Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1829: Deputy General Administration

Lin Beichen hurriedly said: "Sir, you are too modest. With your good looks, even at the peak of your subordinates, you have to retreat and be ashamed."

Li Hongyi was stunned, looked back at Xu Yun, and said doubtfully, "I was talking about who is more handsome?"

Xu Yun pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "It doesn't seem to be."

Li Hongyi turned around, looked at Lin Beichen, and said, "Boy, you are slick... hurry up and apologize to President Lin."

"No apology."

Lin Beichen directly refused.

Li Hongyi touched his ear: "What did you say?"

A hint of worry flashed in Xu Yun's eyes.

She is too familiar with Li Hongyi.

The action of touching the ear is the habit of this supreme general bureau. Every time before preparing to concoct those subordinates who are disobedient, arrogant, and make mistakes, they will do this action. The next moment, terrible things will happen.

She secretly gave Lin Beichen a wink.

But if Lin Beichen didn't see it, he still looked directly into Li Hongyi's eyes, and said word by word, "I, no, sorry, apology."

This is on the bar.

Lin Ruo sneered, looking at this young man who was dying.

Even if he is not a member of the Special Law Bureau, he has heard more than once about the fate of those agents who disobeyed Li Hongyi.

What's more, in the officialdom, this kind of behavior, which is the most unforgivable, is undoubtedly the most unforgivable.

He waited to see Li Shaofei's tragic end.


Li Hongyi threw his favorite black teacup on the spot.

The hot tea spilled all over the place.

Like a fallen pearl.

The floating white mist exudes bursts of refreshing tea fragrance.

"Reverse, reverse."

Li Hongyi roared angrily and said, "I can't control it anymore, even a small second-level director dares to go against his will. I'm so **** off, I'm going to dismiss you."

Lin Beichen stood aside, holding his neck, without saying a word.


Brothers and I are all people who have passed away from the Holy Emperor.

Li Hongyi turned his head to look at Lin Ruo, and said, "President Lin, you have also seen that, as my subordinate, I can't control it anymore. I don't listen to my words at all... I have no choice."

The sneer on Lin Ruo's face slowly solidified.

He looked at Li Hongyi in disbelief, never dreaming that the other party would say such a thing.

What does it mean to be out of control?

What do you mean there is no way?

This is your subordinate.

Life and death are completely in the mind of you, the supreme director.

Lin Rui suddenly understood something.

Li Hongyi didn't want to punish Li Shaofei at all.

This is cover up.

"General Bureau of Plough, if you can't control it, why don't you hand it over to me." Lin Ruo suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "This kind of lawlessness, lack of respect and indiscriminate killing of innocent people, our court has many ways to deal with it. Guaranteed to make him pay dearly."

Li Hongyi shook his head and said, "No, this is my special law bureau's family affairs, how can I work for outsiders? Besides, as the supreme chief of the special law bureau, he handed over his children to outsiders for punishment, and let his subordinates punish them. What do other children think of me? Wouldn't the last majesty of my supreme chief be lost?"

Lin Rui said again: "Since this is the case, the adults can also expel Li Shaofei from the special law bureau. In this way, he is not a member of the special law bureau. We can handle the rest of the matter, and we can definitely save you, my lord. majesty."

"Ah, this..."

Li Hongyi thought about it erratically.

Xu Yun, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up and said indifferently, "Lord Lin, are you teaching our general bureau to do things?"

"Yes, President Lin, are you teaching me to do things?"

Li Hongyi also stared at Lin Ruo.

Lin Ruo was shocked and said, "Of course not, I'm just suggesting."

"This suggestion makes it difficult for me to do it."

Li Hongyi thought for a while, spread his hands, and said in a negotiating tone, "Well, President Lin, I will directly dismiss Li Shaofei and deprive him of his position as the second-level chief. It is an explanation for you, what do you think? ?"

Lin Ruo thought for a while and said, "Then thank you sir."

He was removed from the position of the second-level chief and lost the protection of the Special Law Bureau. This Li Shaofei is like a rootless duckweed. He is a dog under water. The court has a million ways to make him evaporate.

"The conditions that Lord Lin promised before?"

