Lin Beichen was wandering around alone.

He deliberately didn't wear the new official uniform, the same one he used to wear, and he didn't bring any entourage. He was very down-to-earth and looked unwilling. some people's attention.

However, he soon discovered that his worries were unnecessary.

Because it took less than ten minutes to walk out of the Supreme General Administration Building, he was targeted.

To Lin Beichen's surprise, the stalker was wearing the official uniform of the Special Law Bureau.

There are ghosts.

Step up and keep trading.

Lin Beichen pretended that he didn't find anything, and continued to walk forward, strolling to the car dock, ready to drive away.


A young Secret Service officer came over.

With a stern expression, he looked at Lin Beichen up and down, and without warning, he began to interrogate him, saying, "I now suspect that you are a spy who has sneaked into the special law bureau. Please show your ID card and seal the token."

Lin Beichen spread his hands and said helplessly, "I'm Li Shaofei, the second-level chief of the four major districts of Taijin. I just met Mr. Supreme General Bureau, and his official position was removed. The seal token has been taken back, so I can't show it."

"I need to verify your identity further."

The officer looked like he was doing business and said without doubt, "Please come with me."

Lin Beichen deliberately looked hesitant and asked, "What's your name? Looking at your uniform, it's the level of the squad leader of the action team. It doesn't seem like you have the right to do this?"

"You don't deserve to know my name."

In the young man's tone, there was an undisguised strength, and he said: "Remind, you are no longer a high-ranking second-level director. If you don't cooperate with my interrogation, I can directly detain you and fight against the investigation by the Special Law Bureau. What the consequences are, I think you know very well."

Lin Beichen sighed and said, "Okay."

A helpless look.

The two walked one after the other.

Soon came to the outer area of ​​the General Bureau.

"Where are we going?"

Lin Beichen looked suddenly alert, stopped, and questioned, "This does not seem to be a place to verify identity."

The young official smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, it's here, it's here."

The voice fell.

Sudden mutation.

On the road ahead, suddenly met forty figures in black shirts.

Dark Reaper!

Minions of the Inquisition.

Like a black tide, blocking the way.

Lin Beichen's expression changed, he stopped and turned to leave.

But at this time, he discovered that his back path was also blocked by more than a dozen dark reapers.

at the same time.

Hundreds of dark reapers came out from all directions like a tide, silently, without saying a word, like a group of evil ghosts from hell, rendering the surrounding exchanges into rich black, The air seemed to be a dark prison.

In the darkness, Lin Beichen was completely surrounded.

Time to close the network.

Lin Beichen cooperated with a shocked and terrified expression, looked at the young official, and asked angrily, "You... you actually colluded with outsiders and betrayed your own people?"

"Huh, my own?"

The young official laughed dismissively and said, "Don't be stupid, you have been fired, what kind of person are you? Besides, you want to be my own person? Haha, you are also worthy?"

At this moment, the dark reapers in front slowly made way for a one-meter-wide gap.

Like a tide of darkness, separated by the evil thoughts of the Great Demon King.

A figure walked slowly.

It was the presiding judge of the trial court, Lin Ruo, whom he had seen before.

The young official quickly stepped forward, saluted, changed his face, and said respectfully, "President Lin, I have brought the person you are looking for."

Lin Ruo smiled slightly and said, "It's hard work, Sir Chen."

"Don't dare, haha, it's my honor to be able to serve you, Uncle Lin." The young official seemed to feel at ease, and said, "I hope to have the opportunity to do things for you in the future."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Lin Beichen again, with a trace of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Didn't you just want to know who I am? My name is Chen Youzhi, please remember this name well, but it is of no use, because you Must be dead."

Lin Beichen was very calm at this time.

No need to install any more.

He nodded and said, "Is it Chen Youzhi? I remember it. As for whether it's useful, you'll know soon."

But Lin Ruo couldn't wait.

He was eager to humiliate his opponent as a winner and enjoy himself.

Taking a step forward, Lin Rui looked at Lin Beichen and said condescendingly: "Hehe, Director Li, I said, when we meet again, you won't be qualified to stand and talk to me... Now, do you believe it?"

"This is the Special Law Office."

Lin Beichen smiled: "Are you sure you want to arrest me here?"

The smile on Lin Rui's face was full of sarcasm, and he said: "You are no longer the second-level chief, and the Special Law Bureau will not protect a sinner who has been dismissed... I advise you not to make senseless resistance, and to capture it without wasting each other. time."

Lin Beichen slowly stretched out his hands and said, "Of course I won't resist, but I'm afraid you won't dare to catch me."

Lin Ruo sneered: "It's a mystery... Come on, go to the shackles of the stars."

The two dark reapers of the emperor-level realm flickered and came to Lin Beichen like a ghost. They skillfully used a special barb torture star chain specially designed to deal with felons, and buckled them in Lin Beichen. on the outstretched wrist.


The star shackles are fastened.

Alchemy thorns as thin as a cow's hair penetrated into the skin of Lin Beichen's wrist.

Lin Ruo was completely relieved.

"I thought that Li Shaofei, who was running wild, was a real iron man with a heart like steel and fearless, but I didn't expect, hehe, he was only a coward who dared to oppose my court because of the skin of the Special Law Bureau. With this skin, I don't even have the courage to resist..."

He began to humiliate a winner.

This is just an appetizer.

"I don't resist, just because it's not necessary."

Lin Beichen said indifferently.

"Come here, search your body, and take off all the equipment on him."

Lin Ruo said.

This is one of the necessary steps for the court to arrest people.

Chen Youzhi took the initiative to ask Ying and said: "Uncle Lin, let me come, haha, after all, this guy claims to be a member of the Special Law Bureau, so let me greet him... Besides, I compare the various equipment of the Special Law Bureau. cooked."

Lin Ruo nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay."

Chen Youzhi skillfully touched Lin Beichen's body.

After a moment, he found a set of seal tokens.

"It's pitiful and ridiculous to carry these things with you after being fired... Huh? This is not the seal token of your second-level director, this is... you? You, you, you..."

Chen Youzhi saw the contents on the seal token clearly, and was instantly stunned.

His voice trembled, his lips trembled, he wiped his eyes in disbelief, and then looked closely, the whole person was like petrified, staying in place.


good night everyone

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