Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1867: Hammer of Beichen · Madness

This large-scale army confrontation has been ten days.

In three days, the two sides carried out no less than a hundred exploratory attacks on different fronts.

Mutual damage.

The Beichen Army temporarily maintained its undefeated trend.

As for the Imperial Army, under the command of the Hurricane Emperor, they abandoned the previous aggressive strategy of advancing aggressively.

In addition to the previous 'Whip of the Ancients' and 'Hand of the Emperor', the eight major imperial battle legions, including the 'Eternal Legion', the 'Vintage Legion', the 'Holy Blood Legion', and the 'Force Killing Legion', have gathered.

In addition, there are also Zhanyuan green-skinned orcs, some red nightmare red-skinned orcs, Chaos Chapter, Khorne Chapter, and some Demon Legions, which were also gathered by the ancient tribes and joined the battlefield.

Under the continuous accumulation, the number of the imperial army has exceeded ten billion, and it is as dense as a galaxy desert, filling almost all of the Southern Elephant Star District.

In comparison, the Beichen Corps appears to be alone and weak.

The various war divisions of the Beichen Army Corps, plus the reinforcements of the Jianxian Army Division, the Doctor Dao, and the allies of the Gengjin Dynasty, are less than one billion troops.

And this is already the largest force that Beichen Corps can organize.

In comparison, the tens of billions of the Imperial Army are only part of the Holy Empire's forces.

The overall situation is down.

The moment to decide the life and death of the Beichen Army is coming.

Qianqian wears silver armor and carries the [Evil Moon Hammer].

The soldiers under his command are cleaning the battlefield.

A small-scale conflict ended with the annihilation of the Imperial Army's 'Liuxin War Department'. Qianqian, who was known as the 'Hammer of the North Star', almost single-handedly slaughtered the 'Liuxin War'. Ministry' more than half of the soldiers and soldiers.

This woman who used to be the biggest goal of galloping on the battlefield and making a name for herself, has now lost her innocence and has become mature and silent.

Silver white armor, evil moon hammer.

This has become Qianqian's signature equipment.

Since the accident at the wedding, the lively and active Qianqian has become taciturn, and it seems that only cultivation and fighting are left in her life.

Her body glowed with amazing energy.

Her martial arts level is also improving wildly.

And what improves faster is her combat power.

Every time she fights, she turns into a completely different person: crazy, bloodthirsty, tireless, and painless.

He won't stop until the last enemy in the field of vision falls.

As long as she is in combat mode, Qianqian will go crazy.

This is a state of madness.

At the beginning, her madness was difficult to control skillfully.

But now, Qianqian has been able to control this madness perfectly. As long as she wants, she can go in and out of madness at any time.

And after the madness, the combat power is also increasing at a terrifying speed.

For example, in the battle just now, with the [Evil Moon Hammer] in her hand, she smashed to death two emperor realms under the imperial army's "Liu Xin War Department".

"General, the battlefield has been cleaned up."

Deputy Chief of Staff Xia Wu stepped forward to report.

This is also the person who once had an intersection with Lin Beichen.

Now it is affiliated to the 'Hammer of Beichen', which was independently formed by Qianqian.

Qianqian nodded.

Her eyes were directed to the starry sky in the distance.

I don't know if it's an illusion, when every battle ends and when she exits from the state of madness, she looks at the starry sky, she seems to be able to see the young master and sister Qianqian, they are holding the little girl Lin Ruosu, standing in the depths of the starry sky. , greeted himself with a smile.

Every time at this time, the corner of Qianqian's mouth will reveal a faint smile.

"General, the enemy's reinforcements are here."

Xia Wu reminded again.

In the starry sky in the distance, the crimson starships, like bloodthirsty beasts swimming in the sea of ​​​​stars, are rapidly approaching here.

The illusory picture in Qianqian's eyes disappeared.

The images of Lin Beichen, Qianqian and Lin Ruosu, who only existed in hallucinations, seemed to be torn apart by the surging starship.

A flame was burning in Qianqian's eyes.

"I used to have everything."

She clenched the [Evil Moon Hammer] tightly.

"But everything was soon lost."

She burst out with powerful infuriating energy, and the energy fluctuations of the Emperor Realm began to be released.

"Right now, the only meaning of my existence is revenge."

she growled.

The teeth began to grow, and the sharp tiger teeth protruded like a dagger.

Her eyes turned blood red.

There are lavender veins appearing on the skin of the arm.

A wild and deadly breath burst forth.

Then, the cultivation base, which was originally just the primary emperor realm, began to soar like a rising tide, soaring wildly, constantly rising, as if it were never ending.

"I need to…"

Unable to contain her will to fight and kill, Qianqian rushed out.

"I want you to die."

she growled.

The crimson light crashed into the crimson starship tide.

The Evil Moon Hammer instantly expanded like an asteroid.

Qianqian wielded a giant hammer and was invincible.


Dozens of starships with their shields opened, like fragile eggs under the giant hammer, exploded in an instant, with crimson life and black smoke erupting in the void.


