Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 785: Once again sluggish

This scene is something that no one thought of.

   Known as the wildest and ferocious beast on the Gobi Gobi [Blue-Winged Sand Sculpture], was actually beaten by the big groundhog with one punch?

what's the situation?

   Bird feathers flying all over the sky.

   The mini sand sculpture had his feet up to the sky, and he passed out directly on the ring.


   Guangjiang stayed for a while.

   This is too casual.

   Seems not as good as Xiao Binggan.

   He turned his head to look at Lin Beichen with some confusion.

   Master, I’m not too heavy to start, am I?

   Lin Beichen responded with a thumbs up.

   Very good.

   You are forced, you have one-tenth of my usual style.

   Guangjiang instantly understood the master's meaning.

   was affirmed by ‘Eternal Dripping God’, and patted his chest in relief, the fat trembling.

   Then start the next wave of Sao operations.

   Under the attention of countless gazes, I saw this big fat mouse with amazing arm strength. He took out a writing board from the storage cuff on his wrist and began to write.


   Can this mouse write?

What did    write?

   Everyone was curious.

   The light sauce that had just been killed by a fistful blow was the center of all attention, as if it was shining with mysterious divine light.

   After writing a few strokes, Guangjiang shines the writing board towards Yu Shibei.

   Countless eyes focused on the writing board.

   I saw two words written upright on it——

"this one?"

The two words    are really beautiful.

  Dragons and phoenix dance, silver hooks and iron strokes are average, the charm is top grade, and the flavor is full, which is comparable to the works of some calligraphy masters.

   Of course, the most important thing is the huge irony in these two words.

   After a brief silence, the first arena suddenly burst into laughter.

   How worried the audience was before, how happy they are now.

At the beginning, the aggressive blue-winged sand sculpture seemed to take every second of the air, but who knew it was actually a silver pewter spear head, which was not very useful. It didn’t even take a punch from this fat mouse. Just be killed directly.

   This kind of reversal of visual and thinking inertia is really shocking.

this one?

   Two simple words, but all of a sudden the counterattack and ridicule were fully displayed.

   Brush brush.

   Guangjiang began to write again on the clipboard.

   "Woman, your bird doesn't seem to work."

   It shows the words on the writing board.

   Yu Shibei's eyes were sharp as a knife.

   In the stands of the first arena, the decibels of laughter suddenly soared several times.

   This fat mouse is too cheap.

   even said something that makes people think.


   Lin Beichen slapped Guangjiang on the back of his head.

   "Are there any qualities? Ah? What are you talking about."

   A certain person's popularity is declining and authentic: "How could she have birds?"

   Guangjiang suddenly looked down to admit his mistake.

   The roar of laughter from the stands, once again hurried.


   in the VIP box.

   There were cheers.

   Beihai nobles cheered excitedly.

   There was a smile on the left side's face, and even the three iconic forehead lines were much lighter.

   Old man Xiao let out a long sigh of relief.

   Xiao Ye, Xiao Zhen, and Xiao Tian directly embraced each other and cheered.

   The seventh prince did not have the prince's restraint at all, and threw the daughter in his arms high and caught it, so that the little girl yelled...

  The opposite is that everyone in the Aurora Empire was shocked.

   "How could this result?"

   Prince Yu looked so shocked that he almost jumped up.

   That is the king of sand sculptures in Qunyma Gobi.

  In the vast territory of the Aurora Empire, he is also the top predator. I don't know how many Aurora marksmen are proud of conquering the snow and sand sculptures, but they are buried in the mouth.

   At first, Yu Tianren took a lot of effort to surrender this fierce beast.

   For so many years, this blue-winged sand sculpture can be said to be the four top beasts of the Aurora Empire.

   As a result, he was fainted by such an obscene fat rat?

Wei Chongfeng and Tuoba Chuuxue next to    looked at each other, unable to speak, and were shocked not to know what words to use to describe their feelings.

   Especially Tuoba Fuxue.

   is simply filled with emotion.

   He was in Yunmeng City and he had seen Guangjiang.

   finally recognized it at this time, the fat and fat giant rat in front of him was the fat cute tailless ghost rat he had seen before.

   At that time, Lin Beichen and this mouse were nothing more than small bugs that could be pinched to death in his eyes.

but now……

   He is a bug.

   Don't say it was Lin Beichen's shocking sword at the beginning of the game, even if it was this fat rat's random punch, he couldn't catch it.

   In the end, what happened to them, their strength grew so fast?

  【Yi Nian Glacier】Tuo Ba Chuuxue is sad and confused.

   "Wow, the mice are amazing and cute. I want them. When the ring battle is over, I will let Aunt Xiaobei catch this mice to me..."

   Yu Ke'er suddenly clapped his hands and cheered, with an innocent look.

   This cheer made Prince Yu calm down.


   The result of the petting beast battle cannot determine the final outcome of this ring battle.

   Yu Shibei with the [Polar God Cry Bow] in hand can still be easily crushed, even if Lin Beichen and the war beast are combined, they are not opponents.

   side of the main table.

  【God Fighting Heaven and Human】 Ji Wushuang frowned slightly.



   Yu Shibei checked that his beast is not life-threatening, but he is completely unconscious and has lost his fighting ability.

   "I didn't expect it."

   She calmed down quickly, her expression did not see the slightest wave of waves, she looked at Guangchan curiously, before looking at Lin Beichen for a long time, and said: "What kind of beast are you?"

   "A useless mouse."

   Lin Beichen's surface is light and breezy, but his heart is crazy and grinning.


Yu Shibei smiled faintly: "I said that in today's battle, one arrow will kill you... I wanted to give you a chance to shoot the sword before shooting this sword, but now I have to take time to treat [Bi Diao], then I will send you on the road."

  【Polar God Cry Bow】A masterpiece of snowy brilliance.

   Yu Shibei's imposing manner was released, and it climbed wildly.

   The ice and snow profound energy visible to the naked eye is produced.

   In a blink of an eye, the frosty air formed a terrible snow and ice cyclone. The unconcealed power of heaven and humans attracted the sky over the capital in an instant. For an instant, the clouds were covered with wind and snow...

On the surface of    Fengyun First Station, the frost pattern visible to the naked eye spreads quickly like a snake crawling. In a blink of an eye, the entire ground is covered with a layer of ice.

   Yu Shibei’s fingers held the bowstring of the Polar God Cry Bow.

   A glimmer of light on the wrist instantly appeared on the arch, turning into a bowstring.

   At this moment, Lin Beichen felt a breath of death.

   The extreme danger enveloped him.

  Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately performed [Reincarnation Despair].

   "Girl with a heart, happy to be named later...into my little black room."

   He shouted like a spell.

   A strange roar of heaven and earth passed across the void.

   Lin Beichen and Yu Shibei disappeared on the first stage of Fengyun mysteriously.


"what happened?"

   "Where are people?"

"what happened?"

   Exclamation sounded frantically everywhere.

   My eyes are dull again.

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