Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1822: Betray the Emperor?

"Congratulations, sir."

"My lord has done a great job, and Megatron is too golden."

"Long live, my lord, longevity is equal to the sky."

At the Taijin District resident of the second-level general bureau of the Special Law Bureau, Wang, Ma, Zhang, and Zhao four horses, with a group of confidants under their command, are frantically congratulating Director Li Shaofei on his training and exit.

"My lord, this time, it must be another huge gain. I see the circulation of the lord's divine flowers, and it must be a new level of cultivation."

Zhang Wei said with a smile, offering a treasure, it is a sleeping beauty of emperor jade, tempered to the size of a palm with a special refining method, like a real person, soft and tender, but as long as the infuriating energy is injected, the It can be instantly swelled and turned into a 100-zhang dharma body, with emperor-level combat power, and it can be carried with you on weekdays, which can warm the body and eliminate loneliness.

"Where did you get the people's fat and people's cream?"

Lin Beichen said angrily: "I didn't say that when you are an official, you must not intrude on the weak, you must not bully the weak, you must bear in mind the laws of His Majesty the Emperor, and you must be strict with yourself in every word and deed, and don't take a shot at the commoners. line."

Zhang Wei hurriedly explained, "Sir, this is a few days ago. A smuggling stall in the farmhouse was raided. The confiscated treasures were distributed into the hands of Xiaguan as usual, and Xiaguan borrowed flowers to offer Buddha..."

Lin Beichen's expression softened a little.

"Well, you have a heart."

He took the Diyu Beauty, rubbed it slowly, and said, "It's a good baby, but it's not suitable for me... discount it."

Zhang Wei felt strange in his heart that this Emperor Jade Sleeping Beauty was a treasure that he had painstakingly chosen, and the beauty of it was that he was addicted to the bones, but the adults didn't like it?

Is it true that, as the outside world says, adults don't really like women?

Otherwise, why is it that Miss Xue Ning'er and Lord Gongsun Longquan, who are one in a million beauties, all look like they are being picked by you, but the adults keep them at a distance?

if it is like this…

Zhang Wei has already started to ponder his memories. There are some fair-skinned and beautiful teenagers in the special law bureau. Looking for a chance to dedicate it to adults?

The other three horses, as well as those who knew Lin Beichen's character, were also bold and courageous to present the carefully prepared treasures.

"All have hearts."

Lin Beichen said: "I don't want the treasure, let's cash it... By the way, in the future, this official will not accept gifts, but only gold."

"Subordinates obey."

A group of people kept in mind.

The adults have retreated once, and their preferences have changed so much. Didn't you like these strange babies before? I feel that the prehistoric gold is too vulgar, why do I only love vulgar things now?

"By the way, my lord, just before you left the border, something big happened."

Zhang Wei stepped forward to report and said, "This incident has alarmed the entire Emperor Star. The great figures of the Holy Council, the Holy Cabinet, and Radiant City have all been alarmed. Now the entire Imperial Capital has gone crazy."

"Don't give a shit, say it."

Lin Beichen leaned on the reclining chair with his feet on the table, shaking his legs.

In fact, in his heart, he already knew what was going on.

Sure enough, I heard Zhang Wei say: "Before the Emperor's Christmas, forty-nine of the hundred members of the tribute group of mad believers sent out, walked out of the Emperor's Temple and returned to the capital."


Lin Beichen suddenly jumped up on the seat, and said dumbfounded, "Is there such a thing?"

Ma Han hurriedly said: "This matter is absolutely true, my lord, this is not a trivial matter. Once the members of the tribute group have entered the Emperor's Temple countless times before, they will never return. It is said that they joined the forbidden army, but this time , that nearly half of the people returned, it must have brought news from the inside of the temple, and many big figures even speculated that the emperor's imperial decree brought back by the tribute group this time, the pattern of the emperor's capital may have to undergo a huge change. "

"Yes, my lord, this matter must be investigated."

Zhang Wei said.

Lin Beichen nodded and said, "What you said is very reasonable. This is a major event that has never been seen in ages. We must make it clear. If there is an emperor's decree, we all need to stand in line in advance."

"My lord is wise."

The horsemen threw them over with shameless flattery.

Lin Beichen remembered something, and asked again, "How are Huashou and Hua Meier doing things in the Special Law Bureau?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, it is your own order, the subordinates do not dare to neglect, these two have performed exceptionally well, and now they are both special investigators in the bureau and the head of the special operations team, and they have grown rapidly. ."


