"Let's go."

Lin Beichen said: "Go back, everything that happened here must be reported."

After this trip, he also realized that what kind of crisis is the prehistoric universe in now?

Not just humans.

All the races in the prehistoric universe are facing a huge crisis.

The Emperor not only supported the human race with his own strength.

It also holds up the sky of all beings in the prehistoric universe.

Otherwise, once the cathode universe invades, how terrible will the situation be? I am afraid that another ancient dark age will come, and countless creatures will be ruined.

Lin Beichen took out the prehistoric gold ingot.

"Add a layer of insurance."

He handed out gold to each person and said, "This time the interest rate can be discounted by 5%, so it's just a little bit of my heart."

Everyone: "..."

Anyway, it's still a bit of a discount.

Besides, this is the kindness of the prince, who would dare to refuse?

Everyone crushed the gold ingots, turned them into gold powder, and smeared them on their bodies. Some people even swallowed some gold powder.

At this time, Lin Beichen suddenly wanted to understand one thing—

Why is prehistoric gold the hard currency of prehistoric universe?

Before that, he had been pondering that Honghuang Silver was very valuable because of its alchemical catalytic effect, and could be used as a general equivalent.

What about Honghuang Jin?

Before, he had never seen the value of Honghuang Gold.

This kind of metal is not even as scarce as those rare minerals. It is not a rare metal. When refining alchemy tools, it only plays some optimization and aesthetic functions.

Now, he understands.

It turns out that this thing is a strategic material.

Just imagine, once the cathode universe invades massively in the future, the value of the prehistoric gold that can restrain the power of the cathode will definitely skyrocket.

The Holy Emperor identified Honghuang Gold as the general equivalent of the highest level early in the morning. I'm afraid he also has such thoughts.

In this way, when you go back, you must store the prehistoric gold on a large scale.

I can no longer spend money indiscriminately, woo woo woo.

Soon, everyone turned into golden figures again.

Counting the time, it was almost noon in the universe on earth. At this time, we returned to the Emperor's Temple through the Xinghe screen. In theory, the ancestor monsters should have already 'returned'.

The crowd entered in sequence.

After Lin Beichen broke up.

Just as he was about to enter, a terrifying energy wave suddenly came from behind him.

Turning his head to look.

I saw a terrifying energy fluctuation coming from the very distant place of the cathode universe.

It seems that some incomparably terrifying cathode powerhouse is coming.

Lin Beichen froze in his heart, and immediately stepped into the Xinghe screen.

At that moment, he vaguely felt that countless town monuments seemed to be cracking and shattering.

There are also the remains of Zhou Ziheng and Niao Feijue, the two seniors of the Imperial Guard, the suppression monument, and the effect of suppression has begun to degenerate.

Time does not wait for me.

Emperor's Palace.

Everyone stood on the high platform in front of the throne and looked around.

The situation is not as good as they expected.

It was indeed noon.

This can be judged from the sunlight projected from the dome and windows of the main hall.

This also shows that the time flow rate of the cathode universe and the prehistoric universe are basically the same.

But the problem is that in the entire Emperor's Temple, there is still the power of the cathode, and the purple-blue mist is all over the hall, like a layer of veil, covering the golden wall, ground, and golden dome.

In the night, the cold water and the moon gather the sand.

This shows that the power of the cathode has not dissipated.

And the ancestor monsters of the cathode universe still exist.

"Go and see the gate of the main hall."

Wu Shanglong said: "If you can open the gate and leave the hall, you may be able to get rid of those possessed monsters."

Because everyone was afraid of death, they acted together.

He walked off the high platform and came to the gate of the temple.

"Does the door open?"

Qin Ruo said in surprise.

The door opened with a gap the size of a finger.

Immediately, two fanatics stepped forward and pushed the door with all their strength.

Rumble boom.

The two golden gates moved little by little.

A look of joy appeared on everyone's faces.

Seeing that he was about to open a gap that could accommodate a single person, at this moment—


"Hey, hey hey hey."

Two grotesque and shrill screams came from the mouth of the fanatic who pushed the door.

Then, the two of them quickly 'cathode'.

The existence of the prehistoric gold powder made the process of alienation seem extremely painful. The skin and muscles were sizzling with burning smoke, like pork roasted by the fire, and the air was filled with the choking of scorched flesh and blood. Nasal smell.

Everyone was startled, and then they were horrified.

Afraid of what will come.

The thing of 'possession' actually happened.

"I didn't expect you to come back alive..."

"His breath, the breath of the demons in the world, cannot let you go."

The two 'ancestral monsters' flashed purple-blue flames all over their bodies, like ghosts from hell, smiled miserably, and shot instantly.

Their goal is still Lin Beichen.

Oh shit.

Go to your father?

He summoned the Biluo Sword and the Yellow Spring Sword to meet the enemy.

The battle broke out instantly.

The golden light flickered.

"I'll hold them back, you open the door quickly and leave here first."

Lin Beichen drank.

After nearly ten hours, I don't know what happened in the Emperor's Temple, but it is clear that the combat power of these two 'Ancestral Monsters' is stronger than at the beginning.

If it wasn't for Lin Beichen's adventure in the cathode universe, he got a 'Sacred Emperor Power Experience Card' and mastered some indescribable Dao laws, I'm afraid he would be defeated in an instant.


The sword light flickered.

Lin Beichen fought hard.

At this level of battle, no one can interfere at all.


