Granny Lin, who was sitting opposite her, has disappeared?

What about people?

Yue Hongxiang was taken aback.

Granny Lin is just an ordinary old man. Her cultivation base is not high. She is already old and frail. The sound of walking footsteps cannot be concealed from her. She didn't notice any movement just now.


Yue Hongxiang stood up and looked around.

Really gone.

At this time, even if she is brain-dead, she has already realized that this Granny Lin is not an ordinary person.

Yue Hongxiang searched all over the courtyard, but couldn't find her mother-in-law.

Her attention returned to the small formation tablet in the package.

Exercise your eyesight and look carefully at the dense handwriting.

The more he looked, the more excited he became.

The more I looked, the more excited I became.

"That's right, this should be the true meaning of the 'star pendant' technique..." Yue Hongxiang's current sky formation skills have reached the realm of returning to the basics. Whether it's true or not can be seen at a glance.

She never dreamed that the treasure she had been searching for so hard would finally appear in front of her in this way.

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

"Didn't you say that the existence of the formation monument is not allowed by the Tao of Heaven? Why is the content on this small formation monument so detailed, but it did not arouse any changes in the world?"

A question mark appeared in Yue Hongxiang's heart.

Then she realized that the black cloth that wrapped the monument might not be simple, as well as the golden rune of paper that was torn open earlier...

Then here comes the problem.

Who is Granny Lin?

Is it...

In Yue Hongxiang's mind, a bold guess appeared.

Is it the ancestor of the sky formation?

At that time, the giant formation monument was not tolerated by the Heavenly Dao. In the end, after the ancestor of the Heavenly Formation left, the Difficult Dao was grinded, and finally shattered and did not exist in the world.

It is also difficult for other people to fully understand the profound meaning of it.

Naturally, it is impossible to preserve its rubbings.

Up to now, who can still come up with such a delicate and small complete formation monument, who else besides the ancestor of the sky formation?

If Granny Lin is the founder of the Heavenly Array, who is the hero in the love story she just told?

Yue Hongxiang looked at the lonely old dilapidated house opposite, and couldn't help but gradually become fascinated.

for a long time.

Only then did her attention return to the small formation monument.

"To stay."

Yue Hongxiang made a decision.

She changed her mind, chose to stay in Yunyao Jiexing, and went all out to comprehend the profound meaning of 'star carving pendant'.

Once she returned to the Tianyu Galaxy and got involved in the Galaxy War, she was afraid that she would not be able to calm down to comprehend and cultivate. Once she encountered any person, event or news related to him, she knew that she would be upset for several days. .

What's more, just like what he said, sharpening knives is not a mistake in chopping wood. As long as you seize the time, you have a preliminary understanding and mastery of the technique of 'star carving pendant', and when you go back, you can control the situation and shake the universe.

wait for me.

Yue Hongxiang lived in this small courtyard again.

It's just that from this day on, she never saw Granny Lin again.

But she always felt that Granny Lin didn't leave, she seemed to be by her side all the time, watching her silently in an invisible corner.



Emperor Star Continent.

Imperial City.

Tribunal headquarters.

The presidents from the eighteen trial divisions gathered together.

The chief judge, Liu Pofeng, sat high in the middle, expressionless.

The Tribunal is subordinate to the Cabinet and is a special law enforcement agency under the Holy Cabinet. There are eighteen Tribunals under the headquarters.

Among them, Zhou Hairen, who died in the hands of Lin Beichen, was one of the presidents.

Now they are gathered together to discuss the outcome of Zhou Hairen's death.

"This Li Shaofei is a mad dog who can't use common sense." Mo Yuanshan, the presiding judge of the seventh trial court, slammed the table and said angrily: "He must beat him hard and break his spine before he can If you are afraid, you will compromise, and you will know that a dog is always a dog, and you can only eat what you give him, and you will be beaten to death if you grab food indiscriminately.”

"Fight, be sure to fight."

Deng Yinuo, the president of the second trial court, also shouted, and said: "But the question is, how to fight, this thief is now the deputy general bureau of the special law bureau, and he has the power, so it's not easy to fight."

The other court presidents were also talking about it.

The chief judge, Liu Pofeng, looked at his subordinates' angry foreword without any practical solution, and sighed softly in his heart.

A thousand years ago, the eighteen chief judges of the Inquisition were all outstanding men of the time, with both wisdom and courage, and the Inquisition was so powerful and majestic, but now the imperial atmosphere has been corrupted, and those who used to be in their positions by virtue of their true talents and hard work Court presidents, retreat in retreat, exile in exile, die in death...

Up to now, there is only such a group of people under his command who only rhetoric and shouting slogans.

If Li Shaofei was so easy to deal with, he would have taken action long ago, why would he need to listen to these **** arguing here?

Unfortunately, there is no meaningful suggestion.

"Go back."

Liu Pofeng waved his hand.

The people in the argument were startled, and then immediately retreated with unwillingness on their faces.

Liu Pofeng sat on the high chair, silent for a moment, and dialed a number on his personal terminal.

"I agree to your proposal."

After being connected, he said calmly: "The Special Law Agency is absolutely not allowed to stand at the top of the four special law enforcement agencies again, and Li Shaofei cannot be allowed to ride on our heads. The 'rat eradication plan' can be carried out, and I will send someone to You cooperate."

"Wise choice."

An admiring female voice came from there: "We can't allow a strong special law bureau to appear, just like the Zen girl at the beginning. Once such a person emerges, it must be completely destroyed."

Liu Pofeng said again, "What did the Imperial Forest Army say?"

The other party's answer was slightly hesitant, and said, "Xia Mobo of the Imperial Forest Army will cooperate with us."

"It's just Deputy Commander Xia Mobai? Isn't it Commander Nuo Qianjun?" Liu Pofeng frowned.

"Nuo Qianjun is a weak person. He sympathizes with those traitors. The force field is unstable and will be cleared sooner or later. It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not." The woman opposite the terminal said.


Liu Pofeng hung up the terminal communication.

He let out a light breath.

In order to deal with Li Shaofei, who had only been on the rise for a few months, the three institutions of the Trial Court, the Executive Court and the Royal Forest Army were forced to join forces.

The last time this happened, it was to deal with the monstrous Zen girl, the descendant of Li Hongyi's painstaking cultivation, almost overturning the situation of the four special law enforcement agencies.



Imperial City.

Wanjin District, where the Tiangong Group resides.

Lin Beichen brought Hu Meier and Qin Shou two subordinates outside the gate of the group. After being informed, he entered under the guidance of the waiter.

Tiangong Group is the largest force in the 22nd bloodline to transform the Tao. It is a transformation factory built by the first disciple of the first ancestor of the transformation, and it is also the largest and most advanced prosthetic limb production group in the entire prehistoric universe.

Lin Beichen came here to import a batch of qualified prosthetic limbs for the disabled subordinates of the Special Law Bureau. At the same time, he also wanted to take the opportunity to see what the 'Tianma Meteor Arm' belongs to in the 'Tiangong Group' layered variety.

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