Lin Beichen nodded in satisfaction.

He did not hesitate to show his special preference for these two people, so that the four horses could pay attention to and support Qin Shou and Hu Meier.

"What news do you have recently for those who worshipped the ancestors of the Poison Dao?"

he asked again.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said, "There is no news for the time being. It is said that the first ancestor was very satisfied with the qualifications of the disciples this time. These days, he has been retreating to teach scriptures and teaching students."

No news is good news.

Lin Beichen got up and said, "Prepare the car, I will go back to Hua's house."

He is still the elder of the Hua family in name.

Soon, an alchemy flying car sped up from the special law bureau and swept towards the Hua family at a low altitude.

in the car.

Lin Beichen took out his mobile phone.

He first sent a WeChat voice call to Han Bubu, and learned that although the Beichen Corps was difficult, the situation was finally stabilized because of the continuous armament and military resources of Lin Beichen, the 'internal responder'.

At the same time, I learned from Han Bugu's mouth that the Xuanxue Sect of the Void Demons is also developing and growing like a snowball, especially the goddess Su Ruoli, who has already become famous before, and is now even more famous.

In the battle of the Heron Galaxy, this demon goddess actually killed three orc peak fighting emperors, two star-rank powerhouses, and a middle-rank new ancestor, creating an incredible mythical record, and then In one fell swoop, he defeated the 18 elite legions of the ancient tribe and the Orc Alliance in the Heron galaxy, and directly smashed the layout of the ancient tribe in the Heron galaxy, the ancient pan galaxy, and the Chujie galaxy.

The sudden emergence of the Xuanxue Sect also attracted the attention of the ancient people and the orcs to a large extent, and relieved the pressure on the Beichen Army.

Now, the entire prehistoric universe is chaotic.

And at the center of the whirlpool are the Sacred Empire and the Orc World Alliance controlled by the Ancients, the Demon Race controlled by the Xuanxue Sect, and the Beichen Army including Doctor Dao and Gengjin Dynasty.


In addition to these three bright forces, there are also all kinds of ambitions hidden in the shadows, who are staring at them, and if they have the opportunity, they will definitely launch a war to attack the city.

Lin Beichen listened and was silent for a moment.

He explained in detail his trip to the Emperor's Temple and his experience in the Prison of Ten Thousand Races, especially the matter of the Cathode Universe.

"The catastrophe of the universe on earth is imminent."

He was a little melancholy: "We're running out of time."

After Han Bubu listened, the whole person fell into a long silence.

The existence of the cathode universe shocked him.

"You discuss the arrangement with Lao Wang and Lao Zou. I always feel that the two of them should know something and see how much information they can extract."

Lin Beichen Road.

Han Bubu agrees.

While speaking, he mentioned Li Yu again.

"Growing up very fast, he can already be on his own." Han Bubu made an evaluation and said, "It's different from what you described before. Several tasks have been completed well, which can be of great use."

From a certain point of view, Li Yu, the original 'First Sword of the True Dragon', is also a 'compatriot' of Han Bubu, and it is reasonable to be reused.

When Lin Beichen heard this, he was quite surprised.

I didn't expect that A Dou, who couldn't help him, would get such a high evaluation one day. This kind of evaluation came from the mouth of Han Buqiu, which is really rare.

The two teased each other for a few words, Lin Beichen relaxed and hung up the phone.

This is the power of friends.

When you are the most tired and stressed, just chat and laugh with him, you can relax to the greatest extent, get a piece of tranquility, and let you know that you are not alone in this world.

Lin Beichen took out his mobile phone and sent Ye Weiyang another message to ask about the current situation.

"Everything is normal. For the time being, the ancestor of Poison Dao has no doubts about any of his disciples, and he has not done background checks on several top-qualified disciples."

"Preaching these days is all about poison."

"Everyone has gained a lot."

At the same time, several photo messages were sent.

Lin Beichen looked at it, his eyes narrowed slightly.

There are several of them, the architectural style is exactly the same as the hall where the crystal coffin is located.

"The next time the ancestor of Poison Dao will lecture on the scriptures, please inform me in advance. Besides, you don't need to do anything, safety first, just practice hard."

After Lin Beichen replied to the message, he sat in the car and rubbed his eyebrows.

Ever since he came out of the Emperor's Temple, he left immediately and did not wait for the high-level reception with Li Chenyuan and others.

First of all, it is because of my own identity that I don't understand.

Secondly, he does not believe in the loyalty of the ancient people, who control the core of the Holy Empire, to the Emperor.

