Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1823: Dark Reaper

Save or not?

must be rescued.

After all, these forty hammers still owe him a huge sum of money plus interest.

If they all die, who will pay back the money?

However, there is knowledge in how to save it.

The Sacred Cabinet and the Sacred Council issued secret orders at the same time, dispatching the Cabinet Tribunal, the Parliamentary Executive Court, and the Radiance City Royal Forest Army. This is no small matter.

It's definitely not something that one or two people can push.

It almost doesn't take a guess to know that this is the result of the collective decision of the upper-level bigwigs.

If you are trying to save people, then you, the director, have done it.

It was difficult to get into Emperor Star, because this matter was abandoned halfway, and it was definitely not worth the loss.

Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, pinched his nose, and soon had a rough plan in mind.

"Call the brothers immediately and start working."

Lin Beichen looked impatient and said, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for meritorious service, which must not be missed. Whether brothers can make a contribution depends on this time."

Zhang Wei tentatively said, "Your lord means..."

"Grab, grab every second."

Lin Beichen slapped his thigh and said, "Since it's the above order, it must be executed without compromise, not to arrest the family members of these traitors, every head is a credit, don't do it. Let it go, order, everyone in the special law bureau in the jurisdiction, stop all other tasks, let me arrest people without a break, and transfer them all to the special law bureau cell."

"As ordered."

Zhang Wei was overjoyed.

Following Director Li, there is meat to eat.

Lin Beichen didn't stop at all and decided to personally participate in the arrest.

"Elder Gongsun, hurry up and settle the promotion of this bureau." Li Beichen walked to the door, stopped to look back, and said, "This matter is very important."

"Don't worry, my lord."

Gongsun Longquan rubbed his thighs and said.




A chaotic night.

In many mansion compounds, cries were heard.

The Inquisition Court, the Executive Court and the Imperial Forest Army were dispatched in unison, and together with the well-known Special Law Bureau, the insane net formed by the forces of the four parties began to frantically move around the imperial capital to arrest the relatives and friends of the fanatics.

Among them, the tiger and wolf soldiers of the Special Law Bureau were the most active.

These mad believers are all from wealthy families and people with backgrounds. For example, the Li family where head Li Chenyuan is located is the family of a great speaker of the Holy Council. It is also deeply ingrained in the imperial capital. Home is hard.

This time, the four most famous law enforcement agencies were dispatched together. Except for the ancestors, the other big figures, even the new ancestors, had to cooperate obediently.

Of course, not everyone cooperates.

Some **** families rose up to resist.

"I'm not guilty."

"The emperor has allowed my grandson to return safely. How can you make him treasonous? It's ridiculous."

"I want to see the Chief Speaker."

"I have had a drink with City Lord Huiyao."

"If you act in reverse, you are the real betrayal of the emperor. I don't accept it, I don't accept it."

All kinds of shouts and shouts came from different mansion compounds.

This night, blood is shed in the imperial capital.

There was an incessant sound of martial law warnings in the sky. Once the idlers went out on the street, they would be arrested immediately, and if they resisted, they would be directly killed.

The members of the four major forces who carried out the mission were also trembling with fear.

In fact, this time, some of the people who moved have too high backgrounds, and they are too eager to provoke them on weekdays.

Who knows if the big snake does not die this time, will it be settled by Qiuhou?


Feimiao District.

The Qin family's mansion.


The explosion was endless.

Soon, the protective formation of the mansion was broken.

Under the night, the dark reapers of the Inquisition, like ghosts walking in the dark, poured into the Qin family like a tide...

The leader of the special action team, named Zhou Chang, is very young, with very little qualifications, and his strength is very average.

But who made him have a father who is the chief judge of the trial court.

Therefore, the two vice-captains of the action team, who are at the peak of the star level, also have to respect this young man.

Zhou Chang stood at the gate of Qin's house and looked in.

A pair of slightly narrowed eyes flashed a blade-like cold light in the night.

"The Qin family dares to open the formation to confront the court, the crime is unforgivable."

Zhou Chang waved his hand and said in a gloomy tone: "The house is raided. Except for the Qin family's head, Qin Helu and his wife, and their two daughters, all the others will be executed on the spot, and none will be kept."

A month ago, he had sent someone to ask for marriage, and asked Qin Pan, the second daughter of the Qin family, to marry him as the 22nd concubine, but the Qin family declined.

Today, he specially asked for orders to carry out this order.

"As ordered."

Following the high-pitched response, countless ghosts in black tight-fitting shirts passed by him like flowing water, rushing towards the depths of the Qin family's mansion.

As a special operation agency directly under the Holy Cabinet, the "Dark Harvester" of the Executive Court is notorious, a terrifying existence that can make the patriarchs of countless large families tremble.

For tens of thousands of years, because of the support of the Holy Cabinet, one of the three powerful institutions, anyone targeted by the 'Dark Reaper', whether it is a member of parliament, a legion commander, or an official of the imperial system, no matter how prominent their identities are, Even if you don't die, you have to shed ten layers of skin.

Therefore, they act without scruples.

Soon, screams were heard from all over the Qin family.

Zhou Chang walked towards the core area of ​​the Qin family mansion with a few confidantes.

Along the way, I saw countless corpses.