Li Hongyi smiled and rubbed his hands.

Lin Rui sneered in his heart, the Supreme Directorate of the Special Law Bureau was nothing but a greedy and lustful person, and it really was nothing to worry about, and the public's evaluation of him was not false.

He got up, clasped his fists and said, "Sir, please rest assured, it will be delivered on time."

"Haha, that's fine."

Li Hongyi laughed loudly and clapped his palms.


Two young women in special staff officer uniforms came in, took off Lin Beichen's epaulettes, belt and director's sword, and took away his director's seal and gold treasures.

Lin Beichen was dismissed from office.

"Haha, thank you sir."

Lin Ruo was very satisfied.

He turned to leave.

When passing by Lin Beichen, he whispered, "Young man, wait, we will meet again soon. I hope you will be able to stand and talk to me then."

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to it."

Lin Beichen said indifferently.

This kind of thing is not in his eyes at all.

Lin Ruo didn't waste her lips arguing anymore.

He wants to hurry up and go back to arrange the means.

When Li Shaofei left the headquarters of the Special Law Bureau, he immediately arrested him. At that time, it would be considered a great achievement.

In the room, the fragrance of tea bursts.

Li Hongyi drank tea while enjoying Xu Yun's massage, looked out of the panoramic window, and said, "Xiao Yunyun, do you remember, what happened to the last person who was dismissed by me?"

Xu Yun said: "Died in the blood prison of the Inquisition. I heard that she was tortured and mourned for ten days and ten nights before she died."

"What about the last one?"

"I managed to escape the first day of the first day, but not the fifteenth day. After I did everything I could to leave the imperial capital, I soon burst into the wilderness with incomplete bones."

"Ah, didn't anyone survive?"

"Yes, Shen Yi, the former director of the Special Law Bureau of the Lianxing Sector, was dismissed, and not long after he was dismissed, he was plotted against him. He lost his limbs and an eyeball, and now he is begging in the imperial capital."

"How miserable... You say, am I being too cold-blooded to ignore these old subordinates?"

"Of course I don't blame the lord. All these people deserve to die. They are full of sins, and they are not worthy of your salvation."

"What about the stubborn donkey in front of you?"

"He... doesn't deserve to die."

"Worth saving?"

"It's worth saving."

"How to help?"

"It depends on your mood."

"Hahaha, I'm in a good mood today."

Speaking of which, Li Hongyi suddenly burst out laughing.

He turned his head to look at Lin Beichen and said, "Tell me, what is the Special Law Bureau?"

Lin Beichen: "???"

"Tell me again, what should the Special Law Agency handle?"

Lin Beichen: "..."

Sure enough, the news spread really fast.

The words I said in the bureau had already reached the ears of the Supreme General Bureau in less than an hour.


Lin Beichen moved in his heart.

He suddenly realized that the Supreme Directorate might not really want to punish himself?

"The Special Agents Agency has fallen."

Li Hongyi looked at Lin Beichen and said, "I haven't seen a young man like you for a long, long time. The things you did have the shadow of this seat back then, but unfortunately... Li Shaofei, right? Are you interested? To be my deputy?"


Lin Beichen was greatly surprised.

Which one is this singing?

Is it a promotion for me?

"Deputy... what's the position?"

he asked honestly.

Li Hongyi tilted his neck and thought for a while, and said, "It's the Deputy Chief of Internal Affairs."

Lin Beichen: ( ̄ェ ̄;).

Sounds like a eunuch.

"Can you change one?"

he asked.

Xu Yun pursed her lips and smiled.

This feeling is really unfamiliar.

For a long time, no subordinate dared to speak to the General Bureau like this. The atmosphere in this office has not been as relaxed as it is at this moment for a long time.

"Stinky boy, do you think the official position is small?"

Li Hongyi rubbed his temples in distress, and said, "Then you can't be the deputy director general, can you? One person is less than ten thousand people?"

"Thank you sir."

Lin Beichen clasped his fists on the spot and said, "Li Shaofei of the Deputy General Administration, see your lord."

Li Hongyi: "..."

You **** dare to agree.


Going back to my hometown for New Years.

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