Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1854: The saint came out?

"Are you going to contact the ancestors now?"

Han Bubu did some calculations and said, "You go to the imperial capital, and it will only take you eight months to complete the calculation. Would it be too early?"

Lin Beichen said: "It's true that the character design has not yet been fully created, but if you look ahead and continue to hide, the battle situation will probably slide toward the abyss, once the ancient people put all their energy into the war with the Beichen Army. , we're just afraid we won't be able to hold on."

Han Bubu said: "In doing things internally, you have actually done a very good job of holding the energy of the ancient people. If you didn't use the hands of the tribute group, you also held the energy of the ancestors of the ancient people. I'm afraid the situation has already eroded... If you have a problem, we will lose the game faster."

He actually didn't want Lin Beichen to take risks.

He once traveled in the imperial capital for a period of time, and Han lived up to the fact that he knew the control of the ancient tribes over the internal power of the Holy Empire, and knew it was terrible. Don't look at the current Lin Beichen's prosperity in the imperial capital, as long as his identity is leaked, he will be wiped out. Disaster is imminent.

Lin Beichen laughed and said, "I still want to try it."

Han Bubu knew at a glance that he couldn't persuade this friend.

Just like back then, Lin Beichen didn't want to join the army, and what others said was useless, but now he wants to take an adventure, and the same is true, this guy made up his mind a little bit, and even ten dragons can't pull him back.

Han Bubu lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and said, "If that's the case, then you must find a reasonable motive for all your actions. Even the ancestors of the ancient tribes will recognize the motive when they hear it."

Lin Beichen moved in his heart and asked, "For example?"

Han Bubu said indifferently, "Ambition."

Lin Beichen felt that something in his heart was pierced, and he suddenly felt a sense of clarity.

Han Bubu continued: "Nothing can explain everything better than a raging ambition. Li Shaofei came out of a desolate clan and wanted to enter the core of power. A good shortcut, of course, is to get in touch with the ancestors of the ancient tribe. All your previous actions have been explained. You have fully interpreted the ambition of the character Li Shaofei, and you want to enter Huiyao City and get Li Shaofei. The purpose of family resources comes down to the ambition of expansion. I think the ancestors of the poisonous agent will believe that Li Shaofei is a member of the ancient tribe, and the ancestors of the ancient tribe are also happy to cultivate new forces in the family. According to your description, the Li family is a waste The opposition of the family, I believe they are also happy to have a person of their own to digest and take over the power of the Li family."


Lin Beichen nodded, his thoughts became clearer.

Han Buqi reminded: "When facing the first ancestor, in some places, you must be frank and ambitious, but you must show loyalty."

Lin Beichen said, "I understand."

Han didn't give up, so he didn't say more.

He believed that Lin Beichen already knew what to do.

Lin Beichen laughed and said, "I knew that I should discuss more with you, Lao Han. It really is a huge harvest... Haha, come, have a drink and celebrate."

He took out the red wine, goblets, folding tables and chairs bought online.

The two of them started vacationing just outside the gate of the ninth hall.

For today's Lin Beichen, only when he is with Han Buwen can he completely relax without role-playing.

Why not Han Bubu?

Two former classmates of Yunmeng City's Third Junior College, little swordsmen of profound energy, now actually support the hope of the human race's freedom in the entire prehistoric universe. Should we say that this world is too absurd, or should we say that the two of them have grown up too fast?

The topic is much easier.

Unconsciously, they talked about the past again, talking about old friends.

Lin Beichen asked about the current situation of the former classmates.

Han Bubu said with a smile: "Everyone is excited by your death, everyone is trying their best to avenge you, the cultivation base is progressing fast, especially Teacher Chu Hen, Xiao Binggan, Guangjiang and Xiaolongnu Longna, Now they have rushed into the imperial realm.”

Imperial realm?

My darling.

These guys are also on the hook.

Because I have a Death God mobile phone, I can repeatedly jump horizontally in dangerous places, which is equivalent to practicing day and night. That's it.

These guys, in a short period of time, have all reached the emperor realm?

Who is the protagonist?

The dialogue learned that after Xiao Binggan entered the prehistoric universe, the blood in his body broke out. He originally mastered the secret technique of 'copying'. Before, he ate frantically and replaced the chicken legs with 'Zhenbo bitter sausage', and now he has used the secret technique of copying in his practice. , The speed at which his cultivation base has skyrocketed is somewhat unbelievable, and even Han Bubu, the descendant of the 'Space-Time Dao', is almost unable to catch up.

And Guangjiang was trained by the swallowing star, which inspired the true power of the star-devouring mouse, completely grown into a star beast, and quickly evolved towards a mature body.

Chu Hen's strength benefits from the [Pegasus Meteor Arm].

As for the little dragon girl Longna, her strength made Han Bubu the most difficult to understand.

"You have found the treasure. The strength of this dragon girl seems to be that it does not need to be cultivated, and the emissary will automatically become stronger with the passage of time. At present, it seems that it will only get faster and stronger, and there is no sign of stopping."

Han did not give up.

