Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1830: Keeping promises Pear Hongyi

Xu Yun smiled while covering her mouth.

She likes this atmosphere very much.

After such a long time, she finally saw in Li Hongyi's demeanor the kind of joy that came from her heart—a kind of happiness that she couldn't get even if she indulged in extravagance on weekdays.

And Li Hongyi was amused by Lin Beichen's shamelessness.

He thought about it for a while, and said patiently: "It's not impossible for you to be the deputy general bureau, but I'm afraid there are too many people in the bureau who oppose it."

"This adult can be completely at ease."

Lin Beichen patted his chest and tried his best to assure him, "I will find a chance to kill him if he dares to object."

Li Hongyi: "..."

You listen, do people say anything?

He blew his beard and stared angrily: "Nonsense, those who oppose you are not necessarily all faint-hearted."

"I know."

Lin Beichen gave a thumbs up, smiled mysteriously, and said, "Keep those who can be reused, and clean up those who can't be reused... Kill a batch and keep a batch."

Li Hongyi had the urge to throw another teacup.

He rubbed his temples and said again: "Murdering is not enough to convince the public, little stubborn donkey, if you want to sit firmly in the position of the deputy general bureau, you must show your ability, do some great things, and truly make great achievements, so that other talents Willing to be convincing and blindly killing will not solve the problem."

Lin Beichen said in surprise: "Show your abilities, do great things, make great achievements... Aren't these all the result of murder?"

"I... This kid has a sick mind."

Li Hongyi turned his head and glanced at Xu Yun, and said, "I regret that I promised him the seat of the Deputy General Administration. Is it too late to go back now?"

As Xu Yun brewed tea, she smiled and said, "Your Excellency, you have a golden mouth.

She was helping Lin Beichen speak.

This is not because she has been overwhelmed by Lin Beichen's beauty.

But having been by Li Hongyi's side for so long, he really knows the mind of the Supreme General Bureau too well.

Don't look at Li Hongyi's words of regret, but Xu Yun is very clear in her heart that with the continuous progress of these conversations just now, Li Hongyi's evaluation of Li Shaofei in the depths of her heart has not only not decreased, but has been constantly rising. .

From Xu Yun's point of view, Li Hongyi is also very clear in his heart that he has been dormant for so many years by pretending to be crazy and selling foolishly, and when it is finally time to show his true self, he needs some like-minded young people to help him.

And what Li Hongyi wants to do next is to raise the butcher's knife high and make a drastic change.

By then, many people will surely die.

This requires that Li Hongyi must have a murderous, loyal and moral bottom line beside him to do things.

Over the years, many people have successively entered Li Hongyi's attention.

But in the end, it was secretly rejected and eliminated.

Until the appearance of this guy named Li Shaofei.

What few people know is that in the past period of time, what Li Shaofei did, what he said, who he dismissed, and what he planned secretly, all the details were summed up one by one in front of Li Hongyi.

Obviously, the Supreme Director General was very fond of this little director who had made a blockbuster in a short period of time.

And just now, at the moment when he promised the 'Deputy General Administration', Li Hongyi made his final decision.

"Good, you little Yunyun, I didn't expect you to favor this little stubborn donkey." Li Hongyi's angrily humming made it difficult to associate him with the former "Blood Yama".

"Go and check for me, has Lin Ruo's gift arrived?"

Pear Hongyi Road.

Xu Yun went out with a smile.

Go and return soon.

"Sir, everything on the gift list has been delivered." Xu Yun said.

Li Hongyi laughed: "I've been deceived, haha, okay."

He took the gift list and looked at it carefully, then slapped his palms and said, "So, I am the one who keeps my promise the most, and promised Lin Rui to remove Li Shaofei's second-level director, and I have already done it... As for the new appointment. , is another matter, does Xiao Yunyun think I'm right?"

Xu Yun's face was filled with tears and laughter, and she said, "Your Excellency is right."

Lin Beichen sighed inwardly.

Lord Supreme General Administration, you are a real dog.

Not close to the female beauty Lin Beichen, keep the promise Li Hongyi!

Perfect match.

Lin Rui was moved to cry when she found out.

Li Hongyi put away the gift list and said, "Okay, it's settled, Xiao Yunyun, you have to work hard and take this kid to go through the formalities in person."

Xu Yun got up with a smile and said, "My subordinates obey."

