Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1819: The Emperor Appears

"Did we attract these underworld creatures?" Li Chenyuan's expression changed, his eyes flashing with fighting intent, and he said, "It seems that a fierce battle is about to break out."

"Fight a hammer."

Lin Beichen glanced around and said, "It's not necessarily for us. Hide first and see the situation."

Everyone quickly took advantage of the terrain to hide.


Whoosh whoosh.

More than a dozen purple-blue streamers landed.

It is a black-skinned person, with a face like thick ink, webbed feet, and hands like a grasping monster. His face is hideous, his head is hairless, his eyes are like tigers and leopards, his pupils are red, and his body is surrounded by purple-blue **** smoke.

The first monster was three meters tall.

He was holding a purple-blue three-pointed fork in his hand.

It doesn't seem to be anything, it should be some kind of magic weapon.

The breath emanating from this monster has reached the peak of the new ancestor level, and it is only one step away from reaching the ancestor level, which is extremely terrifying.

The other monsters of the Yasha clan are also high-level new ancestors, and their strength is not bad, exuding a powerful underworld pressure.

They came to a hundred meters away from the monument, their expressions hesitant and fearful, and their eyes looking at the monument were filled with endless hatred.

"It's the Yasha clan."

Qin Ruo whispered in Lin Beichen's ear.

Yasha clan?

One of the underworld creatures that has been recorded and once appeared in the dark ages of the prehistoric universe.

Lin Beichen can now be sure that the creatures in the underworld are really underworld, and they are not at all in the aesthetic point of the human race, and even the demon race will probably dislike it when they see it.

"Because of the existence of the town monument, only the top powerhouses of the Yasha tribe dare to approach here, and the other Yasha tribes do not dare to approach..."

Wu Shanglong said in a low voice.

I saw the streamer like locusts before, but at this time they were all suspended in the space outside this world star, and did not enter this world star.

And even the top powerhouses of the Yasha clan who came to this world star are obviously not easy.

Under the coercion of the town monument, the whole body was emitting blue smoke, as if it was being roasted. Fortunately, the three-pronged fork in the hands of the leader of the Yaksha tribe vibrated gently, emitting purple-blue water ripples. In the fight against the coercive force of the town monument.

A few strong Yasha clan members seem to be discussing something.

Then, several of the strong men suddenly shot and attacked the town monument.

The purple-blue energy turned into a flying fork and shot at the town monument.


The surface of the town monument exudes golden light.

The purple-cyan flying fork was instantly submerged, and the terrifying force ejected, instantly melting these powerful Yasha clan players into flying ashes.


The town monument seems to be activated.

The twelve characters on it exude endless golden light, sweeping out like a hurricane.

The few Yasha clan powerhouses who fell, were caught off guard, and were instantly submerged by the golden light, like a candle that fell into the flames, and disappeared between heaven and earth in an instant.

It's not over yet.

A terrifying golden light swept up and rose into the sky, instantly illuminating the entire outer space like a blazing sun. Millions of Yasha powerhouses, like thin pieces of paper under the raging flames, instantly turned into fly ash...

Lin Beichen and others were dumbfounded.

This is too scary.

Is the monument left by the emperor so tyrannical?

On the town monument, there are only twelve characters.

But it has such power.

I don't know when the handwriting left, can instantly destroy the new ancestor of the peak, and destroy the army of millions of Yasha clan. If the emperor comes in person, what kind of power will it have?

Seriously terrified.

Lin Beichen glanced at Wu Shanglong.

This sucks.

I thought that if I encountered a few underworld creatures, I could arrest them and torture them for some information, but it was solved directly by the town tablet.

too frightening.

No wonder it can suppress a large void.

And Li Chenyuan and other emperors licking dogs, they were directly excited and wept with joy. This is the emperor's power they were looking forward to. When talking and laughing, the enemies were wiped out, no matter how strong the creature, no matter how the enemy of the universe, in In front of the emperor, they are all vulnerable.

"Wait, don't be too happy."

Wu Shanglong looked at the void with a solemn expression.

Lin Beichen also felt something.

He looked up.

I saw a huge purple-blue light vortex like a nebula vortex, twisting and emerging in the void of the universe, and the terrifying coercion instantly swept this starry sky, more terrifying than the previous Yaksha army.

"That is…"

Li Chenyuan also sensed something was wrong.

At this moment, a huge head of Yaksha, comparable to a star, protruded from the nebula vortex, and his eyes contained the light of lightning, looking towards the town monument.


An inexplicable shout came from the mouth of this giant Yaksha head.

Between heaven and earth, there seems to be an unnamed law surging.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the void is shattered like colored glass, cracks crack open one after another, and spread towards the boundary star where the monument is located, as if the entire starry sky together with the monument will be torn apart.

Lin Beichen and others felt their scalps go numb.

What kind of countermeasure is this.

If you don't agree, tear up the starry sky directly?

Ancestor level!

This is the real ancestor-level existence.

Moreover, because of the relationship in their own local universe, there are endless tidal forces of the underworld, and the power exerted by this huge head of the Yaksha tribe is terrifying beyond description.


The town monument roared.

An ocean-like golden light shot up from the boundary monument.

However, it is still difficult to resist the terrifying power of tearing and annihilating.

The town monument kept shaking.

Inexhaustible golden light continued to pour out from the town monument, against the Dao driven by the ancestor of the Yasha clan.

But still in decline.

The cracks are constantly spreading, touching the world star, and the ground begins to crack.

"There's trouble now."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Lin Beichen felt that Zhenbei was going to 'lose'.

This ancestor of the Yaksha clan is definitely not an ordinary ancestor, and it is also a rare high-level high-level existence among the ancestors.

"I see."

Wu Shanglong suddenly said: "The millions of strong Yasha clan before were actually sacrificed. This ancestor used their souls and flesh and blood to motivate Dao Ze... Really cruel, even his own people came to die."

Seeing that the entire world star is about to be torn apart.

This is, an unexpected change has occurred.

"I, suppress this place."

The grand and majestic voice suddenly resounded through the universe.

In the golden light of the town monument, there is a stalwart figure that transforms into shape and instantly expands to tens of thousands of kilometers, casting a golden light and shadow, covering the entire world star.


Li Chenyuan exclaimed in excitement.

He rushed out directly from behind the boulder, knelt on the ground with a thud, and turned into a kowtow machine with no emotion: "Meet Your Majesty, meet Your Majesty..."

He recognized at a glance that this gigantic figure was the emperor who had been missing for a long time.

Almost at the same time, the other mad believers rushed out of their hiding places, kowtowed frantically, and burst into tears in excitement.

Lin Beichen was also frightened.

The Emperor appeared?

He looked up at the magnificent golden figure.

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