Yue Hongxiang stayed for a while.

Immediately he laughed.

It's not hard to guess.

Because every foreigner who comes to Yunyao Jiexing is looking for the supreme sky formation secret technique of 'star carving pendant'.

Especially a young sky formation master like her.

After Yue Hongxiang came to this world star, she devoted all her energy to the study of various carving techniques, formation patterns, and formation methods every day. The goal was clearly written on his face.

So Granny Lin saw that it was reasonable.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't find it."

Yue Hongxiang drank the porridge and sighed slightly: "His Majesty the ancestor of the Heavenly Array doesn't know where the gods are, the traces are so long, the dragon can't see the beginning but not the end, and the monument left by her old man has been damaged, I continue to stay here, and also There will be no harvest...Mother-in-law, I have decided to leave in three days."

Just during the conversation just now, Yue Hongxiang suddenly made up her mind.

She wants to go back to Tianyu Galaxy.

Go back and fight with Han Bubu, and fight side by side with the former friends.

Now that her sky formation attainments have reached the realm of returning to the basics, the sky formation can trap the star-rank powerhouse, kill the star-level powerhouse, and if she goes back to help out, even if it can't reverse the overall situation, it can still to a certain effect.

Sometimes, the success or failure of some things depends on fate and cannot be forced.

What you seek assiduously may be destined to never be found.

The most important thing is to grasp the present moment.

It's like with him.

If he had gathered up his courage earlier and showed his heart, maybe before he left, there would have been more good memories between the two of them.

Granny Lin showed a kind smile on her wrinkled face.

She looked at Yue Hongxiang as if she was looking at her own daughter, and said, "Ni'er, for Shan Jiuren, you've fallen short, when you feel lost, maybe if you take a step forward, you'll find what you've been looking forward to. It's waiting for you right there within reach."

"Thank you, mother-in-law."

Yue Hongxiang drank the porridge in one breath and said, "Maybe it's what you said, but unfortunately I don't have time."

The smell of the porridge reminded her of the breakfast stall at the entrance of Yunmengcheng Provincial Third Junior College. At that time, she occasionally had the opportunity to sit on the breakfast stall with Lin Beichen and have breakfast together, which would become the next whole day. A source of joy for a few days.

"Ni'er, the house you rented hasn't expired yet, and my mother-in-law has no money to return it to you." Granny Lin said with an embarrassed expression.

Yue Hongxiang smiled and said, "Mother-in-law. You don't need to refund the rent, just treat it as a little filial piety from me. I'm leaving, you have to take care of yourself."

Granny Lin said, "How can I do it? My wife, I have never owed any favors in my life." "It's okay, these days, you have taken good care of me, just like you are your own daughter." After speaking, she took out another one. Ding Honghuangjin said: "Mother-in-law, I am going to a place of right and wrong. Maybe I can't save myself, so I can't take you there. The laws of Yunyao's world are chaotic, the area is exhausted, and sooner or later it will turn into a death star, you Take this money, find a way to get out of here by boat, and find a peaceful world star to live."

"You Nier, you are so stupid."

Granny Lin looked at Yue Hongxiang.

Her eyes no longer seemed to be looking at her own children.

And like...

Looking at the self who was alone, scared, scared, tired and hungry, wandering in the ancient city before the long years.

"Since you have decided to leave, then mother-in-law will give you a present."

Granny Lin leaned on a cane, got up slowly, and walked towards her old house. The black door seemed to absorb all the light. She walked in and seemed to disappear.

Yue Hongxiang looked at the old house in surprise.

Inside came the sound of turning objects.

Granny Lin wants to give herself a present?

The old man is so strange. People who don't like it are too lazy to pay attention, but the more people who look right in the eye, the more kindly they treat them without expecting anything in return. They will never take advantage of themselves.

After a while.

Granny Lin held a black package in her arms and walked out slowly.

"Finally found."

Sitting at the stone table, she smiled and said: "Ni'er, mother-in-law asked you, do you have a man you like?"


Yue Hongxiang gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

At this moment, Lin Beichen's name popped into her heart.

After hearing this answer, Granny Lin said with a smile: "Really? That's great. Actually, a long, long time ago, my mother-in-law also had someone she liked."

Without waiting for Yue Hongxiang to say anything, Granny Lin continued: "Unfortunately, he left here without looking back. I have waited for him here for countless years, waiting and waiting, until his head turned white, his face was wrinkled, and his steps were staggering. , but he never came back."

Seeing the melancholy and lonely expression on Granny Lin's face, Yue Hongxiang's mind suddenly had a picture.

A long time ago, on a sunny afternoon, at that time, Granny Lin might be in full bloom. Like many ordinary girls, she met the boy she liked, so she was tender. Miyi prepared a gift, but unfortunately, for some reason, her sweetheart left, and Granny Lin stayed here alone to wait, but she never saw her sweetheart come back.

What a cruel thing this is.

The biggest regret in life is this.

"Mother-in-law, you... didn't you go to him?" Yue Hongxiang asked again.

Granny Lin said: "Of course I went to find him. After all, it is the person I like. Unfortunately, I have searched all over the world, but I can't find his person. Some people say that he has been to many places, but I am in all these places. I couldn't find her footprints, and then I couldn't walk, so I had to come back and continue to wait for him here."

Yue Hongxiang thought to herself, it must be very hard.

Every time I look for it with hope, but I end up disappointed.

She didn't know how to comfort Granny Lin.

For an old man, the opportunity to redeem this regret has been cruelly deprived of time, and no matter how many words to comfort him, it seems pale and hypocritical.

But Granny Lin didn't immerse herself in regret for too long. She put the package in her hand on the stone table and said, "I can't remember exactly how long it has been since I haven't opened this package. I want to give it to him, but it seems that there is no chance to send it out, why don't I give it to you."

Saying that, she pushed the package in front of Yue Hongxiang.

"Ah? How can this work? It's too precious."

Yue Hongxiang was taken aback and hurriedly shied away.

Although I didn't know what was in the package, there was no doubt that it was the testimony of Granny Lin's passing love, so how could I accept it myself.

But Lin Beichen insisted with a smile, "Ni'er, don't refuse, you are qualified to get it, you are the only person in this prehistoric universe who is qualified to have it."

Yue Hongxiang can't refuse anymore.

She hesitated for a moment, took the package, and said, "Mother-in-law, what's inside?"

In the past, the love token that I wanted to give to my lover was a knitted girl red, a sweater sachet, a cold-proof clothing, a beautiful jade ornament, or a sword belt?

"Open it and see, and you'll know."

Granny Lin smiled strangely.

Yue Hongxiang subconsciously opened the package, stretched out her hand and uncovered a few golden strips of paper with strange patterns on the knots of the package, and completely uncovered the black cloth...

A small stele, like a miniature monument, appeared in Yue Hongxiang's field of vision.

"What's this?"

She looked curious, but when she looked closely, she saw that the front of the miniature stone tablet was densely engraved with patterns and handwriting.

The four characters at the top of the front of the miniature stele are somewhat familiar.

Yue Hongxiang took a closer look, and subconsciously said aloud: "The star carved pendant... It turned out to be these four characters, no wonder they are familiar, wait? What is this monument?"

The stars are carved?

Isn't this the name of the ultimate mystery that the ancestor of the sky formation left in the world?

Then this monument...

Yue Hongxiang looked up at Granny Lin.

Seeing this, he was startled.

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