As he said that, he naturally took off the seal token of the Supreme General Administration from Li Hongyi's waist, smiled at Lin Beichen, and said, "Lord Deputy General Administration, please come with me."

Lin Beichen saluted Li Hongyi and said, "My subordinates retire."

Then he followed Xu Yun and walked out.

At this time, he had some new judgments about Xu Yun's identity.

Being able to be so natural in front of Li Hongyi, the only husband, give his own advice while talking and laughing, especially the action of untying the seal token from Li Hongyi's waist at the end - that is the token of the Supreme General Bureau, which symbolizes the whole One of the most terrifying institutions in the Holy Empire, Xu Yun was as casual as taking off a jade pendant from her lover's waist.

The relationship between these two guys is definitely not easy.

I'm afraid I have a leg.

With Xu Yun's leadership, the entire inauguration procedure went very smoothly.

In less than half an hour, Lin Beichen got his own seal token, a full set of special armor, weapons, a new ID card... and various other treatments that represented the power and status of the Deputy General Administration.

Including a new and spacious office.

In this tallest General Administration Building, below the floor next to Li Hongyi, there is a huge independent office of its own, which is definitely a power and glory that many people in the Special Law Bureau can't even imagine.

"You're so young."

Xu Yun looked at Lin Beichen who was sitting behind the office and sighed sincerely, "There has been a long, long time in the top decision-making level of the Special Law Bureau, and there has never been a newcomer as young as you. That's a good sign."

"Sister Xu, you praised me badly. I think you are very young. If it wasn't because you were my senior, I would have called you Sister Xu directly on the spot."

Lin Beichen shamelessly complimented him.

For him, this kind of thing is completely familiar.

"Glicky tongue."

Xu Yun covered her mouth with a light smile and said, "I'm just a small administrative staff officer. In the future, I will ask the Deputy General Administration to take care of you."

"Sister Xu, you are too polite."

Lin Beichen said with a smile: "I'm going to ask Sister Xu for more advice and study in the future... By the way, Sister Xu, I haven't asked for advice yet. How many vice-generals are there in our supreme general bureau?"

Xu Yun smiled and said, "Including your words, there are thirty-one in total."

Lin Beichen: "..."

so much.


So the Pear General Administration, are you an old hen laying eggs or opening a harem?

Do so many deputy general bureaus in one go?

So after working for a long time, my position is actually worthless?

Xu Yun smiled slightly and explained: "Most of the deputy general bureaus are illusory positions in name, and they set up idle time in order to balance the forces of all parties. It is actually meaningless to say things to bluff people, but without the order of Master Li, they There is no way to mobilize a soldier or a soldier from the Special Law Bureau."

Lin Beichen was thoughtful and asked, "What about me?"

Xu Yun smiled like a flower.

She loves to laugh.

She knows her smile very well, and has a natural charm that makes people approachable and convincing.

"Let me tell you this, you are the second one who can have their own independent office in this tallest building." Xu Yun explained with a smile.

Oh, I see.

I have real power.

And it's huge.

Lin Beichen suddenly became happy again.

"Who was the first one?"

Lin Beichen asked curiously.

"She... is no longer alive."

Xu Yun paused for a moment, then sighed, a look of gloom flashed in the depths of her eyes, and said, "Few people will mention her now, maybe you will know later."

Lin Beichen was thoughtful.

Judging from Xu Yun's expression, it seemed that this senior had an accident, and it was most likely a disgraceful past that the Special Law Agency didn't want to mention.

So he didn't ask any more.

Moreover, the last senior with an office is gone, doesn't it mean that he is truly one person below ten thousand people, no different from what he expected at the beginning.

You can show off your hands and feet.

Those so-called vacant deputy chiefs, if they dare to pretend in front of themselves, they can beat them back without hesitation.


At this time, Xu Yun's beautiful goose egg also returned to smiling.

She continued to explain: "So, having this office means that you are the deputy general bureau with real power, second only to Mr. Li Hongyi. This is something that everyone in the special legal bureau system will understand. From now on In the future, not only can you mobilize all the resources of the Special Law Bureau, but you can also appoint or remove the director of any stationed bureau at will, of course, the dismissal and appointment of the candidate for the second-level director-general still needs to be approved by Mr. Pear.”

Lin Beichen secretly cried out in his heart.