After Lin Beichen heard it, he didn't think about it.

Everyone has their own fate.

Although he is pretentious on weekdays, especially as a traveler, he is complacent and has many bad tastes, and always regards himself as the protagonist, but if he really thinks that all the good luck in this world is concentrated on himself, everyone else will It's just that if the foil doesn't have a chance, then it's really brain-damaged.

Besides, everyone made progress, and Lin Beichen was also happy.

Han Bubu said again: "Also, Li Yu, the prince of the True Dragon Empire who came to vote before, has progressed very quickly in his cultivation. Not only that, he has also shined in leading battles. Now he can lead an army alone. It's Beichen. A high-profile rising star in the Legion."

Hearing this, Lin Beichen also remembered something from a long time ago, and said: "This is also a legendary guy. It is said that when he was born, he was accompanied by a mysterious ancient mirror. The origin is definitely not simple, and the growth rate of that strength is definitely not simple. The little dragon girl who made me puzzled was hatched by him."

"No wonder."

Han does not bear to be thoughtful.

This is the first time he has heard of it.

He also felt that there was some bond between the two.

Perhaps, it is time to go to the depths of the ninth hall to calculate a hexagram?

Not doubt.

Just out of curiosity.

Lin Beichen drank the red wine and said with emotion: "I always feel that these people around me have quite a history, and they all have good identities. It seems that for some reason, they have fallen to the East Zhenzhou, like a dragon sinking into a shoal. The tiger falls on the plain, but now after returning to the prehistoric universe, it is like a dragon returning to the sea and a tiger like a deep mountain, and they have all begun to emerge, and gradually they will return to their positive faces."

Han Bubu nodded and didn't speak back.

He also felt the same way.

Even many times, when he had a rare rest, he would ask, who is he? Is it a poor boy from the host Dao Zhenzhou, or a descendant of the Time and Space Dao?

Soon, the wine is finished.

"it's time to go."

Lin Beichen got up, patted his butt, and said, "Take care of your body and kill people...Old Han, now I'm invisible, you are our face, you must take care of your face, and give it to me on your behalf. Uncle Wang and Brother Zou say hello."

The voice fell.

The figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Han Bubu shook his head and smiled.

He stood at the gate of the ninth hall, stood alone for a moment, then turned and left.

Command the War Department.

Everyone is busy.

As the war continued to expand, the middle-level combat staff were also working around the clock. Everyone went all out, walked in a hurry, and spoke at a faster pace than usual.

The tense, solemn, and high-pressure atmosphere has always shrouded the entire commander's operations department.

As soon as Han Bubu appeared, the chief of staff hurried up to meet him, lowered his voice, and said, "Commander, something has happened. The defense line of the southwestern theater in the Xuanxing District of Feiyu Arm has fallen, and our army has suffered heavy losses..."

Han Bubai was shocked, but his expression remained unchanged, he walked towards his office and said, "Go in and talk."



Flying Fish Arm Rotary Star District.

Southwest Theater.

Broken starship wreckage, mutilated corpses, floating in the dark and lonely starry sky.

The picture is filled with the horror of death.

A war has just ended.

Tens of millions of creatures have been reduced to dust in the universe.

The two elite armies of the Holy Empire's [Whip of the Ancients] and [The Emperor's Hand] joined forces and finally made progress after sixty-seven days of confrontation between the Nianxiang and Jianxian armies of the Beichen Army.

In this battle, the Imperial Army defeated the Beichen Army garrison head-on, and achieved the most glorious victory since the outbreak of the war.

"Haha, the victory in this battle finally opened a passage to the southwestern position of the Beichen traitor. Congratulations, sir, for his extraordinary feats, and the empire will definitely reward him with great rewards."

"Congratulations, sir."

"My congratulations to your lord."

"Haha, your lord has made this military feat. I think those old men are still so obstructed and embarrassed. They will definitely be able to jump to the level of commander-in-chief of glory."

Hundreds of generals from the two major legions were kneeling on the deck in unison at this time, each with a red face, congratulating the commander.

Among them were several of the coach's confidants, who were even more excited at this time.

The commander in charge of this battle stood at the front of the flagship deck, wearing a scarlet cloak, tall, like a giant, and he was the 'Hurricane Emperor', one of the hundred emperors of the ancient tribe.

The 68-level Emperor Dao cultivation base also ranks in the forefront among the hundred emperors.

But at this time, there was not much arrogance and excitement on the face of the Hurricane Emperor.

He just said indifferently: "Get up, this battle is not my work, but the plan of His Majesty the Holy One... We only need to cooperate with His Majesty's plan to destroy the Beichen Army, it is only a matter of time."


The generals didn't react for a while.

Who is this?

How can I hear the tone of Lord Hurricane, it is extremely respectful, is it a big man from the imperial capital?

Some people with smart minds, but their bright colors have changed drastically.

Your Majesty?

Lord Hurricane used the word "crown" to call this person called the saint, could it be... they thought of a possibility, their eyes widened and their pupils suddenly shrank, and their hearts beat wildly.

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