Staff Adjutant Xia Wu was shocked.

The general has entered a state of madness again.

And this time, the madness seems to be more thorough than before, and the power that erupts is even more terrifying, as if it is going to kill everything and completely tear the universe apart.


Xia Wu waved his sword forward and said, "Protect the coach."

The starship of the 'Hammer of the North Star' war department began to shake and accelerate, and then turned into a silver sword light and cut into the battlefield.

This battle started quickly without warning.


The star cannon roared.


"Give me death."

"Crazy Moon Slash."

The roars of countless powerhouses filled the void of the universe.

Quick start.

end faster.

When Qianqian, with her long black hair scattered and her body covered with terrifying scars, carried the [Evil Moon Hammer] upside down, carried the head of the reinforcement commander, and walked out of the depths of the battlefield with the blood in the void, Even the soldiers of the 'Hammer of the North Star' War Department fell into silence.

Another battle that was won by the main general alone.

Most of the old people in the 'Hammer of Beichen' war department still miss the old general who talked and laughed, and always had a cheerful smile on his face, even when he was charging and fighting, he still laughed out loud.

Because at that time, although the main general didn't have the same fighting power as today, he can make every subordinate feel that she is happy, just like an elves in the battlefield, she is a living person with flesh and blood.

And now, the master who jumped out happily is gone.

The leader they love and use seems to have become a silent statue, like a lifeless body that has been pulled away from the soul.


That is in exchange for happiness.

"Retract the troops."

Qianqian dropped the head of the enemy general and returned to her flagship. She sat under the huge blood-red flag without saying a word, letting the blood drip down her hair and her elbows. Flowing down the shocking wounds.

The injury is slowly recovering.

The killing intent was still surging.

Staff Adjutant Xia Wu breathed a sigh of relief.


Although Qianqian's madness has deepened this time, and has broken through the limit value of previous observations, she still hasn't lost control and can still distinguish between enemy and me.

But next time, I don't know what will happen.

Xia Wu was worried.

The 'Hammer of Beichen' warhead quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

This encounter was just a small-scale melee between the two sides, just to test each other, not to capture strategic points. The 'Hammer of Beichen' was too deep, and after winning, it was necessary to retreat quickly.

But he knew that after this battle, the name of Qianqian, the 'Hammer of Beichen', would definitely attract the attention of the upper echelons of the Imperial Army.

After all, the emperor who killed four imperial soldiers in the first battle was enough to control a medium-sized battle, and he belonged to those who entered the observation and response list.

The army returned to the headquarters.

Trivial matters such as retribution, repairing, treating the wounded, replenishing equipment, etc., will not be mentioned for the time being.

Soon after, they received an urgent order from the commander-in-chief's operations department, and Zhao Qianqian and Xia Wu went to the headquarters of the corps to attend the meeting.

"At this time, a large-scale battle meeting was suddenly held?"

Xia Wu was a little surprised.

It is said that the highest-level battle meeting was over three days ago. It seems that the top of the legion has finally determined the strategy for this battle, and it is about to be promulgated and implemented.

The invincible supreme commander, in what way will this war be fought?

Holding the doubts in their hearts, Xia Wu and Qianqian took a special ultra-fast small flying boat and returned to the Beichen Army Base Camp in the northern part of the Nanxiang Star District.

It has changed a lot here.

There are war fortresses floating in the starry sky.

These giant objects made of planets, under the drag of giant star beasts, are arranged in a specific orientation, almost artificially created a new small galaxy in this starry sky, and the arrangement has become a star formation method.

Countless starships are densely arranged, forming a hexagonal array of wings.

Further to the periphery, there are lookout posts composed of temporary small war fortresses.

Such a scene, seen from a distance, is really shocking.

In such a universe, the power of martial arts has almost reached the level of heaven.

And at the very center of the base camp is a pure white super-large war fortress, which uses the stellar core as the energy driving force.

It is also the 'car' of the supreme commander, Han Bubu.


From the very beginning, the undefeated general, Han Bubu, was in charge of this war.

At the entrance of Beichenxing War Fortress, Xia Wu saw Han Shangxiang from Nianxiang War Department, Chu Hen, Xiao Binggan, Guangjiang and others from Sword Immortal War Department.

"I've seen all the great men."

Xia Wu saluted very respectfully.

Qianqian remained silent, nodded slightly, and greeted Chu Hen and the others.

"Hi, pretty girl."

In the distance, Xingxingyan's not very serious voice came.

This guy appeared, followed by a purple-gray giant wolf, more than two meters high and four meters long, extremely powerful, and the fur all over his body seemed to be flashing with the color of ice and lightning.

"Your little cutie, I have already trained you, and you are ready to train."

Tun Xingjian said with a smile.

Seeing the pet pet Xiao Si, Qianqian's eyes flashed a hint of softness, she walked over and gently rubbed the head of the mutant Frost Wolf.

The purple-grey giant wolf also licked Qianqian's palm affectionately.

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