Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1866: go back to war

Li Hongyi left.

He decided to put Lin Beichen's catastrophe in the cabinet area on his own head and solve the trouble for this successor.

The old general was right.

Can't wait any longer.

The property left by the emperor to the human race is about to be completely consumed.

Just wait, everything will be fixed.

As for how to handle this pot well, Li Hongyi has to plan carefully.

At this moment, Li Hongyi's heart suddenly had a thought that he had never had before—

"His Majesty the Holy Emperor went on an expedition, leaving the Holy Empire alone, is it just hope for the human race?

And Lin Beichen stayed in the office, holding the newly received appointment letter, and began to discuss with Li Ying about the formation of the war department.

"Let's call it 'Starship Troopers'."

Lin Beichen thought for a while and said, "I will take them sooner or later, and step on all the enemies of the human race in the galaxy, and let the glory of the human race shine on the great galaxies again."

Li Ying nodded in agreement.

"Godfather, everything depends on you."

Lin Beichen said affectionately: "Whether the Star River clan can be formed, whether I can successfully become a first-star war leader, and whether I can be accepted by the glorious commanders, depends entirely on you."

Li Ying was silent.

He wondered if he had seen the wrong person before.

"Let's go."

Li Ying got up, took a deep breath, and gritted her teeth: "This old man will take you to Huiyao City, and let me know the door first."

Bringing a **** butcher to Huiyao City to "visit the door", this job is not easy to do, and he has to risk his old face.

After all, the fact that Li Shaofei is the emperor's prince, and that all the mad followers of the tribute group and their families are not dead, cannot be revealed for the time being.

Li Ying can already imagine that some people will probably scold him for getting old and losing his mind, and he will not be able to guarantee the evening.

Who knew that Lin Beichen was going to shake his head and said, "Godfather, you should go first. It's better for me to show up later when you're done."

With my current reputation, I will be beaten if I go to Radiance City, especially in front of those generals who are loyal to the Holy Emperor.

Li Ying: "..."


Li Shaofei does not appear, at least to avoid intensifying conflicts.

Lin Beichen said again: "I've been fighting incessantly these days, and I've come to my senses. I'm going to completely retreat and attack the realm of the Star Lord. Regarding the formation of the Starship Troopers, I'll ask you, godfather."


When Li Ying heard this, a happy expression appeared on her face.

Lin Beichen's strength, he has seen before, the swordsmanship when beheading Deng Yinuo and others can be said to be a shocking sword, shocking immortals at first sight, and definitely has the strength to go retrograde and defeat Zun.

If you can go a step further and enter the star realm, wouldn't you be able to compete with the new ancestor?

This is a great thing.

Personal strength is also a crucial factor in determining the outcome of the game in this world where the strong are respected, and in this empire where the weak eat the strongest.

"Okay, leave everything to the father."

Li Ying patted her chest to make a promise.

As long as Lin Beichen is stronger, the old general will be more motivated.

The old man who witnessed the most glorious glory of the empire and foresaw the fall of the empire towards the dark abyss, decided to burn indulgently once in the last period of his life, just to pave the way for more possibilities for this adopted son, As long as Lin Beichen can walk through the ravines and obstacles with his old bones, even if he dies, he will not regret it.

The old general left happily again.

Lin Beichen stood alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and let out a slow sigh of relief.

"The war in the Southern Elephant Sector is very important. I can't stay here... I have to go back to fight."

He has a plan in mind.



A cannon sounded.

The last fortress was blasted away.

There were shrill and desperate roars and howls from inside.

The killers, like frightened ants escaping from the ant nest, turned into streaks of light, desperately rushing out of the collapsed fortress and escaping into the dim sky.

Bang bang bang.

Invisible mask ripples appeared in the sky.

The escaping figure collided with the mask and instantly turned into a **** mist, which exploded directly.

This is a targeted strangulation.

How could it possibly be open to the killers?