Now the news has spread.

What Lin Beichen needs to do is to wait and see what happens.

Soon, I came to Hua's house.

Hua Wujian brought several elders and respectfully greeted them at the gate.

Lin Beichen ignored it, went directly to the main hall of the patriarch, and met Gongsun Longquan.

"Congratulations on your return."

Gongsun Longquan said with a smile.

Lin Beichen glanced at her and knew that the woman had guessed something, but he didn't go into it.

"Tell me what you've done, how's it going?"

Lin Beichen sat on the big chair and closed his eyes slightly.

Gongsun Longquan moved lightly, came behind him, tapped his shoulders and kneaded gently, and said, "It's done, if nothing else happens, after ten days, Sir, you will be able to get the position of the Grand Speaker of the Holy Council. And can be directly promoted to one of the eight rotating chiefs of the Imperial Special Law Bureau."

"So fast?"

Lin Beichen was taken aback.

The task he left to Gongsun Longquan before was to cooperate with Zhang Wei and others and find a way to promote himself as soon as possible.

I thought it would take a process.

I didn't expect Gongsun Longquan to do things so quickly. In just a short period of time, he has achieved such great results.

"The officialdom of the imperial capital has long been corrupt. As long as there is enough exchange of interests, you can get everything you want, sir, not to mention, now that the Hua family members are highly regarded by the ancestors of the poison, all parties want to marry you, sir. A good fate will take the initiative to send a helping hand.”

Gongsun Longquan skillfully pinched his shoulders and beat his back for Lin Beichen, and said with a smile: "In the final analysis, it's because you are tough enough, the slave family to be so comfortable and smooth."

This is true.

Lin Beichen thought about it carefully. Today's officialdom in the imperial capital is rotten, and all kinds of absurd and unreasonable things are happening all the time.

Therefore, it is not shocking that a newcomer with no foundation, such a rapid rise in a short period of time.

"Are you going to spend the night here tonight, my lord?"

Gongsun Longquan exhaled like blue, and gently stroked his fingers down Lin Beichen's shoulders, saying, "The slave family has already prepared a soup spring for the lord."

"Do what you need to do, and don't go overboard."

Lin Beichen's body's strength blossomed a little, and it shook the woman away.

A look of surprise appeared in Gongsun Longquan's eyes.

She was rejected again. As she expected, this man appeared to be very friendly on the surface, but the toughness and ruthlessness in his heart were definitely beyond the imagination of many people. It was too difficult to rely on beauty to conquer him. difficult.

She was surprised that the cultivation realm that Lin Beichen just showed became more and more unfathomable after a short period of time.

The rapid growth of strength can be called terrifying.

A mysterious man.

A fatal attraction flowed all over his body.

The sound of footsteps came from outside.

"Elder, Director Zhang Wei has an urgent request."

The guards report.


Lin Beichen suddenly opened his eyes with a puzzled expression.

We've only been apart for half an hour, what's the urgency?

"Bring him in."

Lin Beichen Road.

Zhang Wei walked in quickly, with a look of shock that dissipated on his face, opened his mouth to speak, saw Gongsun Longquan again, and hesitated slightly.

"Tell me."

Lin Beichen said, "What's the matter?"

A smile appeared on Gongsun Longquan's beautiful face.

She knew that at this moment, her value was recognized by the man.

"My lord, I just got the news that the mad believer Li Chenyuan, together with Qin Ruo and other forty-nine members of the tribute group, were convicted of betraying the emperor, and they were arrested for treason."

Zhang Wei knelt down and said.

Lin Beichen's complexion changed greatly, and he suddenly stood up.

Betrayed the Emperor?

Crime of treason?

Isn't this nonsense?

"Where did the news come from?"

Lin Beichen asked.

"Where did the news come from?"

Lin Beichen asked.

Zhang Wei said respectfully: "It is a joint decision made by the Holy Council and the Holy Cabinet. It has not been announced to the public, but a secret order has been issued to the Special Law Bureau, asking us to cooperate with the Parliamentary Enforcement Chamber, the Cabinet Tribunal and the Glory City Royal Forest Army. Arrest the family members of the fanatics of Li Chenyuan and others, and do not let any of their henchmen go."

Lin Beichen frowned upon hearing this.

He thought before that Li Chenyuan and others might encounter some trouble.

But I didn't expect that the trouble would be so huge.

Those who came out alive from the hall of the Holy Emperor, those guys dare to frame them?

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