Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1865: The pot is ready

"Godfather, this is my immediate boss."

Lin Beichen came over to smooth things out and said, "It's Lord Li who promoted me despite all the opinions, and allowed me to mess around and let me do things... Godfather, give me some face."

The expression on Li Ying's face was a little better.

"Do it."

He nodded towards Li Hongyi.

Li Hongyi let out a sigh of relief as if he were receiving an amnesty.

In my heart, I was also very shocked. What a tough, just and selfless General Li, what kind of ecstasy soup was given by Li Shaofei to treat him so differently?

Reasonably speaking, after knowing what happened to Qin Ruo and others, if General Li had a knife in his hand and could only hack one person to death, then Li Shaofei would definitely be the one who wanted to kill him, not himself.

Li Hongyi held the tea and smiled cautiously to please Old General Li.

It can be seen that he did this just out of respect, not to get anything from Li Ying.

the other side.

Xu Yun winked at Lin Beichen.

Lin Beichen understands.

The two moved to the other side of the huge office.

"Your reward has come down."

Xu Yun took out a golden bronze appointment letter and said, "The one-star war unit leader of Radiance City can form a war unit with a size of no more than 100,000 people, and the number and name can be chosen by yourself, and an army will be formed within half a year. , accept the inspection and meet the standards of the First Star War Department, even if he succeeds in taking office."

Lin Beichen was overjoyed.

"Sister Xu will go out, and one will do both."

He took the appointment letter and saw the golden bronze booklet, the size of a normal paper book, with a sword pattern on the front and the symbol of the emperor on the back, and opened the booklet. There are a total of ten pages, each There are 10,000 grooves on a page. If you count them carefully, there are a total of 100,000.

It is used to list members of the War Department.

With this thing, Lin Beichen finally entered the interior of Huiyao City.

A spy in one hand, and military power in the other.

Grasp with both hands.

Both hands are hard.

And then match the strong personal strength.

At that time, who would dare to be my enemy?

Lin Beichen couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yun reminded: "It's too early to be happy, Huiyao City's requirements for the soldiers of the War Department are not low, the minimum level of the strength of the soldiers of the one-star war department is the domain master level, and the strength requirements of the war department generals and main generals are higher. Some, followed by armaments, armor, weapons, starships, war fortresses, etc., all of which do not require money to pave the way... It takes half a year to form a one-star war department, the time is very strict. "

"I have a godfather, what am I afraid of?"

Lin Beichen is righteous and honest.

Xu Yun: "..."

She felt that Li Shaofei had a very magical ability: anyone who said a few words to him couldn't help but hit him.

But she also had to admit that with General Li's full support, it would not be a problem to set up a one-star war department within half a year.

"The military and political system in Huiyao City is divided into four levels, namely, the head of the war department, the commander of the army, the commander and the commander of Huiyao. level, then there is no distinction between high and low stars, and it all depends on strength and power to speak."

"The star level of the war head, army commander, and commander is determined by the qualifications of personal power, subordinate power and military merit. The high star war head has no jurisdiction over the low star war head, but the army head The head of the war department, the commander-in-chief, and the army commander have the right to call."

Xu Yun explained in detail again.

This woman is very attentive, very conscientious, and works very solidly.

This is also one of the reasons why she has been trusted by Li Hongyi and supported by the Special Law Bureau over the years.

"Thank you, Sister Xu."

Lin Beichen, after a series of shameless flattery, went straight to A and said, "Sister Xu is worthy of being the flower of my special law bureau, the first female think tank in the imperial capital, she is really thoughtful."

Xu Yun covered the corner of her mouth and whitened him with Kazlan's big eyes.

At this moment, the knock on the door rang again.

Lin Beichen's heart moved, he had already guessed something, and said, "Come in."

Just as Qin Shou walked in quickly, saluted and reported, "Your Excellency, the special envoy of the Tribunal is here and asks Your Excellency to explain what happened in the Cabinet District today."

"What happened in the Cabinet Quarter?"

Li Hongyi turned his head in surprise.

Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Small things, small things, when I went to pick up my godfather today, I encountered a little friction, a few people who don't know how to live or die, dare to insult you, Master Li, in front of me, saying that you are Old turtle, how can I bear this? You must know that you are my dearest and favorite old boss. At that time, I was so angry that I took my sword and slashed over. Who knew that they didn’t cut it very well, and they died all of a sudden. a lot of…"

Li Hongyi's mouth twitched slightly.

This is murder.

More than one.

I hope all those killed are minor characters.

"How many died?"

he asked.

"One..." Lin Beichen said.

Li Hongyi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not a big problem to die.

"Two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

Just watch Lin Beichen break his fingers and continue to count down while recalling.

Li Hongyi: =????(???*).

Died so much?

"Twenty-eight, sixty-four, seventy-three, one-hundred-nine, two-hundred-eighty-seven..." Lin Beichen continued to count down, looking like he was trying very hard to remember.

Li Hongyi: (;'??Д??`).


"How much?"

He roared, "Give an estimate."

Lin Beichen smiled and said, "If you don't count the president of the trial court, there might be..."

"Anything at the level of president?"

Li Hongyi was as mad as eating a dead mouse.

"Sir, calm down."

Lin Beichen quickly comforted: "Our dignified special law bureau, the special law enforcement agency in the city by His Majesty the Holy Emperor, should be compared with the cabinet, Glory City and the Parliament in terms of history, origin, and power. The law enforcement court should kneel in front of us and call my father... Killing a few idiots who don't know the sky and the rules, and need to explain to them?"

Li Hongyi: "..."

Li Ying patted her palm and praised: "Well said."

As soon as Lin Beichen turned his head, he shouted loudly to Qin Shou: "Go and tell the people in the trial court, we said that the Supreme General Bureau, Mr. Li, said that there was no explanation, and we refused to accept it and fight."

Qin Shou turned around and disappeared.

Li Hongyi: "..."

**** it.

Put it aside for cross talk.

But his eyes flickered several times, and finally he didn't call Qin Shou back, and didn't say anything.

He had to carry this pot firmly on his back.

His grandmother's.

Since Li Shaofei became the deputy general manager, it was as if a toad jumped into the originally calm pond, breaking the calm all of a sudden. ripple.

The situation was broken.

He looked at Lin Beichen, with some annoyance in his eyes, some relief, and more worry.

At that time, there was a young man who was not inferior to Lin Beichen, who also stirred up the situation, tried to put everything out of control back on the normal track, and tried to defend the dignity of the divine emperor's law and defend what the human race should have. Order, perform the most normal duties of the Special Law Agency...

But she died soon.

The body is dead.

There is no place to die.

It is said that even the corpses were exiled from the Great Wilderness.

Li Hongyi didn't want Li Shaofei, the successor he finally discovered, to follow in the footsteps of the young man of the past.

"Looks like I have to do something."

Li Hongyi said to himself secretly in his heart.

The shoulder was lightly tapped.

He turned his head.

Old General Li Ying was looking at him.

"Keeping a low profile is not something that the Special Law Bureau should do. If you wait any longer, the situation will be over, and it will be hard to recover." Li Ying said slowly.

Li Hongyi felt warm in his heart.

The old boss, sure enough, he still understands me.

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