Hu Mei'er was dressed in armor, which vividly outlined her seductive and gorgeous figure.

She stood in the air with cold eyes.

Beside her, a strong man from the special law bureau, like the stars and the moon, protects her.

And more special agents, like white tides, submerged the area hundreds of miles in radius, and launched a ruthless strangulation of the killers in this area.

This is the headquarters of the Ruin Night Assassin Organization.

Hu Meier was ordered by Lin Beichen to come to strangle and destroy the Xuye Killer Organization.

Before, there were several assassins from the Xu Ye organization who took the assassination reward from the underground world and assassinated Lin Beichen.

In the face of the powerful official power of the Special Law Agency, the 'Xuye' assassin organization, which has a certain reputation in the underground world, is simply vulnerable.

The founder and leader of the Xu Ye Assassin Organization, is the emperor-level assassin of the thirteenth bloodline Shadow Dao, called 'Xu'.

This person is proficient in stealth escape and instantaneous assassination ability. He once assassinated a half-step star when he was fully prepared.

However, in the face of this kind of frontal battle that was similar to the legion level, it couldn't make too much waves, and was directly trapped by the four heads of the special operations department of the special law bureau.

The other assassins were also surrounded by the strongmen of the special operations team of the Special Law Bureau.

There is no suspense in this battle.

From start to finish, it lasted an hour.

The powerful intelligence capabilities have allowed the Special Law Bureau to know the 'Xu Ye' assassin organization well from the very beginning. The Special Law Bureau operates like a sophisticated machine. From the beginning to the end of the battle, the Special Law Bureau has an absolute advantage from beginning to end.

After all, it's just a killer organization in the underground world, how could it possibly fight against the imperial officials?

"My lord, the Lord of Ruin Night has been captured."

A director of the Special Operations Division of the Imperial Special Law Bureau at the headquarters came over to report respectfully.

The emperor-level Shadow Dao assassin 'Xu' had his limbs broken, and he was dragged over with a star shackle around his neck.

"Sir, forgive me."

The Lord of Ruin Night knelt down in midair and begged.

Hu Mei'er glanced at him.

She never thought that one day, even the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm would kneel in front of her, begging for mercy.

Is this the beauty of power?

"Owl head, hanging corpse."

Hu Mei'er looked cold, and said the cruelest words, "If you dare to assassinate the Deputy Director General, you must be prepared to accept the punishment."

"No, I'm a member of the Garcinia clan, I..."

Hearing the words, the Lord of Ruin Night pleaded loudly, and then revealed his background.

The Garcinia family!

This is a very old family of aristocratic nobles of the ancient tribe. The owner of the family is the direct disciple of the ancestor of the Eighth Gorefiend. He is an unfathomable new ancestral giant who is extremely domineering and short-sighted.

"Remember... kill."

Hu Meier turned around and left.

The head of the Lord of the Ruin Night was beheaded, the spirit of the soul was wiped out, and the body was hung on the site of the headquarters of the Ruin Night Organization, which had been turned into ruins.

This is just a warning.

It's a warning from the Special Agents Agency for the underground world.

It was also Lin Beichen's warning to the assassins.

When the news came out, the whole underground world was horrified.

This is the first time in many years that an official force has encircled and suppressed the underground forces on such a large scale. Many underground forces shuddered in front of the army of the Special Law Agency, which was rolling over like a chariot.

At the same time, there are also some underground power giants with strong self-sustaining strength, profound cultivation and good background, clamoring for words, believing that by doing this, the Special Law Bureau has broken the long-standing rule of everyone being in peace, and they must take revenge and let this young man The ignorant deputy director of the Special Law Bureau paid the price for it.

In the underground world, undercurrents are surging.



Heaven is known to the north of the galaxy.

Southern Elephant constellation.

On the periphery of the battlefield, there are a large number of corpses, broken starships, and destroyed war fortresses floating in the void, like garbage floating on the sea, flowing farther into the starry sky.

A war has just ended.

Both sides were injured.

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