The gate of the temple was finally pushed open.

"Come on."

Li Chenyuan greeted loudly.

Everyone was like a prisoner on death row. When the door of the prison was opened, they were like wild donkeys that had taken off their reins, and rushed out frantically.

"Don't fall in love with war."

Wu Shanglong roared.

Lin Beichen naturally did not have the heart to fight to the death.

He supported a few moves, retreated sharply, and rushed out of the gate of the temple.


The two 'ancestral monsters' were also in hot pursuit.

However, when their bodies crossed the gate of the temple, they immediately burned like dry wood thrown into a raging fire.

More terrifying than the previous gold powder burning.


"Damn the power of the world."

They screamed mournfully, retreated frantically, and hid in the main hall. Under the action of the power of the purple-cyan cathode in the hall, the coke-like injuries on the body surface quickly recovered.

They stood inside the gate, looking at everyone with cold and cruel eyes.

"When the tide of extreme yin power rises again, the moment we can come true, you all have to die."

"especially you."

They stared at Lin Beichen.

Lin Beichen smiled lightly, and slowly raised a middle finger: "Come here."

Another burst of incompetent fury and roar came from the Emperor's Temple.

Lin Beichen put away his two swords.

In front of the two ancestor-level monsters, they persisted for twenty breaths. Such a record is simply a miracle to say.

"Looks like we are finally out of danger."

There was a hint of sigh in Li Chenyuan's tone, and said: "These two ancestor monsters cannot leave the temple, which means that as long as we don't step here, there will be no possession."

The other fanatics breathed a sigh of relief.

Hundreds of people went.

Now only fifty people have come out.

Exactly half.

Qin Ruo's little face was full of sadness: "We must tell the parliament, the cabinet and Huiyao City what happened here. The enemy is coming, and there can be no more endless civil strife."

Everyone thought so.

Only Wu Shangling stood on the corridor, looked around, and said, "I have a question, how do you get out of this prison of ten thousand races? Do you want to go back the same way?"

Lin Beichen said: "The only way to return is to return. Fortunately, after this experience, everyone's strength has improved, and it is no longer escorting tribute, so it shouldn't be too dangerous."

Speaking of which, he looked at Wu Shanglong, then looked down all the way and saw his green belt.

The latter was immediately alert and said, "I advise you to dispel such excessive thoughts. This dragon is my friend and relative, and it is impossible for me to give it to you."

Lin Beichen was furious: "Do you take me for someone? Am I the kind of person who wants to **** when I see good things from others? You make a price and deduct it directly from the interest of the previous Honghuang Gold."

Wu Shanglong: "..."

What the **** is the difference between this and robbing?

In the end, after everyone discussed it, Wu Shanglong drove the green giant dragon and led everyone all the way from the 9999th floor of the prison, all the way to the countryside, towards the first floor.

Along the way, they met many 'acquaintances'.

The one-armed, one-eyed old guard, the blood-armored general, etc.

Walking past the familiar tombstone, I saw the black outpost.

"Your words, we brought it to the Emperor, and His Majesty said: You have worked hard."

Lin Beichen opened his mouth to make up.

Along the way, everyone had already reached an agreement that Wu Shanglong would pass on the whereabouts of the Holy Emperor and the matter of the underworld to the high-level banned army, and these grassroots banned army, who were suffering from bitter cold, might not know for the time being.

Hearing this, the old guards burst into tears, but their fighting spirit was high.

The **** in his mind, that man's simple words, made the former arrogant arrogance, and now the old man of the forbidden army, as if he had received the highest reward and honor in the world.

Finally, everyone came to the corridor outside the first floor.

"Are you really not considering leaving here with us?"

Lin Beichen sent an invitation to the young green giant dragon and said, "Didn't you always want to leave the prison of ten thousand clans and see the outside world?"

Wu Shanglong shook his head and said, "I didn't know the truth of the Prison of Ten Thousand Races before, and I didn't know the existence of the cathode universe, so I wanted to travel. Now that I know this, if I'm still playing, I'm a human race... I want to go back and join the Imperial Army. The uncles and aunts in the middle of the country discussed and discussed, as His Majesty's most loyal minions, the Imperial Army must also prepare early."

When Lin Beichen heard the words, he couldn't help but look at this green giant dragon boy differently.

Playing with the Dragon Boy, he has grown up.


"Our Imperial Army is always the most trustworthy subordinate of His Majesty the Emperor. When disaster strikes and the cathodic creature invades, we will definitely be the first army to fight against it, but you..." Wu Shanglong looked at Lin Beichen and said: " Since you are the Crown Prince, you should shoulder your responsibilities, and I hope that when the time comes, you will not let me down, otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

After speaking, the green giant dragon boy turned around and walked towards the door of the tunnel.

"We'll see you again."

Lin Beichen said loudly.

Wu Shanglong waved his hand slyly and left without looking back.

The crowd watched silently on the spot.

"Let's go, we should go back too."

The group left the Emperor's Temple.

As the first envoy to enter the Emperor's Temple in ten thousand years and even come out, the appearance of everyone immediately caused a huge sensation.

It is said that the ancestor of the ancient tribe was disturbed.

Immediately someone came to greet him.

Li Chenyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The other fanatics also relaxed.

"By the way, how should we report..." Li Chenyuan subconsciously turned her head and spoke to Lin Beichen.

But the voice didn't fall.

He was stunned.

What about people?

What about that guy?

Why did he suddenly disappear.

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