Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1818: encounter

Lin Beichen also made waves in his heart.

Really found the trace of the Holy Emperor.

A group of people came under the stone tablet.

It can be clearly felt that the atmosphere that makes everyone feel comfortable and close is emanating from the writing on this stone tablet.

"I, kill the crows in the underworld at Leiluojiexing."

The material of this stele is very ordinary, it is the cyan stone that can be seen everywhere in the square, and there is no engraving pattern in it, but because of these twelve characters, it possesses great power and exudes repressive power. It is stronger than the power emanating from Zhou Ziheng, Niaofeijue and others.

"Does anyone know the Raven Race?"

Lin Beichen turned back and looked at Qin Ruo.

The latter was seen by Lin Beichen, with a faint blush on his face with light freckles, and said, "I seem to have seen it somewhere...Let me think about it...Ah, yes, in a book titled "Dark Ali does not In the ancient book of The Chronicle, it seems to have mentioned that in the dark ages of antiquity, before the first Great Destruction, there were monsters with black feathers who appeared in the world every 60 years, hunted living beings, liked to eat human brains, Heart and marrow, called Raven."

On one side, Li Chenyuan covered his forehead.

"Dark Ali's Chronicle", this is another banned book.

Lin Beichen was overjoyed, patted Qin Ruo's shoulder, and said, "You really are an encyclopedia, you are amazing... The black feathers appear every sixty years, hunting creatures, according to your description, this is the enemy of the human race, Being suppressed by the Emperor is no exception."

Everyone knows that the emperor has spent his entire life fighting the galaxy, cutting off the great enemy who persecuted the human race, and propping up the sky of the human race.

Wu Shanglong pondered and said, "Since it is described as 'appearing every sixty years', it means that this crow is not a long-lived universe, but a foreigner, which explains why the town On the tablet there will be four words 'The Ravens of the Underworld', and the Ravens belong to the underworld."

"That is to say, before ancient times, the underworld universe and the prehistoric universe were interconnected." Li Chenyuan's heart was beating wildly.

This is a big secret.

In today's prehistoric universe, the world no longer knows about this.

"Before the ancient times, the creatures of the underworld were hunting in the prehistoric universe." Lin Beichen said: "If the two universes communicated in ancient times, the underworld races that have appeared should not only be the crows."

Saying that, he looked at Qin Ruo.

The latter pondered for a moment, and said, "Some races similar to the Raven Race, as well as the legendary Horse-faced Race, Kui Niu Race, Long Tongue Race, Leopard Race, Yasha Race... all disappear from time to time, and they appear from time to time. Once, it will disrupt the galaxy and cause a catastrophe, and it is also a mortal enemy with the demons. Many records of the ancient times have been lost and destroyed, and the words of the records are unclear. I know, there is only so much."

"It's already a lot."

Lin Beichen thanked him.

Some fog is slowly dissipating.

This underworld star, named Leiluo, is the racial domain of the crows in the underworld. The crows hunted wildly in the vast universe, especially like to kill human beings, and finally angered the Holy Emperor and carried out a cross-cosmos expedition. So far, the entire underworld Raven Race has been completely suppressed.

The only mystery now is, in what era did the Emperor come to this expedition?

Before the rebellion?

Or later?

Is the expedition over?

"What should I do? Do you want to keep going?"

Wu Shanglong took the initiative to ask.

Because of the existence of the monument, everyone's infuriating energy and vitality have recovered a lot, and the green giant dragon finally stopped sticking its tongue out, and its energy has recovered a lot.

"Keep moving forward, you must move forward."

Li Chenyuan couldn't wait.

When it comes to things related to the Emperor, he will always be crazy, incomparably fanatical.

Lin Beichen also nodded.

So the crowd moved on.

After another large star field, they saw the second 'town monument' above another barren world star.

"I, suppress the underworld leopard clan in Jueying Realm."

On it, he is domineering and unparalleled, exuding the spirit of an emperor who reigns over the world, making Lin Beichen and others dormant, looking at the writing, as if they have seen the supreme powerhouse of the human race who shines through the ages.


Sure enough, it was the Leopard clan.

This shows that in the miscellaneous books Qin Ruo has read, all the records are completely correct, not groundless.

Everyone searched and observed this world star.

Also found some traces of civilization.

There are strange castles.

The style is very different from the prehistoric universe.

Some statues of the leopard clan have also been found. It can be known that this underworld leopard clan is a strange creature with a leopard head, a human body, and a leopard tail. The upper limbs are human arms and the lower limbs are leopard claws. piece…

Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

It feels a bit like a monster.

Could it be that this so-called underworld is inhabited by some races with crooked appearances?

Of course, then again, maybe in this universe, this kind of appearance is the mainstream of aesthetics, and the appearance of the human race advocated by the prehistoric universe is the template for ugly monsters.

The crowd continued on their way.

Along the way, Li Chenyuan and the fanatics were extremely excited.

They firmly believed that if they followed the road to the monument, they would surely find the missing Emperor.

Every other starry sky, there will be a monument on the underworld star.

These town monuments are like buoys in the ocean, and like lighthouses in the dark, guiding the direction of future generations.

Only in the area where the monument exists, the people of the prehistoric universe can survive.

"We've come a long way."

Wu Shanglong couldn't help reminding him, and said, "Going deeper, we don't have enough time to return. When we return to the main hall, it's late at night again."

"Do not worry."

Li Chenyuan said: "We don't have to go back to the main hall at dawn tomorrow, as long as it is a safe time during the day to go back."

Wu Shanglong reminded lightly: "Calm down, we can't be sure, except for tomorrow's daytime, the light gate of Xinghe Ping will continue to open at other times."

"What's the meaning?"

Li Chenyuan was startled.

Wu Shanglong said: "The appearance of the ancestor monsters led to the opening of the door of light on the Xinghe screen and the Cangsheng screen. You should remember that before they appeared, there was no abnormality in these two screens. From this, we can know that, The appearance of the ancestor monsters is a prerequisite for the opening of the door of light, and it is very likely that the delivery of the tribute will attract the ancestor monsters. If the tribute on the table is eaten, the ancestor monsters will retreat and no longer appear, then we will It is possible to be trapped in this underworld forever."

Lin Beichen was startled for a moment, and immediately patted his thigh fiercely.

Yes indeed.

Almost forgot about that.


Can't go any further.

But Li Chenyuan hesitated a bit, and said, "There are traces of the emperor here. If you can really meet the emperor, even if you are here forever, what's the pity?"

A mad believer is just not afraid of death.

Lin Beichen had already tried it before, and the secret technique of "returning to the city" could not be used in the underworld, so he was inclined to return.

The road to town monument is endless.

Who knows where the Emperor went on his expedition?

The people were divided.

stalemate for a while.

At this moment, the planet beneath his feet suddenly vibrated slowly, as if a terrifying earthquake erupted suddenly.

In the sky, the blue-purple mist suddenly surged frantically like a hurricane.

The power of the underworld soared at an indescribable speed.

"Look, what is that?"

Qin Ruo pointed to the sky in the distance.

I saw a dense patch of blue-purple light spots, like locusts passing through the border, rushing towards this world star.

"It's an underworld creature."

Lin Beichen used his eyesight and immediately recognized it.

Did the creature in this universe finally appear?

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