After a stick of incense.

The bandit brother was completely lost.

not dead.

Qin Ruo, Li Chenyuan and others didn't even die.

Those mad believers and their family members live very healthy lives. In the so-called Holy Emperor's trial space, they fight day and night with 'underworld creatures' and frantically sharpen their strength, but now they are full of energy and in a perfect state. good.

So who are the people who were beheaded on the execution ground of the Special Law Bureau?

More than three hundred people.

More than three hundred heads.

Each one is exactly the same as a fanatic and a specific person in his family.

Even if you are looking for people with similar appearances, it is impossible to find all of them at once.

So it must be some kind of secret technique.

And this secret technique can actually make the deceased disguise so that others can't tell them apart... This is simply sorcery.

The old bandit's awe for Lin Beichen became deeper and deeper.

Perhaps, this guy can really overthrow the ancient people?

"Tell me, why did you come to see me today?"

The bandit brother changed his face faster than flipping through a book, and immediately waited with a smile on his face, and loudly called in to the waiter outside the hall, saying, "Come here, serve tea, serve good tea."

Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows. He sat down and said arrogantly, "Hey, you haven't apologized to me for your reckless accusations before. Is the trust between us so vulnerable?"

The bandit brother laughed and said, "The monthly net profit will be divided into 10% more for you."

"The bandit brother is really righteous Bo Yuntian, he knows me and understands me."

Lin Beichen immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "You and I are really the best partners in this prehistoric universe. Follow the bandit brother to make a meal of braised pork rice. Once you and I join forces, we will have all the orders."

What a nonsense.

The bandit brother has also been surprised.

The waiter brings tea.

The bandit brother waved his hand, signaling everyone to step back.

All kinds of breath-holding isolation formations and enchantments are opened.

"Can you tell me now, come to me, why?"

The bandit brother asked again.

Lin Beichen repeated his plans and said, "Now that I am at a high position in the Special Law Bureau, there is not much potential for further improvement. The Special Law Bureau was originally the first intelligence agency established by His Majesty the Emperor. It is above other powerful institutions, but unfortunately it is now overtaken by the cabinet, parliament and Huiyao City. The three major institutions also have their own intelligence agencies. It is impossible to wipe out the Tribunal, the Executive Court and the Royal Forest Army in a short period of time. Maybe, the things I can do in the special law bureau are limited after all, so if I want to go further, I need to get a military background."

"So, among the three major institutions of power, you chose Shining City?" The bandit brother thought thoughtfully and said, "Tell me your reasons."

Lin Beichen said: "There is a great man comparable to the Holy Emperor who once said a wise saying: Power comes from the barrel of a gun."

The bandit brother is already immune to this kind of weird talk.

But he was still a little curious and said, "Can he be comparable to His Majesty the Holy Emperor? Who is this great man you're talking about?"

Lin Beichen said, "You don't even know that, but he is a librarian."

Brother bandit: "..."

Forget it, don't ask.

He pondered for a moment and said, "I think your idea is right."

He added: "But it is not easy to enter the Huiyao City system. Among the three powerful institutions, on the surface, the cabinet is the most difficult to enter. In fact, Huiyao City is the most exclusive institution. Only people with a military background are qualified to enter the supreme commander-in-chief institution, and you started out as a businessman, entered a privileged institution, and robbed the head of the Royal Forest Army... tsk tsk tsk, it is extremely difficult."

Lin Beichen smiled and said, "If it's not difficult, I won't look for you, big brother... think of a way for me."

The bandit brother pondered a little, pointed out a shortcut, and said: "My Chen family once had the right to speak in the military, but that was the glory of my father's generation. Although I have regained power now, I can't completely control the will of the glorious commanders. The family has a profound background in Huiyao City, and even if it is degraded now, it still has a huge influence. If you can get the support of the Li family, then you can enter Huiyao City and establish a war department plan, maybe it can be realized. "

"I also thought of this."

Lin Beichen said: "Most of the Li family's influence lies in the old general Li Ying, and even the ancient people did not dare to execute him directly, so if you want to really get the support of the Li family faction, you must put Li Ying in the hands of the old general. General rescued."

"It's very difficult to rescue General Li."

The bandit brother said: "There are many people who want to rescue him. In terms of status and influence, you can't even rank in the top ten, but now there is no one who can do it. It's not easy."

Lin Beichen said: "If you can ask the ancestor-level existence to speak."

The bandit brother glanced at him and said, "If it is an ancestor of the ancient tribe who speaks, then the problem is naturally solved. Do you mean to ask the ancestor to use the poison?"

Lin Beichen nodded.

Now there are two candidates for the 'Hua Family' who have become the direct disciples of the ancestor of the poison dao. They are highly regarded, and the two of them speak, maybe they can let the ancestor of the poison dao speak for the Li family.

"It's very dangerous to do this."

The bandit brother said: "You have to finalize every step. If you accidentally lose everything, you may have the risk of exposure. The existence of the ancestors is not so easy to deal with."

"I know."

Lin Beichen nodded.

But for the next situation, he had to give it a try.

The two had a secret conversation again, communicating what they needed, each taking what they needed.

Lin Beichen collected the profits from the recent business, and packed the various military equipment collected by the bandit brother, together with the various strategic materials such as medicinal herbs, fairy grass, and divine fruit that he had recently stolen through the 'Happy Farm'.

After returning to the special law bureau's office, Lin Beichen directly activated the [Back to the City] secret technique, crossed countless galaxies, and went directly outside the Ninth Temple.

The phone notified Han Bubu.

After a while.

Han Bubu appeared.

As the only person who knew for sure that Lin Beichen was not dead, Han Bubu was still very excited when he saw this scourge, and he couldn't help but say that it was a bear hug.

Lin Beichen took out all the prepared materials and handed them over.

"After re-refining, it will be distributed and used."

Even though he knew that Han Bubao was working in a secretive way, Lin Beichen couldn't help but remind him again, "Don't be caught and linked to the old bandit."

Han Bufei said, "Don't worry."

For example, the Beichen Corps, which is known as the galaxy today, is in a precarious situation.

Han lived up to his devotion and painstaking efforts to defend this position and maintain an undefeated situation.

And there is also the 'unsung hero' Lin Beichen's great credit. After being completely military blocked by the Holy Empire, Lin Beichen sent military supplies again and again, like timely rain, to avoid the situation where the legion ran out of ammunition and food.

After the delivery, it was another secret discussion.

Lin Beichen recounted all the details of his actions in the imperial capital to Han Bubao. He hoped that this experienced and thoughtful friend would check and fill the gaps in the next plan.

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