Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1864: godfather

After half an hour.

Deputy General Administration Office.

Lin Beichen was smoking a cigar and drinking red wine.


Li Ying looked at Lin Beichen with a complicated expression.

Lin Beichen's request to him is very simple, there is only one: Don't let Li Chenyuan and others know their identity other than the so-called 'emperor prince'.

Don't let them know that he is actually a notorious murderer.

Obviously, Li Ying did it.

"Have seniors ever changed their minds?"

Lin Beichen asked with a smile.

A cigar slowly floated in front of Li Ying.

Li Ying glanced at it, reached out to catch it, lit it, took a breath, entered her throat, passed through her lungs, and then slowly exhaled, "There is one more question."

Lin Beichen said with a smile: "Senior wanted to ask me, since he is the emperor, why did he kill Qin Ruo and other members of the tribute group?"

Li Ying nodded.

On that day, the corpses were piled high and the human heads piled up like a mountain.

The blood covered the ground of the small square.

He also learned about these things through Li Chenyuan and others. Everyone in the Li family had warned him to mention Fang Li Shaofei, a mad dog. If there is a chance, he can be killed.

But how did they know that the person they cursed and madly thanked was actually the same person.

Lin Beichen smiled and said, "If I don't kill them, how can I protect them?"

Li Ying was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

"Aren't they dead?"

He stood up suddenly.

Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Hahaha, senior don't get excited, of course I didn't die, I fought side by side with Qin Ruo and others, got out of the prison of ten thousand clans, and fought in the cathode universe, how could we sacrifice them? Even if it is No matter how critical the situation is, I will never sacrifice Pao Ze to gain space and respite for myself."

Speaking of which, Lin Beichen said, "If seniors don't believe me, I can take seniors to see them now. There are a total of 367 people, not a lot."

Li Ying sat down again, her eyes were like lightning, she stared at Lin Beichen, and said solemnly: "No, I believe you."

He is very happy.

It can be said that it is simply excited.

There is an urge to laugh wildly.

Even the eye sockets, unconsciously, were a little wet, and he quickly covered it with the help of smoking a cigar and spraying clouds and mist.

It's not that I'm excited because I escaped from hell.

Not because the Li clan people are not dead.

It wasn't because Qin Ruo and the others were excited that they were alive.

But because I finally saw the 'light', I was excited.


In Li Ying's eyes, Li Shaofei is 'light'.

It was in the era of gradually darkening that His Majesty the Emperor's expedition to a different universe had not lasted for a long time. A ray of light finally appeared inside the human race, like a candle. Even if it was still weak, it could still dispel the darkness and bring it to all the passionate people. Come bright 'light'.

Human race, waiting for this ray of light is really too long.

Over the years, there have been so many arrogant heroes who have been amazing and expected, but only Li Shaofei is the only one who really made Li Ying feel the energy and enthusiasm.

He single-handedly rescued the followers of the tribute group, saved the Li family, and let the ancestors of Poison Dao open their mouths.

This is something that many new ancestral powerhouses dare not even think about.

he made it.

"Tell me, what do you want from this old man?"

Li Ying quickly sorted out her emotions and began to get to the point.

Lin Beichen said unceremoniously, "I want all of them."

Enter Glory City.

Build your own army.

With the support of the glorious commanders...

In the end, he took control of the entire Glory City.

Once you have mastered the military power of the empire, you will be able to compete head-on with the ancient tribes.

On this day, Lin Beichen and Li Ying discussed for a long time.

In the end, Lin Beichen got the promise he wanted.

"The biggest problem now is how do you get the recognition and acceptance of the military generals." Li Yingluo thought about it and said, "You are now the deputy director of the Special Law Bureau, a special law enforcement agency sequence, and your family has no military. Fang background, even the Hua family is not a military person. The reason why Huiyao City has not been completely disintegrated by the ancient tribes for so many years is because of the natural exclusion of the military system. Yaocheng's appointment may not necessarily be recognized by military generals."

Lin Beichen laughed and said, "I've already thought of a surefire way to do this."

Li Ying asked curiously, "Oh? What can I do?"

Lin Beichen made a direct thud, knelt in front of Li Ying, and said loudly, "Godfather is on top, please accept Li Shaofei, the adopted son."

Li Ying: "..."

This is a **** good idea.

It's like asking him to take this old face, brush his face, and help Li Shaofei to open the way.

However, this is really a good idea.

As long as you can revive the power of the human race in the empire and fight against the ancient people, you can sacrifice everything for yourself, what is this old face?


Li Ying received Lin Beichen's bow.

Li Beichen is also unequivocal, bang bang bang is a hard knock.

Three pits were smashed into the ground.

Worshiping such a strong and unyielding human general is not shameful at all, but a kind of honor.

So Lin Beichen was willing to do it.

Li Ying was moved, and personally supported Lin Beichen.

He was happy and laughed.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Lin Beichen Road.

The office door opened.

Two people who came in.

The first one was Li Hongyi, director of the Special Law Bureau, followed by Xu Yun, the flower of the bureau.

Lin Beichen was startled.

Why did this salted fish boss who likes to lie down suddenly come?

"Meet your lord." Lin Beichen saluted respectfully, and said curiously, "Sir, you are..."

Li Hongyi directly passed him.

Quickly came to Li Ying, the real king of secret agents, bowed respectfully, and said with unprecedented solemnity, "Junior Li Hongyi, I have seen the old general."

When Li Ying saw Li Hongyi, the smile on her face subsided a bit, she nodded slowly, and hummed.

A wry smile appeared on Li Hongyi's face.

He knew that the old general was dissatisfied with himself for all these years, and he hurriedly laughed and said kind words.

Lin Beichen looked at Xu Yun.

The latter smiled lightly and said, "Your Excellency has experienced in the army in the early years, and served under the command of General Li. Speaking of which, General Li is the director's old boss."


It turned out to be like him.

Lin Beichen suddenly realized.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling that my godfather's connections were really wide, and even people like Li Hongyi were once subordinates.

"Hmph, old boss."

Then Li Ying snorted lightly and said, "I don't dare to be the old man."

Xu Yun hurriedly stepped forward, smiling like a spring breeze, and said, "Don't be surprised, old general, in fact, after you were imprisoned, the Director General also spared no effort in trying to rescue you, but unfortunately it didn't work."

Li Ying nodded to Xu Yun as a response.

Apparently, she knew this special agent flower.

But his attitude was still cold.

Lin Beichen smiled.

He walked over and said, "It turns out that Lord General Bureau, used to be a soldier under Godfather. Isn't this a coincidence? It's not."


Li Hongyi and Xu Yun exclaimed in unison.

Lin Beichen quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't yell, I'm not, I'm talking about General Li."

Li Hongyi: ().

I didn't even call you.

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