That sword just now...

   The [Feisha Tianren] in the VIP box had three-way sand, his facial muscles twitched slightly, he swallowed, and the surprise on his face lasted for a long time.

   He asked himself, if he were to be himself, he would have been defeated in the face of this shocking Xuantian sword.

   How can this little **** be so strong?

   Sha Tee's face became gloomy.

   His proud and sensitive nerves were stimulated again.

   And the other Beihai nobles in the box had a joyful expression on their faces, and some of them couldn't help but cheered.

   Regardless of the next battle, at least Lin Beichen's sword gave them a glimmer of light.

   Zuo Xiang and Xiao Yanqi, the old man of the Xiao family, breathed a sigh of relief.

   Especially when they saw the green broad-mouthed sword in Lin Beichen's hand, their confidence in Lin Beichen increased a bit.

   Xiao Ye's clenched fist, slightly relaxed.

   The cloud on the face of the Seventh Prince dissipated, and a smile of relief appeared. With a ‘BIA-JI’, he kissed his daughter.

   And in the stands outside, Yuan Wenjun, Yuan Nong, Dugu Yuying, Li Xiuyuan, Liu Wenhui, Gan Xiaoshuang, who were among the crowd, exhaled a long sigh of breath, and cheered with excitement and excitement!

   Fengyun first stage.

   The expression on Yu Shibei's face returned to indifference.

   Her previous surprise was only because Lin Beichen's sword of the sky was indeed unexpected.

   But it was only unexpected.

   is not enough to really threaten her.

   Her gaze fell on the green big sword in Lin Beichen's hand.

   "Did you choose [Green Soul]?"

  'S slightly frowned eyebrows showed her second surprise.

   The emperor of Beihai gave Lin Beichen a treasure of the country, something unexpected.

However, according to information, Lin Beichen’s innate profound energy is of the gold element, and he may also possess a certain level of fire element profound energy. You should choose [Wind Front] or [Fire Passion] to be more in line with his profound energy. Attributes.

   Lin Beichen triumphantly danced the green wide-mouthed sword, and said: "How about it, isn't it very prestigious? Now everyone has the weapon of the country, and it is tied, haha."

   Yu Shibei did not speak.

   Lin Beichen chuckled and said, "However, children do multiple-choice questions, and adults need them all... Guess, how many Beihai Divine Swords are there on my body?"

   Yu Shibei frowned.

   Lin Beichen's words suddenly made her realize another possibility.

  In order to increase the winning rate, will the Beihai royal family risk investing more in Lin Beichen, such as giving him more weapons of state control?


so what?

   Drink poison to quench thirst.

"Even if the three swords of the kingdom are in your body, it will not help, because your own combat power is too weak." She said indifferently: "Don't you understand? When you put your hope of victory on Above these foreign objects, it is already defeated before the battle."

   "Only you can talk."

   Lin Beichen held the sword upside down, seemingly irritated, and hooked his finger unconvincedly: "There is a kind of put down [Polar God Cry Bow], everyone is fair and single."

   He released the aura of the first-level celestial realm.

   The flames of golden profound energy leaped up, like a beam of light, rushing straight into the sky.

   Sword intent burst out.

   At this moment, everyone in the stands felt a suffocating pressure like the arrival of the ancient beast.

   The first-level deities are also deities.

   The power of heaven and man is enough to make the 600,000 audience shudder from the soul.

   There was a sneer at the corner of Yu Shibei's mouth.

   She raised her hand and gently stroked the top of the bi-winged sand sculpture.

   "Today's celestial life is deadly battle. You can carry contract beasts. According to the rules of the ring, I will give you a chance. The petting beast battle will be carried out first... Where is your dragon spotted leopard?"

   She looked at Lin Beichen.

   The news that the Beihai imperial family bestowed Lin Beichen the dragon spotted leopard was not an absolute secret. Aurora Ambassador Guang had already grasped it and gave it back to Yu Shibei.

   "Oh huh? You're thinking about eating it, the little leopard has pure blood and handsome appearance. It is my high-quality asset. It is a rare cash cow. How can I let it fight this sand sculpture?"

Lin Beichen looked up to the sky and laughed, and said: "There are countless beasts around me, and each one is the king of beasts alone. Today, I will pick a little mouse that is the least useful to let you see what is real. Powerful...Come out, the goalkeeper from **** [Guangjiang]!"

   There are faint silver ripples in the void.

   A giant silver-haired prairie dog with a height of one meter and six meters, as if outlined in the void by an invisible magic pen, appeared on the ring little by little.


   Guangjiang jumped and sold to Lin Beichen for the first time.


   Lin Beichen slapped the groundhog king on the back of his head: "Look at the situation clearly, look over there, your opponent is the sand sculpture, be fierce, show off your muscles."

   Guangchan immediately turned to look at the Biwing Sand Sculpture, grinning with dagger-like teeth, and a low growl from her throat.

   At the same time, it worked hard to bulge up its biceps to show off its muscles.

   It looks...very... plump.


   Bi-winged sand sculpture showed a humane contempt in his eyes.

   An exclamation sounded in the first arena.

   When did that big mouse go in?

   No one seems to have noticed it before?

   But, can you really fight with such a fierce and cute look?

   "It's not so good, the fierce falcons are naturally enemies of snakes and rats, Tianke."

   "Lin Tianren is big enough."

   "It broke..."

   In the VIP box, the nobles started talking in a low voice.

   Sand Tee couldn't help but laughed.

   The Seventh Prince and Xiao Ye glared at the same time.

   on the ring.

   "Go ahead."

   Yu Shibei gently stroked the top of the blue-winged sand sculpture: "This fat rat is your food."


   The Bi-winged Sand Sculpture touched Yu Shibei's arm with the top of his head affectionately, and then turned slightly, looking at Guangjiang and Lin Beichen's eyes, there was a cruel and vicious look bursting out.

   It seems to destroy the world.


   The light sauce exploded the hair instantly, and the silver hair needles all over his body stood up.

   It turned back hesitantly to look at Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen nodded vigorously.

   Many people who saw this scene immediately made up the mental lines of one person and one mouse—

   This big mouse seems to be stunned and has started stage fright. He wants to ask his owner if he can not fight, and his very cruel owner is forcing him to die.

   But the blue-winged sand sculpture no longer gives the giant rat a chance.


   The sound of the air vibrating.

   The blue-winged sand sculpture turned into a blue lightning, rushing towards the light sauce!

   The momentous violent storm erupted like a hurricane.

   is the terrifying horror when the blue-winged sand sculpture rises through the ring shield.

   Guangjiang stood in place.

   seemed completely shocked.

   There were screams in the stands around.

  Some viewers can't help covering their eyes, don't want to see the fierce giant rat being splashed with torn plasma...

   It was at this moment that Guangchan finally understood.

   It withdrew its left foot slightly, squatting slightly, and then a standard punch, bombarding it out.

   Very simple action.

   is more like a desperate struggle.

   But the next moment--


   The deafening roar, like a sky crack, broke out centered on Fengyun First Station.

   The huge first arena seemed to shake down.

   Bi-winged sand sculpture slammed into Guangchan's fist.

   The picture of the giant fat rat being torn apart by flying, did not appear.

However, its blue shadow flew upside down at a faster speed, hit **** the shield of the ring, knocking out a bird-shaped depression, and then bounced back by the shield of formation, with a bang, hitting it. On the ground.

   Green feathers are flying in the air.

   My eyes are sluggish.

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