Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1863: true identity

"Come on, go back to headquarters."

Lin Beichen left the cabinet area without looking back, got on a special car and left immediately.

"Brother Mu Xi, things have been done, you can go back by yourself, it won't go by the way."

He waved to An Muxi outside the car.


The director-level special car, as fast as lightning, disappeared in place in an instant, leaving no exhaust behind.

An Muxi stood there dumbfounded.

Is this okay?

You were abandoned by...?

its not right.

Why does the acting style of this dog spy chief seem so familiar?

After dozens of breaths.

A dark tide of light surged from the depths of the cabinet area.

Several presiding judges brought the dark reaper masters, as well as the strong men and warriors in the cabinet area, rushing frantically, seeing An Muxi, and directly surrounded him.

"Is this one of the three thieves?"

"catch him."

"Don't let him run away."

Hurrah came over, and An Muxi was surrounded by him.

Murderous vibes.

An Muxi said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just a passerby..."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, take it."

"Break his limbs and lock them up."

The Dark Reapers were aggressive and didn't listen to his explanation at all.

"It's none of my business."

An Muxi explained patiently, and said, "I'm just here to pass on a message from my teacher. Those things just now were all done by Li Xiaofei, the deputy director of the Special Law Bureau."

"Master's order?"

"Who is your master?"

"Take him down, break his limbs, and then go to his master to settle accounts."

The Dark Reapers are brave.

This is the first time in history that the head of the Inquisition has been killed on the territory of the Cabinet District, and so many starships have been destroyed, and so many robes have died... It is simply unforgivable.

"My master, you also know him."

An Muxi was still very calm: "I advise you not to talk nonsense, or you will regret it."

"Arrogant, we never know how to write regret."

"Hit him."

"Take him down and break his limbs."

The Dark Reapers were excited, and one of them was looking forward to breaking An Muxi's limbs.

An Muxi sighed, and slowly took out the token of the ancestor of the poison, and said, "Do you know me?"

The originally restless atmosphere quickly calmed down.

do you know it?

Of course I know.

The ancestor of Poison Dao is a giant of the ancient tribe, and he is one of the most active ancestors. Others may not know his token, but as a loyal dog of the ancient tribe, how can they not know it?

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency... You are from the Fourth Temple... Your Excellency forgive your sins."

Immediately, he knelt down in blackness in the void.

An Muxi took a deep breath, then roared, "What are you doing on your knees? Go and catch Li Xiaofei."

"Yes, sir."

Whoosh whoosh.

As if hearing the amnesty, the dark reapers turned into streamers, like black locusts passing through the border, surging away.

An Muxi stood on the spot and couldn't help sighing again.


Why did I help him delay time even though I wanted to kill him?

That dog spy, who left himself here, made it clear that he wanted to use himself to hold down these dark reapers, why should I let him do so.

Special Law Office.

Lin Beichen drank a cup of tea and took a breath.

Li Ying stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the 180-degree view of her work, looking at the black buildings outside, everything was so solemn and solemn.

Once upon a time, the Special Agency represented the absolute authority of the Emperor.

It also represents the majesty of the laws of the Holy Empire.

For those dignitaries who violate the law and discipline, the Special Law Bureau has never been soft-handed. Wherever the guards in white armor pass, it is like the sun shining, bringing infinite light.

But now...

Everything is in the past.

The emperor lived in the temple, and the brilliance of the special law bureau was also annihilated in the dust.

Li Hongyi, who had been placed high hopes by many Huiyao commanders in Huiyao City, only slightly showed his prominence. As his descendants heard the death of the Zen girl, he quickly lost his fighting spirit, which made this law enforcement agency that the Holy Emperor had high hopes for. , reduced to a foil and a laughing stock.

To this day, the Special Law Bureau has even allowed a murderer like Li Shaofei to take the top position, and took the position of the first deputy general bureau, killing the emperor's ministers indiscriminately.

Degenerate like this.


At this time, Li Ying already knew Lin Beichen's identity.

He also knew about Lin Beichen's 'feat'.


Lin Beichen's voice came and said, "I think you can guess the purpose of my rescue."

Li Ying turned around slowly.

Looking at the handsome face of this young man, looking at his clear eyes and sincere eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Many times, the devil has a face like a god.

When this young man got serious, he was actually so out of the ordinary, but he was already distorted by his yearning for power.

If the Emperor is still alive, then such an outstanding young man should become the most loyal warrior of the empire and the most reliable guardian of the human race, right?


When the light of the sun disappeared, the jade that was supposed to glow was finally swallowed by the darkness. Even if it occasionally emitted a shimmer of light, it was only used to set off the horror of the darkness.

"The punishment of thunder in the Heavenly Prison will not let me relax."

Li Ying looked at Lin Beichen and said, "I think the punishment of the Special Law Bureau is the same. Young man, if you don't believe it, you can try it."

Lin Beichen got up from the reclining chair and laughed.

"Senior, I have a way to make you change your mind." He said confidently.

Li Ying also smiled: "Really? Let's wait and see."

Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "I'll take you to meet someone, but you have to promise me a condition and keep a secret for me."

Li Yingxue raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Okay."

He wanted to know what kind of medicine this amazing young man was selling in the gourd.

Lin Beichen took him and left the office.

No one knows where they went.



Seeing Li Ying appear, Li Hengyuan, Li Chenyuan and others were stunned.

The members of the Li family and their generals were also ecstatic.

The old master finally came back.

All of a sudden, it seems that the spiritual support has come back.


Li Ying looked at her sons and grandchildren, her originally calm and indifferent heart finally made waves, and she asked in surprise, "This... what's going on?"

Lin Beichen smiled on the side.

"Master, remember what you promised me."

He turned to leave.

Li Ying looked at Lin Beichen's back thoughtfully.

The family surrounded him and cheered. The worries of the day and night finally disappeared. They had prepared to burn all the jade and stones to rescue Li Ying, but now the old man came to them intact.

"Grandpa, the one just now is the 'Emperor Crown Prince' I said." Li Chenyuan said excitedly.

"This is the trial space created by His Majesty the Emperor."

"That's right, it was the 'Emperor Crown Prince' who saved us. On that day, Black Soul Xingzun and Zhao Xiao discovered our hiding place. At the critical moment, he appeared and saved us..."

"These days, we are all in the trial space, constantly cultivating, fighting, and improving our strength."

"The Crown Prince's method is really mysterious and unpredictable, and he actually rescued the Patriarch."

Everyone was talking about it.

Li Ying gradually recovered.

Then, a storm surged in his heart.

He knew a huge secret.

The real identity of the Crown Prince turned out to be Li Xiaofei, the Deputy Director General of the Special Law Bureau, that murderous demon.


That...promote the public account [Crazy Blade in Troubled Times], welcome to pay attention, it has everything you want

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