Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 783: The real protagonist will always appear last

Time passed by every minute.

   There is no sound in the first arena.

   The time limit for the opening of the Heavenly Life and Death War is getting closer and closer.

   Yu Shibei alone crushed a city, and his momentum was exuded, and the power of the sky splashed, so that more than 600,000 Beihai people could not breathe.

   And Lin Beichen has not yet appeared.

   "Isn't it because I was afraid of death, I fled without a fight?"

   In the VIP box, [Feisha Tianren] Sha Santong teased intentionally or unconsciously, but he released a certain signal and attitude.

   Xiao Ye raised his eyebrows, showing a look of irritation, and wanted to speak.

   Grandpa Xiao coughed slightly.

   Xiao Ye frowned densely, and he suppressed it without retorting it.

   "Brother Lin will not run away."

Another voice sounded, but it was the seventh prince with his neck crooked. Under the gaze of everyone, the prince who was crowned as the prince a few days ago, said every word: "Although he is a bit cynical, but he has an exaggerated and absurd style. Below, it is his clank and iron bones and Aoshuang Fenghua, he will never escape."

   "Oh, little handicapped."

  【Feisha Tianren】Sha Santong sneered, showing contempt and disdain.

In the VIP box, many Beihai nobles showed humiliation on their faces. Sha Santong's words were no different from humiliating the Beihai royal family.

Compared with the [God War Heavenly Man] Ji Wushuang and [Kuang Ji Tianren] Lu Xin from the top empire, the Sand Tee from the small country of Quicksand appears rude and arrogant. This has been a lot in the past period of time. Everyone has learned it.

   It’s just that he didn’t expect that he behaved so blatantly today.

The eyes of the Seven Princes breathed fire, and the blue veins on the forehead were bulging. He stared at the sand tee. The latter stared at each other with a dull face, and even said the word'trash' silently again, provocatively. Make no secret of it.


   is the only six-year-old daughter beside her. She has a keen sense of danger. She doesn't know exactly what happened, but instinctively pulls her father's sleeve gently.

   The Seventh Prince took a deep breath and didn't speak again.

   Lin Beichen, Lin Beichen, this time, you must take a breath.

   He tightened his teeth and held his daughter in his arms.

   The gaze of the sand tee flicked over the little girl who looked like pink jade, flashing a sullen color.

   Born in a small country, he had a rare opportunity to become a messenger in the Central Empire Alliance mission. In his opinion, this should have been an opportunity for himself to exploit and oppress, but the performance of the North Sea Empire made him very dissatisfied.

   This kind of small means of insulting the opposing royal family made him feel a little bit of pleasure.

   However, when the battle between heaven and humans is over, he doesn't mind using a bit more harsh methods to teach the Beihai people a lesson.



   The clearer and longer bell sounded over the first arena.


   This is the bell that counts down to the ‘Heaven’s Life and Death’.

   After ten long bells rang, the battle officially began.

   The bells ringing again and again seemed to be struck **** the hearts of every Beihai people, shaking their heartstrings frantically.

   Why haven’t you come?

   Why doesn’t the imperial hero Lin Beichen appear?

   At this moment, every Beihai person, whether in the first arena, in the capital, in other provinces, and in front of the Xuanjing big screen on the northern front line, is waiting anxiously.


   The eighth tone.


   The ninth tone.

  On the first stage of Fengyun, Yu Shibei was the only one.

   The hearts of all Beihai people hang in their throats.

   will not stop coming, right?

   The so-called care is chaotic.

   This thought, unstoppable, popped up in everyone's hearts.


   The last bell rang.

   Standing on the ring with his eyes closed, Yu Shibei suddenly opened his eyes.

   At that moment, there seemed to be two sharp arrows, shot out from her eyes, piercing the void.

"You finally came."

   Her voice echoed clearly in everyone's ears.

   and it was at this moment--


   A green sword light hung down from the sky.

   is like the light of creation that cuts but clears the heavens and the earth when the heavens and the earth are first opened and the Hongmeng is first divided. This sword directly cut through the void above the first arena.

   The feeling for everyone, the picture in the field of vision, like a piece of cloth, was torn apart by this unexpectedly stunning sword.

   The air waves visible to the naked eye, like separate sea water, rolled towards the sides of Jianguang.

   Jianguang pointed to Yu Shibei.

   This aurora shot, who has been practicing on the Qunyma Gobi for decades, suddenly broke the hairband on the top of his head, and his long chestnut hair was scattered like a waterfall and shot out!

   A strange color flashed across Yu Shibei's face.

   At the moment when he raised his hand, the [Polar God Cry Bow] was already in my hand.

   Slender finger lightly.


   The bowstring trembling suddenly appeared.

   The trembling sound burst out with strange power.


  The sky above the first stage of Fengyun, the sky-breaking sword that seemed to be cut from above the nine heavens, the green sword light paused slightly, and immediately continued to press down, and suddenly burst open at an altitude of 20 meters from the ring!

   The terrifying energy made the void distorted.

   Green and silver air bursts burst out.

Fortunately, at this moment, Fengyun’s first guardian formation was completely opened, and the pale orange shield suddenly enveloped the arena with a radius of one thousand meters, causing the turbulent flow of terrifying energy to be contained on the arena, and It did not affect the crowd watching around the stands.

   At this moment, everyone feels a sense of horror as the hair stands tall.

   No one thought that such a terrifying and stunning scene would happen at the moment the last bell rang.

   on the ring.

   When the energy flow of the riot gradually calmed down, with more than 600,000 eyes, he finally saw Lin Beichen, dressed in white, appeared on the ring.

   Under the sun, the black hair is like a peerless and beautiful boy with black hair like Mo Junyi, perfect and almost unreal, as if he was a **** child who descended from the gods with the sword just now.

   A brief silence.

   was a cheer like a volcanic eruption.

   The 600,000 Beihai people on the stands at this moment could no longer contain their inner excitement and jumped for joy.

The kind of pinning all hopes on the appearance of a certain person, waiting for that person just does not appear, and when the emotional tension of waiting reaches its extreme and it will turn into disappointment, that person finally appears on the colorful clouds. The feeling of being lost, the more than 600,000 Beihai people in the first arena, this time clearly and thoroughly felt it.

   Their emotions broke out unstoppably at this moment.

   The enthusiasm in the first arena is like a volcano that is erupting.

   Lin Beichen had a smile that he had contacted hundreds of times.

   He pretended to be very natural and waved to the audience in the stands.

   Then the cheers were louder and wilder.

   "You are late."

   Yu Shibei had sharp eyes and looked at Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen waved to the audience, and naturally said: "Isn't the real main coffee the finale? Only the supporting role can't wait to get on the stage."

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