Blood splattered in the night sky.

There were screams in the distance, and an unsightly struggle, cursing, and wailing.

Many parts of the mansion were set on fire.

There were always Qin family members struggling to be pulled out of the house, kneeling on the ground, and then being beheaded mercilessly, their heads rolling on the ground.

Then it was collected by the Dark Reapers as a merit, so it was convenient to go back and receive the reward.

Soon, Zhou Chang came outside the Qin family's ancestral hall.

At this point, the overall situation is set.

The patriarch Qin Helu and his wife, their daughters Qin Ruo and Qin Pan, were bound and held at the door of the ancestral hall.

Behind them, there are corpses lying in a pool of blood, there are old people and children with yellow hair. Obviously, they are the old and young of the Qin family who finally hid in the ancestral hall. In the end, they could not escape the slaughter.

Zhou Chang came to the entrance of the ancestral hall, and all the dark reapers bowed and saluted.

His eyes swept away, his eyes fell on Qin Ruo and Qin Pan's sisters, and he laughed: "Qin's twin sisters, one is a famous talented girl, and the other is a stunning beauty, I don't know how many there are in the imperial capital. Men all want to kiss Fang Ze, but unfortunately the phoenix that fell today is not as good as a chicken, hehe!"

"It really is you."

Qin Helu is a middle-aged man who is quite polite.

Even if he is the next, he is still trying to maintain his elegance and dignity, with anger hidden in the depths of his eyes, but his expression is surprisingly calm.

He was locked by the star shackles, and his cultivation base was completely sealed. He raised his head and glanced at Zhou Chang, endured his grief, and said word by word: "Today, my Qin family will die for the emperor, and there will be no regrets in death, Zhou Chang, A villain like you will be punished sooner or later, and the end will be 10,000 times more miserable than my Qin family."


Zhou Chang sneered, and said, "I heard for a long time that Mr. Qin is stubborn and the most pretentious. In my opinion, that is the method I have never seen before the court... However, today I don't use those tortures to torture me. You, a few days ago, I sent someone to ask to marry Ling Ai. If the marriage was successful at that time, I could save your family when I arrived today, but it is a pity that Mr. Qin, you are arrogant and dismissive, so today, I have no choice but to It's official business."

"Are you a jackal, are you worthy of marrying my daughter?"

Qin Helu sneered disdainfully.

"Okay, have the backbone."

Zhou Chang clapped his hands and said, "Since you don't deserve to be married, then follow the rules of not marrying."

Having said that, he came to Qin Ruo and Qin Pan.

His gaze stayed on Qin Ruo's freckled face for a while, and finally landed on Qin Pan's fair and flawless face.


He tore off Qin Pan's coat.

Zhou Chang laughed loudly amid the girl's screams.

"I've never played with a girl from your family outside the ancestral hall of a big family. Hahaha, Master Qin, open your eyes and take a good look. This is the end of disobeying me, Zhou Chang."

The voice did not fall.

Trick, prick.

Clothes turned into discs flying.

Qin Pan screamed, cursed and struggled, but was completely powerless to resist.

Qin Ruo rushed over like a mad tiger: "Beast, let go of my sister."


Zhou Chang slapped backhand.

Qin Ruo, who had her cultivation base sealed, was directly swept away.

"This woman is yours."

Zhou Chang smiled coldly.

The surrounding dark night reaper squad leaders all laughed suddenly, and under the black night ghost mask, the eyes in the sight hole became hideous.

Countless hands grabbed towards Qin Ruo.

A mad believer, who has entered the Emperor's Temple, the daughter of a wealthy family... The combination of multiple identities makes Qin Ruo, who is not absolutely outstanding in appearance, very attractive.

"Beast, stop it, beast."

Qin Helu could no longer remain calm, but was held firmly to the spot.

Seeing that the two clean and pure daughters were about to be abused by beasts, the husband and wife were tearing their teeth, cursing and begging for mercy, to no avail.

at this time--

Bang bang bang.

The tyrannical energy fluctuations came.

The six or seven dark night reapers who were guarding in the distance, with a muffled sound, flew out upside down, smashed heavily on the door of the ancestral hall, spurted blood from their mouths, fell to the ground and twitched...


Zhou Chang's complexion changed, he stopped loosening his hand to open the waistband of his trousers, turned around and shouted sharply, "Who?"

The other dark night reapers around were also vigilant in an instant, their swords and guns were unsheathed, their power was activated, and they looked into the darkness in the distance.


Footsteps sounded.

"I heard that the Tribunal under the Cabinet is for the purpose of clearing and judging those evil people who are disloyal to the Emperor. They are the guardians of light walking in the dark night, judging the darkness and defending the light."

A clear and piercing voice, accompanied by footsteps, came from the darkness.

"Who knew that when I saw it today, it's just a group of beasts in clothing, inferior to pigs and dogs, and the wild dogs on the roadside would not do such unconscionable things when they are in heat... Dark reapers, bah."

Lin Beichen had murderous intent on his face, and he slowly came to the front of the ancestral hall.

Behind him, the sound of neat and rhythmic footsteps came.

The samurai warriors of the Special Law Bureau, dressed in silver armor, seemed to be warriors of light in the dark.

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