Feijue seems to be still above the senior Zhou Ziheng, and the breath and fighting spirit he exudes are even stronger."

Wu Shanglong was shocked.

Zhou Ziheng is already a peak ancestor-level existence.

Isn't that bird flying...closer to the emperor?

Lin Beichen suddenly noticed the movement of Longquan Sword.

He closed his eyes and felt for a moment.


He moved.

In the next instant, he appeared next to Niao Feijue's right auricle.

I saw the golden light flickering in the ear hole.

A pale golden ancient sword with a shape very similar to the 'Longquan Sword', suspended deep in the ear hole, exuding a faint spirit.

As Lin Beichen approached, the sword also made a roar, as if to show his favor.

Lin Beichen stretched out his hand.


This ancient sword turned into a golden rainbow, and instantly fell into Lin Beichen's palm like a swallow thrown into a nest.

The rubber body of the Longquan Sword is slightly narrower, thinner, and shorter. The blade is mottled with gaps. The ridge of the sword is covered with cobweb-like fine cracks, and golden light is faintly revealed in the pattern.

Above the sword swallow, there are two ancient characters——

Blue sky.

"The name of this sword is Bi Luo."

Looking at Jianming, Lin Beichen couldn't help but think of an ancient poem: "Shangqianbi falls to Huangquan, and the two places are nowhere to be seen... The boat is free, the bird is flying, Huangquan, Biluo, these are definitely not coincidences."

He became more and more certain that there must be a traveler from Earth who was by the Emperor's side, or at least once influenced the Emperor.

"Let's explore further."

He made a decision and said, "According to the time, in four hours, the sky in the Emperor's Temple will be bright and the sun will rise. If our calculations are correct, it should be safe to go back at that time."

Everyone agreed.

Going forward a few more stars, the Hulk Dragon was so tired that it was sticking its tongue out, but due to Wu Shanglong's lewd power, he had to continue 997.

"Going forward, the repressive power of Niaofei's predecessor's corpse should be cut off..."

Wu Shanglong said.

The galaxy in front is lonely, and the lonely starry sky stretches as far as the eye can see.

The blue-purple underworld special effects pervade and pervade everywhere.

Gradually, everyone felt the oppression again, like a fish out of water, like a tiger falling into the sea.

"I can't go any further."

Wu Shanglong said: "Without the repressive power of the two seniors, we would be swallowed up by the power of the stars and tides in this universe... This universe is repulsing us, it is hard to imagine how the two seniors did it, even death can suppress This starry sky has countless years."

"Try again, try again."

Li Chenyuan was full of unwillingness and said, "The emperor's traces are in this universe, and His Majesty must be here. Maybe if we go further, we can find his old man."

Wu Shanglong was very hesitant.

Lin Beichen actually wanted to move forward.

Somewhere, there was an intuition telling him that there seemed to be something in front of him that he hoped to see.

In the end, Wu Shanglong obeyed everyone's decision and urged the green dragon to move on.

The green dragon began to age, and its scales were dull.

The dragon's beard turned white.

The minions begin to age.

As Wu Shanglong said, the entire universe is rejecting them, not only suppressing their power, but also devouring their vitality.

"I can't go any more."

Wu Shanglong shouted, "If this goes on, we will all die."

He has the highest cultivation level, and has the deepest understanding of the crisis in the starry sky ahead. The intuition and premonition of the strong make every cell in his body want to escape.

"There is really no need to go any further."

Lin Beichen pointed to a turquoise star ahead and said, "Just go there... Huangquan Biluo Shuangjian told me that there are some things we are looking for on the stars ahead."

Wu Shanglong was helpless and urged the old green dragon to move on.

In the end, it fell on this star.

Everyone didn't waste time searching, and they saw what Lin Beichen said.

Because the moment they set foot on this star, everyone sensed a special and kind atmosphere.

That is the breath of the emperor.

All the powerhouses living on the Emperor Star are bathed in the light of the Emperor Star's energy torch, and they are all too familiar with this feeling.

At this time, the aura on this nameless planet was exactly the same as the aura of the Emperor Star God Emperor's performance torch.

"On this planet, the power of repulsion and devouring of the universe has disappeared."

"The Emperor left his footprints here."

"Finally found."

The fanatics got excited.

They firmly believed that by finding the Holy Emperor, everything could be solved - including the curse of possession on them.

Soon, everyone discovered that there were traces of civilization on this planet.

They saw some ancient cities, but they had collapsed, and the huge city walls and palace ruins had turned into a barren land, and the grand occasion of that year could be vaguely recognized.

A mighty empire once existed here.

But it has vanished into ashes, annihilated in the torrent of time.

Finally, the group came to the core area of ​​this planet.

It was a huge square.

There is a stone tablet with a height of 100 meters.

It has the words-

"I, kill the crows in the underworld at Leiluojiexing."

Twelve characters are engraved on the stele.

The handwriting is clumsy.

Full of unparalleled domineering in the world.

Even looking at it from a distance, one could feel the majesty that reigns over the world coming towards his face, making one couldn't help but kneel on the ground and pay homage.

"It's His Majesty's handwriting."

Li Chenyuan trembled with excitement.

As a follower of the Emperor, he was all too familiar with this handwriting.

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