In less than three years, he was about to become the leader of the club.

There are many plans in the future that can be implemented smoothly.

Xu Yun smiled again and said: "In addition, you can set up your own war department, staff department, logistics department, and life department... As for the personnel, you can choose and appoint yourself, but a certain percentage of the candidates must come from the special law bureau. My own people inside the system.”

"I see."

Lin Beichen clenched his fist.

Xu Yundao: "As for the candidates for the staff department and the life department, maybe I can recommend some. They are all young, beautiful and capable girls."

"That's great."

Lin Beichen immediately welcomed him and said, "I can't ask for it."

He wanted to establish his own independent kingdom within the Supreme Directorate of the Special Law Bureau, but at the beginning stage, he had to let some people come in.

Otherwise, let Li Hongyi see, who is this guarding against?

With the function of mobile WIFI hotspot, you can clearly identify who is loyal to you and who is the second or fifth boy who is flattering on the surface, so it is not a big problem.

After Xu Yun left, Lin Beichen sat in the huge office, closed his eyes and pondered.

Everything that happened just now is absurd and magical.

After just saying a few words, he became the number two person of the Special Law Bureau. During the whole process, I'm afraid no one will believe it. Legends and stories don't dare to write like this.

Lin Beichen is reflecting on what happened just now, sorting out his thoughts, and pondering Li Hongyi's intentions.

The Special Law Bureau is Li Hongyi's one-stop shop.

Whether it is from a legal perspective or a procedural perspective, he alone has the final say in appointing a deputy director general.

But the question is, why is it me?

Lin Beichen would not naively think that it was his charisma, or the few words he said in the branch, that a supreme chief who had been in control of the special law bureau for tens of thousands of years was instantly convinced.

There are two possibilities why I can ascend to the top.

First, his words and deeds during this period may meet Li Hongyi's current needs, and he can be the best tool person to use in his eyes.

Second, maybe he is the 'waiting person' in the Emperor's mouth? After all, the Special Law Agency was founded by the Emperor's decree, and the person who has been at the helm is perhaps the loyal dog who is truly loyal to the Emperor?

Exactly which one it is, Lin Beichen is still unable to determine.

But no matter what, after sitting in this position, Lin Beichen can do more things. Even if it is the first possibility, one day, Li Hongyi has used up his tool man and wants to kick him away. possible.

A smile appeared on Lin Beichen's face.

He slowly came to the 180-degree cloud-view balcony, overlooking the buildings below, with the illusion of a **** overlooking the mundane world.

"An hour has passed, presumably the Tribunal has already prepared almost. This time, we must teach them an unforgettable lesson, so that they will not dare to mess with their ideas in a short period of time."

Lin Beichen muttered to himself.

at the same time.

The outer area of ​​the "Black Jungle" pavilion building of the Special Administration Bureau.

Countless black figures seemed to come in like a black river, and all the entrances and exits of this area were controlled, like a black net of heaven and earth.

"Sir, everything is set up properly."

A captain of the dark reaper action team came to the front of the court president Lin Ruo and respectfully reported.

"Okay, let the four enshrined adults get ready. Once Li Shaofei comes out from here, he will start immediately. Be sure to capture him alive, seal his power, and stop him from committing suicide."

Lin Ruo's tone was cold and authentic.


The captain immediately went to make arrangements.

Lin Ruo looked at the Supreme Headquarters Building of the Special Legal Service in the distance, with an expectant smile on his face.

He is satisfied.

After receiving the gift, Li Hongyi was still very effective in doing things, and calmly delayed Li Shaofei for such a long time and did not let him return to his old nest in Taijin District.

In this way, the trial court has enough time to make arrangements, and the subsequent arrests will be much smoother.

"With such a faint Supreme General Bureau, it is no wonder that the Special Law Bureau has become the last of the four major institutions. Hehe, it won't take too long for this special law enforcement agency created by His Majesty the Emperor himself. It will become a nominal one. The empty shell has lost its original deterrent power and is doomed to collapse."

Lin Ruo secretly complained in her heart.

At this moment, the captain suddenly came quickly and reported loudly: "Sir, Li Shaofei came out from inside."

"Oh? How many people?"

"He's the only one, and he didn't even bring any entourage."

"Haha, everything is in the plan... Order to arrest immediately."


The hunt has begun.


Does this count as two in one?

I think there's more tonight

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