Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1820: the person i'm waiting for

At this moment, Lin Beichen's ears seemed to think of the impassioned BGM, and the invincible and domineering music seemed to resound throughout the universe in an instant.

Like a man with his own BGM.

Is this the emperor of the human race?

Lin Beichen couldn't help but have the urge to kneel and worship.

But he could also see that it was just a phantom.

Or in other words, just a projection of power.

That majestic and vast stalwart figure sheds endless golden light, shrouding the entire world star.

In the starry sky, the cracks in the violet-blue underworld are still spreading, as if to turn this space into two dimensions, and then tear it apart like a painting.

This time, as long as the crack is within 10,000 meters of the Emperor's projection, the smile will disappear as soon as ice and snow meet magma.

"The demon of the sun."

In the gigantic purple-blue nebula vortex, the head of that gigantic peak Yasha ancestor uttered four clear syllables.

It is the language of the human race.

"Demons and monsters."

The Emperor Projection's calm voice carried majesty: "I suppress this place, how dare you come here?"

The ancestor of the Yasha clan said angrily: "This is my cathode universe domain."

"It hasn't been since I came."

The emperor said indifferently.

"The demon of the sun, your real body is trapped in the negative Jedi. You are still a prisoner in the middle of nowhere. How dare you be arrogant? The ancestor sacrificed 3 million yaks in blood today, just to break the deepest monument of yours!"

The voice of the ancestor of the Yasha clan reverberated between heaven and earth.


The human emperor smiled faintly.

Lin Beichen always felt that the emperor's style was a little different from what he imagined, and he liked to pretend.

However, the ancestor of the Yasha clan actually spoke the human language... So, because of the emperor's expedition, the underworld... Oh, no, did the cathode universe also begin to spread the human language?

The whole world is learning Chinese!

In the starry sky, the nebula vortex constantly rotates, expands, and expands.

Then, on his huge and friendless body, he drilled out of it.

In an instant, the sound of shattering in the void of the universe became more and more obvious.

Under the action of Yasha Dao Ze, the tide of purple-blue energy surged wildly, squeezing the vacuum of millions of miles around this world star, squeezing the three-dimensional space into two-dimensional space.

Countless meteorites, the planets gradually flattened, as if they were made from three-dimensional planes into plane paintings, and then torn apart by the purple-cyan cracks.

A very terrifying attack.

The emperor projected golden light all over his body, like boiling soup and pouring snow, and all the purple-blue cracks were melted away wherever he passed.

It also scatters all the two-dimensional meteorites and planets into powder.

This golden light is inseparable.

In a blink of an eye, it rolled backwards, dissolving countless blue-purple waves of light, and rolled backwards towards the Yasha ancestor whose body had mostly emerged from the dog-hole-like nebula vortex.

The ancestors of the Yasha clan kept drinking.




The mantra of the three cathode universes blooms.

The blue-purple cathode energy tidal surge, like a stormy sea, rushes towards the golden light frantically.

But still can't stop it.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light surrounded the huge blue-purple nebula vortex, and then quickly began to melt away layer by layer.


The Emperor continued to pretend.

The face of the ancestor of the Yasha clan showed panic.

It is really because the deterrence brought by the 'human demons' to the cathode universe is too terrifying. On the blood and bones of countless cathode creatures, he has played a splendid name. I don't know how many cathode races have been exterminated in this person's hands. I don't know how many cathodes there are. The ancestors vanished in front of this man.

The Yashas are the royal family among the cathode races.

And this ancestor of the Yasha clan is a rare high-ranking person in the Yasha clan. He has seen the horror of human beings and demons in the world. At this time, he falls into the disadvantage, and it is inevitable to panic.

But he didn't run away and was still struggling to support it.

Li Chenyuan and others below were almost ready to cheer.

The emperor is invincible.

Their beliefs got the most direct verification.

And Lin Beichen and Wu Shanglong also watched with enthusiasm.

A battle of this level is really indescribable in words.

The power of the avenue is so terrifying.

This is a battle they can't get into.

Even from a distance, I was still trembling with fear. If it weren't for the protection of the Emperor's projection, I'm afraid it would have turned into dust in the universe long ago.

In the blink of an eye, less than a third of the purple-blue nebula remained.

Seeing this ancestor of the Yasha clan, he was about to respond.

Suddenly, unexpectedly.


The Emperor phantom groaned.

and then quickly faded away.

The figure shattered and turned into a streamer of smoke.

The tide of golden light that had the upper hand in an instant faded and dissipated like a source of water.

One and the other.

The tide of purple-blue energy surged back in an instant, covering it towards the Jiexing Town Monument.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

Kacha Kacha.

On the town monument, there were actually fine cracks, as if it would collapse in the next instant.

"what happened?"

The smiles on the faces of Li Chenyuan and other mad believers instantly solidified.

His body, like petrification, froze in place.

Lin Beichen and Wu Shanglong looked at each other.

Neither of them could see why.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The wild laughter of the ancestors of the Yasha clan echoed between the heavens and the earth: "I didn't expect it, the demons of the sun, haha, do you think that my clan sacrificed three million strong men, is this for this battle? In the land of the cathode, your The main body has also been attacked by the highest number of people. My cathode universe is planning for thousands of years for today... Hahaha, suppress your main body and break your monument. At that time, the cathode and anode door will be fully opened, and my cathode life will sweep your celestial universe. At that time, all the clansmen you guarded and protected by Wannian will have to die!"

The violet-blue nether energy frenzy directly enveloped the town monument.

Lin Beichen's ears seemed to be able to hear the wailing and howling of the planet.

On the town monument, cracks as thick as thumbs appeared, and they were still expanding.


Barbie is Q.

Lin Beichen didn't expect that the price of seeing the Emperor's projection was to lead him with a dog.

He tried various methods for a moment, but to no avail.

"I, suppress this place."

A majestic voice came from the broken town monument.

The next moment.

Boom boom boom.

Twelve golden lights shot up into the sky.

It is the twelve characters on the town tablet.

The cathodic energy frenzy retreated a little.

But after all, it cannot solve the current situation.

Li Chenyuan and the others, gnashing their teeth, burning their infuriating energy one by one, actually wanted to explode themselves, rushing frantically, trying to protect the monument.

At this time-


The huge town monument shattered directly.

A normal-sized figure slowly walked out from the town monument, majestic and domineering, noble and unparalleled, dressed in a golden robe, with his hands behind his back, and an emperor's crown on his head.

Is the emperor.

"This day has finally come."

He sighed lightly, then turned his head slowly and looked at Lin Beichen and the others, with a hint of relief on his face: "However, the people I've been waiting for have finally arrived."

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